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September 20, 2024, 08:44:24 pm

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Topic: John Lewis has died, and I am sad.  (Read 3764 times)

Victor Laszlo

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John Lewis has died, and I am sad.
Read this obit, it's long but it's worth it

The man was as close to a hero as a person can get, for someone like me who has no use for heroes.  A life filled with integrity, decency, humility, and backing up every single word with action.  Beaten within an inch of his life multiple times but he never faltered.

Truly a great man.  A lifelong fighter for civil rights, including gay marriage before it was popular.  We owe it to him to keep up the fight for equality and justice for all, even when the fight seems hard.  It's not as hard as it used to be, and we have John Lewis to thank for that.
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Victor Laszlo

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John Lewis has died, and I am sad. #1
John Lewis co-wrote a memoir in graphic novel form, called March.  He then started attending Comic-Con.  He would cosplay as his younger self at the Selma march, and lead kids on a march around the convention centers. 

He even filled the backpack with the same things he packed for the Selma march.
chai tea latte Lemon Dr. Buttplug Cirr Secret Gaygent 69 Macho Masc Sangy Savage lazzer grardaion? Chupasaurus-Rex

Victor Laszlo

  • May my path be lit up by the bridges that I've burned
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John Lewis has died, and I am sad. #2
At a Q&A session in 2014 at Awesome Con a woman came to the mic and asked him a question:
"I'm a queer activist, and there's a lot of disparity between people, saying 'you should just move.'  I live in Virginia, but when I come to DC, it's legal for me to marry.  I drive five miles, and it's unconstitutional.  So it is more pragmatic for me to move somewhere and have it be legal to marry, and then just be an activist, or do I stay and fight?"

Lewis' answer was immediate:
"My advice would be simple.  Stay and fight.  You never give up.  You never give in.  You stand up!  You speak out!  You speak out and continue to agitate for what you believe in.  Don't ever run away from a fight."
chai tea latte Cirr Secret Gaygent 69 Phantom Creep Chupasaurus-Rex

Victor Laszlo

  • May my path be lit up by the bridges that I've burned
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John Lewis has died, and I am sad. #3
John Lewis, a life in pictures

Look how many times he got arrested for marching and protesting, more than once as an elderly United States Congressman.  He got arrested over civil rights, over Darfur, over immigration.  He did sit-ins or marches for gun control and gay rights.

If you are a minority of any sort in America, nobody has fought harder or more consistently on your behalf than John Lewis.  Nobody put their body between you and oppression more times, more readily than John Lewis.  And you may not have even heard of him, because he didn't do any of it for glory or profit.
chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug Cirr Secret Gaygent 69 Boots Raingear Macho Masc Sangy Savage Phantom Creep Chupasaurus-Rex