Snakes In The Ball Pit => Yay, I get to talk about me! => Topic started by: bubbleuj on October 18, 2016, 10:23:28 pm

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on October 18, 2016, 10:23:28 pm
Hello this is the drunk thread.

The "oh fuck that was my stop dammit" thread.

Share your drunk thoughts about things because they will never not be funny to you the next day.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on October 18, 2016, 10:37:06 pm
I will begin because fuck it.

Stars are fuckin' cool. Like ahh so far away but so shiny and pretty.

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Ragnarok Boobies on October 19, 2016, 05:57:07 am
Haha! My head feels like a giant weeble wobble on a merry-go-round even when I'm just sitting down. Weeeeee!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on October 31, 2016, 11:54:43 pm
I gave my friend my shawarma and she lost it.

I'm so sad.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Captain Capacitor on November 01, 2016, 02:10:38 am
I finally remembered my ballpit login.

I am bemused.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on November 01, 2016, 08:13:28 am
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: cashmir sweaters on January 04, 2017, 03:02:20 am
I'm only tipsy I swear starting a second job so yaymoney but booo work anyway I'm now out of cheap vodka
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Eider Duck on April 01, 2017, 05:36:59 pm
That will be the first and last time I start drinking at 7am. I chose a terrible/amazing time to joing the charity stream
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 04, 2017, 04:45:32 pm
Our building manager hosted and EXTREMELY tone deaf Cinco de Mayo party (complete with serapes and sombreros), and let me tell you. Eating pretty light, having a bariatric stomach, and drinking two solo cups worth of pre-mixed margarita mix is just a recipe for being drunk as all hell. I am now sitting drunk at my desk, browsing and I'm going to miss my movie because I'm too drunk. Don't worry, the bariatric stomach means I'll feel my shame just as quickly as me getting drunk.

I love you, even if it's a little uncomfortable how too involved I am sometimes for a comedy podcast website forum. You are all cool people.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on May 07, 2017, 02:11:44 am
Fuck me. I've been drinking and posting too much. I LOVE THE F-PLUS. even though i just learned about it within the last two months.

This community seems pretty solid too. Like... Not really that serious, but still involved and entertaining. is great.

No joke. My roommate and I have been connoisseurs of terrible internet things since we first met, and having something like this just makes it all more fun. Thanks guys.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Malten on May 24, 2017, 09:06:04 pm
Not drunk, but not sober. I shouldn't have tried to explain smoking fetishists to my parents when they took me out to dinner.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 24, 2017, 09:17:53 pm
Not drunk, but not sober. I shouldn't have tried to explain smoking fetishists to my parents when they took me out to dinner.
Malten, May 24, 2017, 09:06:04 pm

That's what being half in the bag does, it loosens up the FPlus Library of Knowledge - the library you would normally keep under lock and key until your death.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on May 31, 2017, 11:09:40 pm
Celery is just bad water gone stiff and it's useless and awful. Who invented this. Terrible.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 01, 2017, 09:25:39 pm
I spent two hours getting tipsy with a friend, now back at work to finish a mural before tomorrow morning.

I'm never leaving work.

I make good decisions.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on June 01, 2017, 09:31:54 pm
I'm in the grips of that domestic lager y'all might fuck around and listen to the entire giles corey s/t
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Ambious on July 21, 2017, 05:28:00 pm
Oh no, instead of happy drunk I'm "feeling sorry for myself" drunk.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on July 21, 2017, 05:32:29 pm
Oh no, instead of happy drunk I'm "feeling sorry for myself" drunk.
Ambious, July 21, 2017, 05:28:00 pm
fwiw you seem like a great person on here
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Ambious on July 21, 2017, 07:09:44 pm
Oh no, instead of happy drunk I'm "feeling sorry for myself" drunk.
Ambious, July 21, 2017, 05:28:00 pm
fwiw you seem like a great person on here
AgentCoop, July 21, 2017, 05:32:29 pm

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on July 23, 2017, 11:56:01 pm
Man, life is wierd.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on August 16, 2017, 11:45:09 pm
Only when drunk does a $10 pint of ice cream seem like a good idea

They labeled it with comic sans
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on August 17, 2017, 12:47:14 am
i'm work night drunk. great. hey. you guys. i'm going to meet some of you. that makes me pretty happy.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mique on September 15, 2017, 10:27:02 pm
Is this a thread I can post in?

I had a drink in mind when I bought the booze, but it wasn't great, so I started mixing everything else I had.

I don't know what I have now but it's blue and it's fucking me up.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on September 16, 2017, 01:33:13 am
Is this a thread I can post in?

I had a drink in mind when I bought the booze, but it wasn't great, so I started mixing everything else I had.

I don't know what I have now but it's blue and it's fucking me up.
Mique, September 15, 2017, 10:27:02 pm

Congratulations, you've discovered Romulan ale
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Eider Duck on September 16, 2017, 03:56:46 am
Is this a thread I can post in?

I had a drink in mind when I bought the booze, but it wasn't great, so I started mixing everything else I had.

I don't know what I have now but it's blue and it's fucking me up.
Mique, September 15, 2017, 10:27:02 pm

As long as it's not WKD Blue you're fine
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on September 21, 2017, 09:51:11 pm
Why whiskey mean sweating
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Ambious on September 23, 2017, 05:52:07 pm
I'm in love and it's the fucking worst.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on September 23, 2017, 08:50:25 pm
hefeweizen is primo yo we sippin heffies tonight crew
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sherman Tank on October 02, 2017, 04:20:52 pm
I'm drinking Sierra Nevada's Narwhal Imperial Stout.

It's 10.2% of amazing.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: GirlKisser420 on October 04, 2017, 05:01:10 am
Beez Neez Honey Wheat Beer is pretty dang nice, has a honey taste without the sweetness and goes down easy.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on October 07, 2017, 06:12:44 pm
Can we give a shout out to long island iced teas? Getting you drunk fast, making weddings possible.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sherman Tank on October 13, 2017, 06:15:10 pm
"Also in 1989, the brewing process for a batch of Steam was interrupted during the Loma Prieta earthquake. The resulting (altered) brew was released as normal Anchor Steam, but with an inverted label; this beer has come to be referred to as Earthquake Beer."

God I love Anchor Brewing.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on October 20, 2017, 10:43:38 pm
I love my boyfriend even when he's far away we get to hang out and drink together I'm so fucking lucky and in love!!! Wow!!!!!!!!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on October 20, 2017, 10:54:52 pm
Doubple posting to say that we typically long-distance drink together by listening to F Plus episodes and yelling about how bad stuff is. It's really nice and I'm so so grateful to every single ridiculist ever for giving me a method of chilling out on a couch with my loved one even when we are far apart :) !!!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Emperor Jack Chick on October 20, 2017, 11:16:00 pm
Doubple posting to say that we typically long-distance drink together by listening to F Plus episodes and yelling about how bad stuff is. It's really nice and I'm so so grateful to every single ridiculist ever for giving me a method of chilling out on a couch with my loved one even when we are far apart :) !!!
beelzeboob, October 20, 2017, 10:54:52 pm

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: MilfParade on October 20, 2017, 11:32:36 pm
I'm drunk and i appreciate you all. Normally i hate everything about the world, but you guys seem rad.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turtle on October 28, 2017, 05:05:51 pm
Drunk and pretending to give a shit about football is no way to live, but it's somehow where I find myself. Good luck to everyone who's drunk and not pretending to give a shit about football.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on October 29, 2017, 03:44:01 pm
I've decided being drunk, having blue hair, and wearing these Malificent horns is my aesthetic for the rest of the year.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on October 29, 2017, 08:58:50 pm
Larceny bourbon isn't my favorite, but it's what I have a bottle of, so here we go.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on November 02, 2017, 12:57:03 am
My best friend is water. Whisky is my anti best friends
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on November 04, 2017, 12:16:25 am
I've been an F+ fan for like 2 years and my $10 for Ballpit was overdue. I registered months ago but since this is the drunk thread I';ll admit I was intimidated about posting.

"What if they don't like me?" -- Me back in August when I registered. Current me just wonders if anybody else is doing anything more worthwhile on a Friday night.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: GirlKisser420 on November 04, 2017, 01:05:25 am
you can pretty much say anything you want really, everyone's so inoculated to bad internet that nothing registers as bad

also everyone under the age of 30 here has anxiety issues, that sort of thing is pretty normal
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on November 11, 2017, 11:29:54 pm
Hanging out with a friend, watching Sailor Moon. I never watched it when I was younger because I didn't want to be known as That Girl and be one of the Cool Girls.

There are cool things about getting older
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on November 30, 2017, 06:32:29 pm
It's very vexing that our drunk selves are more confident than our sober selves I mean what the hell

Also I'm sorry if I ruin for people or weird people out I don't mean to you're all very cool people I'd like to chill with stuff but I'm actually kinda boring and it's all very disappointing thinking about it and go me made another double post in time goodnight
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on November 30, 2017, 07:01:45 pm
Also I'm sorry if I ruin for people or weird people out I don't mean to you're all very cool people I'd like to chill with stuff but I'm actually kinda boring and it's all very disappointing thinking about it and go me made another double post in time goodnight
Sanguinary Novel, November 30, 2017, 06:32:29 pm
Nah you kick ass
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Victor Laszlo on December 05, 2017, 09:01:03 pm
Somehow my brain completely destroyed the knowledge that "I Believe I Can Fly" was from Space Jam.  I've lived 20 years in virtual ignorance and now I feel like I've woken up in a completely different world.  I mean, there was a point in my life where I knew that, and then a long period where I didn't.  WHAT ELSE ARE YOU KEEPING FROM ME, BRAIN?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on December 15, 2017, 03:12:51 pm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on December 15, 2017, 03:13:51 pm
I don't know who told Stuart I have a six pack but I need to punch them despite my negative muscle mass.

Autocorrect is a god among men for making any of this garbage coherent tyvm

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on December 15, 2017, 03:20:28 pm
I don't know who told Stuart I have a six pack but I need to punch them despite my negative muscle mass.

Autocorrect is a god among men for making any of this garbage coherent tyvm
moooo566, December 15, 2017, 03:13:51 pm

If it makes you feel better I made a new thread with a grammatical error in the title.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on December 15, 2017, 04:06:24 pm
I don't know who told Stuart I have a six pack but I need to punch them despite my negative muscle mass.

Autocorrect is a god among men for making any of this garbage coherent tyvm
moooo566, December 15, 2017, 03:13:51 pm

If it makes you feel better I made a new thread with a grammatical error in the title.
bubbleuj, December 15, 2017, 03:20:28 pm

It's the best thread here thanks
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: skeletons! on December 15, 2017, 04:11:25 pm
I CAN post in the deunk thread. I can
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on December 16, 2017, 02:01:31 am
I'm drunk and I don't have anything to say! I'll attach a picture from my hard drive instead.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr. on December 21, 2017, 03:36:42 am
its becoming morre difficult to stay in my chair. the floor is calling me i musxt meet my destiny.

I am a floor human now
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on December 21, 2017, 12:46:34 pm
I shouldn't drink at work, as what little filter I do have is just fucking obliterated.

We finished of the bottles of eggnog leftover from the Monday holiday party
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: I Liked That Joke on January 07, 2018, 01:51:21 am
usually when i'm drunk i'm a sad drunk, but right now i'm happy drunk and it's cooool sailin. i'm gonna go bulb some posts
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Ashto on January 07, 2018, 01:59:59 am
usually when i'm drunk i'm a sad drunk, but right now i'm happy drunk and it's cooool sailin. i'm gonna go bulb some posts
I Hated That Joke, January 07, 2018, 01:51:21 am

You may want to change your username back before you do so
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on January 11, 2018, 02:10:37 pm
i really love ferris buellers day off
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on January 12, 2018, 07:37:28 pm
I'm full of chicken and gin and more gin and I love you assholes a lot and you're all doing great for the crap cards you were given and next fplus live when I'm hiding in a corner please say hi I'm incompetent at mingling
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on January 18, 2018, 12:30:20 am
hey A) sanguinary novel ur really coola nd i hope you dont hide in a corner cause i like u and admire u a whole lot!!! youre rad as hell!!!!!!!!!

B) i love my boyfriend a whole lot and i love him and i want him to do okay at his new job tomorrow and i want to hold his hand and stuff and be SCHMOOPY cause i really like him. i hope he comes over again soon and we can cuddle and watch bad tv
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on January 20, 2018, 06:08:12 pm
Did you know that mead is 12% alcohol?  I'm sure my DM super appreciates that discovery.

Mead is fucking excellent by the way
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Ambious on January 21, 2018, 03:58:39 pm
So I got out of the defense for a project I've been working on 25/7 for two.5 weeks now and it went great so me ant the team went to get wicked drunk and I haven't been this drunk since F+ live 6 so I have this to say:
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on January 26, 2018, 02:03:17 pm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: subculture on February 03, 2018, 10:14:13 pm
Beer and sour gummy worms were a baaaad combination.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Carbon on February 07, 2018, 11:25:18 pm
Trying a Hopslam ale for the first time. Bell's sure does like high alcohol content beers it seems
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on February 09, 2018, 03:27:02 pm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on February 09, 2018, 04:52:29 pm
People shit  all over wonderwall  but oasis lights up a room of drunk people like nothing else.

I'm a big fan of that one fuck  with a guitar

Edit njmero uno thank fuck my colleagues keep buyingbwhite wine it's not going to fuck up my clothes so bad now I keep spilling it

Three: existence is pain
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sherman Tank on February 09, 2018, 05:30:05 pm
I love you, tequila.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on February 10, 2018, 02:55:48 am
 i lvoe the whiole world and being part of it

eta: i wish i knew how to make people i love love themselves too. its waaaaaaaaaay harder than it should be to hold up that magic mirror that lets them see themselves as wonderful people like how i see them
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr. on February 10, 2018, 07:00:20 am

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr. on February 10, 2018, 07:01:24 am

her mame is!$@#%^ and she has blue eyes
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: skeletons! on February 10, 2018, 12:05:29 pm

her mame is!$@#%^ and she has blue eyes
Turbo Sexaphonic Delight, February 10, 2018, 07:01:24 am
lmao I think we need an even higher grade of drunk thread for posts like this
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 10, 2018, 12:57:45 pm
I thought at this level of drunkenness you couldn't operate a phone, but bravo Turbo
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 10, 2018, 08:20:25 pm

Edit: mixing a third double gin and tonic might have been a bad idea
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr. on February 10, 2018, 08:44:03 pm

her mame is!$@#%^ and she has blue eyes
Turbo Sexaphonic Delight, February 10, 2018, 07:01:24 am
I really need to put a breathalyzer on all of my electronics.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 10, 2018, 09:06:02 pm
Six shots of gin means Sanguinary novel enters the honesty zone soiooioo that's a problem
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Victor Laszlo on February 10, 2018, 09:23:18 pm
Kinda wish someone was around who owned the jackbox games.  This is my last night off before a couple of busy work weeks, I'm drinking and my family is all asleep and my local drinking buddy is out of town.  Sounds like some of you fuckers are ready to entertain me, if only such a thing were possible.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Silent Liver Disease on February 10, 2018, 09:24:18 pm
Tell us your secrets.
(I've had one $6 beer so far, am I qualified to post here?)
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 10, 2018, 09:37:50 pm
Kinda wish someone was around who owned the jackbox games.  This is my last night off before a couple of busy work weeks, I'm drinking and my family is all asleep and my local drinking buddy is out of town.  Sounds like some of you fuckers are ready to entertain me, if only such a thing were possible.
Victor Laszlo, February 10, 2018, 09:23:18 pm

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on February 10, 2018, 09:56:21 pm
Kinda wish someone was around who owned the jackbox games.  This is my last night off before a couple of busy work weeks, I'm drinking and my family is all asleep and my local drinking buddy is out of town.  Sounds like some of you fuckers are ready to entertain me, if only such a thing were possible.
Victor Laszlo, February 10, 2018, 09:23:18 pm

M/fuk'n Sanguinary Novel, February 10, 2018, 09:37:50 pm

What board game you playing?

I just finished off a whole bottle of wine, so I qualify for the thread!

Sorry, Victor, I don't have Jackbox.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on February 10, 2018, 09:59:55 pm
Oh yeah woohoo who wants to party
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 10, 2018, 10:01:18 pm
We're playing Descent. Which on its face is okay, but I'm not great with competitive 1 vs team games, especially with a 1 player who is very good at games. Sorry, it's just not fun to lose all of the time.

Plus I have a hard time sitting for that long, which is why I'm drinking excessively
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 10, 2018, 10:02:23 pm
What a great thread tonight
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on February 10, 2018, 10:02:44 pm
We're playing Descent. Which on its face is okay, but I'm not great with competitive 1 vs team games, especially with a 1 player who is very good at games. Sorry, it's just not fun to lose all of the time.

Plus I have a hard time sitting for that long, which is why I'm drinking excessively
M/fuk'n Sanguinary Novel, February 10, 2018, 10:01:18 pm

Blah. You have my sympathies. Descent is like all the worst, most boring parts of just playing a trad RPG with all the fun parts cut out because they're not "gamey" enough.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 10, 2018, 10:04:25 pm
We're playing Descent. Which on its face is okay, but I'm not great with competitive 1 vs team games, especially with a 1 player who is very good at games. Sorry, it's just not fun to lose all of the time.

Plus I have a hard time sitting for that long, which is why I'm drinking excessively
M/fuk'n Sanguinary INovel, February 10, 2018, 10:01:18 pm

Blah. You have my sympathies. Descent is like all the worst, most boring parts of just playing a trad RPG with all the fun parts cut out because they're not "gamey" enough.
Neal, February 10, 2018, 10:02:44 pm

My favorite part is the role playing part! The puzzles!  The combat is just zzzzz.

It doesn't help that my friend dumped a ton of money on it, so he's super insistent on playing it. He's a solid friend, so I'll play  it anyways. Sometimes you gotta do that for friends.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on February 10, 2018, 10:09:51 pm
Yeah, I have a friend who loves 18XX games, and I'm not a fan of trains or stocks, but I play them anyway, because fuckin' social contract.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 11, 2018, 12:04:29 am
Goodnight, keep being the best bunch of weirdos <3
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on February 15, 2018, 01:22:51 am
I really really want to make a karaoke rabbit room and i know itd be really bad and not work well but fuck it i still want this so bad
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 15, 2018, 07:02:04 am
I'm gonna need a next day follow up on this, because I keep thinking about it. Is it a karaoke room that also doubles as a home for rabbits?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on February 15, 2018, 08:14:36 am
You know what, that's so much better than what I had in mind. Let's go with your idea.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 15, 2018, 08:41:25 am
...oh myyy
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mique on February 17, 2018, 01:34:02 am
New job means money means booze means I'm not drunk enough right now.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Victor Laszlo on February 17, 2018, 01:49:50 am
I just drank for seven hours straight and i htnik i'd rathr die than feel te way i'm going to feel in the morning, but it was still fun
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Carbon on February 18, 2018, 04:27:03 am
I'm not drunk anymore but god tonight was the best and then the worst and I didn't even throw up
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on February 21, 2018, 10:43:07 pm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on February 22, 2018, 02:50:40 am
Beep beep beep whats that noise oh im backing up a big lot of love into this forum!! woah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 23, 2018, 10:23:31 pm
Sorry I tried to delete all of my social media including so I could keep the sadness contained but I like this place too much. I'm now sitting on my kitchen floor eating pizza and listening to the Magnus Archives podcast. It's been an awful day, and this is an okay end to it.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on February 23, 2018, 11:00:16 pm
im drunl
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Emperor Jack Chick on February 23, 2018, 11:12:37 pm
Sorry I tried to delete all of my social media including so I could keep the sadness contained but I like this place too much. I'm now sitting on my kitchen floor eating pizza and listening to the Magnus Archives podcast. It's been an awful day, and this is an okay end to it.
Sangry Novel, February 23, 2018, 10:23:31 pm

please don't go. you are rad.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 23, 2018, 11:32:29 pm
Sorry I tried to delete all of my social media including so I could keep the sadness contained but I like this place too much. I'm now sitting on my kitchen floor eating pizza and listening to the Magnus Archives podcast. It's been an awful day, and this is an okay end to it.
Sangry Novel, February 23, 2018, 10:23:31 pm

please don't go. you are rad.
jack chick, February 23, 2018, 11:12:37 pm

Well I don't know how to handle that at all and I'm the drunkest I've ever been so thanks that is very nice to know and I do like you guys a lot because kind but wired people are hard to come by in like a good way and stuff and I think I've forgotten how punctuation works and I hope you aren't being sarcastic because I'm a huge emotional push over this weekend and I'm gonna throw my phone on the floor now so I can't make more posts like this sorry
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on February 23, 2018, 11:55:10 pm
Sorry I tried to delete all of my social media including so I could keep the sadness contained but I like this place too much. I'm now sitting on my kitchen floor eating pizza and listening to the Magnus Archives podcast. It's been an awful day, and this is an okay end to it.
Sangry Novel, February 23, 2018, 10:23:31 pm

please don't go. you are rad.
jack chick, February 23, 2018, 11:12:37 pm

Well I don't know how to handle that at all and I'm the drunkest I've ever been so thanks that is very nice to know and I do like you guys a lot because kind but wired people are hard to come by in like a good way and stuff and I think I've forgotten how punctuation works and I hope you aren't being sarcastic because I'm a huge emotional push over this weekend and I'm gonna throw my phone on the floor now so I can't make more posts like this sorry
Sangry Novel, February 23, 2018, 11:32:29 pm
We like you yo!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 24, 2018, 12:06:54 am
Sorry I tried to delete all of my social media including so I could keep the sadness contained but I like this place too much. I'm now sitting on my kitchen floor eating pizza and listening to the Magnus Archives podcast. It's been an awful day, and this is an okay end to it.
Sangry Novel, February 23, 2018, 10:23:31 pm

please don't go. you are rad.
jack chick, February 23, 2018, 11:12:37 pm

Well I don't know how to handle that at all and I'm the drunkest I've ever been so thanks that is very nice to know and I do like you guys a lot because kind but wired people are hard to come by in like a good way and stuff and I think I've forgotten how punctuation works and I hope you aren't being sarcastic because I'm a huge emotional push over this weekend and I'm gonna throw my phone on the floor now so I can't make more posts like this sorry
Sangry Novel, February 23, 2018, 11:32:29 pm
We like you yo!
AgentCoop, February 23, 2018, 11:55:10 pm

That's very good thank you I'm serious when I say I've never been this drunk before thanks for humoring me you're all very lovely people and I really hope every one here gonna finds happiness because what is life really but a brief series of moments where we connect people. Holy crap I think my mouth just went numb does that happen? Tomorrow is gonna be regret day isn't it? I think is time to throw the phone away from me and drink some water I love you dudes an's other people even lemon goodnight everyone you the best <3
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mique on February 24, 2018, 12:46:09 am
Is there even a delete button for ballpit accounts? I looked for one some time ago but couldn't find it.
The closest you could probably do is deleting all your posts manually, and with how many posts you have you'll be sober long before you're done with that.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on February 24, 2018, 09:14:57 am
Aaaaa yeah no ditto those other folks, please don't delete. You're one of my top favorite people on this site if I'm candid. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time of it. If you need to talk I know you don't like """"know"""""""" me or whatever but I'm always down to listen. Take care of you.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on February 24, 2018, 11:19:20 am
Please don't go I need good posters to cancel me out.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Trav on March 10, 2018, 07:38:00 pm
I'm losing so much fucking weight my boxers are falling down while i wear pants fuuuuuck
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on March 10, 2018, 08:21:17 pm
I'm losing so much fucking weight my boxers are falling down while i wear pants fuuuuuck
Trav, March 10, 2018, 07:38:00 pm
guess you'll have to buy a boxer belt
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on March 12, 2018, 12:35:35 am

my friend and i watched more horrible Secret Life of the American Teenager, while making sure each other's sake glass didn't empty because HOW ELSE WOULD WE DO IT? so i'm drunk now and i have things to say. *hiccup*

HEY. i know i think a lot of you are cool. but tonight i wanna highlight a couple people.

MIX. YOU ARE ACTUALLY GREAT YOU KNOW? you're hilarious and insightful and the things you turn up always turn heads. YOU GO. Like seriously, I really like you and I hope you stick around.

TRAV. I'm like. fucking jealous of you. you're so cool. I know your situation is like. Mega unideal. But you're fucking cool. You're funny, creative, and talented. Seriously. I wish I had your confidence in approaching things, and I hope you have all the luck in the world moving forward.

I probably had more, but I'll stop for now, because even drunk me is starting to realize THIS IS EMBARRASSING.

Won't stop me from hitting post though!

ETA: SHERMAN! I love your accent or whatever. The way you talk is appealing. Editing you is always fun. :P
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on March 12, 2018, 07:51:02 am
These are the best kind of drunk posts <3
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on March 16, 2018, 03:01:08 pm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on March 16, 2018, 03:43:44 pm
Did a faux pas pleas ehelp an
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on March 16, 2018, 03:44:03 pm
Did a faux pas pleas ehelp
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on March 17, 2018, 06:43:10 pm
I have green beer
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on March 17, 2018, 06:52:35 pm
I've been heavily drinking during this D&D night so I'll see you dudes again throughout the night :3
D&D has a lot of pauses, so I'll see you guys a few times and I'll just edit this post.

Edit 1 :  Drunk D&D is great because I just turned into a sexy hot elf man with my mask of many disguises and tried to lure two sexy elf ladies away from our cleric. Why yes I did open with "Hello laaaaaadies C;"

Edit 2: holy shit super out already, and it's only 9pm. I've only one more double g&t left so I should say you're all great, including Mique, who I kinda hurt in my last emotional rampage. You built a bed man, and even if it was for drunk family, it shows you care for the kids, who are really the most innocent in this situation.

Happy Saint Patrick's day y'all, see you soon
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on March 17, 2018, 08:24:49 pm
Everyone is assholes. Its Canada so we get back at eachother by saying excuse me.

ie I said "excuse me" to a dude who was walking slowly and he said "excuse me" back after he was behind me.

It was upsetting.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on March 17, 2018, 08:35:14 pm
Everyone is assholes. Its Canada so we get back at eachother by saying excuse me.

ie I said "excuse me" to a dude who was walking slowly and he said "excuse me" back after he was behind me.

It was upsetting.
bubbleuj, March 17, 2018, 08:24:49 pm

We'll excuuuuuuuuse you princess~

Don't worry you good you captain of polite industry
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on March 17, 2018, 08:40:04 pm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on March 18, 2018, 12:10:53 am
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Lemon on March 18, 2018, 11:06:07 am
Sanguinary Novel?, March 17, 2018, 08:40:04 pm

Gender and orientation please.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on March 18, 2018, 11:37:50 am
Sanguinary Novel?, March 17, 2018, 08:40:04 pm

Gender and orientation please.
Lemon, March 18, 2018, 11:06:07 am

Confirmed the story this morning, because I heard this at Peak Drunk and wondered if it was an invention.

Woman, bi. It's a partner effort I'm sure, as she lives her boyfriend (straight). To give you a better vision for how this is even possible, they do have an absurdly expensive and huge anime fig collection, and she is a furry, so this isn't beyond the realm of possibility. The story is that she bought it because it was cool, but there was no way she could conceivably use it. It's certainly a new and fascinating dimension on an old friend.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Lawnchair M.D. on March 20, 2018, 12:27:50 pm
 I need all y'all to know: this forum has been great as my english refuge, and the English version of the Pokémon the.e is infinitely better than the Japanese version.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on March 26, 2018, 10:18:34 am
Happy Oberon Day!!*

*A day that only makes sense to Michigan people**

**And people who like Oberon***

***Uberon is delicious though, would recommend****

****As long as it's served in your area
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on March 26, 2018, 12:40:50 pm
Spending Monday drunk is really the best way to approach a Monday.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on March 31, 2018, 06:45:37 pm
Okay, first of all, I can't believe* I'm posting twice in a row on different days.

Second: Dragon's Milk stout. Great beer, terrible name.

