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Topic: Episode 195 - A Bad Judge of Character  (Read 3072 times)

Shell Game

  • Extra Creditor, Crab, Dragon Enthusiast
  • Paid
  • "..........Rarrr????"
  • 4,966
  • 669
Episode 195 - A Bad Judge of Character
Lumbermouth Salubrious Rex vaMpiresoftWare Secret Gaygent 69


  • Paid
  • 277
  • 9
Episode 195 - A Bad Judge of Character #1
Hell yeah I'm gonna fuckin HATE this
Shell Game


  • Paid
  • 65
  • 11
Episode 195 - A Bad Judge of Character #2
In the scheme of things I'd say this was a somewhat surreal episode to click onto without reading the synopsis just after D&D finished today
Shell Game


  • The Atomic Unit of Sin
  • Paid
  • Was it your my mistake or my my mistake?
  • 235
  • 18
Episode 195 - A Bad Judge of Character #3
Alternate episode title: Escape from the Foot Sweat Realm
Shell Game Salubrious Rex Sauce

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
  • Paid
  • filled with delicious dude meat
  • 4,712
  • 133
Episode 195 - A Bad Judge of Character #4
Can my character be half-Italian? Is that supported?
Lumbermouth Sauce Secret Gaygent 69


  • Paid
    • 294
    • 31
Episode 195 - A Bad Judge of Character #5
Shell Game you're my favorite car
Shell Game Lumbermouth

Shell Game

  • Extra Creditor, Crab, Dragon Enthusiast
  • Paid
  • "..........Rarrr????"
  • 4,966
  • 669
Episode 195 - A Bad Judge of Character #6
Shell Game you're my favorite car
Glitterbomber, July 01, 2024, 04:40:17 pm


  • Paid
  • Copperhead: Breakfast of Champions
  • 58
  • 25
Episode 195 - A Bad Judge of Character #7
So this is what Shell means when she's undergoing carcinization, got it.
Salubrious Rex Secret Gaygent 69