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Topic: Episode 102: I've Also Got An Idea For A Reboot Of Young Guns  (Read 32305 times)


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With operating budgets starting in the millions of dollars, the American Motion Picture is not an art form prone to risk or innovation. As the internet democratizes art, fresh ideas can come from anywhere. Take, for example, the website FilmProposals.com, where people write down poorly considered movie ideas to an audience of nobody for no reason whatsoever. Could this change the face of Hollywood? Sure, why not? This week, sex will be had (like it or not).


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This week, sex will be had (like it or not).
Lemon, May 12, 2013, 11:34:56 pm

So, it's just like every other week then, got it. Also yay, you're not dead.

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Oh god, I can't wait.

e: I'm like four minutes in and I love this.

e2: oh god i volunteer at a vancouver radio station, I can confirm that radio pitch is 100% accurate as to day-to-day operating
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 03:11:53 am by kal-elk »


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Guys, take my word on this: do not look up the Doggie Boogie guy's youtube channel.

The episode itself fucking killed me, though. TOLKEN LIKE BIRDS is going to be one of those things that makes me randomly crack up at my desk at work, I just know it.


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For the record, the plot of Timeless is essentially a rip-off of a 1992 John Ritter movie nobody saw called Stay Tuned.

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For the record, the plot of Timeless is essentially a rip-off of a 1992 John Ritter movie nobody saw called Stay Tuned.
Isfahan, May 13, 2013, 06:35:47 am

I SAW IT. I actually liked it too. Chuck Jones directed the cartoon segment! ^_^

And with that out of the way, what the fuck, "idea guys." What was anyone's plan here? For someone to read 2 sentences' worth of a premise and instantly give them money for a project?


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i love starting a week off listening to rediculous shit read interspersed with silly voices and giggling

thanks for this one, guys. and thank you adam for editing it :v


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Oh fuck you Cheapskate. This is like something I was working on, only better. I'm jealous you found this page before I did.

Hysterics aside, just how long are you guys going to keep giving Adam his own special introduction? At this point he's probably been in more Fplus episodes than some of the regulars. I think it's time you guys made him a full member, or at least a honorary full member. Also, how much did you guys drink when recording this episode? I hope nobody got alcohol poisoning.

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The opener was pure, unadulterated magic.


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Most of these people aren't even hiding their desire to self-insert as the star or at least the protagonist character. Juggernaut Lonely is pitched by Keith Odett, and the male lead is a "handsome and seductive" person named "KO." Hmm!


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It says his name is McKay on that site but on the pitch he spells it Mackay but Bruce Mackay is an actual legit illustrator and--
is there some good/bad twin stuff going on here


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I'm all for the Janitor Movie Association. Janitors need more respect.

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Hysterics aside, just how long are you guys going to keep giving Adam his own special introduction?
montrith, May 13, 2013, 09:32:51 am
Don't ruin LHR's only word-of-mouth advertising for me here

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10/10 Russian accent. You making of Motherland proud, comrades.

That being said, Juggernaut Lonely was undoubtedly the peak of the episode. I'm surprised "sex will be had" wasn't immediately followed by "fey will breed and humans will descend in a nymphomaniac orgy".