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June 02, 2024, 05:58:12 pm

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Topic: American Gods: wait, it's actually good?  (Read 3525 times)


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American Gods: wait, it's actually good?
We're two episodes deep into the STARZ adaptation of American Gods. Yeah, the one you forgot about, saw the awful advertising for, then immediately forgot about again:

I wasn't expecting to enjoy it at all, but I really am. If you were tentatively on the fence, give it a look. Ian McShane as Wednesday is as good as we all knew he'd be, but Orlando Jones' Nancy is the real standout: he's in a single six-minute scene and is already the best character.

It is a ridiculous, hyperactive, hell-for-leather ride and I'm loving it.

Dumb thoughts based on the book:Loki signs up for more power, but I wonder whether he needs it in 2017 -- it's canon that worship operates on a 'close enough' basis (see Easter) so surely tumblr is like a buffet for the dude. The story doesn't work without him, but I'm wondering how that's gonna interact with a different cultural attitude towards the guy than when Gaiman wrote the original novel.

lazzer grardaion?

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I've never read the book (shameful, I know), but my girlfriend made me watch the first episode, and I was very pleased. The dialogue has a few Neil Gaiman-isms (read: dialogue that sounds really stupid when you say it out loud) but also a lady eats a man with her vagina in a totally tasteful way, and that's an accomplishment in and of itself.


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This is an evil show to me, because it's now split the list of 'shows available for streaming in Australia' three separate ways. It's on Amazon Prime, the MCU and any number of movies I've never seen are on Netflix, and the CW's shows are on Stan, so now I'm totally fucked when picking between them.


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If it helps Prime is doing a thing where it's 5 bucks a month for the first 6 months or something.

This doesn't really help but I am a weak person who is subscribed to all three (though I'm thinking of giving Stan the boot, since it's the one I watch least)


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Episode 1:

A bunch of CG things happen. Ian MacShane gives a monologue. Then more CG things.


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Episode 1:

A bunch of CG things happen. Ian MacShane gives a monologue. Then more CG things.
Lemon, May 26, 2017, 10:37:01 pm

As opposed to the book:
A bunch of "Classic Americana" descriptions. Someone gives a monologue and talks in a weirdly preplanned manner. More "Classic Americana" descriptions.

I'm not saying it's not good, I'm just saying.


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American Gods: wait, it's actually good? #6
American Gods writer #1: Hmm, I wonder how we can get less subtle?
American Gods writer #2: what if a redneck with a cross on his AR-15 shoots Jesus Christ once in each hand while he's walking across the Rio Grande?


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American Gods: wait, it's actually good? #7
American Gods writer #1: Hmm, I wonder how we can get less subtle?
American Gods writer #2: what if a redneck with a cross on his AR-15 shoots Jesus Christ once in each hand while he's walking across the Rio Grande?
Muffinator, June 04, 2017, 09:46:32 pm

My headcanon is that redneck guy is republican Jesus.


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American Gods: wait, it's actually good? #8
My headcanon is that redneck guy is republican Jesus.
FinchChunk, June 05, 2017, 09:27:47 am
We got a whooole lotta jesuses now.