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Topic: Episode 91: Boy, You Fellas Sure Hate Frenulums  (Read 55444 times)


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Episode 91: Boy, You Fellas Sure Hate Frenulums
There's around 7 billion living human bodies on this Earth, and while there's some general variance between them, you'll find a lot of similarities. And the members of bodymod.org finds this all dreadfully boring. Theirs is a place where people can gather to discuss doing terrible things to their flesh with other people who won't try to talk them out of it. This week, you're gonna wish we had anesthetic.


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You know, I can normally take what the F Plus dishes out. Sissy kisses, PUAs, Anti-VAX conspiracy nonsense, you name it.

There was something about that frenulum bit, though. I actually had to pause the podcast to regain my composure. I remember just going mumbling brokenly to myself the entire time in sheer disbelief. That sounds amazingly painful, and it makes me shudder to think that people get this involved in doing things like this to themselves!

I'm going to give the full episode another listen at some point. God help me.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 01:35:12 am by Adept Omega »


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Man, they didn't even come close to some of the fucked up shit these people do to their dicks.  Check out the BME Wiki, there are guys who literally cut their dicks in half straight down the middle.  Every piercing you can think of.  My favorite is when they cut a slit down the underside of the dick like how you microwave a hot dog so that they can stick things in their urethra more easily.

fruit power

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This is one of the only episodes I know I can't listen to again. I have a phobia about this kind of stuff. Like just thinking about surgery makes me dizzy. It was really difficult to get through.

I'm the person who posted about having a nightmare on the comment page of this episode. The stubby guy put in a reappearance the other night. In my dreams he sits on a stool like a human sized Weeble Wobble and moves back and forth like those novelty drinking bird toys trying to bust his teeth out on a metal ice cream scoop. This time he was grinning at me and bleeding from his mouth as he bobbed up and down.


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I'm the person who posted about having a nightmare on the comment page of this episode. The stubby guy put in a reappearance the other night. In my dreams he sits on a stool like a human sized Weeble Wobble and moves back and forth like those novelty drinking bird toys trying to bust his teeth out on a metal ice cream scoop. This time he was grinning at me and bleeding from his mouth as he bobbed up and down.fruit power, February 07, 2013, 12:31:34 pm

We can't tell you what this means until you tell us what time you woke up. If my calculations are correct, however, it means you take care of other people or other people look to you for support.

fruit power

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I'm the person who posted about having a nightmare on the comment page of this episode. The stubby guy put in a reappearance the other night. In my dreams he sits on a stool like a human sized Weeble Wobble and moves back and forth like those novelty drinking bird toys trying to bust his teeth out on a metal ice cream scoop. This time he was grinning at me and bleeding from his mouth as he bobbed up and down.fruit power, February 07, 2013, 12:31:34 pm

We can't tell you what this means until you tell us what time you woke up. If my calculations are correct, however, it means you take care of other people or other people look to you for support.
Isfahan, February 07, 2013, 03:04:20 pm

Are you sure it doesn't just mean that the stubby guy wants to gum me to death? Because I woke up at 4:30 to pee.


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Stubby guy might just be the Jungian archetype for your bladder, then.


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if a stubby guy was dreamt during the first week of the month means a governor will have a sorrow over a woman's skirt
Sherman Tank

fruit power

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This is great because one of my headmates is a mayor and the other is a skirt wearing bladder.  They recently broke up. I really feel like I've gotten my $10 worth out of this place. Thanks guys!


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Oh, god, this episode. I'm normally fine with everything - not even the Supernatural episode got to me that badly - but this one made me so uncomfortable. The nipple piercing was the worst. Why would anyone be that stupid!?

Lady Naga

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Any sort of horror that came from the frenulum part was immediately counteracted by dumbass muppet voice

~washiiiiin' a scalpel with my peeeeniiiiisssss~


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I don't remember at what part exactly, but at some point I just got really angry that there are so many transsexual men in the world who would love to have a penis and they're ruining PERFECTLY GOOD ONES YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE COCK PRIVILEGE
Sherman Tank

Lady Naga

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I don't remember at what part exactly, but at some point I just got really angry that there are so many transsexual men in the world who would love to have a penis and they're ruining PERFECTLY GOOD ONES YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE COCK PRIVILEGE
Delcat, February 11, 2013, 07:26:15 am

Check your dick priviledge, you're triggering my pussy.


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I don't remember at what part exactly, but at some point I just got really angry that there are so many transsexual men in the world who would love to have a penis and they're ruining PERFECTLY GOOD ONES YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE COCK PRIVILEGE
Delcat, February 11, 2013, 07:26:15 am

Check your dick priviledge, you're triggering my pussy.
Lady Naga, February 11, 2013, 10:22:24 am
Hang on, let me check my SJ Lexicon to figure out whether you're angry or suggesting we find a room.


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Cliff's Notes: emotional triggers are a bit more nuanced than simply writing it off as always bad. However, Tumblrites throw the term around because they don't really understand what a trigger is or what the experience of being triggered is actually like. They pretty much use it as a word interchangeable with "upset," which is super incorrect.

"That post triggered me so much."

"I don't want to make anyone triggered, but [...]"

"Great, now I'm triggered." (This is actually from one of our episodes!)