*I can completely believe this, I over share to hell while drunk
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on March 31, 2018, 08:39:55 pm
Last thing for tonight, but I hope we all find what were looking for in life. We only get one, so I hope it's good <3
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on April 09, 2018, 01:33:05 am
I have a friend who wants me to have a happy birthday and she's taken the role of planning it. It feels nice and good and I love my friends. 
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on April 13, 2018, 01:34:21 pm
this week was garbage, fuck this week

its friday evening now though so i can keep drinking until i forget all the apologies i had to make

best music artists ever 1. kiss 2. taylor swift 3. gloryhammer please accept my garbage ways.

chocolate and beer not great tbh

white chocolate seems to work slightly better will report back?

definitely the above. can anyone tell me what yeet means?

wish i had someone to play drunk jenga with, i love drunk jenga

a bridge too far is a heck of a fucking film

the intro to aqualung by jethro tull is i c o n i c
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on May 03, 2018, 11:32:06 pm

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Lemon on May 04, 2018, 12:19:43 pm
Tasting how much booze is in these margaritas somebody made at work, and now I'm just gonna hold this space for later.

Edit: Nevermind I stopped at 2.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on May 07, 2018, 02:01:02 am

Also pbr is an okay beer to get drunk on.

Also the LCBO currently is selling a pack of Sapporo that comes with a little katana shaped beer opener and this is a good and cute thing.

Another fun thing is private kareoke rooms because you get to yell the lyrics to Rasputin.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Old_Zircon on May 17, 2018, 09:11:39 pm
At work today I walked into the break room and one of my coworkers was in the middle of shit talking another one (who happens to be one of the more competent, tema=playery, nice people in the whole place) thusly:

"Shes an idiot. The ghost agrees with me, I talked to the medium and he says the ghost also thinks she's an idiot..."

I had to grab my phone and pretend to be reacting to a text because I actually involuntarily stared to literally laugh at the irony there.

Also, the "medium" is one of a team of two or three "ghost hunters" who have been conning said coworker into letting them film after hours for over a year free of charge (filming where I work is usually pretty expensive, minimum high three figures, and a LOT more for what they're doing)- we have a really good location for that stuff, I'm sure the footage has brought them plenty of business/Youtube ad revenue.  The whole thing is just embarrassing.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 19, 2018, 09:01:59 pm
My life has become a heady mix of amazing, awful, and downright anxiety and I'm really hopeful that things will turn out. With the move and all. I just really want to be happy and have some control on my life, and just shed some guilt. We only get one life, and sometimes it sucks, but I just want to be reasonably selfish for once and do something that makes me happy. Or just happy with who I am. Dude, what the fuck is it like to be semi legit with who you are as a human being? Fucking black magic is what that is.

Really, that's why Salem happened. Some women were like "I'm pretty cool and this guilt stuff seems silly" and all of their neighbors are like "FUCK THAT C'MON I DON'T WANT TO FEEL BAD" and then all of a sudden we're burning our neighbors. I'm redoing history in this specific post because I rolled a nat 1 and have a ton of spare time before I do a thing.

Everyone is the best, and I hope we all find some small happiness.

Also, don't trust swamp hoes, that's just good life advice
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Wrought on May 19, 2018, 09:03:15 pm
Why is this thread more consistently coherent than the thought of the day thread
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 19, 2018, 09:05:36 pm
Why is this thread more consistently coherent than the thought of the day thread
Wrought, May 19, 2018, 09:03:15 pm

Being drunk is just a more honest version of your sober self. Also Swype helping with spelling
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr. on May 20, 2018, 09:09:00 pm
[Hah[/s[size[c/color]olor=orange]=36pt]aaaaaaaaaaaaahaize]ifound the fons

bow don foolsd nah JuSt kidding yall ggood
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on May 25, 2018, 10:50:52 am
 I hit my friend in the face with a softball. sorry about your face dude
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 25, 2018, 09:17:12 pm
Tag team
Drunk again
All the fault of
4 shots of gin
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on May 25, 2018, 10:17:48 pm
Tag team
Drunk again
All the fault of
4 shots of gin
┬─┬ ︵ /(.□. \), May 25, 2018, 09:17:12 pm
Poe etry
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on May 27, 2018, 12:19:27 am
Red is my favorite color. It's a really good color. My personal favorite.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on May 27, 2018, 04:11:07 am
Red is my favorite color. It's a really good color. My personal favorite.
Spenny, May 27, 2018, 12:19:27 am
My favorite color is Orange, but i respect this passion.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: dijon du jour on June 02, 2018, 10:08:45 pm
Tonight I had a choice between beer trips called "dank meme" and "banana for scale".
I ordered a kentucky bourbon slushie.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on June 02, 2018, 10:42:06 pm
Tonight I had a choice between beer trips called "dank meme" and "banana for scale".
I ordered a kentucky bourbon slushie.
dijon du jour, June 02, 2018, 10:08:45 pm
poor dijon. sorry about your memeal
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 03, 2018, 12:07:13 am
We can meme up the drink you did get - uhhhh Bojack Blender Bender
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: dijon du jour on June 08, 2018, 08:43:48 pm
wiowe my neighbordf aerw sao good and hgave lots of eine!!!!!
anf they lobedf myh piot opie
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on June 09, 2018, 03:41:15 am
I dont like dough ford and also it's 4:40 oh no
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on June 17, 2018, 01:50:06 am
i fucking. love some of the people i've met here. for real. so many god damn interesting people also like listening to other people make fun of stupid shit. it's rad. and i love you guys.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 17, 2018, 11:40:42 pm
Tonight is bar none the drunkest I've ever been like I'm glad I made it down the stairs and back for these pickle chips Monday is gonna suck
But I think it was worth it  at least I thinkso

Is there a hell for cowards that can only speak their minds while absurdly drunk asking for a friend
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on June 18, 2018, 02:04:33 pm
ive got a work thing tomorrow evening so i'm using monday evening for wine practice
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 23, 2018, 09:18:20 pm
I really need to see Looney tunes again. Not that I don't have a billion new things to watch, but I saw a patch of clover this morning and unbidden and "I'm looking over a three leaf clover that I overlooked b3"
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on June 25, 2018, 12:23:08 am
I think I have a foot fetish. I don't know how to tell for sure, but over the fast few months I've become more interested in bare feet. Help me before I become an F Plus subject!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: GirlKisser420 on June 25, 2018, 12:30:20 am
I think I have a foot fetish. I don't know how to tell for sure, but over the fast few months I've become more interested in bare feet. Help me before I become an F Plus subject!
Spenny, June 25, 2018, 12:23:08 am

there's only one way to be sure. We'll put our top scientist on it

Are you still taking applications? Nick, red.
Spenny, in Hux's thread "Tell me your name and favorite color and I'll assign you an f-list kink", June 24, 2018, 05:22:03 pm

it might just be irony poisoning from your subconscious being influenced by too many bad internet posts and bleeding into your perception, but we'll see

I'm not drunk but I will have multiple pear ciders soon
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on June 25, 2018, 12:37:19 am
I think I have a foot fetish. I don't know how to tell for sure, but over the fast few months I've become more interested in bare feet. Help me before I become an F Plus subject!
Spenny, June 25, 2018, 12:23:08 am

there's only one way to be sure. We'll put our top scientist on it

Are you still taking applications? Nick, red.
Spenny, in Hux's thread "Tell me your name and favorite color and I'll assign you an f-list kink", June 24, 2018, 05:22:03 pm

it might just be irony poisoning from your subconscious being influenced by too many bad internet posts and bleeding into your perception, but we'll see

I'm not drunk but I will have multiple pear ciders soon
GirlKisser420, June 25, 2018, 12:30:20 am

You know what? Judging from the rest of your topic, I hope foot fetish is all I get.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Vinny Possum on June 25, 2018, 09:07:06 am
Beer in China is mostly mediocre, but cheap as hell.

600 mL of Tsingtao for 50 cents? Yes please.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on June 25, 2018, 12:03:36 pm
I think I have a foot fetish. I don't know how to tell for sure, but over the fast few months I've become more interested in bare feet. Help me before I become an F Plus subject!
Spenny, June 25, 2018, 12:23:08 am
Step 1: Don't post about it on forums.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 25, 2018, 12:29:26 pm
I think I have a foot fetish. I don't know how to tell for sure, but over the fast few months I've become more interested in bare feet. Help me before I become an F Plus subject!
Spenny, June 25, 2018, 12:23:08 am
Step 1: Don't post about it on forums.
Shell Game, June 25, 2018, 12:03:36 pm

Step 1.1: Especially not
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Emperor Jack Chick on June 25, 2018, 03:15:22 pm
I think I have a foot fetish. I don't know how to tell for sure, but over the fast few months I've become more interested in bare feet. Help me before I become an F Plus subject!
Spenny, June 25, 2018, 12:23:08 am
Step 1: Don't post about it on forums.
Shell Game, June 25, 2018, 12:03:36 pm

Step 1.1: Especially not
Cyborguinary Novel: Detroit, June 25, 2018, 12:29:26 pm

And if YOU've developed a foot fetish while listening to this podcast you shouldn't go to BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL PIT!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on June 25, 2018, 09:19:17 pm
drunk thread is dangerous
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr. on July 04, 2018, 10:04:40 pm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on July 04, 2018, 11:29:05 pm
FUCK YEAH just watched A Penguin's Memories, the anime film about a penguin with ptsd finding happiness after the war. It was technically the alternate backstory of the hero, Mike, veteran of 'nam The Delta War, who was actually a beer mascot in the 80s. after being retired he was renamed Pentarou and turned into a video game character in Penguin Adventure, and Parodius. The former was the first game to be worked on by Hideo Kojima and the ending, where if you fuck up the princess dies, was reused for Metal Gear Solid! So. Snake would not be who we know him to be if not for this drunken, depressed penguin. Fuck yeah! I had a pot of hot toddies to soothe my throat while watching.

Thanks to my pals who watched it with me. Frank, MTDE, Nuffkins, Dijon, y'all are great. [heart]

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr. on July 04, 2018, 11:59:12 pm
why is stanbdimg sohhard also sshellllg ame good penguin antidote

i postoo much here
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on July 08, 2018, 11:12:04 pm
Hello everyone, it's your friendly neighborhood drunk aunt, Sanguinary Novel!  Just stopping in to say that I love posting here and that everyone is terribly friendly and even though it's a small community it's great. And to everyone on the extra credit discord sorry I don't post just don't think of it in a given day. Everyone on it is very lovely though!!!!

Happy LGBT wrath month everyone
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on July 09, 2018, 12:19:45 am
i'm drunk and high at the same time so i took the free lavender from the church gardens this morning and made lavender sugar cookies and now i'm going to get even more high and eat some of the lavender sugar cookies. the rest will be gifts for friends. i'm so beautfiul
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on July 09, 2018, 02:04:13 am
FUCK YEAH just watched A Penguin's Memories, the anime film about a penguin with ptsd finding happiness after the war. It was technically the alternate backstory of the hero, Mike, veteran of 'nam The Delta War, who was actually a beer mascot in the 80s. after being retired he was renamed Pentarou and turned into a video game character in Penguin Adventure, and Parodius. The former was the first game to be worked on by Hideo Kojima and the ending, where if you fuck up the princess dies, was reused for Metal Gear Solid! So. Snake would not be who we know him to be if not for this drunken, depressed penguin. Fuck yeah! I had a pot of hot toddies to soothe my throat while watching.

Thanks to my pals who watched it with me. Frank, MTDE, Nuffkins, Dijon, y'all are great. [heart]

Shell Game, July 04, 2018, 11:29:05 pm

Is there any convenient way to watch the full thing? I feel so many emotions from that clip alone
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on July 09, 2018, 02:19:28 am

hope this works!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on July 12, 2018, 12:46:03 am
i hope i m a good person when im drunk and not a loud angry or mean or annoying one
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mique on July 12, 2018, 02:34:31 am
i hope i m a good person when im drunk and not a loud angry or mean or annoying one
beelzeboob, July 12, 2018, 12:46:03 am
You were a pretty fun drunk when we met at Live 6.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on July 12, 2018, 11:08:08 pm
Going on a two week road trip ( four years in the planning) Saturday and I just can't wait. Two weeks away from work to clear my head and when I get back GET MY GODDAMN ASS ON THIS FINDING A NEW JOB AND MOVING BECAUSE I'M DONE WITH YOU MICHIGAN.

Really tho, it's mostly about creating some growing room and creating the possibility of becoming a pretty good version of Sanguinary Novel. Also my mom needs to stop using me as emotional justification and support for staying with an abusive asshat just what the Christ mom.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on July 20, 2018, 04:09:23 pm

I deleted the e and I can't add it back sort
Can't do words standing wThivng conervastions I'm.a ducking wiedo helo
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on July 21, 2018, 10:46:10 pm
I have made some very, very piss poor financial decisions tonight and I just don't care anymore
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mique on July 21, 2018, 11:58:57 pm
The fact that I don't know the alcohol content of this mead means I can assume the best and drink as much as I want.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Emperor Jack Chick on July 23, 2018, 12:09:34 am
oh yeah i was at a wedding with an open bar yesterday. no internet, so was unable to keep you all updated on the continual stream of alcohol i put into my body.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on July 24, 2018, 01:21:26 am
oh yeah i was at a wedding with an open bar yesterday. no internet, so was unable to keep you all updated on the continual stream of alcohol i put into my body.
jack chick, July 23, 2018, 12:09:34 am
it's okay. that's where a little thing called trust takes over
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on July 24, 2018, 05:17:16 am
oh yeah i was at a wedding with an open bar yesterday. no internet, so was unable to keep you all updated on the continual stream of alcohol i put into my body.
jack chick, July 23, 2018, 12:09:34 am
it's okay. that's where a little thing called trust takes over
Shell Game, July 24, 2018, 01:21:26 am

Good friend.
I need you to confess
Those awful sins
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on July 24, 2018, 09:41:39 pm
Just got back from drinking and board games. Star Realms is fun. Any Monopoly variant is not.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on August 07, 2018, 10:05:34 pm
I wish alcohol didn't work so well in suppressing my anxiety and forever self doubt, because it isn't great for your health and wallet.

It is very fun though, and helped me draw a very pog-esque voreambulance that I'm very excited to ink and show you guys.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turtle on August 23, 2018, 09:11:46 am
Fuck I'm not hungover but I'm arguably worse in that I still feel drunk here at 10am but I have no regrets because a real good friend was in town and she's moving 6 hours away.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on August 30, 2018, 11:32:09 pm
I'm drunk and I want to post a selfie but I know I shouldn't but ugh I want to.

We should have one of those lameo "people of vallpit threads"
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Vinny Possum on August 30, 2018, 11:40:39 pm
I thought that was the boots phone thread.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on August 31, 2018, 12:59:39 pm
Evening friends, it's another work night out.

Edit: what's fucking wrong with writing gents and ladies on the loos I get you're fancy but I don't want to decode a minimalist portrait or something

Wy y pet
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on August 31, 2018, 05:32:55 pm
Am I dancing like Theresa May? I worry that imdanc8ng like Theresa May

Tbwy gave me  shpt why did I drink the shot

The gents in this bar is the most rancid place I've been and I've had a rat literally choose my foot as a resting place.

Edit: sadbrains crosspost, i wish i danced with friends as muh as i damcdd with people I work with. I bet I'd be less lonely.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on August 31, 2018, 10:46:32 pm
Living it up on this wild and crazy Friday night with some Slime Rancher and booze! Mostly so I stop thinking about job hunting because I love processes that judge my worth with two sheets of paper

Don't go into graphic design kids, it's a well kerned san-serif LIE
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on September 03, 2018, 09:37:01 pm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on September 07, 2018, 11:13:57 pm
Ferdinand is letting me play with his fuzzy bean feets he's very nice. OH AND I JUST FIND A LOOSE WHISKER!  Shh, quick make a wish!!!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on September 07, 2018, 11:15:06 pm
Cause my wish was a second g&t and I made that shit come true! So you can have it dudes
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: sambair on September 17, 2018, 01:02:33 am
This $7 bottle of Sake is so gross, that even drinking it diluted in ice I might just pass on getting drunker tonight.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: sambair on September 17, 2018, 12:10:22 pm
After getting all night to warm up, and not drinking it while eating ramen drenched in hot sauce, it's palatable.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: NutshellGulag on September 17, 2018, 11:21:35 pm
After getting all night to warm up, and not drinking it while eating ramen drenched in hot sauce, it's palatable.
sambair, September 17, 2018, 12:10:22 pm

I've found that with borderline drinkable sake, heating it up often works better than chilling it for making it go down easier. No idea why.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on September 20, 2018, 02:00:22 am
I made new friends tonight! I hope they had fun. One of them might join our trivia team whooo
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on September 20, 2018, 02:00:40 am
I like new people.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on September 20, 2018, 02:02:37 am
The fplus is the best. I love this podcast and the forum and I have class tomorrow and I hope I make it.

I want my life to be good and everyone’s life to be good.

I hope you all are happy. You’re all the best nerds on the online and I love you all.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on September 20, 2018, 02:07:27 am
There are good bars in my city. And if any of you fools come to Toronto let me know because all of you are super cool and I’d love to meet you

Folks are friendly and we have good things here. Canada is pretty rad.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on September 20, 2018, 02:07:46 am
I’m so drunk
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: FinchChunk on September 20, 2018, 08:35:15 am
Drinking and baking, Almost certain that vegan croissants are a pipe dream. The nut butter substitute just ain't firm enough.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on September 26, 2018, 11:18:17 pm
FinchChunk share your xrossant baking secrets. Like drunk me really wants one, but sober me would probably make it possible.

Lightly salted popcorn will just have to make do right now
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on September 26, 2018, 11:22:10 pm
Also, not gonna let capitalism and this job hunt get me down. Someone eventually is gonna be excited about hiring me and be cool with me moving from another state! Deep coincidence demands that I move in the middle of winter anyways.

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on September 27, 2018, 12:54:11 am
Drinking and baking, Almost certain that vegan croissants are a pipe dream. The nut butter substitute just ain't firm enough.
FinchChunk, September 20, 2018, 08:35:15 am
crisco my good bitch
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: sambair on September 28, 2018, 12:22:56 am
Just spent a few hours playing Mortal Kombat XL and drinking various malt liquor-based beverages, currently petting a cat Dr. Evil-style and watching King of the Hill Youtube Poop videos. Even when everything in your life is horrible, you can find enjoyment.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on October 07, 2018, 12:12:09 am
I'm thinking about starting a new Twitch channel where I'm sitting in the bath reading. Just me in the bath (swimsuit on, no genitals) with a book reading silently. I legitimately thought this would be a really funny idea until I told a friend and she told me you have to be partnered before Twitch lets you do IRL streams.

Plus if I read for too long the water would get cold.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on October 07, 2018, 12:23:20 am
ufc bookin a royal rumble
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on October 11, 2018, 06:14:28 pm
I'm making Hurricanes with all 151 rum and having a hard time typing. AMA.

EDIT: The huurcianes are made with alal 151 rum so tey're more powerful than usual.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on October 20, 2018, 09:29:37 pm
Holy shit this Viking Blod mead is delicious and will simultaneously fuck your day up. I got it for my birthday, but I'm sharing it with everyone for the the D&D Halloween Special
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on October 22, 2018, 12:00:17 am
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on November 03, 2018, 09:17:53 pm
I got things to say about this thread being publicly accessible instead of buried shamefully into the $10 thread. Instead, I'll settle on thinking about that pineapple ham pizza I managed to make while very drunk and and just accept my public humiliation.

Also, don't get the Dragon's Milk banana coconut stout. If you're a normal person you won't buy it, but if you're a normal person you'll be fine. It not good!!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on November 08, 2018, 01:12:15 am i love you. And everyone who made it to live. Everyone who helps extra credit be better and better (our listenership is up by hundreds. It's awesome! Thanks all! And thanks Ashto for helping me find the stats!)

I found friends, skills, confidence, even love! Thanks to this wonderful community. Thanks to you all for being part of it. Wow i had more than i should have on a work night. But hey. I got to post here, eh?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on November 08, 2018, 10:31:35 pm
Orgcore but for jambase
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on November 18, 2018, 03:23:47 am
Clown Love :)
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on November 23, 2018, 03:27:44 pm
hi, is anyone e-drinking with me tonight

Clown Love :)
Spenny, November 18, 2018, 03:23:47 am
mmfwcl friend

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on November 23, 2018, 06:26:48 pm
I am so bad at pool omg
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on November 23, 2018, 06:52:17 pm
We've hit the big time baybee
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Eider Duck on November 30, 2018, 01:05:20 pm
I can't be the only one that finds it hard to speak English in an understandible way, right? I speak with a broad Scottish accent with alot of slang usually. To be honest, all the people that have English as a second language here probably speak it better than I do
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on November 30, 2018, 02:24:17 pm
I can't be the only one that finds it hard to speak English in an understandible way, right? I speak with a broad Scottish accent with alot of slang usually. To be honest, all the people that have English as a second language here probably speak it better than I do
Eider Duck, November 30, 2018, 01:05:20 pm

I have a fairly clear accent (bar my schlight schpeech impediment), but I do tend to pause a lot and speak in disjointed fragments because my mouth goes much faster than my brain apparently.

Also happy friday | hope I have enough beer.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on December 01, 2018, 01:59:32 pm
Aight so  I'm going out to this club tonight where my friend is playing, but the club in question just sent out a message on their Facebook event saying "bitcoin is king" and I'm seriously reconsidering if  should attend or not .
Mr. Hunky Academia, December 01, 2018, 01:51:13 pm
Go and ask if they'll hold a tab until BTC is up, then never return
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on December 05, 2018, 05:18:31 pm
The building owner hosted a holiday party with an open bar so guess who's sobering up at the office until I'm okay to drive!!


What garbage i'm posting means I have quite a bit of water and time to go before I'm okay to drive like a two miles home.

In drunk thoughts: I'm trying to slough off everything and start anew, but there a a lot of good things awaiting me once i Do. It's taking far longer than I want, and expected, really, but I can't wait to start new in a different city. Not that it'lls stop the same habits that put me in this place, but maybe getting rid of the mantle of guilt will help starting over. I'm so tired of guilt. You think at 30 guilt would stop being such a thing. Like I thought this was the age that you're all like "FUCK IT I'LL DO WHAT I WANT" but who you are and your flaws don't fundamentally chang3e.

Also I'm quite literally hiccuping right now cleaning person don't judge me. I still have enough faculties to not drive drunk at least give me this.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on December 05, 2018, 05:42:46 pm's cleaning person night and I just wanted half hour of peace to sober up
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on December 22, 2018, 01:24:05 pm

Wouldn't it be cool if other human being found me appealing.

For the next twonminites sweet home Alabama is fave

Pumped up kicks is pretty banging but it is a school shooting song so I'm sl8ghtlyuncomfortable atm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on December 22, 2018, 05:06:32 pm

Wouldn't it be cool if other human being found me appealing.

For the next twonminites sweet home Alabama is fave

Pumped up kicks is pretty banging but it is a school shooting song so I'm sl8ghtlyuncomfortable atm
boooo566, December 22, 2018, 01:24:05 pm

The she lingo owl is attacking me because j don't speech French het
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: lazzer grardaion? on December 22, 2018, 05:26:15 pm
Hey I'm drunk, I have posting privileges!

1. Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 suffer for not having a 'reset your soul level' option like DS2 and onward, as it prevents experimentation and encourages 'google: what kind of build should I do' gameplay.

2. Having what is 80% a glorified IT job after getting a a PhD is a bummer.

3. Everything is worth deep-dish pizza.

4. I want everybody to achieve their dreams and be happy and fulfilled.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on December 24, 2018, 12:33:39 am
Yoga fight its like a dance fight but you do crow pose or other bullshit poses I hate. So funnn

Family complex. Love them but hate being treated like I'm not a person

Filial piety good im o

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on December 24, 2018, 09:59:15 pm
When I finally move and it becomes to expensive to fly home (or "too expensive") I wanna make a Christmas Eve where people can just chill and watch dumb movies and stuff.

Don't get me wrong I am a little lonely to be by myself on Christmas Eve, but it's better than the alternative
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on December 27, 2018, 01:53:22 am
So drinnjkkkkkkkkkk merry xrjxjsirams
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on December 29, 2018, 01:34:12 am
Last Wednesday (the 19th) was the 1 year anniversary of the worst day of my life and the universe didn't have the decency to give me a reason to call it a 'bad day'!

Nevertheless, I still trudged through Christmas and every day since being upset for no reason because it was easier than finding anything to be happy!

I want to be bitter and pissed off but the world is my oyster! I think I want to move to Hawaii.

If any BallPitters are in the DFW area hit me up. I'm dying to see Into the Spiderverse but I don't want to go alone
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on December 31, 2018, 07:52:18 pm
You know how a lot of people will have that sociable friend that drinks a lot? I have that friend, he's amazing and cool, and he's here at the new years Eve party and brought a giant tray of spring rolls. It's perfect and I'll see you beautiful people in a few hours :3
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mique on December 31, 2018, 10:26:53 pm
Merry New Years ya cunts!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on December 31, 2018, 11:08:01 pm
Happy New Year fuckos! May 2019 at least be less trash!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on January 01, 2019, 12:57:03 am
It's still 2018 here but i still get to drunkenly tell you guys how awesome I think y'all are. You know who you are. ;)

Actually I can think of two of you who'd deny it. Dammit. You're wrong. You're actually awesome.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on January 01, 2019, 02:14:34 am
It's still 2018 here but i still get to drunkenly tell you guys how awesome I think y'all are. You know who you are. ;)

Actually I can think of two of you who'd deny it. Dammit. You're wrong. You're actually awesome.
Shell Game, January 01, 2019, 12:57:03 am

Hey also. Getting to know a buncha you has been great. It's kind of mindblowing to me how many people i've become friends with over the last year. Thanks. And here's to more dumb fun together.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on January 01, 2019, 02:39:28 am
Big mood! 2019 is Big Mood! Big Mood! Big Mood! Big Mood? Big Mood!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Ambious on January 03, 2019, 06:40:21 pm
I may have over drank
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: VenusFuuurt on January 04, 2019, 09:14:44 pm
What d&d class would Khutulun the mongol warrior princess be? I’m thinking fighter.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on January 04, 2019, 10:22:41 pm
*Finishes one drink*

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Baldr on January 04, 2019, 11:48:13 pm
I'm so happy to be back at my apartment and alone.  I just spent two weeks visiting family, and holy shit that was too much.  Christmas day was saturated by the nicest extroverts who would never understand why you wouldn't want to take a picture with them.  So I did.  I feel like I've run the emotional equivalent of an ultra-marathon, and now I'm done with human interaction for 2019.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on January 05, 2019, 03:02:22 am
whatever I say in this box the rest of you will see tomorrow.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on January 05, 2019, 10:44:29 pm
I'm drinking a heinous concoction of coconut Bai and strawberry lemonade vodka, but it's getting me through d&d and this garbage ass anxiety, so whatever!!

ADHD, anxiety, and depression is a dumb trifecta that's ruining anything good I've found in my life and making it hard to get through the rough patches.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on January 07, 2019, 12:45:27 am
Two delightful stories tonight also a review of Vice the movie by Adam McKay

Guy on the bus gave a toque to another guy and said 'hey, is this yours?', got a no and says "hey, it's your lucky day. Sometimes you win one, sometimes you lose one"

Also a woman in the bathroom was talking to her best friend about how she really was sure that her boyfriend was about to propose to her and she was dressed very nice so maybe it's true

3 point review of vice 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟s aforementioned movie Vice
Heavily unsure of this but perhaps Cheney is Satan
When Barack Obama swore the oath of office really suddenly I immediately said Thank God
The only time I cried all movie was when the golden retrievers were on screen

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on January 07, 2019, 12:47:46 am
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on January 07, 2019, 03:03:06 am
Scooby Doo
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on January 12, 2019, 10:32:11 am
i never learned how to read
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on January 15, 2019, 02:07:03 pm
maybe this is the beers talking but ive been looking at a stream of news notifications on my phone and im starting to think this brexit thing......... may not have been rtgh best idea
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on January 16, 2019, 12:43:40 am
Don't tell me how to spend my Tuesday evenings
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on January 16, 2019, 01:14:59 am
Don't tell me how to spend my Tuesday evenings
Novelty Novel, January 16, 2019, 12:43:40 am
Don't tell you to spend them being wonderful? Fine, I won't!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on January 20, 2019, 01:20:20 pm
The cool thing about wine is that I don't even notice I'm drunk until the something unexpectedly pauses the music and I hear myself singing along.

edit: man i should drink wine more often, it only takes one mug to feel better

edit: i wanted to shazam the song my housemate was listening to but she skipped before i could get the app up :(
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on January 26, 2019, 03:17:51 am
I'm a straight while male and I hate my equals.

