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Topic: A Retrospective: Favorite Bits.  (Read 40635 times)

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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A Retrospective: Favorite Bits. #105
I don't know how many are still around after the comment update, but anytime an f plus subject comes over to comment on their episode, or an F-Plus listener says "oh haha, this is cool, I have this fetish"
AgentCoop, January 15, 2016, 08:19:06 am

Multiples trying to sic their headmates on us via blog posts for just being mentioned in the description of the multiples episode was pretty much my favorite reactionary freakout.

Vinny Possum

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A Retrospective: Favorite Bits. #106
"Sex will be had, like it or not, and a fifty food great white shark will eat bloody flesh, but in the end "love" wins"

So yeah. Juggernaut lonely.

Sherman Tank

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A Retrospective: Favorite Bits. #107
I don't know how many are still around after the comment update, but anytime an f plus subject comes over to comment on their episode, or an F-Plus listener says "oh haha, this is cool, I have this fetish"
AgentCoop, January 15, 2016, 08:19:06 am

Multiples trying to sic their headmates on us via blog posts for just being mentioned in the description of the multiples episode was pretty much my favorite reactionary freakout.
portaxx, January 15, 2016, 04:08:52 pm

Any surviving examples? Most of the tumblrs from that time have been scrubbed off the internet (RIP Spectrum-X's insanity, although there's mirrors on other sites).


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A Retrospective: Favorite Bits. #108
I seemed to post just too late but I was gonna say you should read some select comments off the more "controversial" episodes.  Thst could be a mini episode in itself.


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A Retrospective: Favorite Bits. #109
Portaxx crying about Ledyba in #57,
Yavuz Sultan Selim, January 08, 2016, 08:48:01 pm

Pretty much any time Pokemon or Maslow come up.


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A Retrospective: Favorite Bits. #110
Yea any of Portaxx's reactions from the pokegirls really, because I too am a huge pokemon dork so I had similar reactions.


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A Retrospective: Favorite Bits. #111
Bozarth's Huell Howser voice

Lady Frenzy

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A Retrospective: Favorite Bits. #112
My new favorite bit is the episode #200b montage of all the best bits.
Sherman Tank


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A Retrospective: Favorite Bits. #113
I don't know how many are still around after the comment update, but anytime an f plus subject comes over to comment on their episode, or an F-Plus listener says "oh haha, this is cool, I have this fetish"
AgentCoop, January 15, 2016, 08:19:06 am

Multiples trying to sic their headmates on us via blog posts for just being mentioned in the description of the multiples episode was pretty much my favorite reactionary freakout.
portaxx, January 15, 2016, 04:08:52 pm

Any surviving examples? Most of the tumblrs from that time have been scrubbed off the internet (RIP Spectrum-X's insanity, although there's mirrors on other sites).
Sherman Tank, January 15, 2016, 06:43:13 pm

I'm sure the quotes are gone, but I remember one of them writing about how he wishes the readers (or just Lemon?) would get hit by a truck and develop a multiple system from the trauma so they would understand what it's like.  And then they backpedaled by saying one of their alternate personalities really liked the episode until Isfahan(?) shot them down.

The Malatora episode was another one, although that one was just sad because the guy who showed up wasn't quite right in the head and couldn't really grasp why it was all just a nerdy power fantasy.  I think some comments had to be purged from that one to discourage people from trolling the guy, and because he came back several times to post videos of how much he looked forward to being a dragon.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 02:38:42 pm by Cyberventurer »

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

  • Oh no it's the "The-World-Owes-Me-A-Living Lads"!!
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A Retrospective: Favorite Bits. #114
I don't know how many are still around after the comment update, but anytime an f plus subject comes over to comment on their episode, or an F-Plus listener says "oh haha, this is cool, I have this fetish"
AgentCoop, January 15, 2016, 08:19:06 am

Multiples trying to sic their headmates on us via blog posts for just being mentioned in the description of the multiples episode was pretty much my favorite reactionary freakout.
portaxx, January 15, 2016, 04:08:52 pm

Any surviving examples? Most of the tumblrs from that time have been scrubbed off the internet (RIP Spectrum-X's insanity, although there's mirrors on other sites).
Sherman Tank, January 15, 2016, 06:43:13 pm

I'm sure the quotes are gone, but I remember one of them writing about how he wishes the readers (or just Lemon?) would get hit by a truck and develop a multiple system from the trauma so they would understand what it's like.  And then they backpedaled by saying one of their alternate personalities really liked the episode until Isfahan(?) shot them down.Cyberventurer, January 21, 2016, 01:55:37 pm

If I rightly recall, it was a kid who had, among others, Karkat (a Homestuck troll) in their head... y'know, for realsies. They were never mentioned or read in the episode proper, but their blog was displayed as "additional fun," back when we used to show off content we never tackled in a recording. The goofnut then proceeded to make a million posts on their own blog about how they totally didn't care... no no no wait, they DID care a lot... no wait THEY ONLY CARED BECAUSE WE MADE FUN OF THEIR FRIENDS... no uhh never mind they actually didn't care at all. So on and so forth, they would alternate between "I'm furious and I will destroy you all!", "lol idc" and "ok I'm seriously sobbing in the corner and my life is so miserable and now this happens fuck fuck FUCK". The way they kept going on about their inner turmoil reeked of Teen Angst rather than Actual Problems, honestly, and I'm pretty certain they even used the line "you're lucky these Homestuck characters are here to hold me back or else I'd fucking kill you!!!"

... so anyway, kiddo there decided to then challenge us to a duel of some kind. I'm still not sure what their exact plan was, since they told us to "come here!" As in, they wanted us to visit their blog and I guess argue with them there? What, did they want us to send them mocking asks or something? I have no idea. This is another reason why they came off more as another angsty teen. Remember, they were never mentioned in the actual episode, but they were outraged at being mentioned in the description. They swore they just wanted to be left alone, and yet simultaneously kept trying to taunt us into genuinely harassing them. My best guess is that's what they truly wanted. They wanted us to stop by so they could point to it and say "see, I AM in need of cuddles and praise because I'm so very very very bullied!" Nobody showed up for their grade school slapfight in the sandbox, and they only got more agitated. Naturally, they "left the internet forever," only to return a few weeks later, because reposting stupid fandom bullcrap is a hell of a drug.

Oh, I should also mention that that weirdo's meltdown took place entirely on their own blog. They never showed up here even once.

Meanwhile, a different kid popped up in the comments to state their dissatisfaction with the episode. I made a stupid joke about how if they really DID have different headmates, each with their own unique set of likes and dislikes, then wouldn't it stand to reason that some of those headmates might actually enjoy the podcast? Because man that would suck if you had to placate them by playing more episodes for them. A little while later... purely by coincidence I'm sure... one of their "headmates" praised the episode and said we were really funny. That kid acted as if they were going to stick around and listen to more, but I think it was in fact Isfahan who told them "hey you can hang out, but don't expect us to bow to this imaginary friend business." They disappeared some time later, and their blog started to get a bit wishy-washy re: the "I have people living in my brain!" issue. I believe their blog vanished shortly thereafter.

Hey, kid, if you're out there and you've wised up, don't sweat it, ok? Kids do dumb things. We all did when we were your age too. No hard feelings, and I hope you kept listening to our stupid little show.
Sherman Tank

Sherman Tank

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A Retrospective: Favorite Bits. #115
What was the thing that caused Lemon to comment about something being hijacked by German perverts?