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Topic: Batman v. Superman Trailer  (Read 5113 times)


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Batman v. Superman Trailer
Among the myriad of news coming out of Comic Con was the latest trailer for "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice."

It seems that most of what people think about it comes out as snark, though somewhat deserved, since its predecessor is "Man of Steel." But seeing the new trailer has actually gotten me interested in it, and I like the direction it appears to be going.

Any thoughts?


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Batman v. Superman Trailer #1

I am genuinely so fucking hype I don't even care anymore that she's a shit actress and that batman looks like garbage.

Nikaer Drekin

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Batman v. Superman Trailer #2
It definitely looks like it's following in Man of Steel's footsteps, a.k.a. gray gray gray, grim grim gray gray look how serious we all are about everything. I think this plotline is promising, and it's nice to see Wonder Woman finally get any attention in movies, but I have such disdain for Zack Snyder at this point that I wish almost anyone else was behind this.


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Batman v. Superman Trailer #3
It definitely looks like it's following in Man of Steel's footsteps, a.k.a. gray gray gray, grim grim gray gray look how serious we all are about everything. I think this plotline is promising, and it's nice to see Wonder Woman finally get any attention in movies, but I have such disdain for Zack Snyder at this point that I wish almost anyone else was behind this.
Nikaer Drekin, July 11, 2015, 05:08:08 pm

Zack Snyder can do a decent job with the right script. The 300 and Watchmen were both very high-functioning movies, but yeah, Man of Steel only had quality that could be appreciated ironically. This one looks stupid in the specific way that Zack Snyder could manage it. I don't want to be too optimistic, though.

Also, fuck super hero movies.


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Batman v. Superman Trailer #4
I want superhero movies to go back to Tim Burton's Batman style. Cause it's a fucking movie about guy dressed as a bat fighting a guy dressed as a scarecrow and I can't believe anyone could actually take this seriously. Comic book movies should happen in a comic book world and not try to be grimdark/realistic cause fuck that I want to see Batman do some cool moves and punch a guy into a vat of toxic goo.

I know I know, I'm in the minority on this.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Batman v. Superman Trailer #5
I want superhero movies to go back to Tim Burton's Batman style. Cause it's a fucking movie about guy dressed as a bat fighting a guy dressed as a scarecrow and I can't believe anyone could actually take this seriously. Comic book movies should happen in a comic book world and not try to be grimdark/realistic cause fuck that I want to see Batman do some cool moves and punch a guy into a vat of toxic goo.

I know I know, I'm in the minority on this.
montrith, September 22, 2015, 07:49:05 am

yeah pretty much, and there's way too many of them.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Batman v. Superman Trailer #6
I want superhero movies to go back to Tim Burton's Batman style. Cause it's a fucking movie about guy dressed as a bat fighting a guy dressed as a scarecrow and I can't believe anyone could actually take this seriously. Comic book movies should happen in a comic book world and not try to be grimdark/realistic cause fuck that I want to see Batman do some cool moves and punch a guy into a vat of toxic goo.

I know I know, I'm in the minority on this.
montrith, September 22, 2015, 07:49:05 am
This is pretty much my opinion exactly, and it's why the best superhero movies of recent memory IMHO are the hellboy ones. They manage to look pretty cool and they're still pulpy as shit


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Batman v. Superman Trailer #7
This is pretty much my opinion exactly, and it's why the best superhero movies of recent memory IMHO are the hellboy ones. They manage to look pretty cool and they're still pulpy as shit
AgentCoop, September 22, 2015, 04:27:21 pm

The best superhero movie ever made was Hellboy 2.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Batman v. Superman Trailer #8

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Batman v. Superman Trailer #9
Objectively wrong
jack chick, September 24, 2015, 01:04:20 pm
We're talking about superhero movies not objective masterpieces


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Batman v. Superman Trailer #10
We're talking about superhero movies not objective masterpieces
AgentCoop, September 24, 2015, 01:16:38 pm

I'd call it more of an abstract art piece.