Have you guys seen Spider-Verse? It's an immediate contender for my top 5 movies ever.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on January 27, 2019, 04:46:58 pm
anyone wanna come over and play drunk jenga??
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on January 28, 2019, 03:34:21 am
I can cook. I can fucking cook."Oh I want to eat some vegetables" fuck you put them on some heat and wait a while. "oh I want some meat" Same as the last one but longer. I don't know what overdone tastes like but I guess that's just because I'm a cooking genius.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on January 28, 2019, 10:27:26 pm
Not going into work tomorrow and the day after due to SNOW STORM JAYDEN so guess its time to get weekday drunk awww yissssssss

Tonight's drink of choice is a gimlet. Citrusy, light, and 3oz of gin. Good shit. Also I've been "cooking"  a chocolate cake in my rice cooker, which is sooorrrrtaa working? I keep going back and it's not finished. But I can't burn the house down if I forget, so hell yeah
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on January 29, 2019, 02:24:49 pm
im gonna be a full blown alcoholic by the time this brexit thing is done
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Jam on January 31, 2019, 11:29:01 pm
Hellö I’m very drunk and it’s cold and I have the illness disease, that’s all, thanks
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: NutshellGulag on February 01, 2019, 07:39:07 pm
Hellö I’m very drunk and it’s cold and I have the illness disease, that’s all, thanks
Jam, January 31, 2019, 11:29:01 pm
I hope you feel better soon, Jam. Drink some hot water with that booze, you sickie.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on February 01, 2019, 10:00:50 pm
Hair goals '99 triple h
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on February 02, 2019, 03:12:19 am
Not going into work tomorrow and the day after due to SNOW STORM JAYDEN so guess its time to get weekday drunk awww yissssssss

Tonight's drink of choice is a gimlet. Citrusy, light, and 3oz of gin. Good shit. Also I've been "cooking"  a chocolate cake in my rice cooker, which is sooorrrrtaa working? I keep going back and it's not finished. But I can't burn the house down if I forget, so hell yeah
Romance Novel (Budget), January 28, 2019, 10:27:26 pm

I'm actually curious how Rice Cooker Cake turned out, please respond.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 02, 2019, 09:18:26 am
Not going into work tomorrow and the day after due to SNOW STORM JAYDEN so guess its time to get weekday drunk awww yissssssss

Tonight's drink of choice is a gimlet. Citrusy, light, and 3oz of gin. Good shit. Also I've been "cooking"  a chocolate cake in my rice cooker, which is sooorrrrtaa working? I keep going back and it's not finished. But I can't burn the house down if I forget, so hell yeah
Romance Novel (Budget), January 28, 2019, 10:27:26 pm

I'm actually curious how Rice Cooker Cake turned out, please respond.
Spenny, February 02, 2019, 03:12:19 am

I've tried two recipes thus far: one that came with the rice cooker and one I found on the internet. Both were dense and okay, but took quite a long time and more cooked on the outside. Part of the problem might be that the rice cooker is just a little baby 3 cup max one. If I find a recipe that does work I'll post it in the Fud thread
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 03, 2019, 01:22:51 am
For the first time in awhile I nailed the perfect level of drunk - I love everyone, some more in particular, and the extreme anxiety has faded away.

Not a full-time solution to be sure,  but for a moment I can remember what it's like to be at peace

So let us all give thanks to our livers, doing the good work
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Pigeon Pal on February 03, 2019, 09:39:05 pm
all my roommates prefer pabst -sad trombone over screwdriver-
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on February 03, 2019, 09:41:06 pm
all my roommates prefer pabst -sad trombone over screwdriver-
SeveralPigeons, February 03, 2019, 09:39:05 pm
pabst good
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sherman Tank on February 05, 2019, 08:08:13 pm
Tokaji wine is as good as advertised. I've been buying myself a bottle every time I finish a chapter of my manuscript, and it's a hell of an incentive.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Pigeon Pal on February 05, 2019, 09:24:01 pm
all my roommates prefer pabst -sad trombone over screwdriver-
SeveralPigeons, February 03, 2019, 09:39:05 pm
pabst good
AgentCoop, February 03, 2019, 09:41:06 pm
Fair. I'm not usually a beer person but around the third one they're alright
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 08, 2019, 10:13:56 pm

Addendum: flavored soju is waaay too smooth and I'm absolutely gonna find more, especially that grapefruit one


Addendum x3: you can (so far) drink when you extract a tooth, fyi

Addendum x4: you ever just drink yourself into a train wreck? Obviously, as this thread exists.  I guess at this time I wanna give thanks to people who believe in me, despite fucking up, forgetting everything, being late all the time, stuff like that. That sort of thing weighs heavily on my mind like 24/7, even though I acknowledge that it's sorta a waste of time???

Life is so terribly weird. But love freely and openly, as we only get one turn on this dumb dustball

Addendum ??: haha chai, you bulbed a posts in progress (you're too kind ;__:)
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on February 11, 2019, 03:21:22 am
I'm drinking. I paid my bills while I'm drinking. Most people are associating with friends while they drink. I'm watch space videos on Youtube and paying my bills when I drink. I'm watching this space video

All the bills are paid. Goodnight, homies.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on February 14, 2019, 01:44:26 pm
those couples walking past my window look really happy tonight, but ive got a whole bottle of wine to myself so whos really winning
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Carbon on February 19, 2019, 12:47:47 am
Winc dot com says I oughter serve this rosÈ chilled well it's a good thing there's a cold breeze coming in the window because I could no finish this whole bottle before it got warm otherwise
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on February 24, 2019, 02:23:35 am
big piss
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Jam on February 26, 2019, 07:50:20 pm
I drinke the wine and the beer and the gin and now I am drunk and yes good evening and thabks, see you in the hangover thread tomorrow
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sherman Tank on February 27, 2019, 12:48:03 am
I'm out of vodka and it makes me sad.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on February 28, 2019, 01:45:46 am
"i love being around you. when im with you its like magic. the world just slips away. you make me want to be a better, kinder person for you."

My boyfriend texts me rly good things and im SO happy and i lvoE HIM SO MUCH and im so happy to be with him and hes so great to me. I love him. I hope he has a good ski trip and Im so excited to see him this weekend I love him our four year anniversary is next month and Im so grateful to have spent four incredible years being with this wonderful man
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mr. Hunky Academia on March 02, 2019, 12:41:28 am
We're gonna start a crust band
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on March 05, 2019, 10:42:29 pm
So after literally crying at my desk while working on my employee self-review because I couldn't even BEGIN to conceive of any strengths (let alone THREE) I might have, I decided that I'm gonna spend the year trying to think of ways that I'm a pretty neat person that doesn't involve traits that capitalism values. I mean, what's the fucking point of embracing yourself as a good but flawed person if you tie that value to a labor that is exploited. Like when I've tied my value to good grades or validation, that shit is completely arbitrary and so fucking easily exploitable! Like the place I work at 100% has a "culture fit" of sad sacks that don't think they can make it anywhere else.

So dammit, I'm gonna at least somewhat like me in the year 2019! Even the part that overshares on internet forums.

Also for real love your kids unconditionally or you end up with people like me and man is that EVER a mess to clean up.

Y'all super cute! Goodnight :3
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on March 07, 2019, 12:06:52 am
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on March 07, 2019, 02:29:28 pm
listening to some buckethead rn

edit: now its daddy yankee, i remember gasolina was a million years ago but i still ddidnt realise he looked like that now

edit told a colleague i liked her new haircut today, i hope she thought it was more nice than it was weird
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on March 08, 2019, 11:08:32 pm
Okay listen tonight was quite a night but I want y'all to know
1. I love y'all
2. I'm drunk
3. #2 does not invalidate #1
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sherman Tank on March 09, 2019, 02:51:01 am
Pabst Blue Ribbon: It's not "good" but at least it's Union Made.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on March 12, 2019, 10:42:14 pm
45 resumes down, and I just got my rejection email from a job that put me through 4 interviews and strung me along for a month. One night to be grumpy and drunk, and then back on that horse!! I'm gonna find a job and move yet! Goddamn it I'M A PRETTY DECENT GRAPHIC DESIGNER and there's gotta be one place out there cool with my weird-ass self.

Now if only my mom would stop asking me if I changed my mind EVERY TIME SHE SAW ME.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Lemon on March 14, 2019, 12:03:44 am
I fell on my back four times today.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on March 14, 2019, 12:10:53 am
I fell on my back four times today.
Lemon, March 14, 2019, 12:03:44 am

Vertebrate are extremely overrated. Now a sweet ass exoskeleton? Now that's where it's at. Get a nice shimmer on those plates, survive falling impact, protecting your squishy bits. Desk jobs do not require flexibility!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on March 15, 2019, 10:48:56 pm
I strongly recommend sixpoint brewery's 'resin' (seen here propping up a copy of nhl 2k06).  Juicy hopppps
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on March 15, 2019, 10:51:34 pm
The Hi-Res was better but they stopped carrying near me
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turtle on March 15, 2019, 11:50:34 pm
I liked their Tribes revival but it's a dead game, a real shame.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on March 20, 2019, 05:43:26 pm
Drinking with a bunch of ex-company peeps and current company peeps (about 50/50) and it's a good reminder at how much this company suuuuuuuuuuuucks. Like this place's "culture fit" is "well-meaning suckers who will go the extra mile for 1/4 the price", and they know it.

P.S. That One Guy no one gives a fuck at how much hot shit you are now, we can totally see through your bravado "This company is only a stepping stone" garbage. Ugh

Edit: oh boy I love being the only girl in the group, because even if you're super guy-ish all of a sudden some trash asshole starts talking about some woman's "fake tits" like fuck you dude, society has created a environment that you need to be younger and hotter the older you get and fuck you if you're a woman over 40.

Fuck my buzz is ruined you fucks
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Carbon on March 24, 2019, 11:59:43 pm
Would love to own a very large sword for sparring. I think about this most days. A few options out there but for some reason people think a sword that's too stiff to absorb a thrust is ok as long as it's also too massive to safely cut in normal sparring. At that point why even make it blunt, and who is out there spending like $600 on a prop for solo forms that they can't even make shitty bottle massacre YouTube videos with????

Anyway Bulleit is treating me well tonight. Was not brave enough to buy Costco 12 year blended scotch despite the reputation of their vodka
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on March 28, 2019, 10:18:37 pm
I've been chugging apple brandy and obviously that's the best way to get ready for editing an interview recording for my new podcast.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on March 31, 2019, 04:46:46 pm
i love you almost as much as i love taylor swift
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 01, 2019, 10:07:04 pm
Protip: chug a tumbler of Bushmill's and then eat a handful of parmesan crisps.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on April 01, 2019, 11:47:23 pm

Same energy
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on April 02, 2019, 12:49:17 am
I'm not drunk but FUCK I'm hiccuping.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 04, 2019, 08:46:39 pm
Is Kraken supposed to taste like Coca-Cola? This is my first time trying it, and I don't think I was properly briefed beforehand.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on April 05, 2019, 11:09:25 pm
There's this lady on the arts board I'm a part of who is in her early 50s (I'd guess) who doesn't have kids, isn't married, and doesn't have a partner. She's lived in a ton of cool cities, does cool things, and has even started her own foundation!! I'm not sure where my life will go, but she's some real inspiration
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on April 06, 2019, 12:09:08 am
i'm not quite drunk yet but i'm feelin good enough.

i've started mixing bourbon with apple cider vinegar and honey and i actually enjoy it a lot!

now if only i could remind myself to stop trying to color when drinking. it goes south real fast... :(
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on April 06, 2019, 02:30:34 am
I've hit up the tiny sample bottle selection the last 2 times I've been to my local store, and I can definitely say Select Club Apple is very much my shit.

Total Wine & More has it at a 2/5 but dang I love it.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on April 10, 2019, 06:18:21 pm
This happy hour was the worst idea, and it has never been more apparent that this company is going to fold. 90 year old firm, mismanaged into oblivion. And since I'm overhead, I'll be the first to be canned. I've been applying for months now and I just can't make it happen.

At least my friends said that I could move in with them if my job gets canned, and I can become a leeching parasite of a human being. It's all great and very affirming in the background of ecological destruction. I'm gonna stay drunk until I pass out. It's the only way
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: sambair on April 11, 2019, 08:23:15 pm
Drinking for the first time after taking a hiatus for a couple months. Beginning with a hemp-flavored malt liquor. It's about as good as it sounds. Would not recommend.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 13, 2019, 05:59:18 pm
I just bought a bottle of Tullamore Dew and have nothing to do for the rest of the night. Keep me in your prayers.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 13, 2019, 07:58:08 pm
yheol0 thys stuf fis like liquid saw dust but i can't stop drinking it
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on April 13, 2019, 08:34:50 pm
yheol0 thys stuf fis like liquid saw dust but i can't stop drinking it
Neal, April 13, 2019, 07:58:08 pm

Like someone bottled the "walked into a woodshop" smell? Sounds delightful
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 13, 2019, 08:55:05 pm
Imagine someone spritzed a chunk of raw oak with some caramel syrup, then you bit into it.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turtle on April 13, 2019, 10:28:10 pm
What if I'm drunk and have nothing to say? Where's my thread?!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 13, 2019, 10:36:38 pm
What if I'm drunk and have nothing to say? Where's my thread?!
Turtle, April 13, 2019, 10:28:10 pm

You post to this thread with the smiley freaking the fuck out.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on April 14, 2019, 03:26:07 am
I love The Venture Brothers so much.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on April 14, 2019, 10:14:28 am
yheol0 thys stuf fis like liquid saw dust but i can't stop drinking it
Neal, April 13, 2019, 07:58:08 pm
how you doin', champ?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 14, 2019, 02:37:21 pm
yheol0 thys stuf fis like liquid saw dust but i can't stop drinking it
Neal, April 13, 2019, 07:58:08 pm
how you doin', champ?
chai tea latte, April 14, 2019, 10:14:28 am

Pretty good today, thanks! I was wise enough to drink water last night and so didn't wake up with a pounding headache this morning.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 14, 2019, 08:31:26 pm
I got some grading done, got two new episodes of my favorite podcasts, had a board game meetup where we played one of my favorite games, edited another episode of the podcast, and now I'm starting Whiskey Round Two with some salt and vinegar chips to boot. FUCK YEAH.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Carbon on April 17, 2019, 11:51:15 pm
Not drunk yet but I'll work on it and get back to you. Making my way through this bourbon at an alarming rate so I gotta steel myself for trying Costco Scotch next.
My mantra is "what a deal" alternating with "Costco doesn't actually make it themselves"
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Carbon on April 18, 2019, 01:57:28 am
I got there. Wanting fried food now, and or something salty. And I'd like to pet a good dog
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 18, 2019, 11:36:41 pm
I just finished off the bottle of Tullamore Dew. I wish I had access to fried food right now, but I'm hella broke because of fucking medical bills.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on April 18, 2019, 11:43:53 pm
Jesus told me to assassinate Donald Trump
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 19, 2019, 12:12:51 am
Jesus told me to assassinate Donald Trump
chai tea latte, April 18, 2019, 11:43:53 pm

He's pretty much telling everyone that these days, though. It's like getting one of those weather alerts on your phone.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on April 19, 2019, 12:46:34 am
Now I'm thinking of Amber Alerts, but instead of a hideous tone it's a choir of angels and Jesus texting you in all caps about how he definitely meant eye of a sewing needle you fuckers.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Vinny Possum on April 19, 2019, 01:20:47 am
Jesus told me to assassinate Donald Trump
chai tea latte, April 18, 2019, 11:43:53 pm

Well fucking get on it.

Also do you need any help? Not that I'm offering but you know my discord.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: birdie on April 19, 2019, 02:13:11 pm
Got drunk yesterday and woke up all gross today
But then I ate a ton of watermelon and now I feel great
Note to self: watermelon best hangover helper
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on April 22, 2019, 02:34:53 am
I watched Into the Spiderverse again this morning. It is still beautiful and perfect and my second favorite movie. The LEGO movie is #1 but that might be due to personal bias. Chris Miller and Phil Lord are so goddamn good at everything they do (haven't seen Cloudy w/ chance of meatballs, no spoilers).
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on April 22, 2019, 03:12:09 am
You guys ever think about if they actually let Lord and Miller finish Solo it would have been a good movie? I mean, the whole thing where han solo learns every defining aspect of his life within a few days could have been insanely funny if it was played as a joke. but it wasn't. It was just played as a semi-jokey serious movie and it didn't work at all. It sucked. New-Canon-Ass darth maul was an awful shit turn. if it was played as a joke it would have been funny
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on April 22, 2019, 03:12:48 am
cowards let lord & miller do a star wars movie
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on April 22, 2019, 10:22:34 pm
No rules say a dog can't play basketball, and no enforceable laws say you can't drink on a Monday night
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Carbon on April 23, 2019, 10:15:26 pm
So fucking lucky to live in Chicago, can just to to a fucking great blues club any fucking time
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Carbon on April 23, 2019, 10:40:58 pm
 Buddy Guy just got on stage for a song, you can say what the fuck you want about Chiraq I wouldn't trade it for anything
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: lazzer grardaion? on April 27, 2019, 05:17:15 pm
I tell ya this website needs a dark mode.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on April 27, 2019, 05:19:38 pm
I tell ya this website needs a dark mode.
LancashireMcGee, April 27, 2019, 05:17:15 pm

I don't know how to tell u this sire but it has one I think it's in profile options
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 27, 2019, 07:24:44 pm
I bought a bottle of Glen Moray. I aspire to finish it by Monday.

EDIT: Hey, nobody told me not all Scotch is peated. This tastes like honey and vanilla. Not exactly complaining, but I was specifically in the mood for smoky.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 27, 2019, 11:59:54 pm
Update; half the bottle is gone and I'm drukn enough to thnk about driving to the 24 hour grocery store to get stuff to make nachos.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 28, 2019, 01:03:09 am
FUCK I took my can opener to work earlier this week and forgot it in my office, so I can't open the Ro-Tel to make the cheese. Nachos will have to wait.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 28, 2019, 09:20:25 pm
Getting close to the bottom of the bottle of Glen Moray. I coughed a little during my last shot and the whiesky went up my noste and it hurt but it also made me runk faster.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on April 28, 2019, 10:01:06 pm
Getting close to the bottom of the bottle of Glen Moray. I coughed a little during my last shot and the whiesky went up my noste and it hurt but it also made me runk faster.
Neal, April 28, 2019, 09:20:25 pm

Neal don't snort your liquor
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 28, 2019, 10:13:18 pm
Getting close to the bottom of the bottle of Glen Moray. I coughed a little during my last shot and the whiesky went up my noste and it hurt but it also made me runk faster.
Neal, April 28, 2019, 09:20:25 pm

Neal don't snort your liquor
🧛‍♀️📘, April 28, 2019, 10:01:06 pm

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: birdie on April 29, 2019, 11:53:48 am
also if you plan to snort your liquor pls consider that vice done it first:
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 29, 2019, 12:00:49 pm
also if you plan to snort your liquor pls consider that vice done it first:
birdie, April 29, 2019, 11:53:48 am

Don't worry, I was drinking at home, so there was no driving involved. Also, I'm now morbidly curious as to whether powdered alcohol has been used on AllRecipes or sites like that to make food that will get you drunk.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 30, 2019, 07:26:19 pm
Popping the cork on a bottle of Laphroaig Quarter Cask tonight. I have high hopes. Also, I got around to making those nachos I was talking about before, so I have that to look forward to as well.

EDIT: Yikes, this stuff is way more smoky than I anticipated. I mean, that's what I was looking for, but this might be too far in the other direction. I hear Bowmore is more moderate on the peat, so I may try that next. But still, whiskey is whiskey, right?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 30, 2019, 11:12:13 pm
aww fuck you guys drunk nachos are the best. Here's my recipe:

grond pork, browned with 1 vidalia onion chopped and some taco seasoning
blue corn chips
queso blanco Velveeta with a can of Ro-tel Chipotle
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 03, 2019, 11:41:04 pm
Tonight I had art stuff, then went out to dinner and drinks with some coworkers and friends and tried hard to respectfully flirt with a very cute bartender. But I don't know how to flirt even if someone's interested, and like I'm sure she gets some creepos but I also need to move the fuck on. So I ended up completing her skills and trying to smile like a normal human.

Either way, it was a good night and full of amazing drinks!!!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on May 04, 2019, 01:35:25 pm
It's 4:30am and I'm drinking and watching metal gear solid let's plays to try and sleep because my neighbour left his radio and cement mixer going in his back yard outside my window so I have to sleep on this lumpy ass lounge and none of it is working, everything is terrible and nothing is right in the world
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on May 07, 2019, 11:49:22 pm
Talisker Storm is way more palatable to me than Laphroaig. It's also a damn good match for barbecue chicken and cole slaw.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on May 09, 2019, 12:01:09 am
I don't know why Maple Nut Goodies are so hard to find, but I had to spend two hours driving all over the county to find some. Now I'm eating them while drinking scotch and it's really good.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 09, 2019, 12:07:01 am
I don't know why Maple Nut Goodies are so hard to find, but I had to spend two hours driving all over the county to find some. Now I'm eating them while drinking scotch and it's really good.
Neal, May 09, 2019, 12:01:09 am

Drunk Sanguinary Novel delivers you a horrible delicious gift!!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 09, 2019, 12:14:22 am
Last night was fucking awful, so tonight I'm taking no chances and getting terribly drunk so I pass the hell out. A temporary fix at least.

Tonight's drink of choice is a Moscow mule, a nice mix of sharp, sweet, and sour. Miss the bitter of a G&T tho. Mixing the two seemslike a bad idea. Watching the really well played Thief LPs. I absolutely suck at sneaking games because I do not have the patience, but the atmosphere and story of the original trilogy is very nice
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on May 09, 2019, 09:56:26 pm
Last night was fucking awful, so tonight I'm taking no chances and getting terribly drunk so I pass the hell out. A temporary fix at least.

Tonight's drink of choice is a Moscow mule, a nice mix of sharp, sweet, and sour. Miss the bitter of a G&T tho. Mixing the two seemslike a bad idea. Watching the really well played Thief LPs. I absolutely suck at sneaking games because I do not have the patience, but the atmosphere and story of the original trilogy is very nice
🧛‍♀️📘, May 09, 2019, 12:14:22 am

The Moscow Mule may be my favorite cocktail of all time, and I've been wanting to make some lately, so thanks for inspiring me to go pick up some vodka tomorrow.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: sambair on May 10, 2019, 03:31:07 am
Made a shandy with store brand orange juice and Honey Brown. It's drinkable!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: birdie on May 10, 2019, 03:52:43 am
Me: sure, I would love to come for a quick post-last-class-drink, classmates!
Me, six hours later: who's apartment am I at. what year is it. who am i (hiccup)
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on May 12, 2019, 01:39:21 am
I accidentally bought vodka + liqueur instead of vodka and it is vile.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on May 12, 2019, 05:08:52 am
Boots, and by proxy Lemon and Victor, suggested an excellent bourbon to me and not only did i enjoy it, i switched to cheap swill the moment i stopped noticing how good it was. Now I'm nice and floaty and wanna thank everyone for being who they are.

Also to everyone who is sending me such glowing feedback on the latest EC ep... [heart]
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: sambair on May 16, 2019, 08:07:30 pm
I gotta stay sober enough to drive, but I'm at a bar so I can sneak a couple beers into John Wick 3 in my belly.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: sambair on May 17, 2019, 09:02:35 pm
It's probably not technically a Moscow Mule, but I bought a bottle of lime vodka and a bottle of ginger ale because of this thread, and because I haven't gotten really fucked up in a while.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Carbon on May 18, 2019, 01:14:51 am
I've grossly underappreciated people who say just kidding when they're just kidding
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: sambair on May 18, 2019, 02:06:16 am
I will spend as much of my time as I can with you all tomorrow, but it's 3am and I just finished watching Commando, and I have more drinking to do still. I'm gonna watch at least an episode or two of old Simpsons, then several hours of Youtube.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Carbon on May 19, 2019, 11:39:17 pm
Remember when I posted in here I wasn't brave enough to buy Costco's blended scotch whisky
I was right
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 20, 2019, 10:37:36 pm
Tonight is time for a classic, the gin and tonic with a dash of Angostura! CAN'T BE SAD WHEN YOU'RE DRUNK FUCKERS.

ALSO gonna make some chips and cheese because a little bit o' salt would be divine right now
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 22, 2019, 11:38:56 pm
Guess who's drunk
Drunk again
Sangy's drunk
(Shhh don't tell my friends)

Edit: I really pity whomever ends up with me because I become cloyingly clingy and lovey when drunk. I just really want to smooch someone and tell them how awesome they are with abandon
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr. on May 24, 2019, 11:07:34 pm
i wissh
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 25, 2019, 10:13:45 pm
i wissh
Turbo Sexaphonic Delight, May 24, 2019, 11:07:34 pm

I'm sorrryyy, may happiness find you on your next inebriation trip
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 25, 2019, 10:15:10 pm
Having ruined two dinners, both which were just simply reheating leftovers, dinner will of the liquid variety.

...and peanut butter Oreos
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on May 27, 2019, 12:19:59 am
guess what everyone... :')

I am nice and warm feeling and I just. Love my friends so dearly. I genuinely don't know how to convey to them how wonderful I think they are! I've met so many good, trustworthy, safe people to be myself with through this community and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. For all that you do for me, and all that you are to me, thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I hope you all know who you are. If not, I have work to do. BEING SAPPY!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 27, 2019, 12:26:10 am
guess what everyone... :')

I am nice and warm feeling and I just. Love my friends so dearly. I genuinely don't know how to convey to them how wonderful I think they are! I've met so many good, trustworthy, safe people to be myself with through this community and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. For all that you do for me, and all that you are to me, thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I hope you all know who you are. If not, I have work to do. BEING SAPPY!
Shell Game, May 27, 2019, 12:19:59 am


(Iz good!!)
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on May 27, 2019, 01:10:18 am
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on May 27, 2019, 10:11:18 am
Once I finish my business admin course I want to stop playing video games for a while and just find someone to watch cult movies from the 70s and 80s with for a couple of months
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Jam on May 28, 2019, 09:42:54 pm
I regret everything and it's about 3.30 here but I don't regret it that much because I got wrecked with my frinwedns. I don't know why anyone else had to know this but my friends are good and stuff
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 28, 2019, 09:54:47 pm
I regret everything and it's about 3.30 here but I don't regret it that much because I got wrecked with my frinwedns. I don't know why anyone else had to know this but my friends are good and stuff
Jam, May 28, 2019, 09:42:54 pm

That's a Texas-sized 10-4 on friends good buddy
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Jam on May 28, 2019, 09:59:12 pm
Yeah, friends are pretty great and also I need to sleep now
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 30, 2019, 11:48:37 pm
Came home from an entire 5 hours of hyperfocus and just EXTREMELY wired. So I've decided to drink and depress this mood into something manageable and be able to sleep.

Sensible? Hell no. Dear Lord no. Emphatically no. No bueno. Incredibly unsustainable. But I need to get to sleep soon enough to wake up on time to join a gym to finally tire myself out in a way that DOESN'T destroy my liver. And just feel better about my corporal form.

Edit: dude it is impressive how much I can drink in this state and still be functional...ish. Usually this oz level puts me in a stupor, but damn. Time to drink some water

Edit 2: Note to future SN: self-medicating with alcohol in this state is a fools errand you fool, you fucking moron. It's taken twice the amount of alcohol to bring me down, and it's the same time it would have been had I just laid in bed and be mad about it. Also, less side effects.  Dumb as hell.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mr. Hunky Academia on May 31, 2019, 02:05:46 pm
I think I have invented the most rancid drink ever.

