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Topic: Episode 99 fanficl)  (Read 14011 times)


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Episode 99 fanficl)
In conclusion i just love love love love love love love love lurve the FT podcast. Your allgreat and its super fun to hear about wierd people i can really connect with.
Any way i have 80HD and I cant find my riddlin (lol i guess i need a pill to remember me to take a pill) but i just wanted to say that episode 99 was VERY misleading because you have gandalf in the title but theres are no LOTR fan stories.


But the other context was super fun so.......................


Any way i thought i would write something for you guys (and Bunnybread my favorite lady) to enjoy so everything you read isnt all bad or meaty okra. I still dont know what meaty okra means but i know its like not bad or good so sorry if i used it wrong.

My story.


Tommy Lee Johns looks down at Tommy Lee's iPhone and says the waterfall geyser is might be coming soon after the today is April 25 1997. An earthquake happened on LOs Angeleses crepuscule sunny daylight while they were driving.

Tommy Lee looked at Tommy Lees iPhone while driving Tommy Lee Johns car and exacerbated " An earthquake ejaculating rumbles on this city is cool. " Tommy Lee worked for the office of Emergency management and was bofed because there was no problems in LA anymore.

Tommy Lee Johns boss said Tommy Lee had a problem bigger than an earthquake because a hot waterfall was flooding the subway. (NOTE NOT THE YUMMY SUBWAY. THE STINKY SUBWAY)

The Hot waterfall was flooding the subway and causing damage and the subway was still stinky because the waterfall did not use soap. The water was hot and falling on the underground like lava from a volcano.

Tommy Lee John got on Tommy Lee Johns surfboard because of not being ability to swim and swimmed in the tunnels on Tommy Lees surfboard until the rat queen causing all the hot waterfalls was to be fined.

Tommy Lee John looked at the rat queen on the rat queen boat that shoots rockets and spikey balls to hurt Tommy Lee Johns toes and the rat queen released a brothel of bombs. "Tommy Lees Toe. Tommy Lees Toe."

I am the rat queen and i will never stop because I do not have Chris Love. But Chris love you said Tommy Lee John and the rat queen said the rat queen can not have the love of Chris because the rat queen is trains gender and Chris only wants men and women in his king.

" But rat queen chris Will tell you shown a real girl when you have to bathroom. "
" This true and so the rat queen does not need to go to the bathroom to feel Chris Love. The rat queen will no longer be the trains man Dante Brosnan."

And the waterfall stopped floping like hot lava from a volcano because Tommy Lee and Tommy Lee Johns wife rat Queen shared Christ in marriage and Tommy Lee John would tell the rat queen to go to the bathroom when the rat queen did not feel Chris because she was a man.

Tommy Lee John held the rat queens hand under a moon that hanged in the sky like a picture of the moon hung on a black wall with the lights off for the glow in the dark stars to work. The rat queen said the rat queen was besotted with a bunnybread voice  and saving herself for Chris and Tommy Lee John smiled and said the end because all that matter was the rat queen no longer trains and had Chris Love coming inside her hot like a volcano.
chai tea latte Psammetichus cyclopeantrash nilvoid Lemon Trill La Trill


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Episode 99 fanficl) #1
Hello, gimmick poster! Thanks for paying ten dollars in the hopes we think you're for real.


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Episode 99 fanficl) #2
The only worthwhile post on this forum yet.


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Episode 99 fanficl) #3
Hello, gimmick poster! Thanks for paying ten dollars in the hopes we think you're for real.
Isfahan, October 29, 2013, 05:11:08 pm

I don't think I have it in me to do that more than once. I paid 10 dollars in the hopes of supplanting the whole "operating at a loss anyway" implied in the sign up, and to post.


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Episode 99 fanficl) #4
I was sorting of hoping for a slight bit of praise for writing a fanfiction about the movie "Volcano" that failed to include actual volcanoes, in the voice of a person who obsessively described everything with volcanoes.


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Episode 99 fanficl) #5
Good job on writing fanfiction about the movie "Volcano" that failed to include actual volcanoes in the voice of a person who obsessively described everything with volcanoes! I'm not sure what any of this means, but I might as well spread the love around. Everybody needs an encouraging word now and again!


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Episode 99 fanficl) #6
You should listen to/read the doc for ep. 99