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May 31, 2024, 07:08:11 pm

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May 31 11:13pm
Anyway, back again! This is one of my fav Extra Credit episodes so I decided to check up on our fav and his Ao3 experience right now.

Some of the fics read in this episode are still online! They're not particularly well-liked, though, the rate of kudos to words is something like 1:10000 at this point. Probably cause of the lack of punctuation, but also maybe cause he doesn't know how to tag pairings etc correctly?? so people just won't see his stuff?

However, HeirofRedfield, and his other alt BroomRider have gone offline.

What I have found however is definitely other alts of his (it's uhh pretty easy to tell) DaanofSweden, NoSpokenWord, Switch_Hitter and CanICallYouDaddy. Hey, there's maybe others too! Who knows. I'm deeply impressed by his word count.
May 31 09:32pm
Been thinking about isekai again and how few of them actually play off of the structure and  conventions of it as a genre and instead just use it to lazily simplify a fantasy setting.
May 31 02:46pm
So everyone from this episode is dead by now, right?
junior associate faguar, May 12, 2024, 02:47:38 am


Wait, did you mean the subjects or the readers?

Regardless.... yes.
May 31 12:05am

F Plus Quotes Thread (post #1301)

"Can I touch your bagging bobbies, can I?"
May 30 10:43pm

F Plus Quotes Thread (post #1301)

277: My First Time (Lying On A Website) has so many great quotes and it is so hard for me to pick my favorite, but here is one:

Lemon: Hey female what do you think a doctor is?
Kumquatxop: It's a big vertical drop
weebphorus, November 28, 2023, 08:36:01 pm

This one came up again in my rotation and it is probably one of my favorites. I love the Jimmy Buffet bit, the way Adam says “she wanted to FUCK,” and the whole popcorn story with “so I took her to that movies” and “tough my parts” cracks me up every time.
May 30 01:30pm
The original theme for Iron Chef is an orchestral piece from the Backdraft soundtrack called Show Me Your Fire Truck
May 30 12:50pm
There's a certification process for USB cables just for Android Auto.
May 30 01:48am
One of the foremost shapers of rabbinic Judaism in the third century CE was so beautiful that he sat in front of the ritual bathhouse so when women walked by they would see him and when they went home to their husbands, they would think about him, and then their kids would be hot. Also he had a Situationship with a former-gladiator turned-bandit that he encountered while naked in the Jordan, and subsequently married off to his sister.
May 29 11:07pm

CTRL+V and post it (post #1564)

The ultimate shared human experience is being hangry. It crosses time and culture.
May 29 06:42pm

CTRL+V and post it (post #1564)

Look if you gonna learn Japanese for professional career and stuff that is fine

But dear god if you learn a whole ass new language to play untranslated visual novels then leave touching grass you need to touch all the trees in Amazon forest
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