The Bäpsi

Bäska Droppar (malort) and Pepsi. Jesus please have mercy on this poor sinner.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on June 02, 2019, 02:25:06 am
gotta get a selfie with Keanu's Walk of Fame star
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on June 03, 2019, 12:55:48 am
gotta go to quakecon this year because they'll probably have wolfenstein merch since it's the same weekend Youngblood releases
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on June 03, 2019, 12:56:53 am
I roll the nickels
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: GenesisAlwaysSucked on June 03, 2019, 01:34:13 am
I roll the nickels
AgentCoop, June 03, 2019, 12:56:53 am

Always makes me go put on Ex-Military.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on June 06, 2019, 10:13:36 pm
You gusr are asoem and I specially like my spire group Shell game Mix and Wrought but you're all mostly cool
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 10, 2019, 11:55:25 pm
Ran out of stuff for Moscow mules, but did pick up this excellent grapefruit vodka. I've cut it with tonic just to make it last longer, but I need to find something proper to mix it with. I thought a Paloma, but that's made with tequila, and seems wrong. Maybe just straight?!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on June 11, 2019, 02:37:34 pm
Ran out of stuff for Moscow mules, but did pick up this excellent grapefruit vodka. I've cut it with tonic just to make it last longer, but I need to find something proper to mix it with. I thought a Paloma, but that's made with tequila, and seems wrong. Maybe just straight?!
Bobguinary Novel, June 10, 2019, 11:55:25 pm

For grapefruit vodka, I'd recommend a splash of grenadine. If you have a Middle Eastern market available, get it there, not at a supermarket or something, because it is more likely to be made with real pomegranate.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 11, 2019, 03:36:45 pm
Ran out of stuff for Moscow mules, but did pick up this excellent grapefruit vodka. I've cut it with tonic just to make it last longer, but I need to find something proper to mix it with. I thought a Paloma, but that's made with tequila, and seems wrong. Maybe just straight?!
Bobguinary Novel, June 10, 2019, 11:55:25 pm

For grapefruit vodka, I'd recommend a splash of grenadine. If you have a Middle Eastern market available, get it there, not at a supermarket or something, because it is more likely to be made with real pomegranate.
Neal, June 11, 2019, 02:37:34 pm

My city doesn't have a proper Middle Eastern market (a rad Eastern market though), but there is a store nearby with a very robust ME selection. I'll have to see if it's there.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Carbon on June 11, 2019, 08:19:05 pm
I've found I can get rid of a bunch of this shitty costco scotch by diluting it with diet SquirtTM. It's not good but it's what I deserve for buying an $18 handle of liquor. I must be halfway done now, or at least close. Keep me in your prayers
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 12, 2019, 10:53:37 pm
I've almost figured out how to make this grapefruit vodka taste like Fresca - so in the immortal words of Darkwing Duck

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on June 12, 2019, 11:09:44 pm
Wow bruins got rocked.  You folks ever stick one of those tropical twisted teas in the freezer for like an hour?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 12, 2019, 11:20:02 pm
Wow bruins got rocked.  You folks ever stick one of those tropical twisted teas in the freezer for like an hour?
AgentCoop, June 12, 2019, 11:09:44 pm

Shhh sometimes I embrace my white girl genes and buy those tropical drink freeze pouches and drink those (and add more vodka)
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on June 12, 2019, 11:24:23 pm
Wow bruins got rocked.  You folks ever stick one of those tropical twisted teas in the freezer for like an hour?
AgentCoop, June 12, 2019, 11:09:44 pm

Shhh sometimes I embrace my white girl genes and buy those tropical drink freeze pouches and drink those (and add more vodka)
Bobguinary Novel, June 12, 2019, 11:20:02 pm
birtbday cake vodka gets anyone on earth 'white girl drunk' but for you and I I think it reaches a special and dangerous level
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 12, 2019, 11:27:42 pm
Wow bruins got rocked.  You folks ever stick one of those tropical twisted teas in the freezer for like an hour?
AgentCoop, June 12, 2019, 11:09:44 pm

Shhh sometimes I embrace my white girl genes and buy those tropical drink freeze pouches and drink those (and add more vodka)
Bobguinary Novel, June 12, 2019, 11:20:02 pm
birtbday cake vodka gets anyone on earth 'white girl drunk' but for you and I I think it reaches a special and dangerous level
chai tea latte, June 12, 2019, 11:24:23 pm

Next fplus live, I'll bring the birthday cake vodka and we can reenact that scene from Indiana Jones and The Lost Ark. To be clear, I'll lose because I still can't believe you made it out of the last live after party without a scratch
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on June 13, 2019, 12:09:37 am
Wow bruins got rocked.  You folks ever stick one of those tropical twisted teas in the freezer for like an hour?
AgentCoop, June 12, 2019, 11:09:44 pm

Shhh sometimes I embrace my white girl genes and buy those tropical drink freeze pouches and drink those (and add more vodka)
Bobguinary Novel, June 12, 2019, 11:20:02 pm
birtbday cake vodka gets anyone on earth 'white girl drunk' but for you and I I think it reaches a special and dangerous level
chai tea latte, June 12, 2019, 11:24:23 pm

Next fplus live, I'll bring the birthday cake vodka and we can reenact that scene from Indiana Jones and The Lost Ark. To be clear, I'll lose because I still can't believe you made it out of the last live after party without a scratch
Bobguinary Novel, June 12, 2019, 11:27:42 pm
Not only without a scratch, but up one cape!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on June 13, 2019, 03:10:36 pm
when u pick up ur beer and its all light and u shake it and there's no sloshing at all and its empty :(((((((
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on June 16, 2019, 01:28:44 pm
I like how I write D&D stuff and world building a hell of a lot more when i'm drinking. I really need to work on my world building more when I'm drunk.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 23, 2019, 10:18:55 pm
Night time is the worst time, so I fix
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 27, 2019, 10:13:17 pm
So yeah, strawberry gin? Weird as fuck - not horrible, but not great either. Not sure what other outcome I expected, but it's like a bitter strawberry vodka. Mixes alright with limeade, but again, why not just use cheaper flavored vodka?

All of this is moot, as it will not stop me from buying a different dumb flavored beer/liquor. If the chocolate chai stout didn't learn me, nothing will
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mique on June 28, 2019, 06:41:15 pm
New place got set up finally. Now I can be drinking.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mr. Hunky Academia on June 28, 2019, 08:32:18 pm
I  might not be one of the more prolific posters on here but I want you to know that I love you all and that I'd take a bullet for each and every one of you.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Seth "Slimy" Rollins on June 28, 2019, 08:49:51 pm
friend just left for the night, we shared some butterscotch and apple pie moonshine from the ozarks. all alone now. drinking alone isn't as fun as everyone says so i'm switching to diet coke with cherry for a bit before having a before-bed something or other.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 28, 2019, 09:07:35 pm
I  might not be one of the more prolific posters on here but I want you to know that I love you all and that I'd take a bullet for each and every one of you.
Mr. Hunky Academia, June 28, 2019, 08:32:18 pm

Please Mr Academia, think of your students! Without a hunky professor, how will they make it out of bed in the morning!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mique on June 28, 2019, 09:17:33 pm
He'll take all the bullets and shrug them off with a flash of his shining teeth!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Carbon on June 28, 2019, 11:28:56 pm
St. Bernardus Abt 12
I'd get it again but only as my only beer for the night
Like a porter that someone just spiked with vodka, yet without watering down the porter taste. Just added burn
I want to be sober so I can be in my air conditioned car
Gonna use my streak freeze on Duolingo and forget about doing it now at the pub. I'm at 102 days I've earned it
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on June 29, 2019, 12:28:26 am

i've been through a lot the last couple years, but i really feel that y'all who make the community feel so... community-like? you've been something kinda special to me. I feel like I've found a fuckin' family in my extra credit cast/crew. seriously, the friends i've made thanks to this place i love to death, in a way i never thought possible before (blood relatives suck!) and i'm just so, so grateful for it all.

Wow it's so much easier to get me drunk... I like it!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Achilles' Heelies on June 29, 2019, 01:23:50 am
Hey you jerks! You're all great, and I'm better knowing you,!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on June 29, 2019, 01:27:04 am
Hey you jerks! You're all great, and I'm better knowing you,!
Achilles' Heelies, June 29, 2019, 01:23:50 am
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on July 01, 2019, 05:35:19 am
I'm Canadian and I've traveled down to Seattle to celebrate pride in July (Vancouver - my home) does not celebrate it in pride month because of dumb local history. Tonight I saw the dykes on bikes (excellent) and met several online friends and hung out in a park, and then I believe I accidentally and sexily wrecked a 5 year engagement by not even kissing a woman who seemed to be poly but also later appeared to be in an abusive relationship? She was  very drunk and I got her a glass of water when she fell down drunk. Not one to kiss and tell but having rather a long night of it {owned). But when I was looking for this hot redhead who grinded on me I met this woman from not only my (Canadian) city but my 5 neighbourhood who was a powerful and 5* romantic butch and is going to. Be my wife
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on July 01, 2019, 05:41:15 am
If yore LGBT+ (yes, you) you have to bulb this it's the rules. Let's hit a record!!  Xoxo chai 😘🎠💃
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mique on July 05, 2019, 08:58:10 pm
I'm pretty sure I had like 2/3 of this bottle left, and now it's like...
Under 1/3? I dunno, but it's good and I don't want to try standing up.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on July 05, 2019, 09:15:15 pm
I'm pretty sure I had like 2/3 of this bottle left, and now it's like...
Under 1/3? I dunno, but it's good and I don't want to try standing up.
Mique, July 05, 2019, 08:58:10 pm

Bottle of what? That makes a difference.

I bought a bottle of Irish cream, a bottle of espresso liqueur, and a bottle of 100 proof vodka, and I'm turning the whole thing into frozen mudslides starting 15 minutes ago.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on July 08, 2019, 12:34:38 am
Started out the evening with some Hendricks Midsummer; lightly floral with some orange peel. Great over ice, as it cuts some of the "alcohol" taste. I have enough for some with tonic, maybe that'll help. A solid try if you like your gin with a bit of a floral taste. Probably wouldn't add bitters.

...then I polished off the rest of the grapefruit vodka with some limeade and now I'm terribly drunk, which means I'm all lovelorn, which is a little gross and unhelpful, but whatever ride that shit through
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on July 08, 2019, 01:37:38 am
ice cream is so good
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on July 09, 2019, 10:33:06 pm
Having a third of a bottle of Irish cream, vodka, and espresso liqueur mixed into a very large mudslide is probably not the time to be reseasoning my wok but here I am.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on July 10, 2019, 12:57:12 am
Where the hell is the last beer from the six pack. It was JUST RIGHT HERE.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on July 10, 2019, 01:56:10 am
Where the hell is the last beer from the six pack. It was JUST RIGHT HERE.
chai tea latte, July 10, 2019, 12:57:12 am
it was under my pillow??
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sherman Tank on July 10, 2019, 01:57:32 am
I hope it wasn't open. Otherwise that's some bad news for laundry day.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on July 11, 2019, 02:44:31 pm
I'm not tall enough for standing room only music venues. Cant see shit.

My solution is to have another drink until I dont care anymore. It is working.

I seem to have b u s t e d my back. I'm 24 I should have two or three years left before I start decaying.

Time after Time is currently playing between the opener an the main act and it's gotta hurt turning up and singing and dancing live and then having an mp3 get a better response.

Also time after time bangs
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on July 12, 2019, 11:25:05 pm
I know I shouldn't but I'm just tipsy enough to want to go out and get some drunk food. A cheesesteak from Sheetz sounds really good right now.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on July 12, 2019, 11:36:47 pm
Get that cheesestake my homie peppers and onions no doubt so listen I'm a little fucked up been drinking all night man them screwdrivers be hittin
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on July 12, 2019, 11:45:11 pm
Get that cheesestake my homie peppers and onions no doubt so listen I'm a little fucked up been drinking all night man them screwdrivers be hittin
AgentCoop, July 12, 2019, 11:36:47 pm

Okay you've convinced me, but peppers are heterodox to Philly composition and I will not be adding them.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on July 12, 2019, 11:57:20 pm
Get that cheesestake my homie peppers and onions no doubt so listen I'm a little fucked up been drinking all night man them screwdrivers be hittin
AgentCoop, July 12, 2019, 11:36:47 pm

Okay you've convinced me, but peppers are heterodox to Philly composition and I will not be adding them.
Neal, July 12, 2019, 11:45:11 pm
I will suffer with my green peps in silence
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on July 13, 2019, 12:21:03 am
Get that cheesestake my homie peppers and onions no doubt so listen I'm a little fucked up been drinking all night man them screwdrivers be hittin
AgentCoop, July 12, 2019, 11:36:47 pm

Okay you've convinced me, but peppers are heterodox to Philly composition and I will not be adding them.
Neal, July 12, 2019, 11:45:11 pm
I will suffer with my green peps in silence
AgentCoop, July 12, 2019, 11:57:20 pm

Hey, man, I'm not telling you what to put in your mouth. I have a rule against that. I'm just saying how I take my sandwiches. I admit I'm weirdly purist and have Opinions about how certain things should be made and named.

Anyway, overheard in line while I was waiting on my food: "Tallboy. Smirnoff Ice. That's a man's drink." Exchange took place between two guys who, if they were about five years older, I would bet good money had a lower-tier YouTube series about Slender Man at one point.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on July 13, 2019, 12:25:21 am
Listen, masculinity (and the other one) they are a charade, and if a bro wanna drink Smirnoff ice how am I to stop a brother
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on July 13, 2019, 12:30:42 am
Gender is a scam, but so are drinks with 4.5% ABV.

Also, some asshole put a Diet Mountain Dew back in the place where regular lives, and I grabbed it by mistake, and now the wretched artificial sweetener taste is ruining the glory of my trash sandwich.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on July 13, 2019, 03:10:43 am
Gender is a scam
Neal, July 13, 2019, 12:30:42 am

Yeah! Gender is a fake idea! (I use this same line on people who don't know Achewood. I can tell from your avatar that you know Achewood. I wish I was drunker so I could fall asleep faster.)
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: floaty ghost on July 13, 2019, 03:51:54 pm
Am drunk and working hard at it. I just joined, and reading loosely through some threads a not infrequent theme, a feeling of being broken or maladjusted, and catharisis or comfort in this community.
How do you feel okay?
Having a hard time with it.

Ed.: found the sadbrains thread, and found my corner of the forum.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on July 13, 2019, 04:49:24 pm
Gender is a scam
Neal, July 13, 2019, 12:30:42 am

Yeah! Gender is a fake idea! (I use this same line on people who don't know Achewood. I can tell from your avatar that you know Achewood. I wish I was drunker so I could fall asleep faster.)
Spenny, July 13, 2019, 03:10:43 am

I actually just changed my avatar last night because AgentCoop and I were perilously close to turning into real-life Ray and Roast Beef from the tenor of our conversation.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on July 23, 2019, 12:43:12 am
I'm mad I only have cider. I wish I wish I was more drunk by now. 
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on July 25, 2019, 10:11:13 am
Man Fire Emblem Three Houses better be good because after losing Geoff Robinson and Rutger Hauer this week has been a fucking bummer
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mique on July 26, 2019, 09:07:34 pm
Oh no, I'm drinking a lot of alcohol again! Who could have predicted such a turn of events?!

Also, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on July 27, 2019, 02:06:14 am
Bitches, you'll never know when you're gonna die, so make sure you let people know how cool they are: family, friends, that guy who drove past me today with a ton of plastic Halloween skeletons on his car dash. Forgiving and forgetting is more complex and needs it's own time (or if ever), but telling a friend they're awesome only takes a minute!!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sorrel on July 28, 2019, 07:56:35 pm
i had buckfast for the first time. it is way less like normal alchohol than i thought it would be, no music sounds fast enough. listening to music at 1.5x speed
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on August 03, 2019, 03:22:00 am
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on August 04, 2019, 10:37:33 pm
Whew, having a sandwich in the middle of three really potent gin and tonics makes the buzz really stretch out.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on August 04, 2019, 11:53:05 pm
G&Ts! G&Ts! G&Ts!

I'd go make one myself but 1) already a little sloshed and 2) tomorrow is a workday and it's 1am
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on August 07, 2019, 06:19:11 pm
Awww yeah getting drunk enough that I'm considering a lifetime of debt to go back to school for a masters for teaching or art conservation because I'm absolutely lost and disillusioned with life I'M FULL OF GREAT IDEAS

Edit: on one hand, all the coolest people I know said eat shit to school, and have done amazing art and work at amazing things without school and maybe I just need to work harder or network better or something. Maybe I go, get done, and absolutely nothing changes and I just rack up debt and anxiety for NO REASON
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on August 09, 2019, 08:27:24 pm
Awww yeah getting drunk enough that I'm considering a lifetime of debt to go back to school for a masters for teaching or art conservation because I'm absolutely lost and disillusioned with life I'M FULL OF GREAT IDEAS

Edit: on one hand, all the coolest people I know said eat shit to school, and have done amazing art and work at amazing things without school and maybe I just need to work harder or network better or something. Maybe I go, get done, and absolutely nothing changes and I just rack up debt and anxiety for NO REASON
Bobguinary Novel, August 07, 2019, 06:19:11 pm

As someone who got both a Master's and a Ph.D., DON'T DO IT.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on August 10, 2019, 10:55:58 pm
up in heaven, a teary eyed ghaddaffi turns to a newcomer, and intones: look what she did to us brother. epstein accepts the embrace, i know brother, but we’re safe from her now
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on August 10, 2019, 11:49:55 pm
At that stage in my life where I'm seriously considering becoming a nun again. I know this is the drunk thread so we'll reinvestigate these sentiments in the morning

E: considering again, not becoming a nun for the second time. It's weird because nothing is wrong in my life lately but I'm still thinking about it a lot
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on August 11, 2019, 09:23:28 pm
Bombay Sapphire and Fever Tree.........

I don't even mind the company! I popped a weed pill surreptitiously and I'm gonna ride out all this bs high society gossip in a beautiful crossfade
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sherman Tank on August 12, 2019, 08:37:37 pm
The finest drink I've ever had was an amaretto sour prepared for me in a basement bar in London by a Congolese man who, last I heard, now lives and works in Paris. I was a filthy grad student when I ordered the drink from him, so it's nice to know we both moved up in the world after that.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on August 17, 2019, 01:31:26 pm
You know what the weird thing about the internet is? I have no idea what any of you think about me. I've posted here on average several times a day for several years about everything I like and hate and all the dumb shit I do and all the miserable thoughts I have, and I've read the same from a lot of you, and for all I know you're my mother or my imminent murderer or my boss or my future wife. Has anyone ever noticed? Will this come back to haunt me? Probably! I'm going to do it again tomorrow because I'm a fucking idiot.

I just saw some fucker out of my window finish his coffee, then bend down and place it neatly in the middle of the pavement and walk off like that was an okay thing to do. There's a bin like twenty steps ahead of you. What the fuck dude? It's just out of my window, pissing my off every time I turn my head slightly to the left and people watch for a second. I'd almost prefer if he'd just dropped it, at least that's just shitty rather than the act of an actual psycho.

Stream Old Town Road - Remix - Remix - Remix.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on August 17, 2019, 11:46:03 pm
You know what the weird thing about the internet is? I have no idea what any of you think about me. I've posted here on average several times a day for several years about everything I like and hate and all the dumb shit I do and all the miserable thoughts I have, and I've read the same from a lot of you, and for all I know you're my mother or my imminent murderer or my boss or my future wife. Has anyone ever noticed? Will this come back to haunt me? Probably! I'm going to do it again tomorrow because I'm a fucking idiot.

I just saw some fucker out of my window finish his coffee, then bend down and place it neatly in the middle of the pavement and walk off like that was an okay thing to do. There's a bin like twenty steps ahead of you. What the fuck dude? It's just out of my window, pissing my off every time I turn my head slightly to the left and people watch for a second. I'd almost prefer if he'd just dropped it, at least that's just shitty rather than the act of an actual psycho.

Stream Old Town Road - Remix - Remix - Remix.
boooo566, August 17, 2019, 01:31:26 pm

I dunno you posted that stack of frogs pic that made my day so fuck it you're cool in my book
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on August 18, 2019, 12:15:09 am
I dunno what it is about my mannerisms or appearance or whatever but people love fucking with me like I'm some sheltered shrinking flower or the biggest idiot and B) don't take me at my word!!! Like a promise to do something sure, distrust the heck out of me. But when it comes to feelings and plans and shit I mean what I say goddamn it. Just getting mad about positivity and trusting people always being cast in a niaeve light, and sarcasm and criticism being the realm of intellectuals. Bitch being a negative asshole is the easy way out and it doesn't make you cool or smart VALORIZING PAIN AS A MEANS OF ENLIGHTENMENT IS BULLSHIT
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on August 18, 2019, 12:25:04 am
if Jim and Pam had an open relationship, straight up, me and Pam would have sex
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on August 18, 2019, 12:26:56 am
if Jim and Pam had an open relationship, straight up, me and Pam would have sex
chai tea latte, August 18, 2019, 12:25:04 am

This is a much better drunk post A+
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Baldr on August 22, 2019, 02:58:21 pm
You know what the weird thing about the internet is? I have no idea what any of you think about me.boooo566, August 17, 2019, 01:31:26 pm

I like you in a very distant way.  If I see a boo post, I'll read it and enjoy that someone on another continent shared a part of his life with me.  I want you to be happy, and if I had infinite wisdom and resources I would deploy those resources in a way that benefited you.

I don't have either of those things though, so I mostly just observe and remain quiet.  It creeps people out sometimes, so I'm trying to share more.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on August 24, 2019, 11:22:33 pm
Having to quietly sober up in a corner because the people at this bar suck and u wanna go home isn’t as fun as it sounds.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on August 24, 2019, 11:25:03 pm
Having to quietly sober up in a corner because the people at this bar suck and u wanna go home isn’t as fun as it sounds.
beelzeboob, August 24, 2019, 11:22:33 pm
It doesn't sound very fun
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on August 25, 2019, 12:08:19 am
It doesn't sound very fun
AgentCoop, August 24, 2019, 11:25:03 pm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on August 25, 2019, 08:58:14 am
I'm not drunk anymore so I can't share all the wonderful things I said about my friends last night to my friend from high school, nor can I gush about this wonderful community or how the people in it made me want more out of life.

If I were still drunk and not just preparing to grab some coffee to make the remnants of last night out from my head dissipate, I could say those things.

But it was just not meant to be...
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on August 26, 2019, 01:20:16 am
Spent the weekend just gutting cleaning my house, and even with the bags of shit I threw away and the boxes of stuff by the door to donate I STILL have too much stuff. Just the idea of having to move with all of this shit is killing me. Also, it's really brought to light how much capitalism is bullshit. Like I bought this dumb thing and I never used it? Or I bought this thing to make this cool thing in true ADHD form, and all it is now is a physical manifestation of a failure to do something or a failed promise and that shit just isn't healthy.

Maybe it's also just in light of a collapsing environment that I look at things and go "This is still good, why should I bother to buy new?" Or "Do I really want this thing? Is it really going to make my life better?" I worry that IF there comes a day I make more money, will I be strong enough to hold that conviction?

One last drunk thought: so you have this objects you buy that from the moment of purchase are imbued with intent or purpose. Doesn't matter if it's "real" (I should get a couch so I stop sitting on the floor) or "fake" (I should get a couch because this one is out of style). Then when it isn't fulfilled, you gift it to someone. Being the youngest in the family means in given a lot of hand me downs. Like, most of my house is hand me downs. No hate here, because without them I wouldn't have a third of the furniture I do have. But it really feels that when someone gifts you a chair or whatever they're also passing on their feelings and intents for the object, but also the guilt about not fulfilling that intent, like some manifest object destiny that you are now supposed to fulfill. And if you donate it or throw it away, you're betraying them somehow, and it's not just a piece of wood arranged in the shape of a chair.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on August 29, 2019, 03:40:26 am

Drunk much more than anticipated. I can do this. I can type a sentence. Ive GOT THIS im poewerful
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on August 30, 2019, 07:15:11 pm
avvin a few cans innit
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on August 31, 2019, 08:53:25 pm
Rye and coke more like i am woke
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on August 31, 2019, 10:21:09 pm
I've had a crazy amount of gin tonight and I'm watching my frind play Control on Twitch and it's been a good day
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on August 31, 2019, 10:26:42 pm
I've had a crazy amount of gin tonight and I'm watching my frind play Control on Twitch and it's been a good day
Neal, August 31, 2019, 10:21:09 pm

CONTROL LOOKS SO GOOD! I'm excited to play it six years from now
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on August 31, 2019, 10:32:49 pm
I've had a crazy amount of gin tonight and I'm watching my frind play Control on Twitch and it's been a good day
Neal, August 31, 2019, 10:21:09 pm

CONTROL LOOKS SO GOOD! I'm excited to play it six years from now
Bobguinary Novel, August 31, 2019, 10:26:42 pm

It's really cool looking, and I like the protagonist a lot.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on September 02, 2019, 12:35:28 am
Drinking some G&Ts for an early Labor Day celebration, starting with my favorite gin Iron Fish! Then sliding into some solid Beefeater with grapefruit bitters. Grapefruit bitters certainly get the bitter part down, but just don't have the aromatic goodness of Angostura. It might be better with a bit of lime?

In additional drunk thoughts, family sucks sometimes. Sometimes "sometimes" is really often! And that blows! But it's important to know that you can patch something better together with friends and loved ones, and that people really need to calm down about the importance of blood. Unless it's your personal blood - you need that.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on September 02, 2019, 01:37:11 am
Out of a drunken haze comes:

Gimme fue gimme fie gimme the drink that I desire fieuel gin,yeuhhh
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on September 02, 2019, 03:51:29 pm
Out of a drunken haze comes:

Gimme fue gimme fie gimme the drink that I desire fieuel gin,yeuhhh
Bobguinary Novel, September 02, 2019, 01:37:11 am

Gin Hetfield
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on September 02, 2019, 06:06:44 pm
I'm going to move to haifac. Toronto is a hell town full of garbage people.
I miss Halifax
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on September 03, 2019, 01:01:55 pm
I got more drunk. Im still drunk. Why

It's 2pm.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on September 04, 2019, 01:12:38 pm
Should I feel bad for having to look at where South Carolina was on a map?

Do you know where England ends and scotland begins? I'd ask where you guys thought Lancashire was but that seems unfair because I'd struggle with that if I wasnt a fucking nerd.

I only know one dance move. Terror Squad taught it to me. I can Lean Back.

Tall guy in front of me alert. Csnt see the stage as well. Send help.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on September 07, 2019, 01:57:28 am
Some real proper Midori sours are just *chef kiss*
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on September 07, 2019, 06:06:49 pm
Smoked weed with the neighbs and ate strawberries. Life is good
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Classic Beef on September 07, 2019, 09:46:06 pm
Had a bunch of whole wheat pancakes, drinking whisky, and reading Uzimaki by Junji Ito. 
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on September 09, 2019, 10:36:32 pm
I have consumed almost the entirety of a bottle of wine in a little under two hours. It's just enough to get me pleasantly buzzed without losing too much motor control.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on September 15, 2019, 03:43:45 am
my reply in the newest episode thread

Gay dudes have so much fucking fun. I wish I was as gay and as perverted as some of these guys. I wish I could have even a quarter of their imagination!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on September 15, 2019, 03:45:30 am
my reply in the newest episode thread

Gay dudes have so much fucking fun. I wish I was as gay and as perverted as some of these guys. I wish I could have even a quarter of their imagination!
Spenny, September 15, 2019, 03:43:45 am


see, it sucks
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on September 15, 2019, 11:33:28 pm
So my burfday was like 3Xish minutes ago, but I guess I wanna say some shit. Normally I don't really care for birthdays, outside of centennial affairs, but this year seemed really poingnent (fuck you spell check). It's been rough for a ton of different reasons, and I got drunk on my favorite gin and watched some terribad-AHS with people to get through it. But I'm sad like 95% of the time, and I want to remember some of the better parts of 30 with you all right now, since it's relevent!!

