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June 03, 2024, 10:56:31 am

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May 26 10:25pm
once in a while I read something poly people write and go "wow that sounds like so much work", I've got nothing against polyamory but I wish I had the energy reserves you have
A Meat, May 26, 2024, 05:12:20 am
My spouse and I talked about poly early in our relationship, and our conclusion was "keeping up one romantic relationship is enough effort as it is, let's just do this." We have poly friends who make it with, but goddamn, the logistics.
Antivehicular, May 26, 2024, 03:42:17 pm

My partner and I have tried polyamory a few times, when meds and health issues led to wildly differing sex drives, but every time it has ended up fizzling out because all the vetting and scheduling and communication really is exhausting. We've gotten some funny stories out of it but it was too much work for the benefits.
May 26 08:42pm
once in a while I read something poly people write and go "wow that sounds like so much work", I've got nothing against polyamory but I wish I had the energy reserves you have
A Meat, May 26, 2024, 05:12:20 am
My spouse and I talked about poly early in our relationship, and our conclusion was "keeping up one romantic relationship is enough effort as it is, let's just do this." We have poly friends who make it with, but goddamn, the logistics.
May 26 10:12am
once in a while I read something poly people write and go "wow that sounds like so much work", I've got nothing against polyamory but I wish I had the energy reserves you have
May 26 03:01am
Haruspicy is due for a new age comeback any day now
A Meat, May 25, 2024, 03:42:17 pm

Yeah you know thats not how the kids on the internet will spell it though
May 25 08:42pm
Haruspicy is due for a new age comeback any day now
May 25 08:13am
Dr Sacklove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Balls
May 24 07:26pm
Cat cafes are cuddle parties for normal people
May 24 07:34am
it kicks ass when sci fi has a thing with a name thats a regular word or name for something but all caps and made into an acronym
May 24 07:15am
If you mix a cocktail and a mocktail together you get a cock mock
May 24 04:19am
If I want to keep kosher I'm going to need to buy more cast iron pans
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