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June 02, 2024, 08:25:07 am

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Topic: 194: r/ecuseyourself  (Read 41382 times)


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194: r/ecuseyourself


  • Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?
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194: r/ecuseyourself #1

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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194: r/ecuseyourself #2
Adam was right, I was wrong.

Lemon, November 16, 2015, 07:39:18 pm

Without listening to the episode, I can only assume this is now the easiest way to snag a pickup truck down to the fishing hole for some good ol' catfish noodling.

Sherman Tank

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194: r/ecuseyourself #3
I'm halfway through and I'm really, really infuriated. Holy shit.

The Comna

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194: r/ecuseyourself #4
Stog's sugar daddy joke may be the most Stog thing that Stog ever stogged.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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194: r/ecuseyourself #5
My porn name is Peter Hoetos, so...


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194: r/ecuseyourself #6
Ralph Fineass


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194: r/ecuseyourself #7
Why isn't every episode tagged with "the internet isn't helping" and "witness the death of shame and reason"?

Also, I thought the level of annoying twatishness was going to peak with the pastafarian... oh boy. Oh boy oh boy.

Knitting Machine

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194: r/ecuseyourself #8
I love /legaladvice so much, and I'm glad to see it get on the podcast.


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194: r/ecuseyourself #9
Dear ballp.it/legaladvice, if I want to sue Lemon because this episode gave me a rage-induced aneurysm, how much money could I get?

HOOOLy shit that guy who wants to get full custody of his child to save on child support. Just, fuck. Goddamnit.


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194: r/ecuseyourself #10
I am actually dead from a series of aneurysms.

A Meat

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194: r/ecuseyourself #11
I was going to actually calculate how much time ahead of the douchebag's car passing the crosswalk you have to throw the baseball up in the air for it to shatter the car's windshield, but then I decided I have better things to do, e.g. anything.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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194: r/ecuseyourself #12
Sadly, the episode missed my personal favourite /r/legaladvice idiot, the kid who got a chequebook and immediately wrote "souvenir" cheques to all his friends, who then cashed them even though he told them not to. Now his parents are out the $1000 they put in the account, plus fees, and they might not even pay for his holidays! Check through his user history.


As for /r/legaladvice, it seems to be 50% idiots and 50% people who want to know if they have a case against the dodgy landlord who's nicking their stuff and that sort of thing.

Since every time reddit gets mentioned, you ask what it's actually useful for... I use it for several things. First of all, it is good for dumb pictures, and sometimes I like dumb pictures. There are subreddits for taking the best bits of tumblr and for showcasing the idiots who use reddit itself, among other things, which can be fun. It's also good outside the larger more general subreddits. I've met some good and helpful people through the mental health subreddits, even if some of the stuff I've said there probably belongs in it's own episode. It's also pretty good for question and answer stuff, the vast majority of my reddit posts now are in weekly new player question threads for guild wars 2, where I can tell people what to buy with their e-bux or where to find good character builds. Plus, reddit is good crowdsourcing for information. The blackhawks subreddit keeps me on top of everything going on so I don't have to trawl through half a dozen different twitter accounts and news pages. Frankly I find it easier to look for scores and schedules and things there as well.

It's maybe not ideal, but I can read and talk about all that on one website with one account without ever having to see /r/legaladvice or /r/changemyview or whatever other shit is around.

Knitting Machine

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194: r/ecuseyourself #13
I use reddit for knitting/crochet patterns and ideas. Way better than the boards on Raverly and Crafty (is that even a thing anymore?).


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194: r/ecuseyourself #14
HOOOLy shit that guy who wants to get full custody of his child to save on child support. Just, fuck. Goddamnit.
Gyro, November 17, 2015, 09:07:03 am

I spent four years as a divorce lawyer. I included that guy in this doc just to give you all a hint as to why I spent every day of those four years yearning for the meteors that would cleanse the earth with fire.