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Topic: Our favorite bad movies.  (Read 49520 times)


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Our favorite bad movies. #75
I watched Gingerdead Man on a friend's livestream last night and it was
so good


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Our favorite bad movies. #76
Tonight we watched the third one and I really think you need to experience it for yourselves
I really, really do


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Our favorite bad movies. #77
Yesterday, a group of friends and I sat down to watch Star Wars Episode III: The Backstroke of the West. When you take an already bad movie and combine it with video compression and transcendentally awful bootleg subtitles, it becomes something else entirely.

In this case, mostly an implication that Anakin was a gay Jedi honeypot and that he was torn between Padme and Obi Wan's affections for him. Oh, I'm sorry, that's "Allah gold", "the plum of", and "tile ratio". Forget those other names. And when I said Jedi, I meant to say "hopeless situation warrior".


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Our favorite bad movies. #78
Oh god, one I had forgotten about until some movie site I was reading did a review: Ninja III: the Domination. An aerobics instructor is possessed by the angry spirit of a ninja hellbent on killing all the cops that killed him, including her boyfriend!

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Our favorite bad movies. #79
Juice and I attempted to watch Gooby. Twenty minutes in, we had to stop, because we both felt physically and spiritually ill. It wants to be a whimsical romp into a little boy's imagination, but it's actually about a kid who's probably grappling with the beginnings of a serious and debilitating mental ilness.

If you decide to watch it, don't say I didn't warn you.


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Our favorite bad movies. #80
Juice and I attempted to watch Gooby. Twenty minutes in, we had to stop, because we both felt physically and spiritually ill. It wants to be a whimsical romp into a little boy's imagination, but it's actually about a kid who's probably grappling with the beginnings of a serious and debilitating mental ilness.

If you decide to watch it, don't say I didn't warn you.
Cuddlesquid, June 25, 2013, 10:38:07 am

I am going to watch this movie in full and report my findings. Wish me luck.


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Our favorite bad movies. #81
Can't be as bad as Nukie.

I mean seriously, it can't.  I have watched a great many bad movies over the years, and that's one of a slim few that fall into the "Never again, not even for money" category.  NEVER.  AGAIN.


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Our favorite bad movies. #82
Can't be as bad as Nukie.

I mean seriously, it can't.  I have watched a great many bad movies over the years, and that's one of a slim few that fall into the "Never again, not even for money" category.  NEVER.  AGAIN.
Delcat, June 25, 2013, 11:27:20 am

Another one for the list! I am just going to compile a larger list of the worst bad movies and just binge watch them. Hopefully I don't kill myself!


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Our favorite bad movies. #83
I downloaded legally acquired both Sand Sharks and Snow Shark Ancient Snow Beast. Will report which was worse as I get round to watching those.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Our favorite bad movies. #84
I am going to watch this movie in full and report my findings. Wish me luck.
MicroMissles, June 25, 2013, 11:23:03 am
When you find yourself sickened and frostbitten, stranded high in the Mountains of Madness, just remember I told you so.


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Our favorite bad movies. #85
Fucking Gooby! It just registered in my head now that I've seen that movie. It's the creepiest, stupidest fucking thing and I think my mind was trying to protect itself by wiping out all memory of ever seeing it.

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Our favorite bad movies. #86
I downloaded legally acquired both Sand Sharks and Snow Shark Ancient Snow Beast. Will report which was worse as I get round to watching those.

montrith, June 25, 2013, 12:34:04 pm

Both of these look amazing and I can't wait to legally purchase and then watch them with friends.


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Our favorite bad movies. #87
You guys should wait and make it a trilogy night:

No.  Really.  Honest to God.

Tiny Prancer

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Our favorite bad movies. #88
I just discovered this thread was here and I'm glad, because I recently saw ghost rider for the first time and almost hurt myself laughing at it.

Probably one of my favorite worst movies is Bitter Lake, aka shitty furry game of thrones. Basically it's a fantasy story where everyone is in fursuits, and apparently there were huge amounts of money backing it. The furry part of it is actually the most benign element (the fursuits themselves are well-made stuff), the rest of the movie is baffling for how boring the plot is, how badly acted it is (none of the actors actually attempt to put any body language into their acting other than a few drama-class level gestures, and there's a laughable "chase scene" at the start where two of the actors barely shuffle along, and later a fight scene where two actors awkwardly smack some swords together), and the fact that despite renting out an entire lakeside cottage area to shoot the film at and doing extensive work to make it more medieval-looking (they have a behind-the-scenes special feature where you see them repainting things and so on), it's still obviously a modern-day holiday cottage and not the medieval fantasy setting they desperately want you to think it is.

Also, some fun facts: the person in the black wolf with horns fursuit is the director of the film, he literally made himself a self-insert. There were also two whole women involved with the entire production, the one who was in the fursuit of the single female character, and the person who voiced the single female character.

Also, there was a sequence in the making-of feature that you will no longer see, where the director pretended to be getting a blowjob from the head of his own fursuit. This is no longer in the special features, for reasons you can probably guess.

Other horrible movies I have had the "pleasure" of seeing are the baffling incoherant mess of a story that is Harmegeddon, which is a movie that had many good people working on it and still turned into the godawful mess it is, and Tristan and Isolde, a french animated film where the least of its offenses is having every single character look like they belong in a different film and having the perspective change radically during pans over the environment. And adding in Puck of Shakespeare lore to be the token wacky talking animal because why not.

junior associate faguar

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Our favorite bad movies. #89
Motherfucking Pocket Ninjas, man.