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Topic: Dwegons and Leprechauns: Satan's Passion Project  (Read 5557 times)


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Dwegons and Leprechauns: Satan's Passion Project
I would post this in the bad movies thread, but I feel as if Dwegons is so uniquely terrible that it deserves a bit of spotlight.
Dwegons and Leprechauns is easily the most soul-crushing movie I've ever watched. It's like getting very carsick very slowly over a period of 90 minutes. I find difficulty describing it. Here is a trailer for you to look at. Please note that at a certain point the narrator just gives up trying to describe what the movie is about.
The most bizarre thing about this movie is that nobody is talking about it anywhere on the internet. There are a few youtube reviews but very little actual information about it. As far as I can tell, this movie was initially meant to be crowdfunded, failed miserably, and then disappeared for a period of years before coming out again. I'm pretty sure the company behind it, Enteraktion Studios, only ever made this movie. Also, this movie only ever ended up being made because this one guy, Tom Walsh, wanted it to happen.
Here's his page he wrote about himself on his website for his...miscellaneous entertainment company?
Anyway I just figured I'd post this here considering it's definitively the worst movie I've ever watched but also the one I wish I knew more about the most.
If any of you are feeling like making a very bad mistake, the movie is on Netflix (or at least it is if you live in Canada, I don't know about other countries. If they don't have it though, they're not missing much).

Oh, also there are no leprechauns in this movie. I mean it's explained that Dwegons are the spawn of leprechauns and weird fairy lookin things but there are none vital to the plot.
Shell Game Achilles' Heelies GirlKisser420
« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 05:14:03 pm by Wrought »

Shell Game

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I'm severely interested in this.


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I think one of the weirdest parts is that this is in fact a passion project. I can understand being devoted to an artistic vision and wanting to make it real, but at the same time I have never seen anything as aggressively ugly or poorly designed as any given Dwegon.
While I don't advise watching the movie, it definitely has several moments that can only be described as unique. There's a scene where the Dwegons are having a meeting, and one of them offers the group french fries, apropos of nothing. There was then an immediate scene change. I can only assume this is the punchline of a joke that phased into the Dwegon reality from another similar hellscape but left its setup behind.
There's one part where the kid is getting a tour of where the Dwegons live, and they take him to all the dumb cartoony places like Greasy's workshop or donut shops or whatever and then they take a minecart over a glowing red pit and the Dwegon just says "That is Davargan's Hell. You should never go down there." and immeadiately moves on to talking about other cartoonish ugly goblin stuff. It caught me so off guard.
Oh, also since I forgot to post it the first time, here's a website that is still up. It utilizes adobe flash player. Just to remind everyone, this movie came out in 2014. (although from what i've heard it's speculated that it was in the works for most of the late '00s)
Corn Syrup

Shell Game

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I expect the dvd in the mail within a week or so.

Shell Game

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I just wanted you to know that I got it.

chai tea latte


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Be careful, I'm worried something might happen to you if you watch it with unprotected hands. When you end up watching it, don't hesitate to tell me your thoughts on it