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June 02, 2024, 01:03:13 pm

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Topic: My mom makes Christmas ornaments!  (Read 5530 times)


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My mom makes Christmas ornaments!
Exactly what it says on the tin. Opening an Etsy store might not seem like the biggest step, but for my mom, it's actually pretty huge. While she works on getting her wares in local shops, she's opened her Etsy store on the offhand chance someone might be interested. My mom's been through a lot, and I'm incredibly proud of her for putting herself and her crafts out there like this.

Her ornaments are meant to be heirlooms, while still being the sort of durable ornament that you can trust your three-year-old with when they want to help decorate. She knows it's not likely to be her main source of income, but she wants to make everyone's Christmases a little more special. Please keep her store in mind for your Christmas ornament needs!

Mistic Fibers

There's not a lot I can do for my mom, but if I could even get her one customer, that'd be...unbelievable. Thanks in advance, guys.

I took the photographs.
NutshellGulag Emperor Jack Chick Wrought MythosSanta bubbleuj Liatai Hux


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My mom makes Christmas ornaments! #1
This is super precious!! I'm so proud of your mom for taking a big step and putting her art into the world. I may have to pick one of these up for my sister soon.


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My mom makes Christmas ornaments! #2
Just asked my parents if we're getting a tree this year. If so, I'm gonna buy one. Btw, tell your mom she's awesome and brave for doing this. Art is scary and hard, and selling art even more so.