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Topic: The Boots Raingear has shingles pity party thread  (Read 26165 times)

Boots Raingear

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Maybe some suggestions on things to help distract me from the ear/neck/skin pain. Marijuana + advil is nearly, but not quite, making life tolerable.

Who else has gone through this? I'm trying not to be a miserable fuck, but I feel like I'm losing that battle.


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A close friend of mine had shingles and it definitely didn't look pleasant. I'd suggest audiobooks, maybe?


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I haven't had shingles, but when I had horrific road rash I found strong liquor really helped, because alcohol really numbed the skin quite nicely.

Bunnybread would say strong liquor is the solution to any problem, but in this case he'd be 100% right.

(Also maybe some videbo games will help with distractions.)


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If the pain is not all over your body and joints exercise helped... a guy I know. A guy I know has chronic back pain. The kind he would rather not have publicly known that he has. When he was first injured he tried lots of rest but in fact the pain was just worse when he had to get up. Pills and local anesthetics didn't do much for long either.
But exercising again did provide lasting help. Not exercising his back, that just causes pain, but routine exercise of healthy body parts. Getting the pituitary to pump out endorphins even after it has decided to stop delivering them for the pain. But skipping a day of exercise results in feeling like Caesar the Senate pincushion.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 12:32:37 am by Odd »


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My teenage brother had shingles a while back, and he sat in baking soda baths for DAYS.

I second the liquor recommendation. Nothing beats nerve pain like a nice bottle of Black Velvet....


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Local anesthetics and sandpaper is all I can suggest. But I've never have shingles and I don't know anybody who has it.

Realtalk: Alcohol and video games is the best thing I can think of. Hope you get better and don't suffer too much getting there.


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Pretend you're one of the characters from 'Threads'. It works for me!

(Please do not click that link unless you're ready to feel really, really awful.)


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Pretend you're one of the characters from 'Threads'. It works for me!

(Please do not click that link unless you're ready to feel really, really awful.)
STOG, January 21, 2014, 03:39:40 am

How often do you have shingles where this has become a strategy? Also why would you link that to a sick person? Shit's depressing dawg.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Bunnybread would say strong liquor is the solution to any problem, but in this case he'd be 100% right.
Acierocolotl, January 20, 2014, 10:00:39 pm

I feel so left out :(

Also - the solution to this is the same solution to every other problem mankind has invented. Booze + metal.


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Bunnybread would say strong liquor is the solution to any problem, but in this case he'd be 100% right.
Acierocolotl, January 20, 2014, 10:00:39 pm

I found that pills, booze and hoes were a pretty good distraction when I was laid up after surgery.  It worked so well that I continued with that exact same regimen long after I recovered from those surgeries. 

I'm writing a prescription for a glass of Johnny Walker Red and a blowjob to be administered twice daily. 

Boots Raingear

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I don't see how giving you more blowjobs is going to help things.

Thanks for the advice everyone, both serious and otherwise. I'm gonna do some weight exercises and maybe listen to some metal. I'll probably stick with the weed over booze. I am pretty goddamn moody enough as it is.

Fuck shingles.


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I don't know much about shingles, but when I was having nerve pain I found heat treatment worked well. Some people respond well to hot and some to cold, but it's something you might want to try in addition to everything else.

Victor Laszlo

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If it's been less than 72 hours then antivirals help - acyclovir or similar.  Especially if there is face involvement - if it's anywhere near your eye this is really, really important.  Otherwise it just tends to help some.

What's available over the counter in Canadia?  If you can get codeine or tramadol or something similar those tend to help.  In the great pill-washed States we tend to use the strong stuff for shingles - Percocet, etc. 

Otherwise marijuana is probably a good idea.  It certainly won't hurt.

Also, as a postscript, I only learned this week that Justin Bieber is Canadian.  So fuck you, Boots.  Fuck you right in your shingles-ridden ear.
Boots Raingear chai tea latte Lemon Baldr

Boots Raingear

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Yeah, I deserve that.

I got antivirals, but that was probably at about the 72 hour point so I don't know how helpful it is. I've been assured that my eyes are safe, so that's something. My doctor recommended a bunch of advil, I don't think codeine is possible without prescription here.

Yay Victor.


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You can get codeine in Ontario, but it's strictly over-the-counter.  You just need to ask for it explicitly.