One of my favorite parts (like top three) of 30 was FPlus Live. After I almost missed my flight because i'm an idiot, every part of it was great. Went to the art museum, drank so much coffee, got to see Seattle, hung out with so many awesome people. I'm an awkward, loud, and odd person, and this crew on the website and the people on the podcast have been nothing but awesome (barring that one person who called me a dishonest lunatic akin to Fox News or whatever - lets be honest, I forgot all the details and who it was, so it's 99% the funniest shit now). Every part of that weekend was amazing, and I'm really glad I have those memories to fall back on when things suck. Not sure how this next year is going to progress, but at least for tonight I'm gonna take it as a "fake it to you make it" situation and hope for the best.

Stay crispie you snakes, watch out for needles
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on September 21, 2019, 09:18:23 pm
Benchmark bourbon is okay. Not great. Having a bunch of it right now while stuipd software updates and drivers and shit all have to be dealth with.

EDIt I want sweets really badly. A Baby Ruth would be awesome right now.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on September 22, 2019, 08:55:36 pm
I've been grading papers all day, and now I'm going in for round 2 on the bottle of bourbon.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Old_Zircon on September 22, 2019, 10:00:41 pm
I was jus tlooking for Todd the Squirrel quotes when I saw this and realized panel 4 is me  FML

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on September 22, 2019, 10:38:35 pm
So, because I had a few bucks in my pocket and was feeling low, I splurged on a dinner at my favorite little Mexican restaurant tonight. I got a cup of queso dip, and when the tortilla chips ran out, I had some queso left, and I looked around to find half a bag of jalapeno cheddar Utz chips, which were fucking fantastic with the queso, which had a little of a chili zing to it itself.

So, moral of the story, bourbon just makes things seem better.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on September 26, 2019, 09:05:03 pm
So, because I had a few bucks in my pocket and was feeling low, I splurged on a dinner at my favorite little Mexican restaurant tonight. I got a cup of queso dip, and when the tortilla chips ran out, I had some queso left, and I looked around to find half a bag of jalapeno cheddar Utz chips, which were fucking fantastic with the queso, which had a little of a chili zing to it itself.

So, moral of the story, bourbon just makes things seem better.
Neal, September 22, 2019, 10:38:35 pm

I am NOT drunk, and probably won't be tonight (probably tomorrow), but I just wanted you, Neal specifically, to know that I WENT TO THE LIQUOR STORE GOD DAMMIT. and now i have some bourbon to drink also.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on September 26, 2019, 09:13:19 pm
So, because I had a few bucks in my pocket and was feeling low, I splurged on a dinner at my favorite little Mexican restaurant tonight. I got a cup of queso dip, and when the tortilla chips ran out, I had some queso left, and I looked around to find half a bag of jalapeno cheddar Utz chips, which were fucking fantastic with the queso, which had a little of a chili zing to it itself.

So, moral of the story, bourbon just makes things seem better.
Neal, September 22, 2019, 10:38:35 pm

I am NOT drunk, and probably won't be tonight (probably tomorrow), but I just wanted you, Neal specifically, to know that I WENT TO THE LIQUOR STORE GOD DAMMIT. and now i have some bourbon to drink also.
Shell Game, September 26, 2019, 09:05:03 pm

WOO HOO! What kind?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on September 26, 2019, 09:29:16 pm
So, because I had a few bucks in my pocket and was feeling low, I splurged on a dinner at my favorite little Mexican restaurant tonight. I got a cup of queso dip, and when the tortilla chips ran out, I had some queso left, and I looked around to find half a bag of jalapeno cheddar Utz chips, which were fucking fantastic with the queso, which had a little of a chili zing to it itself.

So, moral of the story, bourbon just makes things seem better.
Neal, September 22, 2019, 10:38:35 pm

I am NOT drunk, and probably won't be tonight (probably tomorrow), but I just wanted you, Neal specifically, to know that I WENT TO THE LIQUOR STORE GOD DAMMIT. and now i have some bourbon to drink also.
Shell Game, September 26, 2019, 09:05:03 pm

WOO HOO! What kind?
Neal, September 26, 2019, 09:13:19 pm
i tried to remember names you said but could only remember one you said was bad. so the nice man at the store pointed me to uh... Elijah Craig small batch. I think they've pointed me there before so i probably liked it just fine. $25, which is good for here (oof. don't tell me about alcohol prices in other states anymore. i get sad!)
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on September 26, 2019, 09:32:11 pm
Good choice. I'll pick some up myself tomorrow after work and we'll toast Ootheca's impending demise.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on September 26, 2019, 10:13:43 pm
Good choice. I'll pick some up myself tomorrow after work and we'll toast Ootheca's impending demise.
Neal, September 26, 2019, 09:32:11 pm
Yeah!! ... HEY WAIT!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mique on September 27, 2019, 11:20:51 pm
Lucky Buddha beer is only okay in the taste department, but damn do I like that bottle.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: lazzer grardaion? on September 28, 2019, 09:00:31 pm
I made the guests at my house watch GENOCYBER

You should watch GENOCYBER

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: beelzeboob on September 29, 2019, 01:28:56 am
I'm grateful for the people in my life. I'm grateful for what they do for me and what I can do for them!!!! I am glad to be around :3
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on September 29, 2019, 01:43:11 am
I can't tell if the baby gay style lesbian in my journalism class thinks I'm impressive or pathetic but it's definitely not in the middle anywhere. Hmm. Also I thought she was like 20 but she said something about not having had dental insurance for like four years and if that's true she has amazing facial structure and will look absolutely baller at like 40. Hmm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on October 03, 2019, 06:03:53 pm
Coke and Cruzan 151 time starts now.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turtle on October 04, 2019, 12:39:23 am
Just spent like 5 hours talking socialist theory in a dive bar and ended with some dug in heels, some allies, and some interested neutrals. Also this was never the intention.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on October 04, 2019, 02:10:45 am
I drank too much during a stream and called in.

Fuck it. It feels good to let go. This week was stressful enough.

I wanna say, hey. You. Yeah you. You're doing alright. There's probably plenty in your path, but you're alright. You'll make it a few steps further, learn something new, and be able to take ie a little farther. You have friends. You gave acquaintances. You have awkward relationships. You'll be okay, promise. [heart]
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on October 04, 2019, 10:20:15 pm
I can't tell if the baby gay style lesbian in my journalism class thinks I'm impressive or pathetic but it's definitely not in the middle anywhere. Hmm. Also I thought she was like 20 but she said something about not having had dental insurance for like four years and if that's true she has amazing facial structure and will look absolutely baller at like 40. Hmm
chai tea latte, September 29, 2019, 01:43:11 am
she drunk texted me and wants to get drinks
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on October 04, 2019, 10:22:19 pm
I am a goddess
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Achilles' Heelies on October 06, 2019, 02:19:32 am
Y'all good.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on October 06, 2019, 02:22:17 am
Y'all good.
Achilles' Heelies, October 06, 2019, 02:19:32 am
Awww thanks. So're y'all.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on October 08, 2019, 07:42:25 pm
I am a goddess
chai tea latte, October 04, 2019, 10:22:19 pm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on October 08, 2019, 10:26:34 pm
I've had two strong beers and now I'm finishing off the bottle of 151 with some cola. Nothing matters.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on October 08, 2019, 10:30:19 pm
I had a whole thing typed here, but I just want to express that I THINK the universe just told me the only problem I have is I don't have enough confidence in myself and my skills and that's my problem and I'm very mad about it.

Or it's capitalism. Or both.

(It's both.)
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on October 08, 2019, 11:27:45 pm
I had a whole thing typed here, but I just want to express that I THINK the universe just told me the only problem I have is I don't have enough confidence in myself and my skills and that's my problem and I'm very mad about it.

Or it's capitalism. Or both.

(It's both.)
Bobguinary Novel, October 08, 2019, 10:30:19 pm

Capitalisim is the problem. Fujck cpaitalism
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on October 19, 2019, 10:17:05 pm
I'm not VERY drunk but a little drunk. I had a touch of maple syrup left, and decided to add a wee bit to this vodka I'm drinking, and it's a nice complement in small amounts. Very autumn.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on October 19, 2019, 11:37:29 pm
Friends I love my cats a whole hell of a lot. I get weird sometimes posting them because as a single older overweight woman I get all sensitive to stereotypes but they're so snuggly and don't care about what I am or am not, just that they're fed an warm. Maybe that I feed them ham and treats. I can hardly keep my life together, but I can keep them happy and purring, and that's okay.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: CharlyHearse on October 20, 2019, 12:04:14 am
Friends I love my cats a whole hell of a lot. I get weird sometimes posting them because as a single older overweight woman I get all sensitive to stereotypes but they're so snuggly and don't care about what I am or am not, just that they're fed an warm. Maybe that I feed them ham and treats. I can hardly keep my life together, but I can keep them happy and purring, and that's okay.
Bobguinary Novel, October 19, 2019, 11:37:29 pm

As an overweight childless woman with 6 cats, I feel you.  You are not alone.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on October 31, 2019, 12:26:59 am
wooo its payday and I have more beer in me than I've had in quite a while
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on November 01, 2019, 03:20:18 am
wooo its payday and I have more beer in me than I've had in quite a while
Neal, October 31, 2019, 12:26:59 am
Congrats Neal!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on November 01, 2019, 11:38:26 pm
I'm drinking scotch now and heaven help me I hope I don't buy another guitar while I'm drunk
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on November 02, 2019, 12:04:14 am
I'm drinking scotch now and heaven help me I hope I don't buy another guitar while I'm drunk
Neal, November 01, 2019, 11:38:26 pm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on November 02, 2019, 12:46:42 am
I'm drinking scotch now and heaven help me I hope I don't buy another guitar while I'm drunk
Neal, November 01, 2019, 11:38:26 pm
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 12:04:14 am

See, there's this Diamond Bolero on sale on Reverb right now that I've been watching, and the price just dropped, and it would be a great guitar for metal which isn't something I have in my collection right now. But I've already bought four guitars and I don't NEED another one no matter how bad I want it.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on November 02, 2019, 02:31:49 am
I'm drinking scotch now and heaven help me I hope I don't buy another guitar while I'm drunk
Neal, November 01, 2019, 11:38:26 pm
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 12:04:14 am

See, there's this Diamond Bolero on sale on Reverb right now that I've been watching, and the price just dropped, and it would be a great guitar for metal which isn't something I have in my collection right now. But I've already bought four guitars and I don't NEED another one no matter how bad I want it.
Neal, November 02, 2019, 12:46:42 am
i didn't realize you played
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on November 02, 2019, 06:07:04 am
I wish england didnt fucking suck at shot just for fucking once what the hell. I got up at 7 15 and I've been drunk since 8 45 and just ffs
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on November 02, 2019, 12:35:13 pm
I'm drinking scotch now and heaven help me I hope I don't buy another guitar while I'm drunk
Neal, November 01, 2019, 11:38:26 pm
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 12:04:14 am

See, there's this Diamond Bolero on sale on Reverb right now that I've been watching, and the price just dropped, and it would be a great guitar for metal which isn't something I have in my collection right now. But I've already bought four guitars and I don't NEED another one no matter how bad I want it.
Neal, November 02, 2019, 12:46:42 am
i didn't realize you played
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 02:31:49 am

I'm very bad at it.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on November 02, 2019, 03:07:40 pm
I'm drinking scotch now and heaven help me I hope I don't buy another guitar while I'm drunk
Neal, November 01, 2019, 11:38:26 pm
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 12:04:14 am

See, there's this Diamond Bolero on sale on Reverb right now that I've been watching, and the price just dropped, and it would be a great guitar for metal which isn't something I have in my collection right now. But I've already bought four guitars and I don't NEED another one no matter how bad I want it.
Neal, November 02, 2019, 12:46:42 am
i didn't realize you played
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 02:31:49 am

I'm very bad at it.
Neal, November 02, 2019, 12:35:13 pm
I've tried to hold a guitar before. I'm really not sure how anyone manages to ever be any good at it. Those strings don't make sense!!!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on November 02, 2019, 03:15:04 pm
I'm drinking scotch now and heaven help me I hope I don't buy another guitar while I'm drunk
Neal, November 01, 2019, 11:38:26 pm
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 12:04:14 am

See, there's this Diamond Bolero on sale on Reverb right now that I've been watching, and the price just dropped, and it would be a great guitar for metal which isn't something I have in my collection right now. But I've already bought four guitars and I don't NEED another one no matter how bad I want it.
Neal, November 02, 2019, 12:46:42 am
i didn't realize you played
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 02:31:49 am

I'm very bad at it.
Neal, November 02, 2019, 12:35:13 pm
I've tried to hold a guitar before. I'm really not sure how anyone manages to ever be any good at it. Those strings don't make sense!!!
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 03:07:40 pm

The strings make sense to me, but I inherited very small hands in proportion to the rest of me and it's hard for me to make them do the things guitar playing requires.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on November 02, 2019, 03:36:38 pm
I'm drinking scotch now and heaven help me I hope I don't buy another guitar while I'm drunk
Neal, November 01, 2019, 11:38:26 pm
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 12:04:14 am

See, there's this Diamond Bolero on sale on Reverb right now that I've been watching, and the price just dropped, and it would be a great guitar for metal which isn't something I have in my collection right now. But I've already bought four guitars and I don't NEED another one no matter how bad I want it.
Neal, November 02, 2019, 12:46:42 am
i didn't realize you played
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 02:31:49 am

I'm very bad at it.
Neal, November 02, 2019, 12:35:13 pm
I've tried to hold a guitar before. I'm really not sure how anyone manages to ever be any good at it. Those strings don't make sense!!!
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 03:07:40 pm

The strings make sense to me, but I inherited very small hands in proportion to the rest of me and it's hard for me to make them do the things guitar playing requires.
Neal, November 02, 2019, 03:15:04 pm
i get that they make sound, but i don't understand how to make them make DIFFERENT sound
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on November 02, 2019, 03:48:46 pm
I'm drinking scotch now and heaven help me I hope I don't buy another guitar while I'm drunk
Neal, November 01, 2019, 11:38:26 pm
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 12:04:14 am

See, there's this Diamond Bolero on sale on Reverb right now that I've been watching, and the price just dropped, and it would be a great guitar for metal which isn't something I have in my collection right now. But I've already bought four guitars and I don't NEED another one no matter how bad I want it.
Neal, November 02, 2019, 12:46:42 am
i didn't realize you played
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 02:31:49 am

I'm very bad at it.
Neal, November 02, 2019, 12:35:13 pm
I've tried to hold a guitar before. I'm really not sure how anyone manages to ever be any good at it. Those strings don't make sense!!!
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 03:07:40 pm

The strings make sense to me, but I inherited very small hands in proportion to the rest of me and it's hard for me to make them do the things guitar playing requires.
Neal, November 02, 2019, 03:15:04 pm
i get that they make sound, but i don't understand how to make them make DIFFERENT sound
Shell Game, November 02, 2019, 03:36:38 pm

You make high notes up close to the body, and low notes down at the end of the neck.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on November 02, 2019, 06:45:44 pm
Guitar just takes practice

If you want a musical instrument that takes 15 minutes to learn pick up a ukulele. Generally speaking, of course, don't do that, but the reason it's the #1 twee instrument is because it's literally something you can learn to play in less time than it takes to watch an episode of prestige TV
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on November 02, 2019, 07:05:39 pm
Then you can join my Glenn Branca 100 ukulele symphony
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on November 02, 2019, 09:50:10 pm
I think I'll just stick to waiting to get a brass instrument again someday.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on November 03, 2019, 12:04:51 am
After a generous pour of whiskey, I have discovered that leftover roasted garlic/sour cream mashed potatoes are such an amazing drunk food that I don't know why bars don't offer it.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on November 03, 2019, 12:14:38 am
Hey baby you and me ain't nothing but mammals
So let's give live birth and in nipples milk channel
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on November 03, 2019, 12:19:43 am
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on November 03, 2019, 12:48:42 am
I wish there were some way to capture the essence of the lesson you learn or a feeling you have while intoxicated/high/whatever, just to preserve that feeling for later. But I guess that would unleash too many dumb AF inventions like a torch-powered salad spinner or world peace by green house hotboxing, so it's probably for the best
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on November 05, 2019, 05:49:01 pm
its very unlikely that the person who's car alarm ism going off is reading this but if you are then go fucking fuck yourself its tuesday night and some of us have a catastrophic headache and can't afford to listen to this until your goddamn battery dies just go turn it off god damn

edit: has a car alarm ever even stopped anyone? by the time anyone can react you've already smashed the window and taken the ipad. nothing that makes this much noise at night should be legal.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Ugly In The Morning on November 07, 2019, 11:35:28 am
It is currently 1230pm and I am three 8% beers in and playing video games because I just got through a week of 12 hour night shifts. Been looking forwards to this for days.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on November 08, 2019, 01:45:43 am
It is currently 1230pm and I am three 8% beers in and playing video games because I just got through a week of 12 hour night shifts. Been looking forwards to this for days.
Ugly In The Morning, November 07, 2019, 11:35:28 am
Damn dude! Hope you enjoyed every second of it.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on November 10, 2019, 10:30:23 pm
I've got bourbon, limes, demarara, and mint leaves. Buckle up.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on November 11, 2019, 03:21:59 am
fucking complaining that the restaurant wherein i spent a lot of my early years went and gone closed up. I hope the grapevine holds itself comfortably
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Ugly In The Morning on November 16, 2019, 01:02:17 am
I am shithammered and watching military aircraft training videos from WWII. It's nice to not give a shit for a few hours of a long, way too long, november night.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on November 16, 2019, 03:28:33 am
Smooch me please! If that number goes up I feel so much bettrer about myself!!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on November 18, 2019, 07:24:33 pm
Don't say i never did nothin for ya. This round's on me!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on November 19, 2019, 04:39:52 pm
I'd like to thank the f plus podcast: terrible thing read with enthusiasm for pointing out how much record scratch there is in Hanson's mmmbop.

I love this song so much.i love you too.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Ugly In The Morning on November 20, 2019, 12:42:26 am
BAAAAALLLLPIIIT is a quiet community but I appreciate that, and I appreciate you all. It's a small community, but that's worth something when it comes to knowing there's no dickheads in there. It's nice. Looking forwards to running into some of you in january.

Also, Southern Tier makes some great double IPA's and those go great with playing some dumb idle games and MMO's
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sauce on November 20, 2019, 06:38:50 pm
I was drinking whiskey and eating biscuits but forgot I was drinking so I got really confused I was getting drunk on rich tea biscuits
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on November 22, 2019, 03:02:41 pm
doing my part to make the world a worse place. stream hello kitty by avril lavigne.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on November 23, 2019, 01:01:26 am
Be vaery careful when you drink a lot of bourbon at once whith somehting to eat because it'll sheak up on you
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on November 23, 2019, 02:31:17 am
It's gotten to the point you can't sing How Soon Is Now? at karaoke or even admit to liking the song without people accusing you of being an incel.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on November 23, 2019, 02:39:38 am
It's gotten to the point you can't sing How Soon Is Now? at karaoke or even admit to liking the song without people accusing you of being an incel.
Neal, November 23, 2019, 02:31:17 am
I was unfamiliar with the song so i looked it up.
a) has that actually happened?
b) i don't think i'd accuse anyone of being an incel but BOY would it be depressing to hear that at karaoke.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: NEETfreak on November 23, 2019, 08:01:26 am
Im drinking gin straight out of the bottle and feeling like i joined this community way too late.  everyone here seems to know each other and be friends with each other and it feels like i got an account just to see how cool every on else is.

also, this took longer than it should have to type
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sauce on November 23, 2019, 08:33:39 am
Im drinking gin straight out of the bottle and feeling like i joined this community way too late.  everyone here seems to know each other and be friends with each other and it feels like i got an account just to see how cool every on else is.

also, this took longer than it should have to type
NEETfreak, November 23, 2019, 08:01:26 am

Honestly, as someone who was in this boat myself (and still kind of feel like I am to a certain extent), it's not as bad as it feels. I was very much a latecomer to ballpit, but the community here has always been really welcoming to me. Just keep posting in threads that interest you where you have something to contribute (seems like you're doing a good job with that already), and you'll do just fine.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on November 23, 2019, 12:13:03 pm
Im drinking gin straight out of the bottle and feeling like i joined this community way too late.  everyone here seems to know each other and be friends with each other and it feels like i got an account just to see how cool every on else is.

also, this took longer than it should have to type
NEETfreak, November 23, 2019, 08:01:26 am

Honestly, as someone who was in this boat myself (and still kind of feel like I am to a certain extent), it's not as bad as it feels. I was very much a latecomer to ballpit, but the community here has always been really welcoming to me. Just keep posting in threads that interest you where you have something to contribute (seems like you're doing a good job with that already), and you'll do just fine.
Sauce, November 23, 2019, 08:33:39 am
Check my registration date. I joined in 2017. You can do it.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on November 23, 2019, 12:22:03 pm
Ive been on here for like 4 years and everyone still hates my guts
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on November 23, 2019, 01:10:25 pm
Ive been on here for like 4 years and everyone still hates my guts
The AgentCoop's Restaurant Massacre, November 23, 2019, 12:22:03 pm

God, you have the worst guts, though. Your skeleton and skin, though? A+.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on November 23, 2019, 01:46:45 pm
I registered six and a half years ago and I promise you that there's no causal link between being here a long time and being cool.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on November 23, 2019, 04:00:03 pm
Im drinking gin straight out of the bottle and feeling like i joined this community way too late.  everyone here seems to know each other and be friends with each other and it feels like i got an account just to see how cool every on else is.

also, this took longer than it should have to type
NEETfreak, November 23, 2019, 08:01:26 am

If you look at the memberlist you'll see a billion people and then like 50 people who have the majority of the posts. Just hang around for awhile and you'll be absorbed into the collective. The bonus is most of the in jokes are podcast related, so you're halfway there!

Also, do threads sharing things that interest you and you'll be just fine!!!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: GirlKisser420 on November 23, 2019, 08:58:57 pm
Just post the first thing that comes into your head no matter how dumb along with funny posts you see elsewhere and you’ll be a ballpit superstar in days, worked for me
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on November 23, 2019, 09:49:48 pm
Friends getting extremely drunk and doing karaoke is just the best
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on November 23, 2019, 11:12:39 pm
I've got a lot of bourbon in me and there's drama in the RPG design community because someone who's been shitty for a long time has suddenly caught everyone's attention as being shitty and there's a lot of handwringing over it but at least I have sour cream and onion Pringles right now?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on November 28, 2019, 12:22:29 am
How come every month I go to the reconciliation book club and every month someone old says something shockingly racist about indigenous people
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on November 28, 2019, 01:32:47 am
Rye loves me like Kanye loves Kanye - tenderly, completely, and self destructively......
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on November 29, 2019, 05:58:07 pm
i can pinpoint the exact moment my night went sideways, its when the man who's name i don't know waved a glass of something at me and i nodded rather than shaking my head.

turns out it was sambuca

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on November 29, 2019, 11:27:59 pm
I'm drunk rn so I decided to post my own tweet here instead of ye goode tweets

Who remembers Petey Williams
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on November 30, 2019, 02:46:57 am
googling something unrelated, but the concept of the "fictional characters wiki" is so funny to me
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on December 05, 2019, 11:40:03 am
Happy Repeal Day, fellow Americans! Time to get smashed!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on December 06, 2019, 05:24:38 pm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on December 06, 2019, 05:29:00 pm
boooo566, December 06, 2019, 05:24:38 pm
"Once there was this kid who got into an acident and couldn't go to school..."
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on December 06, 2019, 06:19:44 pm
boooo566, December 06, 2019, 05:24:38 pm
"Once there was this kid who got into an acident and couldn't go to school..."
Agent Coop Time!, December 06, 2019, 05:29:00 pm

Fucking banger but I dont think they're taking that sort of request here.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on December 10, 2019, 11:38:45 pm
Confession: Cypress Avenue by Van Morrison probably would make me start bawlin if it was playinn the bar tonight (only reason im in the bar on monday -> tuesday: no finals tomorrow baby)
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on December 11, 2019, 05:19:05 pm

The official drink of final exam grading.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on December 11, 2019, 10:44:58 pm
i'm pretty drunk but O think I can get druiner? had about two thoirds of the bottle so far
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on December 11, 2019, 10:45:12 pm
listening to Primus for somet reaons tooo
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on December 11, 2019, 11:06:17 pm
I think i just boutbht  ag uitar? but it was ag ood deal, about 200 dollars off, and had a case. and it's pretty
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on December 15, 2019, 12:34:18 am
It's so strange to be so excited about a new city, and just see opportunity and new things every day you leave the house! I do love my hometown, but you could feel the limits, almost suffocating in its routine. There's no promise that it'll be better, but the chances and paths I can take have multiplied. I haven't been so hopeful about the future that it feels like using a underutilized muscle.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on December 15, 2019, 12:35:27 am
Also, when you pet sleeping cats and they trill "brrrrp"
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on December 20, 2019, 05:16:32 am
My girlfriend had the
Privelage of meeting all my work colleagues at the work Christmas party the week after I was fired and managed to make friends with the one good person  there and I am do proud of her.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on December 20, 2019, 06:22:55 am
Communicating to my girlfriend who I absolutely love with Nick Cave songs probably isn't the best idea but I'm drunk and I'm home alone after a night out and inwont to listen to Nick Cave so she's going to get familiar with my taste in music pretty fast I guess
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on December 20, 2019, 07:16:51 pm

Merry christmas friends and also everyone else
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: xX_sp00ks_Xx on December 21, 2019, 03:48:33 pm
I should get back to reading Chekhov. Why did I stop at The House with the Mezzanine? Was it the existential dread? Fuc kti.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on December 29, 2019, 02:15:08 am
Goddddddddd it feels good to remember to moisturize my face. Fuck you dry skin. I gonna be fucking lovely. Nobody can stop me. Not even a crazed idol fan with access to chemicals.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on January 09, 2020, 08:32:28 pm
Drunk on Hatozaki. Angry and bitter and lonely. I hate everyone.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on January 10, 2020, 12:22:28 am
Drunk on Hatozaki. Angry and bitter and lonely. I hate everyone.
Neal, January 09, 2020, 08:32:28 pm
:( I'm sorry neal. Try not to be too bitter, okay?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on January 10, 2020, 11:02:37 pm
Update: I vaguely remember ordering some guitar pedals last night.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on January 13, 2020, 08:22:53 am
I wo uild be rewally pleasantly drunk right now if I wasn't in incredible pain whenever I moved from the one position o can lie in now apparemtly
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on January 13, 2020, 10:03:54 am
Either drunk enough (2/3 bottle of Kraken spiced rum) or miraculously recovered enough that I'm no longer in pain but still getting spasms. Melamcholu has taken over and u reflect on all of my friends who have pursued their creative talents as either careers or sidegigs and wishibg I could br part of that or do that myself
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on January 13, 2020, 11:00:53 am
Having finishrd my Kraken I've moved on to my reserve shpply5 of Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey. (4-5 shits maybe?(

Tonight I've learned so much about professional wrestling I've almost developed an appreciation for the medium.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on January 13, 2020, 03:10:47 pm
this bottle my brain has decided to be sad about deadspin
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on January 13, 2020, 04:10:38 pm
We are the mountains becoming themselves, man,
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on January 14, 2020, 04:40:15 pm
I think my team won the pub quiz, but I might have misunderstood that one

Happy tuesday drubkgrineds

Edit: Drunk friends

Edit: pray for me lest I necro the hangover thread
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Dr. Buttplug on January 18, 2020, 10:57:00 pm
I deserve a medal for holding in a fart for over half an hour so I dont rip one on mic.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Diploskull on January 19, 2020, 12:34:29 am
Drunk at f plus live, dang this beer is good. ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on January 19, 2020, 03:10:56 am
Spent some fun times with everyone, but thanks Nutshell, Sangy and Tuttle for being constantly awesome with me all night!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on January 24, 2020, 02:53:51 pm
whats up today literally could not have gone worse if it tried but at least the weekends here so i can waste it doing nothing then go back to work for everything else to go worse
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on January 24, 2020, 03:26:50 pm
whats up today literally could not have gone worse if it tried but at least the weekends here so i can waste it doing nothing then go back to work for everything else to go worse
boooo566, January 24, 2020, 02:53:51 pm

Today I realized if you type boooo566 on your phone without changing it to numbers it's booootyy
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on January 25, 2020, 01:05:21 am
I remember now

I remember now

Why they call it

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on February 01, 2020, 12:07:44 am
Toki whisky tastes a lot like honey and when you put orange zest in it it smells awesome but doesn't taste quite as good.

