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Topic: Screw you Lemon, we're posting about Doctor Who  (Read 10903 times)


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I want the salty tears, but I don't want to go looking for them because that would be depressing. Please post here if you find any hilariously stupid salty tears.
montrith, July 16, 2017, 06:42:25 pm


(the tweet in the link)



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Not wank fodder? They saw Paul McGann, right?

I mean I guess we could also not assume a woman exists only to provide sexual pleasure to men but in the mean time working toward  gender equity in wank fodder is a baby step.

Edit: Olivia Colman as a fussy yet sinister Master?  She's in everything.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 09:45:26 pm by FinchChunk »


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Not wank fodder? They saw Paul McGann, right?

I mean I guess we could also not assume a woman exists only to provide sexual pleasure to men but in the mean time working toward  gender equity in wank fodder is a baby step.

Edit: Olivia Colman as a fussy yet sinister Master?  She's in everything.
FinchChunk, July 16, 2017, 09:41:56 pm

I was thinking more along the lines of all the Doctor Who fanfic that's out there.

Amelia Blank

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Also, like Peter Capaldi is a dashing man. I'm certain there's wank material about his doctor already so....

I am super pumped to see what a female Doc will be like. <3 <3 I hope we get a three person TARDIS crew <3 <3