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June 02, 2024, 02:49:14 pm

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Topic: I attended an art gallery showing tonight  (Read 15624 times)

chai tea latte

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I attended an art gallery showing tonight
a friend of mine had two pieces in the show, so a bunch of people got together to wish him congrats and chill with the crowd for a while. But oh man there were some seriously weird/overpriced things. I didn't manage to grab a picture, but someone had glued a bunch of gears to what consensus decided was probably a mountain lion skull. Going price? Three thousand dollars! There is some wacky shit in the art world, fellow journeyors into depravity.

But! This was not the pièce de résistance. No! That spot went to this drinks cabinet which was carved to look like an AT-AT (from Star Wars). It was probabll a metre high and like 1.5-2m long. It was kind of impressive, but still pretty ostentatious and definitely felt like the kind of thing one would have to be trying way too hard to buy. Here's the onl picture i was able to snap

Now, snakes in the proverbial ballpit. Please guess how much this sculpture costs. Guess away. I've hidden the correct answer belsw and I don't think you will get it right.

[it could be yours for the low low price of $22,000]

Emperor Jack Chick

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I attended an art gallery showing tonight #1
I was 10% off.

It's a good thing that exists though, pop art is a movement that is very much alive and did not culminate in the 60s.


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I attended an art gallery showing tonight #2
I can't say I mind, anyone stupid or rich enough to blow that much money on a dumb fucking thing like that is probably doing the right thing by redistributing that cash to someone else.


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I attended an art gallery showing tonight #3
I think even George Lucas would look at that thing and decide that was too much.


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I attended an art gallery showing tonight #4
I think you are all seriously underestimating how rich and stupid some people are.
chai tea latte


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I attended an art gallery showing tonight #5
I stand with Runic. I used to work at a medium-sized art gallery and we had one show that filled the gallery with a hydroponics system that grew these enormous plants that looked very much like marijuana (but weren't!). Hell to clean up, but apparently someone bought the whole hydroponics system for like $10k (which doesn't seem like much compared to that Starwars cabinet, I'll admit).


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I attended an art gallery showing tonight #6
I have a love-hate relationship with the modern art world. I'm a member of CoCA, and as such I'm guaranteed at least one piece in every annual members' show.  This year I entered a large-format print of one of my comics, and they asked for a price for it, and I put it as $175, thinking that was ridiculously high but I knew from other shows that that's pretty low all things considered.

It turned out to be the cheapest piece in the entire show, and while a lot of the works were serious art with appropriate prices, a lot of them were things like chunks of wood with nails hammered into them and a $1500 price tag.

I'm friends with the CoCA president and he wants to elevate the level of stuff and privately admits that a lot of what they show is complete and utter bullshit, but being president he has to be inclusive and can't actually say "no, this is bullshit, stop being such bullshit."

At one show opening there was a furniture dolly with some moving blankets piled on top of it, and I was joking about it with him as if it were a work of art, figuring that they just didn't get a chance to put some moving equipment before the doors opened.  He cleared his throat and pointedly glanced over at one of the labels on the wall, which I took a look at.

The price tag was $5000.

Modern art, man. What the fuck.


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I attended an art gallery showing tonight #7
It doesn't look that hard to make. Lots of man hours went into it, sure.
But what really confuses me about the whole thing is that the proportions are off and it is not faithful to the design so it is sort of half-assed. Not the kind of craftsmanship that StarWars memorabilia connoisseurs would look for.

chai tea latte

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I attended an art gallery showing tonight #8


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I attended an art gallery showing tonight #9
Fuck you, Scott Peace Miller.

chai tea latte

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I attended an art gallery showing tonight #10
Met a dude tonight who introduced himself as Epic Dave. "First name Epic, last name Dave." He was wearing a cape. Really nice dude, but c'mon, man.


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I attended an art gallery showing tonight #11
It does seem like the word 'epic' is undergoing a transformation where it is coming to mean the exact opposite of what it originally described.  It's been well over a decade since the last time I saw someone use it to refer to something that was actually epic.

Tiny Prancer

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I attended an art gallery showing tonight #12
Is that AT-AT supposed to be some sort of steampunk bullshit

I mean it's a pretty nice piece of work, but I'm guessing the reason why it's made of wood and brass is the idea of it being steampunk or something.