Talisman the board game is a lot like f=just fantasy candy land but I kinda hateloveit and am buying the expanxions that make it a huge expanded board and will palt y t when I get mad a things
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on February 01, 2020, 12:56:29 am
Singing hella solos at the choir party.......shit's cash money......did a Verse of Hallelujah, Hey Jude, and going to rock these church ladies' minds with Toxic........
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on February 01, 2020, 03:17:03 pm
so thats what theyre talking about when they say shit wine tastes like vinegar
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on February 07, 2020, 04:20:32 pm
double posting to say that the wine hasn't become any less vinegary by spending a week sat half empty on my bedroom floor, but it is toxic enough to make me enjoy football (soccer for all y'all) so that's nice
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on February 07, 2020, 10:41:26 pm
We're going to se ehow designing a whole RPG while drunk on vokda and Coke is going to go. This should be a game joam mabye?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on February 08, 2020, 11:40:30 pm
Night two of drunk game design. Going well.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Fatty Bo Batty on February 09, 2020, 07:10:42 am
Trains and nuclear power are very cool, and we should do a bunch more of both.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sauce on February 09, 2020, 08:08:34 am
Trains and nuclear power are very cool, and we should do a bunch more of both.
Fatty Bo Batty, February 09, 2020, 07:10:42 am

Have you been watching/listening to Well There's Your Problem, by any chance?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Fatty Bo Batty on February 09, 2020, 08:32:30 am
Have you been watching/listening to Well There's Your Problem, by any chance?
Sauce, February 09, 2020, 08:08:34 am

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on February 13, 2020, 10:12:42 pm
The salsa verde Doritos are amazing, and I've never heard anyone mention them ever. I feel like if people keep sleeping on them, they'll get discontinued like every other good thing in life.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on February 14, 2020, 02:15:24 am
The salsa verde Doritos are amazing, and I've never heard anyone mention them ever. I feel like if people keep sleeping on them, they'll get discontinued like every other good thing in life.
Neal, February 13, 2020, 10:12:42 pm
They've been around for awhile, don't worry. And yes, they're good.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 15, 2020, 11:02:48 pm
Holy shit this Roku gin is so smooth and light on botanicals that you can drink it over ice and it's still lovely and good. Like it might be too light for me, but still very good. There's a reason why Neal recommends it as an entry gin
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on February 15, 2020, 11:09:53 pm
Lesbian rope bondage film good
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 15, 2020, 11:13:30 pm
I should just switch entirely to lesbians if they're gonna use rope
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 15, 2020, 11:50:57 pm
Everyone thinks I'm insincere when I say ultra positive things and I'm super not!! Granted it doesn't solve the problem, especially if it's systemic, but I don't know what else to do! I don't want anyone to lose hope, because that's the system working as designed and that dicks
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on February 16, 2020, 02:27:36 am
Everyone thinks I'm insincere when I say ultra positive things
Bobguinary Novel, February 15, 2020, 11:50:57 pm
I don't think that. :)
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Diploskull on February 20, 2020, 12:22:30 am
Jesus christi'm a lightweight, but my friends took me to get pancakes. Have a good night.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on February 20, 2020, 01:58:18 am
I'm gay
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on February 20, 2020, 04:39:38 pm
My playlist is so fucking fire every song bangs, wanna find someone to listen to it with
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on February 21, 2020, 05:41:48 pm
I'm gay...........and experiencing compersion.........
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Great Joe on February 22, 2020, 04:44:14 pm
I had fun with my friends :)
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: MarioSpeedwagon on February 22, 2020, 05:16:05 pm
someone on local TV coverage just said buttigieg could "come out being a very solid number two" and I can't stop giggling
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sorrel on February 23, 2020, 08:14:13 pm
Like it or not, this is what peak performance looks like xoxo (
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on February 24, 2020, 10:41:34 pm
"Doesn't red wine give you a headache?"
"Yeah, eventually"
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: MarioSpeedwagon on February 25, 2020, 08:46:29 pm
I just got probated for not contributing anything useful to the discussion on the latest dem debate and you know what, fair
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mr. Hunky Academia on February 28, 2020, 02:41:08 pm
Oops I opened netflix time to watch Mandy again I guess
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: MarioSpeedwagon on February 28, 2020, 11:49:30 pm


Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: MarioSpeedwagon on February 28, 2020, 11:51:58 pm
Oops I opened netflix time to watch Mandy again I guess
Mr. Hunky Academia, February 28, 2020, 02:41:08 pm
Is Mandy on Netflix in the US? Thought it was shudder exclusive, but I cancelled my subscription!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 29, 2020, 12:05:19 am
Drinking while playing Minecraft means you aren't as upset when you go swimming in lava
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: MarioSpeedwagon on February 29, 2020, 12:15:30 am
Ughhhh I'm working my way through trying to make a clock tower-style, night of the creeps-type game in AGS and I forgot how much I hate "this" in JavaScript
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: NutshellGulag on February 29, 2020, 05:56:42 pm


MarioSpeedwagon, February 28, 2020, 11:49:30 pm

Ground Control used to have Wednesday nights where you paid a cover and all their video game machines were free. I went to one of those and pretty much glued myself to the CarnEvil machine until I finally beat the damn thing.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: MarioSpeedwagon on March 03, 2020, 07:14:41 pm
The wacky morning DJ was right, democracy is a joke
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on March 07, 2020, 12:11:26 am
Went out for the worst Thai food I've ever had, but afterwords had some great drinks and some solid conversation with some good co-workers and is been a very nice night for once even though tomorrow is gonna suck
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr. on March 07, 2020, 09:22:07 pm
manged to drunk my way into and out of and back into a threesome and now im drunk recovering
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on March 07, 2020, 09:49:11 pm
Really earning that Bunnybread Jr moniker
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on March 07, 2020, 10:07:54 pm
I started drinking at 2pm and have now started to sober enough to trust going into the kitchen to make food. Really craving biryani, but I don't have the stuff to make biryani, so it's going to be nearyani instead.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on March 08, 2020, 11:24:14 pm
Selling things on ebay to put money in the bank is not quite as sad if you're moving and can justify it as lightening the load, right?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on March 13, 2020, 10:57:40 pm
I've had enough vodka that I just threw a bunch of stuff together and came up with the perfect drunk food. Mac and cheese, hot sauce, crumbled bacon, and french fried onions.

EDIT Fuck yeah added a can of Ro-Tel too. It just keeps getting better, or I keep getting drunker. (I am still drinking vodka.)
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on March 14, 2020, 01:14:21 am
We gotta celebrate butches, folks! The butches, they're providing the solid rock of reassurance that all you femmes crave, aren't they? Don't you, don't you love butches?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on March 14, 2020, 02:07:49 pm
i impulse bought gin AND tonic today"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the supermarket was emptied of all the shit i actually went there for but who cares!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: NutshellGulag on March 14, 2020, 02:49:38 pm
We gotta celebrate butches, folks! The butches, they're providing the solid rock of reassurance that all you femmes crave, aren't they? Don't you, don't you love butches?
chai tea latte, March 14, 2020, 01:14:21 am

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on March 14, 2020, 10:30:24 pm
if i could recreatoe the experience of leftover takeout lo mein while drunk i would be the richest man on earth or institute world peace
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on March 14, 2020, 11:00:58 pm
Listening to Fever In Fever Out on repeat while drunk. Luscious Jackson - so underrated.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on March 14, 2020, 11:45:30 pm
Go watch the first and last episodes of Space Ghost Coast to Coast next to each other.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Lemon on March 30, 2020, 12:05:56 am
Maybe later I'll get a proper birthday party, but for now I'm drunk on the nicest Scotch I've ever had, and I appreciate the people who wanna be dumb online with me.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on March 30, 2020, 01:19:02 am
Maybe later I'll get a proper birthday party, but for now I'm drunk on the nicest Scotch I've ever had, and I appreciate the people who wanna be dumb online with me.
Lemon, March 30, 2020, 12:05:56 am
At least we determined that no matter how dumb we are, we can't outdo The New Yorker.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: MasterOfHope on March 30, 2020, 01:48:57 am
Maybe later I'll get a proper birthday party, but for now I'm drunk on the nicest Scotch I've ever had, and I appreciate the people who wanna be dumb online with me.
Lemon, March 30, 2020, 12:05:56 am
At least we determined that no matter how dumb we are, we can't outdo The New Yorker.
Shell Game, March 30, 2020, 01:19:02 am

The New Yorker is the depth of comedy
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on March 30, 2020, 02:25:09 am
Maybe later I'll get a proper birthday party, but for now I'm drunk on the nicest Scotch I've ever had, and I appreciate the people who wanna be dumb online with me.
Lemon, March 30, 2020, 12:05:56 am
At least we determined that no matter how dumb we are, we can't outdo The New Yorker.
Shell Game, March 30, 2020, 01:19:02 am

The New Yorker is the depth of comedy
MasterOfHope, March 30, 2020, 01:48:57 am
Yup. Absolute bottom of the barrel is pretty deep.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on April 06, 2020, 04:17:54 pm
im usually pretty down on the grim death shit but bojo has the covo and ive got rum so get fucked you stupid fucking cunt of a motherfucker
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: sambair on April 09, 2020, 02:12:48 pm
Attempted the straight edge lifestyle for a couple months, realized it sucks and bought a giant jug of Old Crow because I'm off work until Monday.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mr. Hunky Academia on April 16, 2020, 03:29:53 pm
Had one beer too many in the weekly group chat and now I'm the official American labor movement correspondent
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 16, 2020, 04:21:41 pm
Had one beer too many in the weekly group chat and now I'm the official American labor movement correspondent
Mr. Hunky Academia, April 16, 2020, 03:29:53 pm

Seize the means of intoxication.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 17, 2020, 06:57:15 pm
I just discovered something called Hochstadter's Slow & Low Rock and Rye at the store today, and it is incredible. From the label: "Straight rye whiskey, raw honey, navel orange, rock candy, and bitters."
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on April 18, 2020, 02:17:11 am
Not quite drunk, but i had a nice drink that's loosened me up a bit. For all the problems I've had and all the problems I still have, I feel for the first time in a long time like it isn't hopeless. And that's in part because of this community.

I love you guys!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on April 19, 2020, 12:48:05 am
I just really really want some potato chips, but I go to the store for two weeks worth of groceries and I can't walk them back with the chips safely!!

Like some potato chips and spaghettios would be perfect. A lotta salt, vaguely tomato, all delicious
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 19, 2020, 12:49:58 am
I just really really want some potato chips, but I go to the store for two weeks worth of groceries and I can't walk them back with the chips safely!!

Like some potato chips and spaghettios would be perfect. A lotta salt, vaguely tomato, all delicious
Bobguinary Novel, April 19, 2020, 12:48:05 am

You could eat the Spaghetti-Os with the chips like a dip.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on April 19, 2020, 12:52:45 am
I just really really want some potato chips, but I go to the store for two weeks worth of groceries and I can't walk them back with the chips safely!!

Like some potato chips and spaghettios would be perfect. A lotta salt, vaguely tomato, all delicious
Bobguinary Novel, April 19, 2020, 12:48:05 am

You could eat the Spaghetti-Os with the chips like a dip.
Neal, April 19, 2020, 12:49:58 am

...this is exactly what I do. I ate it as a kid, and I still love it
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on April 19, 2020, 01:08:10 am
Imagine a cheese so perfectly sour and salty that the front of your face collapses in delight
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on April 19, 2020, 01:11:39 am
Really friends, what's life but finding some person to curl up drunkenly in bed with
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on April 19, 2020, 10:07:46 pm
Really friends, what's life but finding some person to curl up drunkenly in bed with
Bobguinary Novel, April 19, 2020, 01:11:39 am

That sounds nice. I just passed the six-year mark since I was in a relationship.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: xX_sp00ks_Xx on April 22, 2020, 11:34:36 am
getting plastered at sunset while blasting the rite of spring at full volume is like


bout to get entombed
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 11, 2020, 10:18:42 pm
Sorry I keep disappointing everyone and breaking promises. Kinda all I'm good for, really. Like doing the fake it part of "Fake it 'till you make it" thing, but never getting the make it part properly and just leaving a string of people very disappointed and think you just need to try harder
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Baldr on May 13, 2020, 12:55:51 am
I'm not sure who snuck into my home and took half of that, but their tomorrow is going to be a festival of unpleasant neurochemistry.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on May 15, 2020, 01:21:42 pm
tough to admit but i think i kind of like people

edit: posted this then there was a star so I thought "oh there's a new post in the Yay, I get to talk about me!" forum and that's only the third dumbest thing i've thought todat
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Diploskull on May 15, 2020, 11:32:22 pm
Sewing. It's not going well! I should stop.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 16, 2020, 12:03:54 am
Sewing. It's not going well! I should stop.
Diploskull, May 15, 2020, 11:32:22 pm

On the other hand, the one you keep stabbing with the needle, it's a great record for just how fast and how much you got drunk, based on stitch quality
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on May 16, 2020, 12:18:32 am
Angry drunk tonight.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Diploskull on May 16, 2020, 12:34:52 am
Sewing. It's not going well! I should stop.
Diploskull, May 15, 2020, 11:32:22 pm

On the other hand, the one you keep stabbing with the needle, it's a great record for just how fast and how much you got drunk, based on stitch quality
Bobguinary Novel, May 16, 2020, 12:03:54 am
I didn't get stabbed! And i finished the thing i was working on, since it's just for me it's fine.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 26, 2020, 12:15:54 am
I've looked at my budget tonight and there's just no fucking way I can move out. And not but a few hundred, but a few thousand. I really wantef away from my shit upstairs neighbor and move somewhere cheaper, but I can't cover the cost of the apartments and the deposits in one month, on top of moving fees.

Trying to look at the silver lining and tell myself that moving puts me and others in unnecessary risk and stuff, and it lessens the sting, but fuckkkk goddamn. Maybe I can just buy a couple gallons of flat white and make this shit more bearable.

I just need to keep looking at the bright side of things,. I'm healthy, my cats are healthy, I'm a sizeable distance away from shitty family, and I still have a job, for now (even more of a reason to keep what meager savings i do have squirreled away). Oh man, and to have any savings whatsoever!!n a year ago I didn't even have that! I'm full, happy, and drunk, and a friend drew a very rad portrait of me, so life will be okay

Thanks for skimming Sanguinary novel hasa drunken breakdown and works through it on ballpit, I appreciate you very much
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 26, 2020, 01:13:10 am
2020 is such bullshit
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on May 26, 2020, 01:48:20 am
2020 is such bullshit
Bobguinary Novel, May 26, 2020, 01:13:10 am
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on May 30, 2020, 05:36:52 am
Starting a game of Talisman after 8 hours of d4inking is the worst fucking idea why would you
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on May 31, 2020, 10:12:14 pm
I'm going to be making brown derbies all night.

ETA: Brown derby recipe: 1 part grapefruit juice: 1 part honey syrup (1 part honey to 2 parts water): 2 parts whiskey

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 01, 2020, 01:15:54 am
Dude fuck the police
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on June 01, 2020, 02:11:49 am
Dude fuck the police
Bobguinary Novel, June 01, 2020, 01:15:54 am

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on June 06, 2020, 01:59:47 am
I have no idea what the connection between angry drunk and baking brownies is, but i have achived it.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Neal on June 06, 2020, 07:58:54 pm
I'm just going to keep guzzling bottles of wine until I can get my hands on bourbon. At least I'm getting game design work done and fucking with right-wing trolls in the meantime.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on June 09, 2020, 07:16:45 am
Recent events of famous and notable fuckwits having hateful andor crap opinions has made me real thankful that no famous people I care about that I can think of have hateful or crap opinions (as fgar as I know).

It's also made me really thankful to havemy trans friends who might have stopped me from becoming an ignorant dufus (doofus?) and also for the people I follow online and share communities with, y'all is some powerful people
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on June 09, 2020, 09:34:27 am
I've really got to knuckle down and acatually create stuff instead of not doing that and wallowing in self- pity every time I  drink enough about how I don't create anything and envy people who can
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on June 13, 2020, 02:44:21 pm
I know it's not the done thing to google how much a gift is worth, but this bottle of sparkling wine I got from work at Christmas can be found online for 2 euros per bottle and it tastes like something more in the 3 euro bracket so thanks very much.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 13, 2020, 11:52:03 pm
Worked my way through a whole bottle of bourbon making lime rickeys, wonder what kind of drink I should make next??

Edit: I was thinking of maybe some cold brew, chai concentrate, with an liquor to make the DIRTIEST CHAI.  Vodka would be to the most obvious option, but I'm trying to think of something that would have a taste that complements the chai spices

WAIT MAYBE I CAN MAKE A CHAI LIQUOR?! That, with the cold brew and a little creme de cacao? A drink only I could love
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on June 14, 2020, 12:07:01 am
get pink gin
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: auaurorau on June 19, 2020, 03:56:36 pm
i love
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 24, 2020, 12:00:15 am
Being pleasantly drunk rules. Just for a short time everything's pretty nice. And I love y'all, and the little bits of happiness, whether it be dumb images, posts about bad energy drinks, or puns just make the days a little better.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 24, 2020, 12:46:11 am
Just drunkenly made myself a ham and cheese with pesto on an English muffin, fulfilling my daily ham contract and craving for carbs/salt. Now to rewatch the Hylics 2 LP and fall asleep

You're all amazing, and I'll hype each and every one of you fuckers until I explode
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Achilles' Heelies on June 24, 2020, 11:27:05 am
Just drunkenly made myself a ham and cheese with pesto on an English muffin, fulfilling my daily ham contract and craving for carbs/salt. Now to rewatch the Hylics 2 LP and fall asleep

You're all amazing, and I'll hype each and every one of you fuckers until I explode
Bobguinary Novel, June 24, 2020, 12:46:11 am
I've been avoiding meat lately, I am starving for a ham contract...
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on June 24, 2020, 02:10:42 pm
Just drunkenly made myself a ham and cheese with pesto on an English muffin, fulfilling my daily ham contract and craving for carbs/salt. Now to rewatch the Hylics 2 LP and fall asleep

You're all amazing, and I'll hype each and every one of you fuckers until I explode
Bobguinary Novel, June 24, 2020, 12:46:11 am
I've been avoiding meat lately, I am starving for a ham contract...
Achilles' Heelies, June 24, 2020, 11:27:05 am

All you need to do is fall for the "huge ham on deep discount" trick and then boom - unbreakable ham contract
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr. on July 01, 2020, 10:08:15 pm
have moonshine need bulbs
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on July 02, 2020, 01:09:35 am
have moonshine need bulbs
Turbo Sexaphonic Bunnybread Jr., July 01, 2020, 10:08:15 pm
i dunno... I'm kinda low watt with the bulb recession going on here.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on July 02, 2020, 01:18:23 am
Aint no laws. When your drinking claws
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mr. Hunky Academia on July 07, 2020, 07:55:21 pm
Always a good night out when I find someone weird enough to listen to my gospel of Mandy
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on July 14, 2020, 10:57:11 pm
You know, I didn't really understand the idea of prayers until hitting things that are wildly out of your control. Like what do you say to a friend when they're put in a situation where they have to work, and can catch COVID? Like sure there are a ton of systemic things that need to change, but in that moment, you just want to let someone know you care, even if you're both subject to forces greater than your own.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Vinny Possum on July 15, 2020, 12:07:50 am
Countries should be smaller. Scotland, or like Oaxaca, is the ideal size of a country.

You know, I didn't really understand the idea of prayers until hitting things that are wildly out of your control. Like what do you say to a friend when they're put in a situation where they have to work, and can catch COVID? Like sure there are a ton of systemic things that need to change, but in that moment, you just want to let someone know you care, even if you're both subject to forces greater than your own.
Bobguinary Novel, July 14, 2020, 10:57:11 pm

As a fairly religious person I'm biased, but I do appreciate them if they're meant sincerely, regardless of religion/tradition/lack thereof. At the same time I get why people see them as a copout.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on July 17, 2020, 06:06:29 am
Ran into a person I have been trying to avoid for 5 years at the pub. I have written 3 messages now about how I have a fear of them. I have remained because it is a friend's birthday. I have warned people of this person's violent tendencies. I hope they leave before I do and everything is well.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: surrey on July 19, 2020, 01:01:02 am
Drank a lot a vodka and just watched a shitty bootleg of that Spider-Man musical. Life is wonderfully hell
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on July 19, 2020, 10:39:33 pm
Limeade, bourbon, and sour cherry liquor is a fucking ugly dishwater colored but delicious drink.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on July 23, 2020, 01:25:59 am
My birthday felt all the more fulfilling knowing the lot of you were behind me. Thank you all. This community means the world to me.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on July 25, 2020, 06:14:46 pm
i'm sober now but last night i discovered caramel m&ms while drunk and it felt like one of the most delicious things i've ever eaten
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on July 25, 2020, 08:23:45 pm
i'm sober now but last night i discovered caramel m&ms while drunk and it felt like one of the most delicious things i've ever eaten
Spenny, July 25, 2020, 06:14:46 pm
those rule
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: surrey on July 26, 2020, 12:07:11 am
I am drunk and idk where else to say this but

yoooooo the glitter logo stickers are back in stock, pickin that up rn
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on July 26, 2020, 12:09:26 am
The best part of making homemade pizza is your whole apartment smells like delicious herbs.

One day this pandemic thing is going to end and I'm gonna find someone cute to go on adventures with. Until then I'm gonna work on being less boring and maybe fix a few brain problems.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr. on July 26, 2020, 12:44:13 am
afta the war i went back to ney york a-afta the war i went back to new york
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on July 26, 2020, 12:55:34 am
What about glitter caramel m&Ms that can only be found in neyw yoark??
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Diploskull on July 28, 2020, 11:11:59 pm
Baking bread, hell yeah
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on July 28, 2020, 11:31:22 pm
Baking bread, hell yeah
Diploskull, July 28, 2020, 11:11:59 pm

Fuck yeah what kind of bread??
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on July 28, 2020, 11:32:59 pm
I wish being drunk came with less delayed consequences. BUT since I know there are delayed consequences, we don't live in an Omelas situation, so it's okay!!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Diploskull on July 28, 2020, 11:56:06 pm
Baking bread, hell yeah
Diploskull, July 28, 2020, 11:11:59 pm

Fuck yeah what kind of bread??
Bobguinary Novel, July 28, 2020, 11:31:22 pm

Large batch king arthur sandwich bread, kinda boring tbh. I hope it doesn't overflow while it rises, but I might make a little of it into cinnamon rolls?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on July 29, 2020, 12:11:54 am
Baking bread, hell yeah
Diploskull, July 28, 2020, 11:11:59 pm

Fuck yeah what kind of bread??
Bobguinary Novel, July 28, 2020, 11:31:22 pm

Large batch king arthur sandwich bread, kinda boring tbh. I hope it doesn't overflow while it rises, but I might make a little of it into cinnamon rolls?
Diploskull, July 28, 2020, 11:56:06 pm

No no no no don't treat your bread like that! Even the most boring white bread loaf will taste delicious and amazing. And if you get bonus cinnamon rolls? Even better.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Diploskull on July 29, 2020, 12:43:47 am
Oh it won't be boring to eat, even the most half ass of flat breads are delicious if you eat them fresh.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Diploskull on July 29, 2020, 12:56:31 am
I need to stop messaging people like woman I find annoying and dude with bad boundaries.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Ashto on July 29, 2020, 09:10:23 am
If dude with bad boundaries would just stop messaging everyone in general, I think life would be easier.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Ambious on August 03, 2020, 12:10:57 pm
Tequila: Good
Pizza: Good
Family: Good
Life: Good
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on August 06, 2020, 03:05:15 am
Fuck what a great evening with some great people. Nutshell's bad movie night is so dang fun!

Also I'm also high right now and fuck i feel great! I've got such a nostalgic spark burning within me. One that wants to create.

