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Topic: Yay!  (Read 23904 times)


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As I listen to the back catalog of podcasts, I have noticed the ridiculists exclaim "Yay!" on occasion, especially for words and ideas that are especially terrible.

Is there an inside reference behind this cheer? Some kind of Bingo or drinking game to go along with every "Yay" we hear? I feel like I'm missing out on something fun!


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Yay! #1
I assume it is short for Yay Victor!
Yossarian Boots Raingear Adept count_actuala icarus crow


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Yay! #2
Usually the halfhearted "yay" is a kind of like filling in a bingo-square, like if the stuff we're reading calls back to an earlier, unrelated episode.

As an example, if in the future we're reading some fangirl post and she mentions the Omegaverse in a discussion not otherwise talking about it, it'd probably get a quiet "yaaay" from someone.

Like "Yay thanks for reminding me."


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Yay! #3
I love the idea of a drinking game

Take a drink every time Portaxx says 'you guys don't know that' under her breath after explaining something
Double it if it's after something obvious and she says it sarcastically


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Yay! #4
I love the idea of a drinking game
transatlanticalien, April 28, 2013, 02:55:44 pm
There's already a drinking game, it's called reading the doc.
chai tea latte Runic

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Yay! #5
I love the idea of a drinking game

Take a drink every time Portaxx says 'you guys don't know that' under her breath after explaining something
Double it if it's after something obvious and she says it sarcastically
transatlanticalien, April 28, 2013, 02:55:44 pm

Supposedly the thing I actually say all the time is "I don't know what's going on" but Boots never provided proof to back up this allegation >:( He said "ohhhh I edit it out every tiiiiiime now watch me chug hockey syrup blee blee blee maple leaf moose" like some shifty bastard of shiftiness. Someone else (I don't remember who) said I had "a million catchphrases" but these are all lies.



..... SHIT.
Sherman Tank


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Yay! #6
Supposedly the thing I actually say all the time is "I don't know what's going on" but Boots never provided proof to back up this allegation >:(portaxx, April 28, 2013, 03:01:32 pm

I will vouch that that is a thing you say, or some variation of it like "I don't know what is happening" or "What is going on in this podcast" and so on. It's a thing you say! Think of it as a catchphrase.


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Yay! #7
As I listen to the back catalog of podcasts, I have noticed the ridiculists exclaim "Yay!" on occasion, especially for words and ideas that are especially terrible.

Is there an inside reference behind this cheer? Some kind of Bingo or drinking game to go along with every "Yay" we hear? I feel like I'm missing out on something fun!
Down10, April 28, 2013, 01:10:07 pm

If I give forth a "yay!" it's in the context of an actual cheer.  The protagonist does a boxing to hilter and punches him into the sun!  Yay!


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Yay! #8