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Topic: CTRL+V and post it  (Read 599841 times)

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #720
black people lack the special bone in their finger that makes them good at competitive speed typing, which ironically makes them good at basketball.


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CTRL+V and post it #721
i choose bow because killing is an art and like most art the artist is never around, ive been able to kill npc's near guards without detection. it takes skill but its easily done.
I Liked That Joke Shell Game

Sherman Tank

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lazzer grardaion?

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CTRL+V and post it #723

Sherman Tank's Sherman Tank Shirt, January 28, 2018, 10:39:07 am

This Harlem Shake meme is getting out of hand.

Vinny Possum

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CTRL+V and post it #724
Is your child texting about Manicheaism?
LMAO: Living Mani, Archons Owned
LOL: Let Out Light
ROFL: Rely On Faustus's Lectures
BRB: Bahram Ruined Bema
WTF: Wonderous Twin Flame
STFU: Shapur, This For U
CU: Ctesiphon Underground
IDGAF: I Draw Giants, Âz Fucks
IDC: Iskander Deserves Curses
FPS: Fixing Previous Scriptures
Sherman Tank Runic Yavuz Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #725
ITT: risk-averse cuckolds with balls the size of a peanut self-fellating over their savings accounts decaying with inflation like a little bitch, while their wives are getting gangbanged by bitcoin-hodling Chads this very moment.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop junior associate faguar

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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CTRL+V and post it #726
I actually did a paper once, I can't find it now, on how ULTRAFRENCH physically changes the human body for greater speed, strength, and attractiveness. Quite curious stuff.

The mystery of ULTRAFRENCH is both simple and divine. French is mostly French. But English is also mostly French. Québecois either birthed ULTRAFRENCH or developed alongside it (I don't do historical linguistics, and it's still an open question). We all know Québecois is just English speakers trying to speak French, so it just ends up sounding like your Freshman French class. But in ULTRAFRENCH a separate phenomenon occurred. ULTRAFRENCH was, in the beginning, entirely conventional French while also borrowing at least half of itself from English. So by a conservative estimate (since English is 3/4ths French), ULTRAFRENCH is at least 125% French.

Needless to say, the discovery of ULTRAFRENCH wiped away a lot of assumptions that linguists held to be obviously true. How could a language be more than a language? How could it be itself and yet so beyond itself that it tapped into the nether regions of the brain (you know, the 99.9% we don't use) and created a strange system of a sort of interpersonal echolocation?

You see, MRIs suggest that ULTRAFRENCH speakers have at least three conversational layers. Obviously there's body language, which is a complex mix, a bastard, if you will, of Normal English, Canadian, and French. That's one layer. Then there's the spoken/sung/rapped/throat-sung/intoned/whispered/Sprechstimmed side of the language. On the purely spoken level, ULTRAFRENCH has at least as much linguistic density as Ithkuil, but it also has all the airiness and punch of a grammarless language like Chinaese.

The third level is the hardest to measure and study. You see, we can detect rays and beams of energy floating between ULTRAFRENCH speakers if we use certain long-forbidden measurement systems, but we still don't understand the composition of these emissions. Are they some kind of light? Electromagnetic energy? A particle? Something else entirely?

I've never claimed that speaking ULTRAFRENCH endows you with telepathic abilities. That would be preposterous. I'm just saying that ULTRAFRENCH speakers can read each others minds and send thoughts to each other.

Is Sanskrit the best language? The robots tell me so. But they are missing out on an essential part of ULTRAFRENCH. It's not racist to say robots are immune to most forms of not-telepathy and the Force. I have several android friends

Sanskrit might be "technically" "superior" to ULTRAFRENCH on the level of the plain written language. Sure, but it's unfair to compare them because Sanskrit started out as a written language until the ignorant masses started attempting to "speak" it.

But when you consider the triune nature of ULTRAFRENCH, I think it's clear that, at least in spoken communication with non-android participants, ULTRAFRENCH is the best earth-based language. And I think you'll agree that it almost...embodies the triune gods of its founding people. Are Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma incarnated in every word that drops from an ULTRAFRENCH speaker's enhanced tongue? I can't speak for them, but yes.

Lithuanian still prettier tho IMO
I Liked That Joke

Vinny Possum

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CTRL+V and post it #727

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #728
to explain why the president was jacking off in the middle of the road in that scenario i was describing, it was because the idea was that the president can't jack off in the same place twice. so he's jacking in such an odd place because he's running out of places
Carbon cat_examiner


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CTRL+V and post it #729
Yoga! Yes sir - FEAR Yoga / It'll steal yer damn soul!
Kung Fu? Yes sir - that will steal yer soul as well!
Don't want yer blood, dem want yer soul Mon!
 Jogging suit?: Yep, a soul steal'in nylon bitch!
Dr. Buttplug

Frank West

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CTRL+V and post it #730
The app is free to download and makes a call to children threatening to cut them with a knife.

Shell Game

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CTRL+V and post it #731
You know, I don't like all this work but...
I heard I'll be big strong if I do it!

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #732
The thing about large breads is that they rest both on each other horizontally and on the woman's torso vertically. This results in a build-up of sweat that would repulse any normal man, but turns me and probably you on to to no limit. As a result I fuck while curling my back so I can Bury my face in her malodorous bosom to maintain an erection

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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CTRL+V and post it #733
    "tell him your Shercock Homes and you're looking for the missing pearl necklace.",


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CTRL+V and post it #734
Shell Game
« Last Edit: February 08, 2018, 04:28:41 pm by Spooks »