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Topic: If we're really quiet, maybe they won't notice that we're talking about ANIME  (Read 174528 times)


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Based on the three shows you mentioned, I'm pretty sure you're looking for Psycho Pass.  It has:

1) A weird dystopian future (Akira / Ghost in the Shell).
2) Philosophy 101 intermissions (Ghost in the Shell).
3) Infrequent but beautifully made action sequences (Cowboy Bebop).
4) Police procedural elements (Ghost in the Shell).
5) Government shenanigans ( Akira / Ghost in the Shell).
6) Incredibly competent fighters who somehow keep losing their guns, and then they punch each other a lot (Cowboy Bebop).

You want season one and then the movie.  People here said season two was horrible, so I never watched it.  I felt that the series was too gratuitous with violence at first and almost stopped watching it, but in retrospect those parts were required for the story they were telling.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop I Liked That Joke chai tea latte Mix


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The only thing I'd mention with Psycho Pass is that it's definitely modern anime, being from 2012. I don't know about I Liked That Joke, but some people point to 80s/90s cyberpunk anime for the themes and some just for the visual style, and while Psycho Pass definitely has visual style, it's a completely different one.


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If you like old school cyberpunk-ish stuff, you may really dig Kurau: Phantom Memory. It's an anime from 2004 that's basically about a woman who, when she was 12, got caught up in a lab accident that caused her to end up possessed by alien entities from another dimension. She initially uses the resulting powers to take on merc work, but after one of the entities accidentally breaks free and creates itself a body, she finds herself on the run from people trying to capture the both of them for experimentation. Also, the moon is completely colonized, because why not. It's by Bones and has the same director as Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Alien 9, and it even has an 'okay' dub.

If you don't mind an anime that doesn't care about how absurd it is, Speed Grapher may also be your bag. It's kind of all over the place but I found it entertaining the whole way through because it absolutely has no chill. The main character gains the power to blow things up with his camera and he constantly is on the run from various assassins whose fetish quite literally determine their super powers. Do I really need to say more?
Also, the opening is a fucking Duran Duran song.

Lastly, I feel required to mention Lain, though you probably already know about it considering how (in)famous it is in how pretentious its fans are lol

I've also heard good things about stuff like Ergo Proxy, Texhnolyze, etc; but I haven't actually watched those myself yet so I don't wanna recommend something blind.
I Liked That Joke Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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If you like old school cyberpunk-ish stuff, you may really dig Kurau: Phantom Memory. It's an anime from 2004 that's basically about a woman who, when she was 12, got caught up in a lab accident that caused her to end up possessed by alien entities from another dimension. She initially uses the resulting powers to take on merc work, but after one of the entities accidentally breaks free and creates itself a body, she finds herself on the run from people trying to capture the both of them for experimentation. Also, the moon is completely colonized, because why not. It's by Bones and has the same director as Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Alien 9, and it even has an 'okay' dub.

If you don't mind an anime that doesn't care about how absurd it is, Speed Grapher may also be your bag. It's kind of all over the place but I found it entertaining the whole way through because it absolutely has no chill. The main character gains the power to blow things up with his camera and he constantly is on the run from various assassins whose fetish quite literally determine their super powers. Do I really need to say more?
Also, the opening is a fucking Duran Duran song.

Lastly, I feel required to mention Lain, though you probably already know about it considering how (in)famous it is in how pretentious its fans are lol

I've also heard good things about stuff like Ergo Proxy, Texhnolyze, etc; but I haven't actually watched those myself yet so I don't wanna recommend something blind.
Mix, January 12, 2018, 06:55:56 pm
Ergo Proxy was pretty good as I remember it, but it's been a bit


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I've also heard good things about stuff like Ergo Proxy, Texhnolyze, etc; but I haven't actually watched those myself yet so I don't wanna recommend something blind.
Mix, January 12, 2018, 06:55:56 pm
I wrote up most of a post about Texhnolyze before just throwing it away. Some people absolutely love it. I got through 13 of the 24? episodes before it managed to go anywhere and I honestly just gave up on it. It's this position of "Everyone else likes it so maybe you will, I thought it was garbage."

A Meat

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Probably not what you think you're looking for, but Dennou Coil is a neat anime about 12 year olds in the near future where VR is common in peoples' lives and is integrated with all sorts of mundane things. But the municipal VR system starts malfunctioning and kids explore it and find weird glitches and things that interfere with VR projections of things around them.

Also, Pop Team Epic is good, this is the comedy for the post-modern mind


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If you're looking for something older, you might like Bubblegum Crisis from the late '80s and early '90s. They were one of those anime series I saw because they had a few of the VHS tapes in my local Blockbuster video. Since that was the only way to see anime back then, I watched the shit out of them. I couldn't tell you for sure if they were actually good, or if I just have fond, nostalgic memories of them. They tend to be overlooked these days, so maybe they weren't so great. I also recall they remade it into a TV series called Tokyo 2040 that I didn't like, so make sure you're checking out the eight episode OVA series.
I Liked That Joke Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop NutshellGulag


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Space Dandy S1E9

Did Dandy just commit genocide? I think Dandy just committed genocide. I'm not sure that the show understands this.


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Space Dandy will always have a place in my heart, because it's the only show I've seen where the characters attempt to solve a problem by asking Yahoo! Answers.

Sherman Tank

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Is it wrong that I watched a bunch of episodes of Fairy Tail because I heard there was a character who wanted the heroes to BLOW UP THE MOON?

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Hey nerds I'm popping in long enough to post this masterpiece from Berserk since Trav referenced it today:

NSFW content. Click to show.
Guts Going Nutz

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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I've been watching Aggretsuko on Netflix.
It's fucking great.


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I've been watching Aggretsuko on Netflix.
It's fucking great.
Ambious, April 28, 2018, 03:51:13 pm
I just binged the whole thing today myself! I remember thinking the premise was gimmicky when I first heard of it, but it's actually got an impressive level of depth in terms of characterization, and the writing is actually pretty great.


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Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop lazzer grardaion? A Meat Ragnarok Boobies
« Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 09:01:20 am by Runic »