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Topic: Phobias  (Read 15894 times)

Boots Raingear

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Phobias #15

It manifests itself when I'm stuck  standing in a crowd of people. I haven't been to a concert in a venue without any seats in years.


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Phobias #16
Dying.  I know it's the dumbest phobia because who isn't afraid of dying, but sometimes the thought sneaks up on me out of the blue and gives me panic symptoms.  It makes doing anything that has the potential to kill me very stressful sometimes.

Also, stinging insects.  Fuck them and their ass-needles.  I've been known to run away from bees.  Yes, I know bees are important, but that won't make me like them.  I just have someone shoo them out instead of squash them outright like I have them do with all the other ones.


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Phobias #17
I'm utterly fucking terrified of dying suddenly alone and not being discovered for months and turning into a stinking wrinkled mummified monstrosity in the mean time.

That and heights.
Reptilian Sherman Tank, May 12, 2016, 10:44:44 pm

You should get a few cats. That way your corpse will be eaten before it has time to mummify.
Boots Raingear lazzer grardaion? Sherman Tank Macho Masc Sangy Savage Mistress Eva chai tea latte Runic Knitting Machine Amelia Blank slandersonn


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Phobias #18
Any insects I can't kill with my foot. Seriously, there is a noticeable change in my mentality towards spiders, cockroaches and such when I'm wearing shoes compared to when I'm not.

Particularly moths. I know they're not dangerous, but they're quick, light and jittery and then I picture one flying near me and AAAAAAAAAAGH. I think that comes from back in Adelaide, where the first big rainy night of the year would bring just a swarm of fist-sized moths, who would apparently die en-masse on the pavement and just leave you to be fucking terrified of the massive piles of dead bugs. Especially since some of them weren't dead.


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Phobias #19
You're from Australia. Of all the things over there that can kill you with a dirty look, MOTHS are what really gets to you?


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Phobias #20
You're from Australia. Of all the things over there that can kill you with a dirty look, MOTHS are what really gets to you?
Bunnybread, May 15, 2016, 10:01:48 pm
A: Nobody prepares you for the fist-sized moths. You know how to feel about the spiders, the plants, the lizards, the sealife, the people, and probably some of the sand, those are common knowledge. Nobody says shit about your neighborhood turning into a mass giant moth grave overnight.

B: I'm from suburban Australia, the most dangerous wildlife you'll see even irregularly there are drunk football fans.

C: I'm also scared of the spiders, plants, lizards, sealife, people, and sand. The moths get special notice because I acknowledge they're not dangerous, nobody mentions them, and I still freak the fuck out at seeing one.
Der Ev-Man


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Phobias #21
Ok, baby.  I feel you.

It's just when I was over there I can recall seeing lots of things in the outback, desert, beach and ocean that probably could've killed me.  I mean, I don't recall actually caring about it, either. 

Pretty sure it wasn't the beer in my system.  Maybe there's just something in vegemite that makes people unnaturally calm about deadly-ass venomous creatures.

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Phobias #22
Any insects I can't kill with my foot. Seriously, there is a noticeable change in my mentality towards spiders, cockroaches and such when I'm wearing shoes compared to when I'm not.

Particularly moths. I know they're not dangerous, but they're quick, light and jittery and then I picture one flying near me and AAAAAAAAAAGH. I think that comes from back in Adelaide, where the first big rainy night of the year would bring just a swarm of fist-sized moths, who would apparently die en-masse on the pavement and just leave you to be fucking terrified of the massive piles of dead bugs. Especially since some of them weren't dead.
Cleretic, May 14, 2016, 10:31:30 pm

Steel. Toe. Boots. I'm not a boot guy, but I had to buy them for my job. Whenever I wear them, I become a confident bug-crusher par excellence. Nothing is too big when you have and inch and a half of rubber and metal between you and the creepy crawlies.

Amelia Blank

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Phobias #23
Oh boy...I think I'm a cavalcade of unfounded fears!

