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Topic: Movies on Youtube  (Read 3323 times)

Mr. Hunky Academia

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Movies on Youtube
Hey firends

There are a lot of small forgotten movies buried deep within the youtube algorithms. Everything from dumb Hong Kong kung-fu flicks and eastern-european arthouse movies to middle-american social realism and Nollywood insanity. I've started this thread to share some of the better ones I've found and I hope you'll share some recommendations as well!

God Told Me To (1976)

Part crime drama, part religious thriller as a cop has to investigate seemingly random religiously motivated rampages all over New York. To quote a letterboxd reviewer: "It's nearly impossible to really describe the story without spoiling it, because it's so uniquely bizarre you can't help but give too much away."

Viy (1967)

A young priest is ordered to preside over the wake of a neighboring farmers daughter,  and as he spends three nights alone with the corpse he only has his faith to protect him from her dark secret. An old soviet spooker with great suspense and amazing special effects. Well ahead of it's time.

Tokyo Blood(1993)

A collection of 4 short stories of individuals metaphorically trapped in the urban sprawl of Tokyo. Directed by one of my favorite punk directors Gakuryū Ishii.

Dr. Buttplug chai tea latte Spenny


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Movies on Youtube #1
As is probably almost common knowledge at this point, due to errors in filing the original copyright, the original Night of the Living Dead is in the public domain and is thus available for free pretty much everywhere online:

Dr. Buttplug auaurorau

Mr. Hunky Academia

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Movies on Youtube #2
The 1000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse (1960)

Last movie the German genius director Fritz Lang (Metropolis, M, The Big Heat). A tight crime thriller about the ominous figure Dr. Mabuse. A marriage of German expressionism and contemporary Hollywood.

The Spook Who Sat by the Door (1973)

A movie that was almost erased from history due to it's depiction of African-American militarism. A black man gains access to CIA training and then uses that knowledge to plot a new American Revolution.
Features an incredibly funky score by none other than Herbie Hancock.

War of the Wizards (1978)

Lord help me I'm back on my kung fu bullshit. It's dumb, it's weird, I LOVE IT. Also features Richard Kiel in between filming his two stints as "Jaws" in The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker.

Dr. Buttplug

Tipsy Almond

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Movies on Youtube #3
Tales From The Far Side, Volumes 1 and 2. Over an hour of animated insanity based on The Far Side comics.

This qualifies as a film imo. Just look at it! :D :B

Dr. Buttplug RoeCocoa


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Movies on Youtube #4
Immortal Combat, aka Resort To Kill, is a 1994 film starring Sonny Chiba and Rowdy Roddy Piper as buddy cops battling ninja zombies created by evil CEO Meg Foster. You're welcome.

Dr. Buttplug


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Movies on Youtube #5
I love watching movies on YouTube. Not having to pay for a streaming service improves the experience.

The Wrong Guy (1997)

The other, unofficial Kids in the Hall movie after Brain Candy, although the style of humor actually reminds me more of golden age Simpsons. So naturally it’s one of my favorite comedies now.

Stone Cold (1991)

An absolutely nuts action movie starring former NFL linebacker Brian “The Boz” Bosworth as an undercover cop with the most ridiculous mullet ever committed to film. It was directed by a stunt coordinator, and you can tell (this is a compliment btw).

Freaked (1993)

A very fun body horror (light on the horror) comedy starring and codirected by Alex Winter, featuring some really impressive and creative makeup effects.

Also, for anyone interested in Soviet film, Mosfilm—the film studio which was formerly had the USSR’s monopoly on movie production—has a YouTube channel where you can watch pretty much every great Soviet movie ever made.
