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Topic: Episode 100  (Read 8969 times)

Salubrious Rex

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Episode 100 #15
I finally got around to listening to this episode that is so good you made four of it.

I've encountered a lot of things similar to the TF2 story back when I used deviantART and played a lot of TF2. Enough of it that I decided to just avoid anything TF2 related there for a long time. I feel like it might take a very specific kind of lonely/horny teenager to make TF2 fanfiction and OCs.

Great Joe

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Episode 100 #16
How did I let this thread reach its second page without saying my thank-yous to Lesbiathan and Heave for saying I'm cool? I think they're really cool, too.
Shell Game Ganymede


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Episode 100 #17
I finally got around to listening to this episode that is so good you made four of it.

I've encountered a lot of things similar to the TF2 story back when I used deviantART and played a lot of TF2. Enough of it that I decided to just avoid anything TF2 related there for a long time. I feel like it might take a very specific kind of lonely/horny teenager to make TF2 fanfiction and OCs.
Salubrious Rex, September 16, 2020, 07:01:07 am

Yeah I think deviantART in general was definitely my springboard into weird internet shit. I found the mention of Neopets shop pages interesting as well, I definitely remember finding some really weird stuff there.


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Episode 100 #18
I just got through part one, but already full of so many warm fuzzies. So many in fact I thought, "gee I really should post something and not just lurk."

So thank you Extra Credit!

As far as what started me on my atrocity journey, it was definitely Something Awful and the BMEzine Encyclopedia.
GirlKisser420 Secret Gaygent 69 Salubrious Rex Mix Shell Game Ganymede