Firstly I am super afraid of heights and falling. I can't really climb ladders above the third rung without freaking out and wanting down. I'm also afraid of suffocation and enclosed places (including being surrounded by people). I think it has to do with a bullying event when I was real little. My anxiety meds have helped a little with the fear of crowds thing though, which is nice.  I also am for some reason afraid of be attacked from behind when I'm walking?? Like I get this feeling like if I can't see someone near me I'm in danger??

That's not getting into my more existential fears.

God. I'm a mess. =/


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Phobias #24
This is not really a phobia, but I have this weird thing where I'll look at stuff like grates and sewers and think "It would be really bad if I dropped my keys/phone/wallet down there cause then I couldn't get it back, better hold on to everything extra tight".

I will think this even when I'm not carrying my keys/phone/wallet.


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Phobias #25
This is not really a phobia, but I have this weird thing where I'll look at stuff like grates and sewers and think "It would be really bad if I dropped my keys/phone/wallet down there cause then I couldn't get it back, better hold on to everything extra tight".

I will think this even when I'm not carrying my keys/phone/wallet.
montrith, May 22, 2016, 05:53:37 am

Oh hey, it's the fear I forgot about for years until I moved to the sixth floor of an apartment building.

The gap between the door and the elevator is TOTALLY large enough to drop my phone in, and that is absolutely a valid fear to have.


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Phobias #26
This is not really a phobia, but I have this weird thing where I'll look at stuff like grates and sewers and think "It would be really bad if I dropped my keys/phone/wallet down there cause then I couldn't get it back, better hold on to everything extra tight".

I will think this even when I'm not carrying my keys/phone/wallet.
montrith, May 22, 2016, 05:53:37 am

I have the opposite thought when I run into these things, or in cars or whatever. I think "I could throw my phone out of the car/jump off this bridge, I know  I won't but I definitely could". I don't ever think I would do anything like that but there's a strong desire to just because it is something I could do that isn't really a normal thing to do but it would be so easy to do it.

You're from Australia. Of all the things over there that can kill you with a dirty look, MOTHS are what really gets to you?
Bunnybread, May 15, 2016, 10:01:48 pm
A: Nobody prepares you for the fist-sized moths. You know how to feel about the spiders, the plants, the lizards, the sealife, the people, and probably some of the sand, those are common knowledge. Nobody says shit about your neighborhood turning into a mass giant moth grave overnight.

B: I'm from suburban Australia, the most dangerous wildlife you'll see even irregularly there are drunk football fans.

C: I'm also scared of the spiders, plants, lizards, sealife, people, and sand. The moths get special notice because I acknowledge they're not dangerous, nobody mentions them, and I still freak the fuck out at seeing one.
Cleretic, May 16, 2016, 04:45:49 am

I think the worst animal would  be the cane toad. I am not going anywhere near that with my foot, my dogs can't kill it because then they'd die, and it just looks like someone spewed into a malformed frog mold and called it an animal.

A Meat

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Phobias #27
This is not really a phobia, but I have this weird thing where I'll look at stuff like grates and sewers and think "It would be really bad if I dropped my keys/phone/wallet down there cause then I couldn't get it back, better hold on to everything extra tight".

I will think this even when I'm not carrying my keys/phone/wallet.
montrith, May 22, 2016, 05:53:37 am
Wait, this isn't something normal everyone does?


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Phobias #28
Anybody heard of trypophobia? I am super grossed out by holes in certain patterns, like dried out lotus pods.  The scene in Inglprious Basterds where they shot up the walls of the bar almost caused me to leave the theater. It ties into a flesh eating bacteria fear I used to have, I think. I also was TERRIFIED of becoming a zombie as a child. Slight germaphobe. Many anxieties all over everywhere.

Frank West

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Phobias #29
I can't deal with needles well, specifically needles (or anything needle-esque) going into a person. I'm better about it than I used to be, but I still have to close my eyes or look away if a character in a show or movie gets a shot. I haven't actually needed to get a shot myself for a long time now, it's super hard for me to do it, I pretty much have to close my eyes, tense my muscles, and sit there in fear not knowing when they're going to do it, because if I know I'll try to avoid it. The second to last time I was supposed to get a shot, they made me wait a really long time and I couldn't force myself to wait in the chair anymore and just straight up left.