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Topic: General Podcast Questions Thread  (Read 53523 times)

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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General Podcast Questions Thread
Got a question about the podcast? Post it here and maybe one of the Ridiculists will be kind enough to not give you some smartass non-answer!

Please note that these are questions about the podcast itself, not about our personal lives or anything like that.


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General Podcast Questions Thread #1
Ever thrown a submission out for being too vile? If so, provide gory details.


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General Podcast Questions Thread #2
How much editing does the podcast actually see? Entire episodes left on the cutting room floor? Or just the occasional snip for length or quality?


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General Podcast Questions Thread #3
There was an attempt at a show on pedophilia.  It wasn't happening.  Segments that we didn't even look at were the descriptions of "Oxy" and "Ishtar" in "Reno Iz Drest in a Kostoom."  It was just... yeah.

Episodes I've personally editted have had 90 to 120 minutes of material, though over time we've become much better at predicting what's good and what isn't and having to cut less as a result.  Then comes a winnowing process to bring it down to about an hour's worth.  Sometimes the stuff is just awesomely fun to read, so some of it doesn't make it.  (ie: my reading of "watchinucking").


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General Podcast Questions Thread #4
how many requests to be 'guest stars' do you get from random listeners per month, on average?

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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General Podcast Questions Thread #5
Sometimes entire episodes have been scrapped for various reasons. Often it's due to technical problems that didn't become apparent until after the episode was recorded, but sometimes we all just decide that the episode wasn't that great and could be redone with better material. One example is the scrapped otakukin episode. It was my fault really, because I put it together and I was trying to use very, very old material from the dawn of the otakin movement. Thing is, most of the good stuff was long gone, and what I did dig up was okay, but not stellar. FUN FACT: The girl who claimed to be Ken Ichijouji from Digimon and felt SUPER ASHAMED OF HER SINS AS THE DIGIMON EMPEROR was still around! Anyway, the readings were all right, but the energy never ramped up and the commentary consisted more of uncomfortable "what"s than actual jokes. So we just tossed the whole thing and I promised myself that I'd come back to the topic some time. "Fictionkin" (as they now call themselves) are still around, but it seems most people who claim to be fictional characters now do so through "fictive headmates," so the multiples episode is kind of the spiritual successor to the trashed otakukin recording.

As for how much gets cut, it kind of varies. The classic literature episode is almost uncut because Boots stopped us after about an hour and said "I don't want to cut any of this, so let's quit now." By contrast, the Paula Deen episode was originally about 2 and 1/2 hours because we were really unfocused and rambly in our jokes, plus we read a bunch of extra shit too. On average I'd say these days, recordings are about an hour and a half, and we edit out about 30-40 minutes of them.

Also you all need to worship me because I'm the one who dug that 2+ hour long monstrosity out of the trash and edited it down into an episode after everyone forgot about it. WORSHIP ME, YOU HEAR?!


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General Podcast Questions Thread #6
The girl who claimed to be Ken Ichijouji from Digimon and felt SUPER ASHAMED OF HER SINS AS THE DIGIMON EMPEROR
portaxx, April 23, 2013, 07:27:04 pm
What the FUCK is it with Digimon fans - especially fans of that character - and being irredeemable weirdos?


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General Podcast Questions Thread #7
How much editing does the podcast actually see? Entire episodes left on the cutting room floor? Or just the occasional snip for length or quality?
PurpleXVI, April 23, 2013, 06:43:57 pm

These days we've got our recording lengths down pretty well. We used to record for almost two hours and then have to pare it down to one, but now our recordings are very lean, usually about 75 to 80 minutes raw. With this, we can now often leave in everything if we take out all of the grabass and the periods of quiet while this person or that person scrolls around trying to find the shit he or she must read. When I edit, I first cut out absolutely everything that listeners wouldn't want to hear (see previous sentence). Then, if it's still too long, I look for the segments which seem to fit in the least with the theme of the episode. This is often enough to get it under the length limit. A particularly large segment that we spend a lot of time on is usually prime for snipping, because it lets me keep in a lot of other shorter, more assorted segments. These large segments are good for editing out because they make great candidates for shorts down the line.


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General Podcast Questions Thread #8
How does a typical recording session go? Do you all just sort of sit down at Skype, read stuff, and then go "ok that was cool see you later"? I mean, not that it sounds too complicated, but I'm curious.