I'm gonna work on SOMETHING tomorrow.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on August 07, 2020, 09:32:32 am
It's really nice to be able to get drunk in a public venue and talk to people i don't know about things that interest me with people.i font know.
Talking to people I don't know isn't one of my strengths let alone strengths friends so having someone who can.facilitate is so fucking valuable.for me.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on August 19, 2020, 02:50:28 pm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on August 29, 2020, 08:41:41 pm
I'm sorry a lot of my posts have been so sad and borderline whiny these days, I'm working on it and would rather be posting about goofballs with fetishes and stuff like that. Like I'm working on an embroidery pattern that will be super cool and stuff as long as I stop worrying about being able to afford rent, food and shit like that fuck having a dumb brain for real y'all
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on September 10, 2020, 12:41:21 am
Saw an ad for "not sour, no tang" greek yogurt and BITCH yoplait is right fucking there, why the FUCK are you wasting greek yogurt's time you "ketchup is spicy" dinosaur nugget only eating little bitch
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mr. Hunky Academia on September 11, 2020, 05:04:43 pm
Lord forgive me for I am about to become a disc golf  person
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on September 11, 2020, 11:43:20 pm
Lord forgive me for I am about to become a disc golf  person
Mr. Hunky Academia, September 11, 2020, 05:04:43 pm
you are (not) forgiven
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turtle on September 12, 2020, 12:22:46 am
i went disc golfing once, which means i have two disc golf discs in the trunk of my car. I'm prepared.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on September 12, 2020, 01:05:53 am
i went disc golfing once, which means i have two disc golf discs in the trunk of my car. I'm prepared.
Turtle, September 12, 2020, 12:22:46 am
i expect this from you
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on September 14, 2020, 01:21:51 am
I know some amazing, thoughtful, kind people and every one of them helps me get through the day, this year.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: GirlKisser420 on September 14, 2020, 04:19:55 am
A griffin would be a kickass fursona, but a hippogriff would suck
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on September 14, 2020, 04:55:05 am
A griffin would be a kickass fursona, but a hippogriff would suck
GirlKisser420, September 14, 2020, 04:19:55 am
i want to hear your rationale for this
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: GirlKisser420 on September 14, 2020, 05:30:26 am
basically a hippogriff is adding in another bit to the formula and overcrowding things, and its very difficult to really show off the horse part since that's mostly the overall sorta frame so applying it to a person's not going to work. It'd be overcomplicated and just kind of a worse griffin, which a hippogriff basically is. I guess you can do a centaur thing but that's lame and doesnt match the wings. meanwhile a griffin dude would be badass. perfect bald eagle head and big wings, mane and huge pecs, raw denim and cowboy boots. It just works
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on September 14, 2020, 06:08:36 am
Don't hipogriffs originally come from a joke concept of a griffon fucking a horse (which is a joke because griffons and horses hate each other)?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: GirlKisser420 on September 14, 2020, 07:20:37 am
according to mythology dot wikia the idea of a griffin fucking a horse is ludicrous, so it's a magical symbol for impossibility and love
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on September 14, 2020, 01:06:18 pm
Hm. Okay, yeah. You've convinced me. I didn't necessarily disagree, i just wondered why you thought it. Horses are jerks anyway.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: sambair on September 17, 2020, 07:17:40 pm
Travis McElroy getting a pep talk from Weird Al is one of the sweetest moments in modern comedy TV, but it was on the finale of a show that lasted 6 episodes on a streaming service that ended years ago.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Diploskull on September 17, 2020, 10:32:10 pm
Baja blast freeze plus tequila is very good, if that sounds good to you, you should try it.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Vinny Possum on September 21, 2020, 07:59:02 am
Apparently theres people still doing neopets who started in the 90s and that's the most depressing shit
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on September 21, 2020, 01:40:01 pm
Apparently theres people still doing neopets who started in the 90s and that's the most depressing shit
Vinny Possum, September 21, 2020, 07:59:02 am
I can think of a few more depressing things, but why bring the room down
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on September 26, 2020, 12:09:43 am
My partner in the Great British Baking Show drinking game already fell asleep!! Like what the hell! Calling out for a new drinking partner because this is unacceptable. I need someone else to pretend like we could do better and judge people's baking. BYOB, but I will provide snacks
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on September 26, 2020, 01:44:09 pm
My partner in the Great British Baking Show drinking game already fell asleep!! Like what the hell! Calling out for a new drinking partner because this is unacceptable. I need someone else to pretend like we could do better and judge people's baking. BYOB, but I will provide snacks
Bobguinary Novel, September 26, 2020, 12:09:43 am

its called bake off but i'll forgive you if you tell me the drinking game rules??

i came here to post about how CL is still unparalleled and Soyeon fans don't know what the fuck they're talking about
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on September 26, 2020, 08:12:20 pm
My partner in the Great British Baking Show drinking game already fell asleep!! Like what the hell! Calling out for a new drinking partner because this is unacceptable. I need someone else to pretend like we could do better and judge people's baking. BYOB, but I will provide snacks
Bobguinary Novel, September 26, 2020, 12:09:43 am

its called bake off but i'll forgive you if you tell me the drinking game rules??

i came here to post about how CL is still unparalleled and Soyeon fans don't know what the fuck they're talking about
worms, September 26, 2020, 01:44:09 pm

Some of the rules I remember:

Paul steely side eyes the baker when they make terrible choices
"Soggy bottom"
Someone drops a utensil
We added a rule for anyone who made a balls joke
Someone gets the Hollywood Handshake
Someone adds booze to their recipe

If you want to get really fucked up, whenever someone makes a pun, or when a judge uses the word "clumsy"
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Ashto on September 27, 2020, 05:46:44 pm
Some of the rules I remember:

Paul steely side eyes the baker when they make terrible choices
"Soggy bottom"
Someone drops a utensil
We added a rule for anyone who made a balls joke
Someone gets the Hollywood Handshake
Someone adds booze to their recipe
Bobguinary Novel, September 26, 2020, 08:12:20 pm
Oh wow, these are great, totally stealing this

whenever someone makes a pun, or when a judge uses the the word "clumsy"
Bobguinary Novel, September 26, 2020, 08:12:20 pm
Please don't drown worms
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Ambious on September 27, 2020, 06:22:17 pm
Be kind to yourself and others
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on September 27, 2020, 07:03:50 pm
Some of the rules I remember:

Paul steely side eyes the baker when they make terrible choices
"Soggy bottom"
Someone drops a utensil
We added a rule for anyone who made a balls joke
Someone gets the Hollywood Handshake
Someone adds booze to their recipe
Bobguinary Novel, September 26, 2020, 08:12:20 pm
Oh wow, these are great, totally stealing this

whenever someone makes a pun, or when a judge uses the the word "clumsy"
Bobguinary Novel, September 26, 2020, 08:12:20 pm
Please don't drown worms
LaserSeusan, September 27, 2020, 05:46:44 pm

One of the rules I saw online said to drink every time they showed a illustration of what a contestant was going to make, and that's just pure death
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on September 27, 2020, 09:03:30 pm
I'm convinced that the person who came up with the drink every time you hear "Fukui San!" for an Iron Chef drinking game was trying to rack up a body count.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on September 28, 2020, 12:37:45 am
I'm convinced that the person who came up with the drink every time you hear "Fukui San!" for an Iron Chef drinking game was trying to rack up a body count.
Salubrious Rex, September 27, 2020, 09:03:30 pm
i like "any time they refer to someone under 40 as surprisingly successful for their age, as if they're babies."
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on September 30, 2020, 09:50:42 pm
WEll I don't have a job anymore - quit it in an emiotional rage that built up over a long long time, the catalyst making me redo an entire powerpoint on a sunday after my family visiting for the weekend. (the fam visiting might not have helped the emotional state tbh).  I've had a few days to process it and I feel shame for quitting a """good job"" (decent pay with benefits) during a combo pandemic/recession, and a whole heck of a lot of fear about the future, but I don't think it was the wrong desicion. Maybe wrong time, and mabye not the best the method, but it's done and done. No sense in wallowing in what-ifs and what-could-of-beens when i've cast the dice. I have to truly believe that i'm good enough and can make this work!!!!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on October 01, 2020, 12:50:13 am
WEll I don't have a job anymore - quit it in an emiotional rage that built up over a long long time, the catalyst making me redo an entire powerpoint on a sunday after my family visiting for the weekend. (the fam visiting might not have helped the emotional state tbh).  I've had a few days to process it and I feel shame for quitting a """good job"" (decent pay with benefits) during a combo pandemic/recession, and a whole heck of a lot of fear about the future, but I don't think it was the wrong desicion. Maybe wrong time, and mabye not the best the method, but it's done and done. No sense in wallowing in what-ifs and what-could-of-beens when i've cast the dice. I have to truly believe that i'm good enough and can make this work!!!!
Bobguinary Novel, September 30, 2020, 09:50:42 pm
you're not only good enough, you deserve it to work.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on October 03, 2020, 06:35:20 am
Ah crud its happening again, I'm drunk AND depressed *mocking gameshow music plays*

Edit: also forgot to bring my earbuds so I can't retreat somewhere and listen 5o music on my phoness speakers people tend to get the wrong idea and asssumee the worse
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on October 07, 2020, 01:48:35 pm
Paul steely side eyes the baker when they make terrible choices
"Soggy bottom"
Someone drops a utensil
We added a rule for anyone who made a balls joke
Someone gets the Hollywood Handshake
Someone adds booze to their recipe

If you want to get really fucked up, whenever someone makes a pun, or when a judge uses the word "clumsy"
Bobguinary Novel, September 26, 2020, 08:12:20 pm

Trip report: Paul doing the steely eyes is the real killer here. The technical is a nice break but still. I didn't play the bonus pun rule but my pre-assessment is that I will definitely run out of alcohol, or die, or both.

"Rainbows represent the NHS" is pretty weak bullshit though Paul.

I'd propose adding "Matt Lucas does a stupid voice" as a rule for this season.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on October 15, 2020, 01:32:13 am
If I were you I wouldn't have Issues to deal with. Waste a time really
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sorrel on October 19, 2020, 01:26:47 am
cum golem lol
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on October 21, 2020, 03:37:21 am
I wanna make another drink, but every drink I take is starting to do that thing where it makes me nauseous. But I'm also way too cognizant and don't appreciate it
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on October 22, 2020, 02:59:42 am
Well this makes almost three posts in a row, a spiritual bingo for "Hey you're becoming an alcoholic maybe chill out on that for a few weeks yeah?"
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on October 23, 2020, 08:06:04 am
Alcohol consumption should be easier if I can just be allowed to retreat and have to time to myself when I need it and I should be fine
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: I Liked That Joke on October 30, 2020, 02:27:43 am
I don't understand how everyone else in my life is just able to roll with covid, meanwhile I've been losing my mind for six months straight. People are out there doing shit and I'm just developing a drinking problem
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Lemon on November 08, 2020, 12:26:55 am
Horay! I've been drunk for six hours,!

Yippie skippie!

Good night.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop on November 08, 2020, 02:37:00 pm
I'll be buddhist when I finish this six pack
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Chupasaurus-Rex on November 16, 2020, 02:52:09 am
WEll I don't have a job anymore - quit it in an emiotional rage that built up over a long long time, the catalyst making me redo an entire powerpoint on a sunday after my family visiting for the weekend. (the fam visiting might not have helped the emotional state tbh).  I've had a few days to process it and I feel shame for quitting a """good job"" (decent pay with benefits) during a combo pandemic/recession, and a whole heck of a lot of fear about the future, but I don't think it was the wrong desicion. Maybe wrong time, and mabye not the best the method, but it's done and done. No sense in wallowing in what-ifs and what-could-of-beens when i've cast the dice. I have to truly believe that i'm good enough and can make this work!!!!
Bobguinary Novel, September 30, 2020, 09:50:42 pm
you're not only good enough, you deserve it to work.
Shell Game, October 01, 2020, 12:50:13 am

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on November 24, 2020, 03:18:20 pm
I tried to play that bakeoff drinking game and got bored and drank more, which was fun.

the result was fucking bullshit though the worst baker of the day won
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on December 13, 2020, 06:22:25 am
Ah crud its happening again, I'm drunk AND depressed *mocking gameshow music plays*

Edit: also forgot to bring my earbuds so I can't retreat somewhere and listen 5o music on my phoness speakers people tend to get the wrong idea and asssumee the worse
Salubrious Rex, October 03, 2020, 06:35:20 am

Honestly I was pretty successful in distracting myself via discord.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on December 19, 2020, 09:52:02 pm
Love y'all very much, and I hope y'all find a TON of happiness this December. Like I'd say a bit, but fuck it, you all deserve a mountain load of it.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on December 19, 2020, 10:11:44 pm
"Lol haven't been eating normally for like A month, time for four shots of gin I'll be very normal online then!!"
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: jim and the mammograms on December 24, 2020, 12:20:10 am
Me: oh huh time for margaritas i guess

me: ooh i have a LIME i can rim the glass with salt

me two seconds later after rubbing my eyes: oh uh oh UH OH OH NO
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on December 26, 2020, 11:58:07 pm
Someday I'm gonna be able to love unconditionally and it's all over for you snakes
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on December 27, 2020, 01:15:45 am
Watching a lovecraftian horror game lp while un fucking lyblivebly drunk and I think this is A good recipe for dreams tonight

At least you can't crawl into bed drunk if you're already drunk *meme with man tapping his head*
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on December 27, 2020, 06:36:41 pm
A Muppet Christmas Carol goes fucking hard

E I'm high not drink still rocking sobriety
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on December 27, 2020, 06:47:28 pm
A Muppet Christmas Carol goes fucking hard

E I'm high not drink still rocking sobriety
chai tea latte, December 27, 2020, 06:36:41 pm

Oh wow, it's been nearly six months or so, right? I remember you stopping sometime this summer. Congrats on your efforts, no matter how many months!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on December 27, 2020, 07:24:01 pm
Coming up on 4.5 months / the longest span of time I've been sober in a decade. Thank you.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: auaurorau on December 31, 2020, 04:13:20 pm
for two or three years now i've only ever drinked on midsummer and new year's, but now i feel like immeasurable garbage like five cans in and i don't think i'll ever drink again. thakk you for listeninh goodbye thread
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: jim and the mammograms on January 01, 2021, 02:33:28 am
MMMMMM I'm NYE drunk and spent the last I guess 7 hours on Discord with my two partners I have that live in america because I'm stupid and gay and, like, fuck, dude. I'm not hot or smart or cool or good at making life choices, but I guess I got people who love me completely inexplicably and am working a job that expects zero effort from me and gives me health insurance and enough money to get by comfortably. could be worse dogg

i also want to learn to play bass this year, someone buy me an electric bass
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Lemon on January 14, 2021, 11:07:35 pm
Oh hey, this beer is 10% ABV!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Diploskull on January 16, 2021, 12:18:37 am
I just invited some dude i know on a hike so i hope that's still a good idea sunday!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on February 01, 2021, 05:50:53 am
The worst thing about being able to drive and having a job is I can only get a little drunk.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on February 01, 2021, 09:36:38 pm
Im trying to drink all of my alcohol because im moving back into my parents house within a week and they don't drink. It's interesting. I just I dont kow what im doing with my life and fuck job searching and fuck why did i choose computer science as a career. I wish I could just shut up my mine and just be shhhh. And so I talk in a random discord server to distract my mind. I keep making F plus documents to destract my mind when I don't have anything to do. I can't just watch TV or not do something because I don't like it. I don't drink often but when I do I feel so gross.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on February 01, 2021, 11:42:23 pm
Honestly, I'm probably just as bad at the people who show up on the f plus. It's just i put my dumbness into shitty art instead of posting it on the internet it goes into a sketchbook. And I put my motives into talking to people on discord. It is wrong for me to make documents juding others for their actions when my actions could possibly be just as bad? I'm also a loser.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on February 02, 2021, 12:07:16 am
I just want to be normal. I don't know how to be normal anymore. Back when everything seemed real before covid and I tried acting normal people always asked me if I had adhd or autism and idk I feel normal. Ive never got tested for either. But maybe I have one or the other. Who knows. I just wish people would stop asking me if I had one of those or asking if I was high. Why can't people just don't care. Drink some rum and some beer. Fuck society. Who cares if I'm a bit socially awkward. Why can't I be viewed as normal? I should just not drink it makes me worry.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on February 02, 2021, 12:11:45 am
can i just cry and curl up into a ball? Never to be seen again. The internet to never exist. Computer science, web design, javascript, php, never exist. and I'll be a farmer and just farm my lands. Why do I think like this? I just hate myself and how how feminine I am and hate how I can't just blend in?

edit: i shouldve grown out of this phase im almost 22. I should already ahve a job lined up I graduted a while ago. I finished college. I shouldnt be wasting my time on stupid shit.

edit 2: i cant stop crying. I just want to be normal and stop overthinking everything. Why does covid have to exist and why do I have to overthink everything? I sometimes just wish the interet could not exist so I wouldnt be so obsessed withit. Im obsessed with how hummanity thinks and views things and thats why i like the f plus. I like making documents on how weird humans are. It's intersting to me. But I also hate it and I just wish I had never cared enough to bother to waste my time. And idk maybe im crazy im probably just durnk.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on February 02, 2021, 01:02:09 am
why couldn't I have just been fucking born a male?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on February 02, 2021, 08:44:13 am
edit: i shouldve grown out of this phase im almost 22. I should already ahve a job lined up I graduted a while ago. I finished college. I shouldnt be wasting my time on stupid shit. thelizzerd, February 02, 2021, 12:11:45 am
Oh hun... i know you were drunk, but... i PROMISE you that you are not a failure in the slightest based on this. And I also promise you that i think every single person in this community has experienced or still experiences the phase you're describing. I won't belabor the rest in the drunk thread, i just wanted to say SOMETHING.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on February 05, 2021, 09:40:33 am
Whenever I drink 3ith other people its with couplrs and quite honestly... it sucks. There's no better way to feel alone among co.pany
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on February 06, 2021, 02:14:46 am
Whenever I drink 3ith other people its with couplrs and quite honestly... it sucks. There's no better way to feel alone among co.pany
Salubrious Rex, February 05, 2021, 09:40:33 am
Though sober, i extend solidarity. And huge empathy...
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on February 11, 2021, 02:00:04 am
If I cannot find someone in particular to share my love with, I hope I can find peace in sharing that love with my friends and chosen family
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: jim and the mammograms on February 14, 2021, 10:36:16 pm
if you're not alone and drunk on balled pitt on valentine's day are you even living champs
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: sambair on February 15, 2021, 11:13:24 am
if you're not alone and drunk on balled pitt on valentine's day are you even living champs
jimandthemammograms, February 14, 2021, 10:36:16 pm

Does stoned and watching Gundam count?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: jim and the mammograms on February 27, 2021, 03:09:15 am
guys not to get blue but i LOVE my PARTNERS and want to be in the SAME COUNTRY AS THEM
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on March 05, 2021, 04:06:16 pm
group hug
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on March 27, 2021, 08:10:23 am
I wish there was a discord server so I could just get drunk and hang out y’all. That seems more fun than the servers with people who think they aren’t normies but then get mad online for months about trans people existing.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on March 27, 2021, 08:11:20 am
ALSO I HAVE MOVED TO THE USA.  Next fplus live I will divorce my husband if we don’t go
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on April 03, 2021, 02:55:14 am
I have not had a mixed drink for a long time

Mixed drinks are good
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Moistenedbinch on April 03, 2021, 05:29:54 pm
Y'all I drunk tweeted the fplus a bunch the other day, I am embarrassing. Also. Indiana is a stupid state.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on April 10, 2021, 01:58:56 am
over the past month I have been streaming movies to my friends over discord and it is so much fun. I'm the only one who has access to this many streaming services through family stuff, and it rocks to enjoy all of this with my favorite people.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on May 14, 2021, 11:28:05 pm
I wish i was confident enough to admit that i wish i was a man. like how as 15/16 year old me okay enoguh with considering that i might be trans but 22 yo me isnt? like wtf? im afriad and im just gonna pretend im okay and im a woman. fuck i don't have to transition i can be a woman. shut up brain.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on May 14, 2021, 11:32:08 pm
I just want to be okay with myself. Why was teenage me confident enought to in real life be like "hey call me he/him and male name" and then I stopped that went I went to college. I ghosted all's my old friends. Im now dating this guy who is amazing but I don't think we'd be dating if I had already pushed to be trans. And idk I have a good job making 68k per year. Like I'm doing OKAY. but I hate myself. I hate how I didnt do what I wanted to. I used to be like as soon as I move out I'm gonna be myself but I didn't. And now drunk me just goes online and is like "what if I was male"
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on May 16, 2021, 06:05:00 pm
I like drinking but I'm afraid of becoming an alcoholic cause all 4 of my grandparents were alcoholics. Which is why neither of my parents drink all too much. I'm also a light weight which idk if that helps or hurts me. I want to keep up with my friends in number of drinks but just end up druk when they aren't drunk yet.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on May 16, 2021, 07:44:25 pm
I just want to talk to other people 2ho are also drunk? Why isn't there like Twitter for drunk people?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on May 16, 2021, 10:53:20 pm
I like drinking but I'm afraid of becoming an alcoholic cause all 4 of my grandparents were alcoholics. Which is why neither of my parents drink all too much. I'm also a light weight which idk if that helps or hurts me. I want to keep up with my friends in number of drinks but just end up druk when they aren't drunk yet.
thelizzerd, May 16, 2021, 06:05:00 pm

So I can at least speak a little to the alcoholism thing, as a lot of people in my family are, and my dad is a shit head alcoholic. So there are people who can drink every day and live normal lives, and those who can drink very infrequently and be fucked up, so I'm not going to focus on amount.

Like all mental illnesses, it becomes a problem when it affects aspects of your life: are you still talking with friends, getting out to do things, getting to work and through the day okay? Can you go a day without and not feel bad? A big thing for me was drawing a line, so if I did those things, I was cutting myself off. The biggest was lashing out and hurting the ones I loved, but included small things like did I do it to feel better/self-medicate, was I drinking alone more often than not, was it making my depression worse. Find those lines and write them down, or tell a very VERY trusted friend. If you cross them multiple times, and find yourself moving goalposts, that's when you know things are getting bad.

The best suggestion I can offer right now is go a month only drinking with friends (virtually or in person), and see if you can hold off. Plus it's just more fun to get drunk with others. If you're the lightweight, you can drink lighter beers, alternate between water and alcohol, or as my pro drinking friend pointed out, just never stop eating.

Good luck friend!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on July 08, 2021, 06:43:24 pm
Hi I'm  sorry for vagueposting ten dollar secret threads but I'm here to say that I'm sick of feeling like my music tastes are shameful because they're mainstream. I'm just here because I'm drunk as hell and this is the thread for drunk as hell people.

Muse are good. Yeah I was listening to them while making shit art in the art course I failed at 16. The CD of The Uprising was the best birthday present I got that year. I don't give a shit if they're not niche or groundbreaking or whatever, the music was fucking good.

I was a fucking insufferable le wrong generation "Led Zeppelin are the only band worth listening to" piece of shit child. I transcribed the lyrics to Stairway to Heaven and every conversation I steered to the point where I could say "lets consult The Bible" and pulled them out like they would somehow be relevant and make me look cool. I wanted you to feel bad for liking things, and that's the kind of thing a turd wants.

Do not let that arsehole child make you feel bad for listening to stuff that sounds good. That's literally the whole point of music and the idea that you should feel bad for succumbing is completely insane and somehow incredibly prevalent.

It is not terrible that you are listening to Butterflies and Hurricanes. I;m listenign to Hysteria right now and it fucking owns so hard. You're not the coolest dudest dude on the entire planet and you don't have to be. The ultimate goal is to have a good time and not make the world a worse place. That's the win condition of life in the hellverse that we find ourselves in.

If you are listening to an mp3 you enjoy then congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! You win and 12 year old ChrisGainesFan loses and that is the way the world should be. Have a nice evening,

Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: bubbleuj on July 31, 2021, 12:02:16 am
I just want to talk to other people 2ho are also drunk? Why isn't there like Twitter for drunk people?
thelizzerd, May 16, 2021, 07:44:25 pm

I use discord for that. Love to vc with 12 other people shooting the shit and then playing jackbox
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Emperor Jack Chick on July 31, 2021, 12:15:04 am
Hi I'm  sorry for vagueposting ten dollar secret threads but I'm here to say that I'm sick of feeling like my music tastes are shameful because they're mainstream. I'm just here because I'm drunk as hell and this is the thread for drunk as hell people.

Muse are good. Yeah I was listening to them while making shit art in the art course I failed at 16. The CD of The Uprising was the best birthday present I got that year. I don't give a shit if they're not niche or groundbreaking or whatever, the music was fucking good.

I was a fucking insufferable le wrong generation "Led Zeppelin are the only band worth listening to" piece of shit child. I transcribed the lyrics to Stairway to Heaven and every conversation I steered to the point where I could say "lets consult The Bible" and pulled them out like they would somehow be relevant and make me look cool. I wanted you to feel bad for liking things, and that's the kind of thing a turd wants.

Do not let that arsehole child make you feel bad for listening to stuff that sounds good. That's literally the whole point of music and the idea that you should feel bad for succumbing is completely insane and somehow incredibly prevalent.

It is not terrible that you are listening to Butterflies and Hurricanes. I;m listenign to Hysteria right now and it fucking owns so hard. You're not the coolest dudest dude on the entire planet and you don't have to be. The ultimate goal is to have a good time and not make the world a worse place. That's the win condition of life in the hellverse that we find ourselves in.

If you are listening to an mp3 you enjoy then congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! You win and 12 year old ChrisGainesFan loses and that is the way the world should be. Have a nice evening,
ChrisGainesFan, July 08, 2021, 06:43:24 pm

i like muse. they were great live!

also I'm assuming you're not talking about Hysteria, the Def Leppard album, but you should be cause that album owns
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on August 21, 2021, 12:57:45 am
do you all remember the bodymods episode? do you remember skin pocket? i have a dream (nightmare) where i have the skin pocket probably once every 6 months. always left hip because i keep my phone in my left pocket.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on August 25, 2021, 01:09:57 am
Not terribly proud of it, but I ended up drinking just to get myself to sit down and finish up some freelance work and I hate how effective it was. Granted, it's a small sliver between "lessened anxiety and ADHD" and "badly designing while drunk" but it worked - tonight, at least.

I wish I could isolate exactly what makes things easier while drunk, because this is 100% not a long-term solution. I'm sure my therapist would enjoy it too, as she very professionally lost her squash at me today. Which is fair, I'm very annoyed at me too. It's hard to explain or justify "my brain knows exactly the right action and all of the consequences, but just plain refuses to act". It's dumb!!

Here's hoping I figure it out, so I can support all of the very lovely and amazing people who have helped me. I love them very much and I at least want to be better enough to help them, you know?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Semantic Weeb on August 29, 2021, 03:16:10 am
My partner and I spent the afternoon researching the 46 candidates on the ballot in the CA recall, then got drunk and presented our findings to each other. It was great.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on September 09, 2021, 09:47:50 pm
When I'm drunk I turn up the drunkness a little more than I actually am. Or maybe I just turn off the normal filtering and masking out of weirdness I normally do. Like I don't need to scream jonathan coulton songs at the top of my lungs while in the passanger seat of my boyfriend's car. But I'm going to!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on September 09, 2021, 11:32:03 pm
Sounds like you do need to and it's helping
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on October 06, 2021, 02:42:12 am
Got a little drunk and ordered two jars of pickled sausage because according to alcohol math these are cheaper and OBVIOUSLY better than protein bars and I really wanted them

All I need to do is pick up whiskey and smoking and I'll be just like my grandpa Pietrzykowski
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Emperor Jack Chick on October 06, 2021, 08:53:25 am
jars of pickled sausage
Guy Ferrari, October 06, 2021, 02:42:12 am

What are those?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on October 06, 2021, 09:20:57 am
jars of pickled sausage
Guy Ferrari, October 06, 2021, 02:42:12 am

What are those?
Emperor Jack Chick, October 06, 2021, 08:53:25 am

I'm a big fan of the Bay View red hot polish sausages - just enough heat, good texture, and smaller than one you would get in a gas station (like a Tijuana Mama). They're really nice to have on hand when you just need a little vinegary snack. If you've never had one before, be warned that they have a very strong smell, as I've been told many times.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on October 08, 2021, 01:53:03 am
( (

How coincidental that they should arrive in the same state I ordered them. Delicious.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on October 08, 2021, 04:13:00 pm
Meta question: Are you allowed to post on the drunk thread when you're high?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: GirlKisser420 on October 21, 2021, 07:44:28 pm
being high is just drunk 2, its allowed
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Victor Laszlo on October 24, 2021, 11:19:29 pm
I might actually go guitar shopping this week, and the impetus will have been the new bumper sticker my wife got*.  I have mixed feelings about this.

*Since you'll ask, it says:

Life is short
Take the trip
Buy the shoes
Eat the cake
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on October 24, 2021, 11:27:56 pm
Fucking do iiiiiiit. The last two years have turbo sucked for you especially, and there's more to go. Get the guitar, go hog wild. If you don't use it, I'm sure one of your kids will want to learn guitar one day, it's inevitable.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on October 29, 2021, 08:53:19 pm
It's warm sake season friends, and even the cheap Gekkeikan is good when heated up a bit.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on October 29, 2021, 10:43:05 pm
Being a light weight who is also on meds who make alcohol hit you harder is the best and worst combo. On one hand - cheaper to get drunk. On the other hand - I don't get to enjoy that feeling of wasting my money away. It's kinda lame feeling tipsy after two shots. I'm in my 20s, I'm supposed to be bar hopping not getting drunk alone after playing magic the gathering.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Victor Laszlo on October 29, 2021, 11:18:04 pm
On one hand - cheaper to get drunk.
[yay] Yay! [yay]

On the other hand - I don't get to enjoy that feeling of wasting my money away.
That's an enjoyable feeling?

It's kinda lame feeling tipsy after two shots.
Shots are designed to speed the onset of the effects of alcohol.  Literally any other drink would delay this.

I'm in my 20s, I'm supposed to be bar hopping not getting drunk alone after playing magic the gathering.
You're not supposed to be doing anything and I really can't stress this one enough
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on November 04, 2021, 12:00:08 am
TIL drunk Jack Chick is into Godsmack
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Emperor Jack Chick on November 04, 2021, 12:09:37 am
TIL drunk Jack Chick is into Godsmack
Blood Book, November 04, 2021, 12:00:08 am

look its an important component of prince of persia
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Turtle on November 04, 2021, 12:37:00 am
godsmack was on the soundtrack to The Scorpion King, a major component to the rise of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Are you better than Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on November 05, 2021, 09:14:58 pm
I had seven months off the wagon earlier in the pandemic and I've probably now been six months on. it sucks that i'm drinking again, probably, but personally i don't super mind. it is nice to have a little whiskey on the weekend.

i'm drunk and i have this to say. i love whiskey dearly.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on November 05, 2021, 11:03:25 pm
I'm drinking wine. Why is it bad to want to die? Like i just wnat to use less of human resourced for the dumb shit I do? LIke so much I want to do is dumb and I just dont want to waste what we have? I dont want to have kids and thats a waste. Im transgender and that's a waste. I have seizures and the meds for that are a waste. I'm just a waste. I'm drikning and that's a waste. I just wish I could contribute more to humanity and not be a waste. I threw out a pen earlier today cause it was out of ink and even that is a waste of plastic. I just wwanna not thinkabout the world or waste or anything. And i love ball pit. It's one of the few places where I feel like I can just be myself without anyone caring. i try not to go on the drunk forum too much ut I'm feeling it tonight. Sorry. I'm sorry. I make documents that make fun of people, but really I should just make fun of myself. FOr being a loser who wastes the world's resources. FUcks. That's why I make documents to make me feel better about myself.Cause at least if I can laugh at it i can feel happy for a bit.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on November 05, 2021, 11:04:36 pm
I wish i could be normal and not hate myself. I wish I could just like myself and not be so awkward and so self conscious.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Acierocolotl on November 06, 2021, 01:04:53 pm
I'm drinking wine. Why is it bad to want to die?thelizzerd, November 05, 2021, 11:03:25 pm

Listen.  Somebody was concerned for you enough to report this post, and that's why I heard about it.  Somebody cared.  That also got you a post from me.  I hope that doesn't make it worse.

