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September 20, 2024, 10:23:13 pm

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Topic: 381: Let's Pollute The Planet!  (Read 6796 times)


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381: Let's Pollute The Planet!
Philosothelia junior associate faguar Shell Game Doctor Interrogative


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381: Let's Pollute The Planet! #1
I’m sorry to everyone who participated in this except Lemon, who was eerily enthusiastic about the whole ordeal

Vinny Possum

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381: Let's Pollute The Planet! #2
I'm saving this for tomorrow, but I'm real excited to see whether or not wonderbread  comes up.

Shell Game

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381: Let's Pollute The Planet! #3
In the episode I mentioned how the skunk millionaire was aroace. I am amending my comment to: "He's Aromatic."

Thank you.
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Lemon chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug Vinny Possum Frank West A Meat RoeCocoa Boots Raingear junior associate faguar

A Meat

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381: Let's Pollute The Planet! #4
so long suckers! i rev up my motorcycle and create a huge cloud of smoke. when the cloud dissipates im completely covered in jizz on the pavement
Shell Game xdaringdamselx chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug Vinny Possum Doctor Interrogative Spenny xX_sp00ks_Xx junior associate faguar Boots Raingear DUDEVSTHEWORLD

Doctor Interrogative

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381: Let's Pollute The Planet! #5
I clapped like a goddamn idiot at the Once-ler reveal.
Shell Game oscaruglyface DUDEVSTHEWORLD


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381: Let's Pollute The Planet! #6
This is literally the first time I've ever seen an episode and thought "I think I'll skip listening to this one, for my own sanity/faith in human beings" . Dick bugs, acne porn, and sissykiss didn't scare me off, but this one did.
Sauce oscaruglyface Philosothelia junior associate faguar

Dr. Buttplug

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381: Let's Pollute The Planet! #7
Dang, this episode sure was filthy!


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381: Let's Pollute The Planet! #8
Man Funk

The kind of funk that never stops, it's just my

Man Funk

It'll funk you 'til the cradle rocks, it's just my

Man Funk

It'll let you know what sex you are, girl it's just my

Man Funk

My wife does not want to hear me sing this again
Lemon Sauce


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381: Let's Pollute The Planet! #9
When I saw the title I thought "huh, I wonder if a bunch of people sexually imprinted on Hexxus." Less than I expected!


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381: Let's Pollute The Planet! #10
I'm betting there's lots of hits with shotgun requests with this stuff. The reason the videos are all the same is probably cause some dude rolled the dice a bunch of times, and since the video is incredibly easy to do, well... why not?


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381: Let's Pollute The Planet! #11
somehow the most horny and least horny at the same time  any podcast has been
Dr. Buttplug Captain Nobeard Philosothelia junior associate faguar