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Topic: Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me  (Read 37863 times)

Mister Smalls

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Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me #45
I can't shake the nagging feeling that I've seen something created by Jake Richmond before, but none of the other projects credited to him look at all familiar.

Maybe all bland gamer webcomic dorks just seem the same.


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Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me #46
My only explanation is nerd bait. From what little I've seen of this comic it makes a ton of references to nerdy shit that bland geeks lap up like kittens to milk.
KingKalamari, August 09, 2014, 12:00:36 am

At least kittens lap up fresh milk:

Last time Medusa cosplayed as a Ninja Turtle,  Chell from portal and Luffy from One Piece

Portal, that game from seven years ago? The game that was released during the Bush Administration? 2007, when the iPhone and the last Harry Potter book were released? Seven years ago! People are still referencing that shit? Seven years, that's a third of my lifetime ago.

There is one major advantage that kittens have over nerds, though: kittens grow up.


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Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me #47
I have seen people in the year of our lord 2014 saying "oh man, I lost the game."

Yeah, that 'the game'.

Lady Frenzy

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Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me #48
Portal, that game from seven years ago? The game that was released during the Bush Administration? 2007, when the iPhone and the last Harry Potter book were released? Seven years ago! People are still referencing that shit? Seven years, that's a third of my lifetime ago.
Psammetichus, August 09, 2014, 12:17:05 am

To be fair, plenty of people reference nerdy things that are much older than seven years. I mean, just listen to some of the jokes the Ridiculists make.


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Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me #49
I can usually handle infuriating internet bullshit, but this is definitely the episode that has made me grit my teeth the most. I still can't get over that first asshole that makes $682 a month. I'm not even an artist and this just goes over the limit for me.


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Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me #50
I can't shake the nagging feeling that I've seen something created by Jake Richmond before, but none of the other projects credited to him look at all familiar.

Maybe all bland gamer webcomic dorks just seem the same.
Mister Smalls, August 09, 2014, 12:07:32 am
No. no. You are right!
Gah, your comment half dislodged a boredom-repressed memory. I'm almost certain I have seen fetish porn by him posted to 4chan waaaay back. His artstyle is very distinct.
But I didn't save it to my spray folders because it was nearly unremarkable and I never imaged that guy would cross paths with the F+ podcast. It was either lamia/naga porn or lamia vore porn. Needless to say the guy didn't start drawing snake ladies with this comic.


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Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me #51
To be fair, plenty of people reference nerdy things that are much older than seven years. I mean, just listen to some of the jokes the Ridiculists make.
Lady Frenzy, August 09, 2014, 01:37:04 am

Well, excu-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-se me!
Sherman Tank


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Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me #52
To be fair, plenty of people reference nerdy things that are much older than seven years. I mean, just listen to some of the jokes the Ridiculists make.
Lady Frenzy, August 09, 2014, 01:37:04 am
Well, excu-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-se me!Lemon, August 09, 2014, 12:57:21 pm
Ayyyyyyyy, sit on it!


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Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me #53
I said it over on the SA topic, but I think what changes things a bit about this episode compared to the other crowdfunding ones is that there's a different balance of stupid. The Kickstarter and IndieGoGo episodes are, mostly, filled with complete goddamn idiots. Their idea is dumb, their execution is dumb, they are dumb, and nothing is done because it's all so stupid. It's like Fantendo, Ahhha, or the Idea Wiki in later stages; they've had to temper their brain vomit a little bit, but haven't done it nearly enough.

These Patreon idiots are mostly a different type of stupid; the slightly smarter kind, that has a better idea of what they're doing but hasn't spent enough time in the real world to realize how it works. There's still complete idiots here, just as there was still 'slightly clued-in but still oblivious' stupid in the other crowdfunding episodes, but it leads to a different sort of comedy. It's more partnered with episodes like NaNoWriMo, Troper Tales, and to a lesser extent the people who wanted in on Mars One, who just don't entirely have a grasp of the fact that they aren't special.

I can see being disappointed about that, because it requires a different sort of mindset coming in, and you might just enjoy the complete morons better than the self-important ones (personally I think the self-important ones are funnier on average, but the heights of complete idiots are higher). These guys are just as worthy of ridicule, but for different reasons, and it might be that people who don't like it are having trouble shifting those gears properly.


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Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me #54
To be fair, plenty of people reference nerdy things that are much older than seven years. I mean, just listen to some of the jokes the Ridiculists make.
Lady Frenzy, August 09, 2014, 01:37:04 am
Well, excu-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-se me!Lemon, August 09, 2014, 12:57:21 pm
Ayyyyyyyy, sit on it!
Down10, August 09, 2014, 05:33:21 pm

Go easy, Mabel! Twenty-three skiddoo!
Sherman Tank


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Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me #55
Forty-four Forty or fight! Tippecanoe and Tyler too!
Sherman Tank


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Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me #56
Did anyone else notice that Terra Snover has a Patreon?

'cause Terra Snover has a Patreon.

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me #57
Did anyone else notice that Terra Snover has a Patreon?

'cause Terra Snover has a Patreon.
Neal, November 19, 2014, 07:46:50 pm

"A comic about the crazy stuff I deal with in my life, and just about any random thought that pops into my head. Updates whenever I feel like it."

Go fuck yourself, lady.
Sherman Tank SHAMBA~1.SBB


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Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me #58

What an exciting variety of characters.

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

  • Oh no it's the "The-World-Owes-Me-A-Living Lads"!!
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Episode 146: Don't Patreonize Me #59

What an exciting variety of characters.
Lemon, November 20, 2014, 12:42:54 am

<:U  :/  U8  u:  BU  (・▽・)  :|
Sherman Tank