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General Podcast Questions Thread #9
Who fucked up the Second Life episode? My vengeance demands blood!

Alternatively, have you ever had an occasion when you've had too many readers wanting to be in an episode? How about a situation where Lemon has had to bribe some of you to take part?

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

  • Oh no it's the "The-World-Owes-Me-A-Living Lads"!!
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General Podcast Questions Thread #10
How does a typical recording session go? Do you all just sort of sit down at Skype, read stuff, and then go "ok that was cool see you later"? I mean, not that it sounds too complicated, but I'm curious.
Navigator, April 24, 2013, 01:24:20 am

Pretty much. Usually there's about 10-15 minutes of us just screwing around on the internet beforehand. Sometimes we'll look through stupid DeviantArt searches, sometimes we just have boring old conversations, and sometimes Stog uses a smartphone app to determine what kind of dogs we are. During the recordings there might be little distractions, failed bits, and general chatter, but for the most part I'd say you all aren't missing much by not hearing the cut content. The few tangents that stand up on their own tend to make it onto the site as shorts (Otakin_Dude, Braking Bad: Allens Attack) and other random weirdness sometimes ends up in the stingers. Afterwards we might look at more weird internet shit, but usually a few people will then duck out to play video games or what-have-you. All in all it's not too terribly different from what ends up in the episodes. We just cut it down to the best bits.

Who fucked up the Second Life episode? My vengeance demands blood!

That would be me. My Audacity crashed the moment the episode ended. Good work, me!

Alternatively, have you ever had an occasion when you've had too many readers wanting to be in an episode? How about a situation where Lemon has had to bribe some of you to take part?

I don't know of any times anyone had to be bribed to participate, but there were a couple of times where too many people wanted into an episode. Originally I was going to be in the City of Heroes recording, but later I found out Isfahan wanted in too so I figured eh, he has guns, I shouldn't make him upset. A strangely huge number of people wanted into the Bad Dragon episode too.


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General Podcast Questions Thread #11
I've always been curious, why do the episodes HAVE to be 1 hour long? Is this a limitation with your podcast distribution methods, bandwidth, or just you guys sticking to a particular format?

Boots Raingear

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General Podcast Questions Thread #12
I've always been curious, why do the episodes HAVE to be 1 hour long? Is this a limitation with your podcast distribution methods, bandwidth, or just you guys sticking to a particular format?
Calaveron, April 24, 2013, 07:30:44 am

It's a good length for a podcast. Episodes are allowed to be shorter, but it's good to have a consistent limit to it. Now that we have over 100 episodes, I gather most of our listeners have some sort of routine to how/when they listen to it. Additionally, it allows the editor of the episode to cut somebody's reading out with minimal guilt.

It also helps guide how we do the recordings. Lemon and I will basically keep the episode going until either we run out of content or we know there's a good hour of material in there. The extra 10 minutes accounts for music, bumpers, and the cold-open/stinger (if applicable). Occasionally we'll keep going because we're just having so much fun.


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General Podcast Questions Thread #13
There was an attempt at a show on pedophilia.
Acierocolotl, April 23, 2013, 06:49:52 pm
That's not entirely accurate. We recorded the beginnings of an episode once on the topic of flashers. On the outset, the idea seemed sound: Hey, somewhere out there is a forum for flashers! It's a place where flashers gather and talk about flashing! What could go wrong! Fairly soon into the podcast where enthusiastic confessions about men "accidentally" exposing themselves to children and we abandoned ship.

how many requests to be 'guest stars'Icarus
Part of this is my fault. The "Submit Content" page still talks about guest readers, and I really need to edit that page, but then I forget and do other things instead.

I've always been curious, why do the episodes HAVE to be 1 hour long?
Calaveron, April 24, 2013, 07:30:44 am
In addendum to what Boots said, I personally don't like podcasts that blow past the hour mark. Whatever your subject is, if you dwell on it for too long I'm losing interest and getting fatigued by the whole thing. Ideally, when we're done, we want to listener wanting something more. Plus, we're funny, and we've gotten more funny as the podcast has gone on. But we're a lot less funny without editing.


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General Podcast Questions Thread #14
...sometimes Stog uses a smartphone app to determine what kind of dogs we are.portaxx, April 24, 2013, 03:43:45 am

So, what kind of dogs are you?