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Topic: Garbage Day 2019 - May 18  (Read 56347 times)


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Garbage Day 2019 - May 18 #135
I wanted to make sure you got something cool for donating a boatload of money, even if it wasn't from a Rediculist. I did get to listen to Sewer Surfin' while giggling to myself in a coffee shop, so win-win.
Bobguinary Novel, June 20, 2019, 08:14:03 pm
How did you know that Sewer Surfin' was my favorite song from the Turtles in Time soundtrack?

* This is a rhetorical question, it is because it is the best song on the Turtles in Time soundtrack..
Macho Masc Sangy Savage Shell Game


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Garbage Day 2019 - May 18 #136
I didn't know the F+ was doing a tour in my town! Excited to go.

Thanks, Jack Chick!
Boots Raingear Corn Syrup


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Garbage Day 2019 - May 18 #137
Got bored on my lunchbreak so I ran the Lar songs through Microsoft Songsmith

Wonder If

Virginia Surf (sp?)
Internet User GirlKisser420
« Last Edit: March 25, 2020, 01:13:05 pm by inzane_jomni »


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Garbage Day 2019 - May 18 #138

Saw this on a conspiracy group I'm in. Felt pretty good knowing about the Stephen King/John Lennon thing from Bozarth's reading! Glad this dude is jumping on new fresh conspiracies as well!
Hux Salubrious Rex xX_sp00ks_Xx Dr. Buttplug Puppy Time

Puppy Time

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Garbage Day 2019 - May 18 #139
Glad this dude is jumping on new fresh conspiracies as well!
Cradicus, May 22, 2020, 05:02:53 pm

Interestingly, people who are inclined to believe in one conspiracy theory tend to believe in pretty much EVERY conspiracy theory, including contradictory ones. (Like, "Queen Elizabeth had Princess Di murdered" AND "Princess Di faked her death.") 

Something about some peoples' psyches just makes them hear any old story about people getting together for nefarious purposes and go, "Yup, that sounds legit."

adrenochrome dome

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Garbage Day 2019 - May 18 #140
I find the idea that it relates to our tendency to seek patterns the most compelling. Some people (through nurture or nature) are wired to find patterns more often, including when there aren't any.

Puppy Time

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Garbage Day 2019 - May 18 #141
Seeking patterns, a tendency to ascribe agency where there isn't any, anxiety leading to a need for a sense of control, and also often being kind of a jerk, because in order to believe that large groups of people are coordinating to be assholes, you have to already think that it's very normal to want to be an asshole.
adrenochrome dome