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Topic: TV we've been watching lately  (Read 170787 times)


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TV we've been watching lately #300

I also just wrapped up The Tick, Season 1, on Amazon, and it is fine. It wasn't laugh-a-minute like I was hoping from something with The Tick in it. It was more like an Arthur origin story. I am hoping the next season will actually serve the titular character better. Peter Serafinowicz starts the series with this bombastic energy that is near deflated by the last scene of the season. There are some really solid bits throughout the season, however, that made it worthwhile for me. The episodes I liked the best featured retired superdog Midnight, voiced by the animated Tick's Townsend Coleman. Since this series comes from Tick creator Ben Edlund himself, I have to respect what he was trying with this decades-old character.

Adam Bozarth, May 18, 2018, 02:15:51 am

Season 2 of the The Tick is honestly great. Season 1 does not compare. It really feels like they should have both been "season 1" since it wraps up a lot nicer. The show gets funnier and a lot more sweet.


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TV we've been watching lately #301
Anybody else watch the new Arrested Development?

I'll be frank, I love what is provided. On the other hand, I will gladly acknowledge it does not even attempt to take care of half of the S4 plotlines that are still open and even opens up more of its own. I want to hope the second half is building to a good payoff, but we'll have to wait and see. Honestly, the split baffles me. This is not the kind of show you split with many months in-between. The eventual payoff works pretty well with some weekly build up, not a binge and subsequent binge 6 months later.

The Shoe-Gini is my favorite bit, though. That transition had me in tears.


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TV we've been watching lately #302
I watched American Bible Challenge hosted by Jeff Foxworthy and learned that the bible says it's okay to eat grasshoppers
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TV we've been watching lately #303
My girlfriend's gotten me into watching Brooklyn 99.

Andy Samberg's character is the worst part of the show, but I feel like everyone involved is actually aware of that, so it works.


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TV we've been watching lately #304
I'm slowly watching King of the Hill again, after watching it pretty regularly when it originally aired, but only sporadic episodes since then. It's oddly a lot like Beavis & Butt-Head in that a lot of the deeper themes went over my head as a kid, mainly in that both shows (and Mike Judge's comedy in general) are about people who've been failed by the authority figures in their lives.
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Amor Vincit Omnia (Sense8 finale)
Here are my loose, uncollected thoughts on the Sense8 season finale movie. No spoilers, I wouldn't do that to you.

It begins weakly - exposition is not the strong point of this show. It has never been, and was never meant to be. I think Netflix wanted the movie to be accessible for people who had not seen both season previously. It is, I think? But at the same time, that's impossible.

After the clunky-for-the-Wachowskis (so ultimately not so bad, really) dialogue early, the remaining two hours are a triumph. Many plot threads are wrapped up. There is a music video segment, cool gun-fu, and the other things you expect from this show. All of these key elements are executed well. The cinematography continues to thrill and delight, with the camera techniques developed over the course of the first season - all of which feel natural and very tight.

When the Christmas special ended with Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah, but in a way that was somehow still meaningful and beautiful and not trite, I assumed the show would not be able to reduplicate this feat. It does, perhaps even more so, at the end of the movie. The author's statement in the penultimate scene is somehow neither overdone nor incomplete. The final scenes are wonderful closure, and I "ugly cried" at least five separate times.

I don't know what I really wanted this to be, and took pains not to learn anything about the finale until I saw it. The movie was a joy to experience. If you watched this show, you should watch the movie. If you didn't watch the show, I earnestly encourage you to check out one of the most novel and beautiful portraits of the variety of human intimacy I have ever seen.

Thank you. Thank you for reading this post, thank you to the Wachowskis and JMS for this series. Thank you to the fans who, as I did, wrote letters, sent emails, and made Netflix fund this capstone to something that I will probably treasure for a very long time.


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TV we've been watching lately #306
Community S2E09 is still one of the absolute best episodes of the entire show. The A-plot is full of hilarious and insane twists, and the B-plot introduces one of the most important parts of Troy and Abed's relationship.

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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TV we've been watching lately #307
Not sure if this is the place for comedy specials, but goddamn Hannah Gadsby's Nanette is really good!

Edit: Huge Content Warning!!  Hannah talks about some really heavy shit, include sexual assault, violent homophobia, and mental illness. Watching it at work was kinda  a mistake.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2018, 04:43:21 pm by Sanguinary Self-Help Novel »


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TV we've been watching lately #308
Not sure if this is the place for comedy specials, but goddamn Hannah Gadsby's Nanette is really good!

