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Topic: Fifty Shades of Targeted Marketing  (Read 14359 times)


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Fifty Shades of Targeted Marketing
So I deliver wine+liquor by the fuckton. This went out this week: http://imgur.com/mOgOwln
Now, lonely housewife wine is kind of an industry standard. But I felt people should know about this. So they can hate it properly.


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Fifty Shades of Targeted Marketing #1
So I deliver wine+liquor by the fuckton.
LowBatteryLife, December 21, 2013, 09:29:22 pm
Can I give you my address? I like my liquor by the fuckton.
chai tea latte

chai tea latte

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Fifty Shades of Targeted Marketing #2
So I deliver wine+liquor by the fuckton.
LowBatteryLife, December 21, 2013, 09:29:22 pm
Can I give you my address? I like my liquor by the fuckton.
Lemon, December 21, 2013, 10:00:19 pm

Homebrewing is where it's at. I made 20L (5ish gallons to the Americans) of peach cider recently for about thirty bucks on materials. Came out 7% ABV and delicious.


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Fifty Shades of Targeted Marketing #3
Lemon: Diesel ain't cheap. But if you're in the greater MN twin cities area, I could possibly make a stop. Alcoholics are literally my business :D


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Fifty Shades of Targeted Marketing #4
So I deliver wine+liquor by the fuckton.
LowBatteryLife, December 21, 2013, 09:29:22 pm
Can I give you my address? I like my liquor by the fuckton.
Lemon, December 21, 2013, 10:00:19 pm
Oh man, I can't *wait* for this to show up in a liquor order at work.... (I'm a female bar manager with a female boss, so we get TONS of this shit for free). Then again, free is free....