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Topic: Have You Ever Thought About Why We Make Fun of People?  (Read 11935 times)


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When you think about it, isn't it weird how we choose to make fun of people on the internet?  We take time out of our lives to feel anger at someone for doing something we don't like even though they exist somewhere far away from us and they have no impact on our lives.  At the same time, we laugh at someone for being dumb nerds when we are dumb nerds at the same time.

Do you have any theories as to why we do this beyond "it's funny" or "it's fun to do?"  If it were truly that fun and funny, more people would do it.  Why is it that we find it fun and funny?


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To hide our crippling shame and insecurities at the failures we've made of ourselves.
Sherlockian Schumin Capote


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I'm sure there's a French idiom for being fascinated by absurd things.  The best episodes and the best pieces aren't infuriating, but alluring.  Even for the people that are despicable, like Roosh, or infuriating, like incels, the best stuff is the stuff that makes no sense at all.  Why would you make Taco In A Bag?  Why is Garfield a rock god jamming out to Dio?  What kind of a mind comes up with 'cum that comes alive and fucks you back'?

Maybe it's a desire to feel better than these people, but I always felt like it's more of a celebration of the sheer weirdness that exists out there.  It's outsider art and absurdist humor and typing in 'gay sex' in every website's search box just to see what comes up.
nigeline Zsa Zsa


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Cause failure is actually much more interesting than success. Successful people pretty much all have the same things to say, but every Internet loony is beautiful and unique.

Oh, and whathesaid, the crippling insecurities thing.


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When you think about it, isn't it weird how we choose to make fun of people on the internet?Smoking Crow, August 13, 2014, 11:09:28 pm

Weird enough for an F Plus episode? Put together a doc!

We take time out of our lives to feel anger at someone for doing something we don't like even though they exist somewhere far away from us and they have no impact on our lives.

man that something awful discussion really got you thinking, huh

At the same time, we laugh at someone for being dumb nerds when we are dumb nerds at the same time.

This is hardly unprecedented.

Do you have any theories as to why we do this beyond "it's funny" or "it's fun to do?"  If it were truly that fun and funny, more people would do it.  Why is it that we find it fun and funny?

I wasn't aware an explanation was forthcoming beyond "it's funny" or "it's fun to do." People slow down as they drive by car accidents because they want to see the damage. Then later you get to describe to others how the car was literally wrapped around this one tree with half a motorcycle jammed up its wheel well at the same time.

A Meat

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Mistakes and bad writing often create different meanings than intended which is often funny.


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Because once we have seen all the twisted unique awfulness the internet has to offer, then, only then, will we truly understand the Time Cube.

And once we understand the Time Cube, we will no longer be educated stupid and will feel better about ourselves. 'lo, we will ascend to the higher levels of existence and no longer will we find humour in middle aged women enthusiastically making terrible recipes that look like poop. Indeed, we will be so elevated that we will no longer poop and no longer be able to remember why we laughed at poop. We will see with clarity of vision to the truth of all things, to the very heart of questions on Yahoo Answers, divining their true meaning.

We will join Rob the Parrot.


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Personally, I make fun of people because for the first time in human history we have an idiocy aggregator and I would never forgive myself if I did not take full
advantage of it.
chai tea latte Victor Laszlo


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Because when people progress to the point where they become complete fanatics over a thing, lose the ability to relate to others, or wrap themselves up in an unhealthy lifestyle then its fair game for mockery. I also happen to take personal pleasure in watching the lives of deserving individuals burn around them.


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Fuck man, I don't have anything better to do.
Sion Avian SHAMBA~1.SBB

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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If I stop, the bomb in me explodes.


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Fuck man, I don't have anything better to do.
Runic, August 14, 2014, 06:53:03 pm
It's either this or make fun of people in real life, which has far more disastrous consequences....

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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I wasn't aware an explanation was forthcoming beyond "it's funny" or "it's fun to do." People slow down as they drive by car accidents because they want to see the damage. Then later you get to describe to others how the car was literally wrapped around this one tree with half a motorcycle jammed up its wheel well at the same time.
Isfahan, August 14, 2014, 06:38:35 am

Oh hush up Isfahan. It's a valid question.

Personally, it's just fascination. You always hear these interviews of famous, successful people. They always say "dreams do come true!" or "work hard enough and good things will come!" For the longest time these were the only stories you heard because hey, reporters weren't lining up to interview losers.  Now we get the losers' stories, direct from their own mouths, in their own words. And not just losers, of course! Crazies, idiots, the willfully ignorant, the irrationally angry, the selfish entitled jerks, the obsessive fetishists... now we get to hear their tales. In many ways their views on the world paint a very unrealistic picture of reality. There are no gangstalkers, magical griffon dimensions, or jobs for "idea guys" out there. But in the grand scheme of things it does show us a much more accurate view of humanity. It shows us that not everyone achieves their goals, not everyone slays their demons, and a lot of people just straight-up never learn their lesson no matter how shitty they make their own life and the lives of those around them. It shows us that despite what the famous folks tell us, life isn't some cute fairy tale. For every real life rags-to-riches hero, we have hundreds of dopes like these. I just find that very interesting.

I love the range of topics the podcast covers, but my biggest interest is in fucked-up communities. For the first time, we can easily look at how culture develops by using these types of subcultures as a model. In these little microcosms you can see the rise of an idea, then watch the idea spread, then see people band together for different reasons. Then the jargon forms, the taboos are established, and the criteria for becoming a leader are set. Heroes and villains rise out of this, factions form, and then you get a clash of ideologies. Then people who have no connection or even an idea of what the movement was originally about try to form their own tangentially-related criteria and they add more arguments into the mix. Then huge groups break off and declare war on each other.

Crazy communities serve as a particularly fascinating model because this process can form over the dumbest, most unrealistic things: "I'm unhappy with my life" -> "I've decided I'm an elf because I'm happier that way!" -> "Wow, you can be an elf? We're elves too then!" -> "Well I like dragons more so I must be a dragon!" -> "... And so are we!" -> "If dragons exist in some way, why not Digimon or Sephiroth or Indiana Jones?" -> "Hey, you don't believe that I'm a Pokemon, yet you're a griffon? That's soooo not fair! I'm going to start my own club then!" -> "If these beings can travel dimensions then they can live in my head! Because why not!" -> "I HAVE LIKE 50 CARTOON CHARACTERS THAT LIVE IN MY BRAIN AND THEY'RE ALL VALID AND I SWEAR THIS IS A PHENOMENON THAT'S BEEN GOING ON FOR DECADES (PS I AM 16 AND DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER LOL)" -> "It's an IDENTITY ok so telling me I'm wrong is literally abuse! ^_^"

This will all form over nothing! Elves and dragons and Palmon and shit don't exist and yet you will get a whole culture based around the notion of them existing, yet so far removed from the basic idea that its goofy founder came up with. That's just really intriguing to me.

Also because a lot of these people type funny things about dicks.

🍆 cube abuser Yossarian TheCrawlingChaos Nemo2342 Down10 John Toast Biggie Fries Sherman Tank SHAMBA~1.SBB
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 09:34:39 pm by portaxx »

Emperor Jack Chick

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Can't listen to metal all the time.
Dappercat SHAMBA~1.SBB


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Can't listen to metal all the time.
jack-chick, August 15, 2014, 12:53:13 am

What am I reading? I don't understand.