Edit: Huge Content Warning!!  Hannah talks about some really heavy shit, include sexual assault, violent homophobia, and mental illness. Watching it at work was kinda  a mistake.
Sanguinary Self-Help Novel, June 26, 2018, 03:11:19 pm

So it gets better?  We probably watched 10 minutes waiting for it to get intense but turned it off because the show seemed about as boring as Gadsby described herself.

This is sorta related but has anyone ever seen that one Tig Notaro routine?  Supposedly the most powerful stand up ever since she had just been diagnosed with cancer but still went out there and did her thing.  I wanted to know if it was REALLY as awesome as I've been led to believe. 

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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TV we've been watching lately #309
Not sure if this is the place for comedy specials, but goddamn Hannah Gadsby's Nanette is really good!

Edit: Huge Content Warning!!  Hannah talks about some really heavy shit, include sexual assault, violent homophobia, and mental illness. Watching it at work was kinda  a mistake.
Sanguinary Self-Help Novel, June 26, 2018, 03:11:19 pm

So it gets better?  We probably watched 10 minutes waiting for it to get intense but turned it off because the show seemed about as boring as Gadsby described herself.

This is sorta related but has anyone ever seen that one Tig Notaro routine?  Supposedly the most powerful stand up ever since she had just been diagnosed with cancer but still went out there and did her thing.  I wanted to know if it was REALLY as awesome as I've been led to believe.
Bunnybread, June 29, 2018, 02:44:12 pm

Yeah it takes a little to build up, probably about 20-25 minutes. Maybe I find her boring-relatable and didn't notice

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TV we've been watching lately #310
Now working my way through Westworld.  It's a narrative disaster: too many threads, too many stories, too many timelines.  It tiptoes so close to having something interesting to say about suffering/pain and what it means to be alive/human, but it always stops short like a kid afraid of jumping off the high dive.  And yet, I can't stop watching it.


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TV we've been watching lately #311
I watched all of Chewing the Fat and Still Game, both scottish comedy series, and I really liked Still Game, and I liked about half the skits in Chewing the Fat. Go watch Still Game if you like old scottish men being crass, and go watch Chewing the Fat if you watch all of Still Game and still want to see more of Jack and Victor's wacky antics. Out of all of Still Game there was one episode I really didn't like just because it had a really terrible resolution where an alcoholic character relapsed and chose whiskey over a cash settlement in court, which they tried to play for laughs but even the live studio audience half laughed and half went "ohhhhh". Apart from that, I liked it!

Now I'm watching Final Fantasy XIV: Dad of Light, which is a Japanese series about a man trying to reconnect with his dad through playing Final Fantasy XIV with him. It hits really close to home, given that I really love FFXIV and me and my dad used to play WoW back when I was a kid, and even though the plot is kind of contrived (for whatever reason, he won't tell his dad that he's playing with him, he just goes along with him on his character and plans to reveal that it was him all along later) I still get some feelings from it. Recommended if you have the exact same background as I do, or if you like videogames and your dad.


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TV we've been watching lately #312
The first episode of God Friended Me just came out!!

Sherman Tank

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TV we've been watching lately #313
Watched all of The Terror last night. Pretty good stuff apart from a few historical inaccuracies (the expedition wasn't looking for the Northwest Passage, they were part of a larger effort to chart geomagnetism).
« Last Edit: September 30, 2018, 09:00:20 am by Sherman Tank Sex is Much More Adventurous and Interesting »


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TV we've been watching lately #314
Watching through all the Arrowverse shows in chronological order (not quite airdate order, there's slight reordering all throughout to link all the crossovers up right) is a task that starts off reasonable, and then slowly reveals itself to be insane. It's doubly awful if you try doing it in Australia without a VPN, where all the shows are on different streaming services, except for Supergirl which is on none of them.

Still makes it weirdly satisfying to watch and see all the more minor crossover details turn up between shows that indicate you actually are seeing all this unfold in the right order. It also makes Arrow metatextually hilarious, because you can see the exact moment in season 2 where they decide what they want to do with The Flash and how they need to make Arrow a little more fantastical to have the two fit into the same world... and then realize when the first season of The Flash starts that they did not do enough because Arrow characters turning up in The Flash feels weird every time.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 05:09:47 am by Cleretic »