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Topic: If we're really quiet, maybe they won't notice that we're talking about ANIME  (Read 174548 times)


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I'm coming to the end of Rurouni Kenshin. It has gradually become exhausting to watch. Just stop after the duel that kicks off season 2.

chai tea latte

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I'm not really knowledge with anime so I thought I'd come here for help.

Is there any like. Nice and cute anime that's v feel good you'd recommend to someone sorta new-ish to this stuff?
jorty, August 25, 2016, 09:05:29 am
check out Girls und Panzer, which is cute, fun, and doesn't have fanservice. Also, watch Cowboy Bebop, which is a very good anime for people who aren't anime nerds.

Jack Sensation - it's not an anime but what you and yours need in your lives is Nathan For You, which is sublime and even better wasted. Start with s01e04.

Argyle Funk

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Seconding Nozaki, it's Good.

Do you guys have any recommendations for something to watch late at night while drunk with other people? Right now we're staying up until 2am to watch JoJos and we really need something to tide us over in the two hours from midnight until that - we finished One Punch Man and hated Mob Psycho, if we can riff on it bad anime is fine too since we got through the Persona 4 one.
Jack Sensation, August 25, 2016, 09:29:55 am
G Gundam. You definitely want G Gundam. When I'm on break I'll elaborate/give you some reccomendations Jorty
AgentCoop, August 25, 2016, 09:39:54 am
I'm gonna second the hell out of G Gundam

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

A Meat

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is G Gundam the one with the Windmill gundam? I gotta see that one

Also watch Nichijou, it's the best sketch comedy anime there is

Argyle Funk

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is G Gundam the one with the Windmill gundam? I gotta see that oneA Meat, August 25, 2016, 10:36:59 am

You know it is

And yes, you (and everyone else) should watch it. It's all on YouTube!
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Seconding Bebop for Jorty, and also check out Gurren Lagan/Kill La Kill, Azumanga Diaoh (full disclosure it's been a couple years since I've seen this and it could be bad/gross, but I remember it being P cute) and bonus "sorta anime" rec: Started watch the Netflix Voltron show with a friend and it's very fun/enjoyable.

On the subject of G Gundam all I have to say is that it's a masterpiece, make sure to watch the Dub if you watch it, and remember to fly the sky
Argyle Funk jorty

A Meat

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Kill la Kill is advanced anime and it's a fascinating mess but I think I liked it overall? Not for anime neophytes

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I'm not really knowledge with anime so I thought I'd come here for help.

Is there any like. Nice and cute anime that's v feel good you'd recommend to someone sorta new-ish to this stuff?
jorty, August 25, 2016, 09:05:29 am

  • Confirming Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun is so good
  • Nichijou is my all-time favorite
  • If moe shit doesn't make you cringe to death, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? is actually a surprisingly great show
  • Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge and Non Non Biyori are both so nice so cute so feel good if you don't mind how slow they are
  • Usagi Drop is really nice and sweet just don't read the manga
I would recommend all of those 100%. Two shows I would tentatively recommend but definitely not for everyone: Yuru Yuri is funny and has some really nice moments but the first season has a lot of jokes about one character fantasizing about two of her friends and it's like... yeah this joke is funny but the nature of the joke requires there to be two 14 year old girls on my screen doing questionable things. It never crosses the line imo but my god does it toe that line aggressively. After the first season they tone it way down on that stuff. It's a great show but I wouldn't introduce it to my parents

Also tentatively recommended is Yuyushiki which is one of my favorite shows but the art style of the characters is kind of not great to look at until you get used to it and also it has a pretty weird sense of humor so idk

Fatty Bo Batty

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If you are just looking for really basic, fun, bite-sized anime, I would recommend the Tonari No Seki-Kun shorts.

chai tea latte

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Kill la Kill is Anime 201, not Anime 101. It's incredible and really good but you will not appreciate it fully without seeing less competent shows first.


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Anyone have any suggestion for a series you can marathon over the course of one night? Me and my friends at college do an anime/board game night once a week and It's coming up on the time when we choose our watchlist for the semester.

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Anyone have any suggestion for a series you can marathon over the course of one night? Me and my friends at college do an anime/board game night once a week and It's coming up on the time when we choose our watchlist for the semester.
MythosSanta, August 26, 2016, 12:12:44 am

Any particular type of series or just anything that's short enough to watch in one night? Pretty much anything these days that isn't a long-running series like One Piece or Naruto is going to be the same length of 12-14 episodes so around four hours


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Seconding Bebop for Jorty, and also check out Gurren Lagan/Kill La Kill, Azumanga Diaoh (full disclosure it's been a couple years since I've seen this and it could be bad/gross, but I remember it being P cute) and bonus "sorta anime" rec: Started watch the Netflix Voltron show with a friend and it's very fun/enjoyable.

On the subject of G Gundam all I have to say is that it's a masterpiece, make sure to watch the Dub if you watch it, and remember to fly the sky
AgentCoop, August 25, 2016, 11:12:42 am

I'm gonna second you on the G Gundam recommendation. I remember watching a couple episodes with two really good friends and it was a lot of fun! :D
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Anyone have any suggestion for a series you can marathon over the course of one night? Me and my friends at college do an anime/board game night once a week and It's coming up on the time when we choose our watchlist for the semester.
MythosSanta, August 26, 2016, 12:12:44 am
In the continued theme of Coop reccomending Gundam stuff, 08th MS Team is pretty short, and the kind of thing that would be good to have on in the background while playing your board game of choice


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Results of Saturday's anime night. We watched Jojo to catch my friend up, then decided fuck it and started watching Beyblades....

My friend group is now collectively binging Beyblades.

This will all end in tears.
lazzer grardaion?