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June 01, 2024, 11:40:44 pm

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Topic: Something Weird on My Blog (Experimental Storytelling Project)  (Read 6161 times)


  • Lady of Calamaris
  • Paid
  • Card Carrying Boobgeoisie
  • 497
  • -22
So the other day I was messing around with my tumblr blog (https://eldritchhat.tumblr.com/) when I found something really strange

This is how my blog normally looks:

I accidentally clicked on the subheader under my blog title, which reads "Where the Blind Follow the Blind," and found this:

Here is a really bizarre story that seems to be addressing me, and along with this is a pixel animation and a recording from my soundcloud. I know I didn't make this page, but I can't seem to find any way to edit the html here, so I don't really know what is going on with this.

I copied and pasted the really small text on that page and it reads "I think to myself 'what does it taste like?' and 'why does it smell so sweet?'" which feels somewhat ominous.

I clicked on the word "cable," since it looked like a link, and this came up:

Once again, this page has something from my past on it, a video I made for my sophomore year Intro to Multimedia class as a sort of horror themed parody of an infomercial.

I honestly don't know why this is here

But, the most weird thing I found was when I clicked the "Order Now" link:

This freaked me out a bit, so I stopped there, but I don't know if there could be more hidden deeper if I keep looking. I think I'm gonna make a post about it on my blog, but since I know people here like to look through weird stuff online I thought I would give you the link.


Please contact me if you find anything concerning.

{Hey everyone, I don't know if this ruins your immersion or whatever, but I want to thank for taking a look at this post. This is my first time ever trying out a more experimental form of storytelling, but I've been meaning to try something like this out for a very long time and just now feel like I have enough confidence as a writer to do so. I'm a big fan of the kind of stuff that Zekka has done on here, so I really wanted to put my own sort of spin on it including my own art, short stories, music, and animation. If any of you are interested in following me on this project then I totally invite you too, and I'm going to try and find a good way to inform people about updates as I go along.}
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop GirlKisser420 chai tea latte Wrought


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
  • Paid
  • Just a Baby Drinkin Coffee
  • 3,776
  • 179
this is really cool and I recommend everyone sitting on the fence to check this out


  • Lady of Calamaris
  • Paid
  • Card Carrying Boobgeoisie
  • 497
  • -22


  • Lady of Calamaris
  • Paid
  • Card Carrying Boobgeoisie
  • 497
  • -22


  • Lady of Calamaris
  • Paid
  • Card Carrying Boobgeoisie
  • 497
  • -22