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Topic: Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods  (Read 52416 times)

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Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods #30
Okay, so I'm going out on an enormous limb here, but are any of you interested in having a workout buddy? I got booted from the family trip to Peru for being entirely too out-of-shape, which stings, and I need to get re-motivated and take advantage of the summer months to get to the point where I can run a mile and not puke. Also to get down a couple of cup sizes because owwww my back. :(


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Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods #31
Your family won't let you go on the family vacation because you're out of shape?  Whoa, harsh.


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Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods #32
Okay, so I'm going out on an enormous limb here, but are any of you interested in having a workout buddy? I got booted from the family trip to Peru for being entirely too out-of-shape, which stings, and I need to get re-motivated and take advantage of the summer months to get to the point where I can run a mile and not puke. Also to get down a couple of cup sizes because owwww my back. :(
Cuddlesquid, May 27, 2013, 02:33:54 pm

Oh, me me! I'm actually already doing an exercise program of sorts, seeing as I want my dress to fit well at my cousins wedding. I've been going on about 1h walks for every day, but I could really use some motivation when it comes to working with my upper-body. I'm trying to find something to tone my arms and, if at all possible, get a down a cup size, seeing as I too am battling the back-pain monster daily.

I'm not sure how much of a buddy I can be all the way here in Finland, but at least I can give you moral support.

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Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods #33
Your family won't let you go on the family vacation because you're out of shape?  Whoa, harsh.
sherlockian, May 27, 2013, 02:35:30 pm
They're hiking Macchu Picchu. I am a size 22.

It stings pretty goddamn bad, but, well, depression-related food/activity level issues have taken a toll on me and I can't pretend I'm perfectly suited to go high-altitude hiking.


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Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods #34
I wholeheartedly endorse sparkpeople.com to help track what you eat to help lose weight. It was a huge wake-up call for me to know just how much I was eating and I lost a significant amount of weight and have kept it off for 5 years tracking what I eat every day. You can do it, and feel free to PM me if you need to talk about it, because ladyfriend I feel ya.

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Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods #35
Also, a lot of people eat way more animal products than they really need to. I hate to turn veg*nism into a weight-loss fix, but if you're more careful about where your food calories are coming from, it can definitely help with that type of thing. I offer this as a counterpoint to journaling/calorie-counting, since those don't work for everyone (particuarly folks with anxiety disorders / histories of disordered eating, but there are other people for whom it's difficult too).

The fact remains that the western-pattern diet isn't good for people who eat it. Whether you modifies your diet or just try to be more conscious/mindful while you eat (and of what you eat)--this is a goal of journaling/counting, too--it should help you get in shape.

As an aside, running isn't always the best way to do things! I've found a lot of joy in Starting Strength (though I must admit I've only been doing it a little while, and I'm still rather weak!), whereas running always made me feel awful. If you like the cardio, swimming is a good option too!

Getting in better health is a great thing, whenever you decide to start doing it. I've still got a little pudge around the hips but I feel a lot better than I used to, both when I was thinner and heavier. Not everyone's body is going to settle into 'model', but it's pretty possible to end up at 'hot damn i look good'.

e: if this is too forward, I apologize! I'm not trying to be a tumblr-vegan, I just really do think that lots of people eat way too many animal products.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 09:30:00 pm by kal-elk »


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Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods #36
Note: The following opinions are long, rambling and boring. Skip this if you value your time at all.

I have to agree with moose here. Getting rid off at least some animal fat in your diet can work wonders. I probably couldn't go all vegan (I like steak way too much), but decreasing the amount of meat and fat I eat definitely helped my with my weight-loss and digestive problems. I rarely eat pork these days, since it's the fattiest of meats and also kind of bland if you don't drown it in grease. I also replaced carbs in my meals with veggies, which also helped. Instead of potatoes or pasta, I'd have a nice steak with green salad and some grilled zucchini (note, don't go full carb free, you still need those in moderation).

You might want to look into food cultures that use a lot of vegetables and fish in their cooking. Mediterranean cuisine is one of my favorites, as pretty much anything will taste good with just a touch of olive oil, basil, oregano and some tomatoes. Asians foods can also be really good, if you go with real Asian instead of the fatty, westernized versions of those foods. Soups are also really good, if you know how to make those.

On the topic of soda, I think people in general consume way too much sugary drinks. Just by asking for water with your fast food meal you can drop about 200 to 300 calories from the total of that meal. I confess I'm not so saintly that I never drink a Coke, but seeing my little sister's boyfriend consume 2 liters of the stuff per day makes me slightly sick.

PS: This wasn't directed at you specifically, Cuddles. I just felt like rambling.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 10:00:12 pm by montrith »


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Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods #37
I too am attempting to firm up/shrink down a bit for a wedding. I will look for stuff that works.


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Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods #38
The best way to lose weight is really to watch your food intake and what you eat, and we all know that, it's the way of going about it that's not taught. I really want to reiterate that Sparkpeople changed my life so incredibly much. Tracking what you eat is such an wake-up call. I thought I was eating healthy- brown rice, veggies, lean meats, yogurt, etc, but I was eating enormous amounts. A serving of pasta is a cup- and when you measure that out you can't help but go Oh holy fuck no wonder I'm fat. But a cup of pasta and a cup of steamed veggies and some tomato sauce and a sprinkling of parmesan is a 500 calorie dinner that is perfectly filling, rather than 2.5 cups of pasta, meat sauce and a smothering of parmesan, which is like 1000 calories and uncomfortably filling. It is hard at first, but there are so many little tricks to eat less and still be happy. And the sort of cool thing is when you're overweight you start at like 1800 calories a day, which is not too few, really. Add 3 60 minute walks a day, listening to a podcast, and you're exercising.

Changing my eating and walking 3-5 times a week and I lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks when I first started losing weight. You can do it! We all can do it. Hell, I need to lose the last 5 pounds of baby weight and I'd like to lose another 10 on top of that. I just eat too much ice cream. But let's not hijack the lady thread any longer. I'm going to start a weight loss support thread in the paid member forum.


Join me in my Lets Be Less Fat thread, and go back to frivolity over here.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2013, 10:02:52 am by squiddy »

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Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods #39
Ladies, you're all awesome. [heart] [heart] [heart]

Back to ladytalk, I really need to get a cheap sewing machine and practice my limited tailoring skills. Darts are everyone's friend!

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Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods #40
Ladies, you're all awesome. [heart] [heart] [heart]

Back to ladytalk, I really need to get a cheap sewing machine and practice my limited tailoring skills. Darts are everyone's friend!
Cuddlesquid, May 28, 2013, 11:08:21 am

Check craigslist (also check the actual models against patternreviews.com, they have extensive reviews of every sewing machine ever made) and you'll be amazed what kind of quality you can get for how little. My personal advice would be to get a Brother of some kind, they're pretty great.


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Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods #41
Ok, I got some samples from a few perfume places, and am going to try them. WISH ME LUCK.

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Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods #42
So, I'm going to an ex's wedding this weekend. Excuse to go dress shopping, y/y?


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Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods #43
So, I'm going to an ex's wedding this weekend. Excuse to go dress shopping, y/y?
kal-elk, June 10, 2013, 09:29:24 am


I went shopping with some girl friends this weekend and couldn't resist myself. I really don't need another perfume, but I fell in love with this and had to get it.


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Lady Chat Thread: Shoes & Periods #44
What does it smell like? I know, I know, cherries, but I'm assuming more complex and nicer than "hey, cough syrup!"