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Topic: 333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft  (Read 9302 times)


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333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft
Immoral Filth Secret Gaygent 69


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333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft #1
Cockaigne is how Hyacinth Bucket gets high.
Secret Gaygent 69 Seth "Slimy" Rollins Great Joe FinchChunk

the ill literate

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333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft #2
Sincerely appreciate the Victor Borge joke from Boots.
Immoral Filth izzy


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333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft #3
So, a few weeks ago I ended up watching through The Midnight Gospel on Netflix. It's that new series with animation by Pendleton Ward of Adventure Time fame where most of the content is based around interviews from The Duncan Trussell Family Hour. It's a decent enough show and the animation is weird and beautiful, but the majority of the content is pretty much just "White people talk about Eastern Mysticism".

I bring this up because the third episode of the series is based around an interview with Damien Echols about his views on Occultism. So, for the unfamiliar, Echols was a member of The West Memphis Three, a group of three teenagers who were wrongly convicted of murder in 1994. They were exonerated in 2010 after new forensic evidence proved their innocence.

So the majority of the episode is just Ecchols spouting pretentious-sounding word garbage. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he found something to get him through 18 years on death row, but it's very clear throughout the interview this man is talking nonsense and has no idea what he's saying.

I bring this up because I feel like all the times the Occultist branch of new age bullshit comes up on the podcast, it's always the most pretentious, obviously wrong nonsense.
adrenochrome dome

Corn Syrup

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333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft #4
I'm kind of in awe at this one. The muhgick, the poetry, the fetishes, the self-aggrandizement, the British being fucked up, the unbelievable anecdotes... This episode is like a greatest hits of F Plus topics, somehow all from the same subject.

Edit: AND the Large Hadron Collider? fuck
« Last Edit: August 31, 2020, 08:42:18 pm by Corn Syrup »

three cats in a self-driving car

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333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft #5
The fully-clothed mother story is one of the all-time greats for sure, what an absurd story, culminating in the casual death of a child.
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333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft #6
Dear God.

Have I discovered what Vogon poetry sounds like in English or did I just have a stroke?
adrenochrome dome

adrenochrome dome

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333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft #7
Dear God.

Have I discovered what Vogon poetry sounds like in English or did I just have a stroke?
izzy, September 01, 2020, 03:15:22 pm

The only way to generate worse poetry would be to get Space of Joyce into bodybuilding.


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333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft #8
Dear God.

Have I discovered what Vogon poetry sounds like in English or did I just have a stroke?
izzy, September 01, 2020, 03:15:22 pm
People think "did I have a stroke?" is a simple question, but it's actually quite complicated. Some people believe strokes might be time slips...
Dr. Buttplug adrenochrome dome chai tea latte Lemon Secret Gaygent 69 Penultimatum three cats in a self-driving car KingKalamari Puppy Time A Meat Wrought Macho Masc Sangy Savage EYE OF ZA Achilles' Heelies


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333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft #9
Oh boy, some of this gibberish is in my area of expertise!

Some people think that reincarnation is real and so many people think that ghosts are impossible: although it should be noted that ancient Egyptians thought that when someone died the soul split into many parts and so people were reincarnated, became ghosts and moved onto an afterlife all at the same time.

The kernel of truth here is that ancient Egyptians did believe that each person was made up of several different spiritual elements. Like the ka, which was what you might call the 'life force' of a person, or the ba, their identity and personality, along with a bunch of other obscure bits. They didn't have a concept of a singular 'soul' that split upon dying. (They even thought that the physical body itself was spiritually important, hence the whole mummy thing.)

Egyptians didn't exactly believe in reincarnation, either. What they did believe is that certain spiritual entities shared a ka. For example, there was a "royal ka" shared by every king. The new pharaoh wasn't the old pharaoh brought back to life, they just had the same life-force that every pharaoh had.

Egyptians also didn't exactly believe in ghosts. What they did believe is that once someone was dead and comfortably in the afterlife, they because an akh or "effective spirit"—effective in the literal sense of being able to do things. So you might write a letter to your dead relatives (or more likely, get a scribe to write you a letter) asking them for good harvests, or to stop cursing your cows, or whatever. These were generally written on pottery and then smashed, which would send the message to the afterlife.

Depending on your relatives, you may find asking them for help less helpful than going out back and smashing pots for a bit.
lazzer grardaion? adrenochrome dome chai tea latte Puppy Time


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333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft #10
I'm also into comparative mythology and folklore, so here we go on this next bit:

There also is the possibility that what people see as ghosts are beings of a different type. This would mean that when people see a ghost what they may really be seeing is a magical being, perhaps a demon, angel, fairy folk, or even an alien. This means that many ghost sightings are really sightings of other beings, and that there may even be abductions linked to these experiences. It can be said that people are very quick to classify things in their own cultural terms, and so sightings of different kinds have many similarities.

This vaguely true, in the same way someone who's drunk and trying to remember a fact they read on a Snapple cap is vaguely true. If you look at UFO sightings and alien abduction reports, they match up quite nicely with reports of miracles and demons from medieval Europe or sightings of cryptids and ghosts from colonial America. People have very much always had strange experiences, and wind up explaining them as best they can with the cultural knowledge they have.

For example, the reports of demon visitations are very similar to the reports of alien abductions. People wake up to find their bodies immobilized, experiencing an intense sense of dread, and seeing strange figures looming over them. That's pretty cool , and suggests that there's some phenomenon that people are experiencing. That phenomenon just happens to be sleep paralysis. Still unsettling, but entirely mundane.

And that's what you find when you dig into this stuff. These stories are similar, something is really happening that explains all of this. The explanation is just that brains are dumb and have always been dumb and tend to be dumb in similar ways.

But New Age people have a habit of not reading all the way to the end, so they took "wow, maybe aliens and demons really ARE the same thing!!" and ran off with it.
chai tea latte adrenochrome dome Puppy Time

Puppy Time

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333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft #11
And that's what you find when you dig into this stuff. These stories are similar, something is really happening that explains all of this. The explanation is just that brains are dumb and have always been dumb and tend to be dumb in similar ways.

But New Age people have a habit of not reading all the way to the end, so they took "wow, maybe aliens and demons really ARE the same thing!!" and ran off with it.
THE CURSE OF THE WITCH OF THE MUMMY'S TOMB, September 05, 2020, 12:35:06 pm

I mean, one, a lot of people just don't know about sleep paralysis and other phenomena, and two, it's a major letdown to learn that it isn't this cool secret about interstellar races and ufos and wicked awesome demons and metal album covers, you're really just lying in your bed doing nothing while the gray gunk in your skull panics for no goddamn reason.

Life goes from being cool (and you being a little special) to being mundane and dull and now you're the loser that believed all that fake stuff like a big ol' dummy.


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333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft #12
I wanted smaller boobs instead of bigger boobs so I used grade A sugar instead of grade F sugar. Thanks for the spell, five stars!
Puppy Time Antivehicular Deep 13 chai tea latte

Great Joe

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333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft #13
This guy really likes tea, but at the absolute weirdest times of day.


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333: Wyt & Wyttycysm & Wytchcraft #14
I just found S Rob's youtube. its what you'd expect.  https://www.youtube.com/c/SRoboccultistauthor/videos
thelizzerd Dr. Buttplug Immoral Filth adrenochrome dome