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Topic: 395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex  (Read 13808 times)


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395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex
Dr. Buttplug vaMpiresoftWare thelizzerd adrenochrome dome Salubrious Rex Immoral Filth
« Last Edit: January 02, 2024, 02:10:51 pm by Lemon »


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395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex #1
RIP sinead o'connor you would have loved monster cockonlylifestyle dot blog
Lemon Bodark Salubrious Rex


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395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex #2
*Evanescence playing* Dick me up the butt (Dick me up!)
Lemon DUDEVSTHEWORLD vaMpiresoftWare Dr. Buttplug Wolley74 thelizzerd Nemo2342 Salubrious Rex Blergh

sea hag

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395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex #3
This episode gets worse every second of its runtime.


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395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex #4
You know that thing where somebody you only kind of know gets in the car, and you turn on the car and it immediately just starts playing whatever you were listening to on your phone?

Yeah, be careful about that.
thelizzerd Bodark Salubrious Rex


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395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex #5
That's one reason why it's handy to save a jazzy playlist to ones phone or ones car audio system. Bossa Nova isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's also generally inoffensive

On a related note I read the reactions to the episode before listening to it but after downloading it. I am now afraid to listen to it.


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395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex #6
Call that Wide COVID


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395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex #7
Ass 2: Mouth


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395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex #8
I don't think I can recall another episode that goes off the rails quite as hard as this one, except maybe the nerd thigh strangle guy


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395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex #9
This episode I think is supposed to be called "This one is exclusively about buttsex" but it seems to be appearing everywhere as "THE one is exclusively about buttsex" instead


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395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex #10
I don't think I can recall another episode that goes off the rails quite as hard as this one, except maybe the nerd thigh strangle guy
DUDEVSTHEWORLD, January 02, 2024, 11:30:21 pm
Dr. Buttplug DUDEVSTHEWORLD Nemo2342 thelizzerd sea hag Bodark Salubrious Rex

Dr. Buttplug

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395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex #11
Doctor Buttplug approved TM
Achilles' Heelies sea hag Bodark Salubrious Rex


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395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex #12
This episode I think is supposed to be called "This one is exclusively about buttsex" but it seems to be appearing everywhere as "THE one is exclusively about buttsex" instead
DUDEVSTHEWORLD, January 03, 2024, 11:58:43 am

Whoops, just fixed. Thanks. Might take a while to propagate out to podcatchers.

A Meat

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395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex #13
Exercising my mind by trying to imagine increasing orders of buttsex, the triple penetration described in the episode could probably be exceeded somehow, hell a quintuple penetration might be possible under extreme conditions


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395: The One Is Exclusively About Buttsex #14
You know that thing where somebody you only kind of know gets in the car, and you turn on the car and it immediately just starts playing whatever you were listening to on your phone?

Yeah, be careful about that.
Lemon, January 02, 2024, 05:17:04 pm

My friends would judge me less for this than the music I listen to. Moral: don't befriend music snobs?
sea hag Salubrious Rex