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Topic: I can play that! (The thread for people who like playing instruments)  (Read 5766 times)


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Hello, hello, hello!

I've been playing the violin for...12 years with breaks in between(because violins are expensive) and I'm currently struggling with the ukulele and guitar.

Anyway I'm sure there's other music makers on this forum so here is the thread about that thing.

Fatty Bo Batty

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I was a drummer in a garage punk band for a bit.

So no, I don't play any instruments.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte nuffkins, of all people, Vinny Possum Eider Duck


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a couple of months ago i bought a piano and i'm learning how to play it good. i can play gymnopedie 1! (at like one tenth the speed it should be played)


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I have a six-hole ocarina, which means I get a little more than one octave.  Also, most songs for ocarina are fucking video game music, so I had to make my own ocarina tabs. I can play about two songs right now.


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I play the guitar and I have done for the past 20 years or so. I started out playing acoustic and went electric in 2000. I can play the solo to Don't Look Back In Anger and I think Muse are the worst band out of Devon! I have 4 guitars and two amps (one of which I'm selling because I've had it for 18 years).

Also, Ibanez fo lyf!

chai tea latte

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I was a drummer in a garage punk band for a bit.

So no, I don't play any instruments.
Fatty the Great White Shart, March 07, 2017, 08:08:26 pm

same but bass

we played one show, for three people
nuffkins, of all people, Vinny Possum

A Meat

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I played piano for like 12 years on and off? hopefully I can soon unpack my piano and start playing again, this renovation kinda made this impossible


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Piano and clarinet lessons, continuously from age 6 to 18, but I haven't touched the things in a while. I also played bass clarinet in high school.

If I wanted to learn electric guitar, would I have to learn to read tabs and identify named chords like "G7"? Or is there another way?


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Are vocalists allowed here, or is this thread just for non-laryngeal instruments? ^^;

First soprano here. I can read music and enjoy sight-reading (as long as the time signature isn't too funky!), can I be in the club? :B

(Also I used to play piano when I was a kid, but finances have made that a non-possibility for the past decade or so. I remember enough to plunk out a one-handed or very simple two-handed tune at least!)

Emperor Jack Chick

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I studied and played piano on a semi-professional level for several years. Currently I sing.


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Piano and clarinet lessons, continuously from age 6 to 18, but I haven't touched the things in a while. I also played bass clarinet in high school.

If I wanted to learn electric guitar, would I have to learn to read tabs and identify named chords like "G7"? Or is there another way?
Wrong "Carbon" Lasagna, March 08, 2017, 12:18:41 pm

I'm currently learning how to play. I started with youtube tutorials for really easy songs. The more you do it, the easier it gets. I wouldn't use tabs since the more you play the more you'll end up memorizing the chords.

When I played the violin a lot of it was practicing how to make moving between notes not sound like garbage. So my approach which has currently been working, is that when I learn a new and harder chord I practice switching between that and a chord I know really well.

It's really easy to get overwhelmed with a guitar and tbh I started with a ukelele since it's a lot easier.

tl;dr Don't use tabs, just play songs. They won't sound good for a long time but that okay.


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Also even though it took me a while to make  ukelele sound good, they're a lot easier. And you get to play around with strumming patterns which helps when translating that music later.

But that's just been my experience. Anyway, don't use tabs. There are websites that show the chords used in the song while they auto scroll through them. Tabs are hard to read (at least for me).


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I played flute from 6th to 9th grade. I was always the only guy in the flute section. And I was never the best at it.

(I don't know if singing along with my playlist while I walk counts, but I am also shit at that.)

Vinny Possum

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I was a drummer in a garage punk band for a bit.

So no, I don't play any instruments.
Fatty the Great White Shart, March 07, 2017, 08:08:26 pm

same but bass

we played one show, for three people
chai tea latte, March 08, 2017, 06:27:42 am

Same but rhythm guitar (and sometimes bass). We played one show in our apartment for a French punk band that crashed at our place while on tour. I think there were like 4 other people there?

Now I just play covers and a smattering of my own shit solo as a busker. I did play a set at a little mini diy punk festival thing.

Us three should start a shitty punk band.

Call ourselves the Cheevos
Liatai bubbleuj chai tea latte Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Fatty Bo Batty nuffkins, of all people,

Dirk Dammit

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I've played guitar for about 12 years at this point. I have chronic hand pain that has gotten in the way but is kinda getting better now that I'm exercising more and getting help with it. I used to be in a death metal band!