Yeah, life's rough sometimes, my doge.  There's assholes to the left, and there's assholes to the right, and then you've got your own existential crises to wade through and then what?  What's even the point of it all?

Well, the point is to make the world a bit better.  You make documents, these fine folk here make a show out of it, people have a laugh, and for one glorious hour, everything's better.  That's because of you.  And yeah, you can recycle a bit of plastic, or maybe volunteer a little, and maybe that doesn't help with everything but it does make it a little better.

And maybe I'm trying to make things a tiny bit better myself.  You and I, we'll do the November Challenge:  It's where you manage to get through every day of November.  You'll be my November Challenge buddy.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on November 06, 2021, 01:34:14 pm
And maybe I'm trying to make things a tiny bit better myself.  You and I, we'll do the November Challenge:  It's where you manage to get through every day of November.  You'll be my November Challenge buddy.
Acierocolotl, November 06, 2021, 01:04:53 pm

I'm okay sorry. Sorry for any concern I caused. I shouldn't go online while drunk.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on November 06, 2021, 09:53:14 pm
And maybe I'm trying to make things a tiny bit better myself.  You and I, we'll do the November Challenge:  It's where you manage to get through every day of November.  You'll be my November Challenge buddy.
Acierocolotl, November 06, 2021, 01:04:53 pm

I'm okay sorry. Sorry for any concern I caused. I shouldn't go online while drunk.
thelizzerd, November 06, 2021, 01:34:14 pm
Don't apologize. The magnitude of your words is important. They indicate your state. Know that it's the product of a your mind trying to process a life of stress and fear. I understand, intimately, the urge to pull back and try to bury the thoughts but you don't need to be ashamed that some pain slipped out.

Just remember it for what it is: stress. it's a real and natural thing that is not a sign of you being weak. it's a sign your brain is working. this knowledge can help you combat the more dangerous urges, so hold onto it, not with shame, but with confidence you understand what it really is. Again, it's stress. Take it easy on yourself for a bit okay? And if you need help getting to a point where you can rationalize yourself out of those urges, remember someone here worried about you, someone here wanted to help you, and someone here wanted you to have the tools you need to survive. And perhaps most importantly, a lot of people here want for you to succeed in survival. Not out of pity. Not out of obligation. Not out of annoyance. Just because you're just people, like us.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sauce on November 13, 2021, 03:40:41 pm
I'm camping with my LARP group and we haven't had a chance to actually do a LARP since the before times and I'm going to miss getting drunk on mead with these nerds. Just trying not to cry cos they're the only thing I'm going to miss about this dumb country.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on November 15, 2021, 12:29:03 am
TL;DWTR / CW - Me getting mad about Christmas gifts to family. Pass on it if you wanna

Being smashed drunk is a great way to handle Christmas shopping for family, it turns out. No second guessing, no agonizing for hours on what they might think or do, fuck it. I'm gonna be the dork Aunt that gives my niece and nephew books, but they'll be cool things like Pokemon, dragons, and stuff that's fun to say aloud to a 2 year old. I'm especially giving my niece the Frog and Toad collection, as it meant so much to be as a kid. I hope it means a lot to her too.

And for the rest of 'em? I'll do my best and not give them like a shitty store brand shower gift set or whatever, but holy shit guys I'm underemployed and you put any art I give you as a gift ends up in the basement, so I'll do my best I guess. I HATE giving profunctory(sp) gifts, it's so lame and just shit.  And these gifts are for people making high double digits, if not triple digit, so it feels so futile and pointless. I just need them to specifically say "Amount doesn't matter, please stop doing gift math" to my dumb ass. And every year I have to give a gift to an abusive piece of shit, in the grand illusion our family plays that he's not an alcoholic asshole that tears everyone down.

Don't get me wrong, I love to give people gifts, especially useful ones, in a desperate, but sad way of saying "You're important to me, even if I don't show it very well". However, family gifts and the dumb emotional math behind it stress me the hell out every year and it sucks. Please let my small labors of love, words, and time together be enough. It's all I've ever wanted from anyone else.

Ending on a more light-hearted note, I'm totally giving my nephew manga next year and totally starting that shit :sickos:. COMIC BOOKS ARE STILL READING, AND I'LL STILL BE THE COOLEST AUNT, SUCK IT STEPHANIE
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Victor Laszlo on November 15, 2021, 07:17:39 am
TL;DWTR / CW - Me getting mad about Christmas gifts to family. Pass on it if you wanna

Being smashed drunk is a great way to handle Christmas shopping for family, it turns out. No second guessing, no agonizing for hours on what they might think or do, fuck it. I'm gonna be the dork Aunt that gives my niece and nephew books, but they'll be cool things like Pokemon, dragons, and stuff that's fun to say aloud to a 2 year old. I'm especially giving my niece the Frog and Toad collection, as it meant so much to be as a kid. I hope it means a lot to her too.

And for the rest of 'em? I'll do my best and not give them like a shitty store brand shower gift set or whatever, but holy shit guys I'm underemployed and you put any art I give you as a gift ends up in the basement, so I'll do my best I guess. I HATE giving profunctory(sp) gifts, it's so lame and just shit.  And these gifts are for people making high double digits, if not triple digit, so it feels so futile and pointless. I just need them to specifically say "Amount doesn't matter, please stop doing gift math" to my dumb ass. And every year I have to give a gift to an abusive piece of shit, in the grand illusion our family plays that he's not an alcoholic asshole that tears everyone down.

Don't get me wrong, I love to give people gifts, especially useful ones, in a desperate, but sad way of saying "You're important to me, even if I don't show it very well". However, family gifts and the dumb emotional math behind it stress me the hell out every year and it sucks. Please let my small labors of love, words, and time together be enough. It's all I've ever wanted from anyone else.

Ending on a more light-hearted note, I'm totally giving my nephew manga next year and totally starting that shit :sickos:. COMIC BOOKS ARE STILL READING, AND I'LL STILL BE THE COOLEST AUNT, SUCK IT STEPHANIE
Blood Book, November 15, 2021, 12:29:03 am

"The Book With No Pictures" is a modern kid book classic for fun stuff to say to a 2 year old.  Frog and Toad are timeless.  Also not a book but Google "cat piano" and get that.

Declare that "Christmas is for kids" and that only kids will be getting gifts from you from now on.  It won't be easy the first year or two but eventually you win over other people and it gets a lot less stressful for everyone.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on November 17, 2021, 12:44:02 am
The change may be so slow to be imperceptible at times, but I am getting better.   I wish it was faster, and that I could control the rudder of my life more directly, but I need to accept fully that transitions in life aren't neat and short. There are a lot of things I thought I would be able to be and accomplish at this stage in my life, but I need to let them go. I'm hoping that sacrificing things in the short term,  by pushing through on this uncertain and difficult path, that I might be able to live a life that doesn't leave me in tears.

So many markers of 'adulthood' aren't accessible to me, so it's hard not to feel like a failure. Redefining and truly believing you are successful and doing your best by your metrics is hard, and sucks tbh. I dunno, I just hope that other people on this forum who have different paths in life see they aren't alone.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on November 17, 2021, 01:52:44 pm
I've spent more on gin than I did on the tickets!!

Happy more than halfway through the week, everyone this side of mountain time

E: Hana just did we appreciate power and it was fucking legit happy november yall
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sauce on November 22, 2021, 05:57:31 pm
You know, I don't see anyone really talking about this aspect, maybe because it's so obvious, but I think the most depressing thing about NFTs isn't the scamminess, or the environmental destruction, or the weird cult-like devotion they inspire in some of the worst internet people. It's that they represent regression. The internet and the digital space in general had all this amazing potential to just make the idea of owning certain things a quaint and obsolete notion, but we're watching what feels like the final step in the colonisation of that space by malign market forces.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on November 24, 2021, 01:47:00 am
Indoggo, the strawberry gin created by Snoop Dogg, is in 99.9% of cases foul and weirdly bitter. You can get it at Trader Joe's, so you know they're trying to dump stock.

BUT, when added to black market pink lemonade? It's goddamn divine.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on December 16, 2021, 09:36:04 pm
I hate the feeling between sober and drunk. I know I'm not sober. I've drank too much to be sober. At the same time, I don't feel drunk. It gives more the vibes of why did I drink without benefit of having the drunk feeling? I like the drunk feeling, but I don't want to drink more because I got work tomorrow. One of those catch 22s of the universe. Why is that a phrase? Which came first the band catch 22 or the phrase I gotta google it. FUCK. I just realized it's from a novel? Dude I was up in here thinking the phrase "it's a catch 22 came from the ska band". Wtf is this zoomer ggen z shit im on. I'm a fucking zoomer. zoom zoom.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on December 19, 2021, 04:01:14 am
i swear to god someone (maybe lemon himself?) saying jimmy pesto was at the jan 6th rally and today i wanted to grab that post for clout. please tell me someone else remembered that.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on December 19, 2021, 08:28:52 pm
Hi, I'm a contact tracer. Do not go to your work christmas party. I promise you that it IS and WILL BE a superspreader event.

just don't go. fuck. fuck fuck fuck. stay the fuck away from work christmas parties they're superspreader events every single one
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on December 19, 2021, 10:18:33 pm
Hi, I'm a contact tracer. Do not go to your work christmas party. I promise you that it IS and WILL BE a superspreader event.

just don't go. fuck. fuck fuck fuck. stay the fuck away from work christmas parties they're superspreader events every single one
chai tea latte, December 19, 2021, 08:28:52 pm

That American moment where most people care more about their company providing free catered food and a chance to win a $50 gift card, than about the fact it might be a superspreader. Wait, I get to go to this and get paid 2 hours for it plus free food? Like hey at least at this people are required to wear masks unlike the local grocery store.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on December 19, 2021, 10:38:16 pm
Here if you don't wear a mask indoors it's a crime
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on December 19, 2021, 10:38:27 pm
Here if you don't wear a mask indoors it's a crime
chai tea latte, December 19, 2021, 10:38:16 pm
and that's great
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Macho Masc Sangy Savage on December 19, 2021, 10:41:18 pm
Hi, I'm a contact tracer. Do not go to your work christmas party. I promise you that it IS and WILL BE a superspreader event.

just don't go. fuck. fuck fuck fuck. stay the fuck away from work christmas parties they're superspreader events every single one
chai tea latte, December 19, 2021, 08:28:52 pm

Hope you get a spiritual rest sometime this month Chai, you're one of the few people on here staring directly into the abyss.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: organburner on December 20, 2021, 07:34:45 am
My company wants everyone to go to the main office in Stockholm in Feb, so looking forward to that I guess...
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on December 23, 2021, 07:32:57 am
I'm a number of drinks in and even though I don't really have any real reason to be happy I am. I'm starting to have ideas about how I can lead a happy life and find a way to satisfy some things I've found severely lacking in life. If I can hold on to this feeling until I wake up tomorrow, maybe I can do something with it.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on December 23, 2021, 09:01:11 pm
I'm a number of drinks in and even though I don't really have any real reason to be happy I am. I'm starting to have ideas about how I can lead a happy life and find a way to satisfy some things I've found severely lacking in life. If I can hold on to this feeling until I wake up tomorrow, maybe I can do something with it.
Salubrious Rex, December 23, 2021, 07:32:57 am
Nah it's gone. Oh well, better luck next time.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on December 24, 2021, 10:42:49 pm
Me making a mixed drink out of random shit at my apartment cause i'm bored. My boyfriend takes a sip. "This is kind of strong. Now an hour later I realize what he meant haha. I guess it was kinda strong. Make drinks from recipes don't be me where I just pour random shit and say bottoms up.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on December 24, 2021, 11:08:22 pm
death to america
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on December 24, 2021, 11:34:07 pm
death to america
chai tea latte, December 24, 2021, 11:08:22 pm

This is my fucking vibe!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: jim and the mammograms on December 25, 2021, 12:45:02 am
drunk and high and as someone who only ends up dating americans by accident i feel like legally i should not encourage america dying but like tbh we have tried america NOT dying and that hasn't been like ideal
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on December 31, 2021, 06:01:42 pm
Its 00:01. Happy new year ballpit.

Thanks for being cool and not terrible like everything else this year. Hopefully itll be a better one for us all.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on December 31, 2021, 09:46:06 pm
i will destroy the united states of america with my bare hands
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: jim and the mammograms on December 31, 2021, 11:21:11 pm
horpy new year, all my partners logged off so i'm gonna get high and play video games i guess
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on December 31, 2021, 11:40:58 pm
So, I broke my laptop which is my best computer. Using old PC from high school. Forgot how bad this shit was. couldn't even play fucking rocket league. Was getting less than 30 FPS. And I used to play rocket league on it? HOw? HOW THE FUCK? I need to fucking just drop the money for a better computer. Laptop or desktop? idk Im thinking laptop gaming laptop. idk. But i feel sad cause i cant jooin my bf and our good friend in rocket league cause Im only holding them back. not only bc I'm drunk but cause my PC. Fuck gonna drop like 2k I got money in savings I'm good. I wanna save up to eventually buy a house tho so idk. I wanna own a house someday man? like long does that take? I'll never have one cause I'm gen z man. gen z don't get houses. rip.
thelizzerd, December 31, 2021, 11:35:04 pm
sleep on it dude
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on December 31, 2021, 11:58:56 pm
So, I broke my laptop which is my best computer. Using old PC from high school. Forgot how bad this shit was. couldn't even play fucking rocket league. Was getting less than 30 FPS. And I used to play rocket league on it? HOw? HOW THE FUCK? I need to fucking just drop the money for a better computer. Laptop or desktop? idk Im thinking laptop gaming laptop. idk. But i feel sad cause i cant jooin my bf and our good friend in rocket league cause Im only holding them back. not only bc I'm drunk but cause my PC. Fuck gonna drop like 2k I got money in savings I'm good. I wanna save up to eventually buy a house tho so idk. I wanna own a house someday man? like long does that take? I'll never have one cause I'm gen z man. gen z don't get houses. rip.
thelizzerd, December 31, 2021, 11:35:04 pm
sleep on it dude
chai tea latte, December 31, 2021, 11:40:58 pm

Been thinking on replacing the computer since like Dec 5. Decided to wait cause chirstmas jacks up prices. Hoping to buy one in Jan. Thanks for hte advice I'll sleep soon. You have a happy new year chai tea latte you're the man fucking great. Everyone on ball pit and from the f plus and the f minus is fucking great! Here's to 2022 being great!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Emperor Jack Chick on January 01, 2022, 12:09:36 am
i really shouldn't be drinking but here i am.

rock you like a hurricane.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on January 21, 2022, 09:04:51 pm
I wish we could judge books by the cover. Cause like fuck there's a lot of shit books man.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Mr. Hunky Academia on January 29, 2022, 04:36:32 pm
I might be a lurker at heart, but there is no place I'd rather lurk than ballpit.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Spenny on January 30, 2022, 04:49:34 am
i listened to the root beer episode again yesterday. that is pretty much a perfect episode. it has all the best stuff. weird topic, a specific guy, adam bozarth, all that,
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on March 19, 2022, 10:01:11 pm
It's the first time where I've gotten drunk in a while where drunk me is happy. And I really like that. I'm in voice chat with longtime friends. and I just wanna go drive hours and visit them. Known these guys since I was 12 and I wanna give them a hug.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: jim and the mammograms on March 27, 2022, 06:23:55 pm
Buds of balled pit, guess who just lost the race of "marijuana edible i took kicks in" vs. "the chicken i am making for dinner is finished"


It's not NOT me
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on April 01, 2022, 04:39:11 pm
this isnt a revelation in any way shape or form but why are the ape jpegs so fucking ugly, i just dont understand how they managed to get something so horrible, who the fuck wants to own that
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on April 01, 2022, 07:33:30 pm
death to america
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: organburner on April 02, 2022, 05:46:19 pm
What cowardly self is it I inhabit yet try to hide from, seeking inebriation because otherwise I can't be social. I can find my words but not the corage to speak them or I can't find my words yet have the coyrage to speak, a choice to be a fool or a clown but never my whole self...

Holy shit why am I using vdv man as my avatar considering the shit going on right now? well doesn't matteer there's probably only about 3 left in the vdv after the constant fuck ups.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on April 07, 2022, 05:08:21 pm
I drank 6 glasses of rose and got I to an argument with my boss about bathroom bills so I'm probably in trouble but also fuck bigots they're scum
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on April 23, 2022, 11:59:31 am
Not drunk at the moment, but I highly suggest making alcholic mint limeade. Basically just vodka, water, limes, a little bit of sugar, and fresh mint. Put as much or as little of each as you want. I did did about 1/3 of the amount of water with vodka and my boyfriend said it was too strong. So if you don't like your drinks as strong maybe 1/4 or 1/5 the amount of water.
thelizzerd, April 22, 2022, 06:49:10 pm
I think you made a watered down mojito but with vodka instead of rum.

That's an observation, not a diss. I'm pro making a drink out of anything you want.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on April 23, 2022, 02:27:56 pm
I'm at a gig and the guy next to me and i are both nodding out heads but very very out of sync. I have developed a new insecurity that I might be bad at nodding along.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: xX_sp00ks_Xx on April 23, 2022, 03:36:42 pm
who are all these fuckin people . have they always acted like this? i don't remember how humans interact anymore. it all feels gross and tiring

proust writes:

Among the people to whom this sort of marriage appeared ridiculous would have figured, twenty years earlier, Swann himself, the Swarm who had taken endless pains to get himself elected to the Jockey Club, and had reckoned at that time on making a brilliant marriage which, by consolidating his position, would have made him one of the most conspicuous figures in Paris. Only, the visions which a marriage like that suggests to the mind of the interested party need, like all visions, if they are not to fade away and be altogether lost, to receive sustenance from without. If one has lost sight for a score of years of all the people on whose account one would have liked to be elected to the Jockey Club or the Institute, the prospect of becoming a member of one or other of those corporations will have ceased to tempt one. Now fully as much as retirement, ill-health or religious conversion, protracted relations with a woman will substitute fresh visions for the old.

2019 was 20 years ago.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on May 11, 2022, 04:12:22 pm
i love taylor swift so much
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on June 16, 2022, 05:14:37 pm
beethoven? kind of slaps tbh.

i wish i could play tyhe piano
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on July 10, 2022, 01:13:33 pm
Mmfwcl friendos
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on July 15, 2022, 08:55:01 am
The difference between canned Guinness and bottled Guinness is like the difference between something good and something bad fuck me dead I'm not coming up with similies for this shit
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on July 15, 2022, 10:03:36 am
I don't miss anything else babout drinking other than being drunk with friends. Or being drunk with friends without a total shitheel being there and making me depressed drunk, or just generally life making me sad. Being drunk watching letsplay videos of drunk people's a pretty good substitute though and I can do it from my ohn home.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on July 16, 2022, 09:33:01 am

I just had to walk out of a bar because it was too loud. Is this what getting old is?

Oh actually maybe it's an itsy bitsy teenie weenie  yellow polakdot panic attackeenie?

It was that, kind of still is that. I'm not a people people.

This bar is going to fucking deafen me

Someone post so I dont feel like I'm just having a convo with me myself and i
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: organburner on July 18, 2022, 01:51:03 am
Bars have been way too fucking loud for all of my life. If it's not a dancing club place or a live band I came to see turn down the fucking volume so I can speak with my friends holy shit!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on August 06, 2022, 07:43:14 pm
Carl Sagan's Cosmos was so fucking good. is so fucking good. thank you Internet Archive
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on August 26, 2022, 02:21:51 am
I wish i had enough guts to just come out to everyone has a trans man irl and it hits me most when I drink.
thelizzerd, August 13, 2022, 11:31:58 pm
As my therapist once said to me (paraphrasing), there will come a time when your fed-uppedness with secrecy will overpower your discomfort with candor. The discomfort is protecting you until that time. It'll relent when you're ready.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on October 01, 2022, 07:46:11 am
Sometimes it's nice being the most drunk person in the room I'd nice because you don't have to worry about catch up to anybody.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: organburner on October 21, 2022, 06:40:06 pm
when you think about it, it's kinda fucked up you know?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: organburner on October 28, 2022, 05:34:30 pm
The metaverse?
Fuck you, it's nopt the metaverse, that's like saying the mmorpg or the fps.
But this is exactly why facebook rebranded into meta so now people think metas horizon worlds is the metaverse!
But it isn't! The metaverse is a dumb fuck term anyway! No one can agree on what the fuck it means! Old muds were metaverse! minecraft is metaverse! Wow? Sure. Second life deffo a metaverse and not even mentioning minecraft which I just mentioned. Wait I meant vrchat. That too. You can rent from a server or something I dunno I dont got it.

But now, decentraland, a metaverse crypto web 3 project is in the news because only 38 active users? People read "metaverse ... 38 active users" and think facebooks shitty vr thing only has 38 active users! funny!
But wrong!
So many things you can make fun of about horizon worlds like looking like ass, not having legs and loosing 100000 players over the past 8 months though, but they it do have more than 38 users!
Fuck the metaverse! as a term. And as a thing. If it's the web3 thing. I think vrchat is mostly cool though?
Also how the fuck they sink 15 billion dollars into horizon worlds?!?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: xX_sp00ks_Xx on November 30, 2022, 02:23:20 pm
i hate that i'm downing a quarter of a forty-ounce of gin and i'm still like, sure i'm tottering about but i'm keeping my balance, and i'm— you seein' this, right? check it out dude, no spelling mistakes, i'm fucking ZONED IN, i'm totally on top of it. I even put an em dash in there instead of a hyphen, that's how on top of it i am. You gotta put in an ALT code for that, dude!!! i'm so lame i can't even get drunk when i'm drunk. haha, i'm kidding i know people hate drunk people, i hate drunk people, if i was drunk to that point i'd hate and be embarrassed of myself but, you know. it'd be nice if ethanol had a better effect on me. sometimes you wanna obliterate yourself, but, i don't really feel that now? If you heard me wish for that you should know i'd be faking it. like ugh, only people who have things to hide from themselves go for that, and, really? i'm fine! i'm okay! and if I wasn't? what? what am i gonna do, down a whole bottle? haha god, wouldn't that be a look? come oon, eww. no alcohol kink shaming or anything but still, ew. whatever, whatever. point of this post is though, you know. i love my online friends. that's all i wanted to say. xoxo, kiss kiss all that crap. i'm going to have a real bad time in the morning getting up at 3 am to work. hahaaaa check on you guys laterrrrrr lmaoo
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: xX_sp00ks_Xx on November 30, 2022, 07:16:16 pm
Eughaugheuggh *more bonequest dicksucking sfx*
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on December 07, 2022, 02:42:01 pm
i'm not a twilight fan but i feel like i have what it takes to be a twilight fan, if you know what i mean

turns out one pint of asahi and one very large glass of chardonnay is the exact perfect amount of alcohol to be functional. any less and i'd just be myself but any more and i'd be fuuucked. anyone know how to recreate this feeling for 9-5.30 tomorrow and every weekday thereafter?
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: xX_sp00ks_Xx on December 07, 2022, 04:38:11 pm
keep drinking the same amount every day literally nothing bad will ever happen trust me here in the thread I'm drunk and have things to say
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on December 17, 2022, 12:05:59 am
I like people :) <3
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on December 31, 2022, 06:23:33 pm
Happy new year ballpit. However you're 2022 went I hope 2023 is way better. Kill it babes. Luv u xoxo
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on January 27, 2023, 07:01:59 pm
Hi I'm double posting to day wow shit is fucking weird as fuck hmmmm luv u XOXO
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on January 27, 2023, 09:40:59 pm
Hi I'm double posting to day wow shit is fucking weird as fuck hmmmm luv u XOXO
moooo566 (taylor's version), January 27, 2023, 07:01:59 pm

It wouldn't have been a double post if I hadn't gone back and deleted a lot of things I had written. Trying to be less of that type of person that I am.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on February 18, 2023, 04:14:38 am
The person who I hoped to see at this party is a no show which is a shame but probably better to get to know them when we're both sober I guess
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on February 25, 2023, 05:13:31 pm
I started drinking when the only things I've ate today is a 6 inch subway sandwich and a scone. I hate when I feel this tipsy this fast. I have definitely not consumed enough food.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on March 25, 2023, 11:06:32 pm
Sometimes getting drunk feels like a different perspective that is good occasionally.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on April 09, 2023, 07:22:59 am
Scotch is nice
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on April 09, 2023, 07:49:48 am
I should call my sister in the morning. I need to let her know inn unclear terms that I do care about her.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on April 15, 2023, 11:28:57 pm
The best way to watch anime is while drunk. I hard time focusing on subed anime while sober. This just makes it so much easier.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on April 23, 2023, 12:00:14 am
The struggle of trying to make a snack, drunk, at 1am when you can't find the salt is fucked up. This deserves salt.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on May 04, 2023, 03:58:35 pm
In the immortal words of I think Jack chicken (sorry if it was someone else ill credit you later) see yall tomorrow

Oh no
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on May 09, 2023, 08:55:25 pm
i will end the united states of america with my bare hands
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on May 10, 2023, 05:27:28 pm
i will end the united states of america with my bare hands
chai tea latte, May 09, 2023, 08:55:25 pm

Please do.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on May 19, 2023, 06:40:11 pm
We've come a long long way together

Through the hardntiem and the good

I've got to celebrate you ballpit

Celebrate you loek j should

i dont rrallunknow yhe lyrics yo that banger
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on May 19, 2023, 06:47:34 pm
<3 mostly just post in this thread buy y'all're the beste

im flagging real bad someone make a fake emergency call to me so I can go

Talked to some cute ladies didn't ask their number life is pain AMA
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on May 20, 2023, 10:19:06 pm
<3 mostly just post in this thread buy y'all're the beste

im flagging real bad someone make a fake emergency call to me so I can go

Talked to some cute ladies didn't ask their number life is pain AMA
moooo566 (taylor's version), May 19, 2023, 06:47:34 pm

I so related to not asking numbers! There was this woman I was playing magic the gathering wtih yesterday. And I wish I got her and her bf's numbers. Obv not even for dating. I just want more friends! And she said where they live. They live off the same main road as us soooo like?? Why didn't I? Ugh I'm so bad at making friends.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on May 21, 2023, 07:48:14 pm
<3 mostly just post in this thread buy y'all're the beste

im flagging real bad someone make a fake emergency call to me so I can go

Talked to some cute ladies didn't ask their number life is pain AMA
moooo566 (taylor's version), May 19, 2023, 06:47:34 pm

I so related to not asking numbers! There was this woman I was playing magic the gathering wtih yesterday. And I wish I got her and her bf's numbers. Obv not even for dating. I just want more friends! And she said where they live. They live off the same main road as us soooo like?? Why didn't I? Ugh I'm so bad at making friends.
thelizzerd, May 20, 2023, 10:19:06 pm
Find her and challenge her to a match. Tell her if you're White/Green deck wins you need to grow allies with each other.

No idea if those words mean anything and don't care.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on June 03, 2023, 10:48:16 pm
FUCK MARUS. my best friend is a dick and fuck him. Also he's allowed to bully me. fuck him and he's my best friend since 2011 and I hope he does well in his german class.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on June 04, 2023, 08:00:10 am
God I wish I was a bit less boring and single
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on August 12, 2023, 07:27:55 am
People are pretty good

I think that's well understood

You see it when you're vodka drunk

People are kinda pretty good
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on October 14, 2023, 07:00:48 am
I haven't been out drinking, especially with single people for a while and I think? I'm flirting? I don't know but I think that's what I'm doing
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on October 14, 2023, 08:28:49 am
Wown ive never been violently challenged in a public drinking establishment before this is great

I called a guy Linky instead of Lanky when his friend called him that and he wanted to arm wrestle me over it even though I told him I WILL lose and then he stared calling me smally and decjded that meant arm wrestle isnt enough this is the best
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on October 21, 2023, 09:52:14 pm
I have so much I want to say. But I think I shouldn't over share.

I wish I was better at making real friends.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on October 31, 2023, 06:19:02 pm
The worst part about growing up is your internet friends aren't always online anymore
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on November 02, 2023, 04:58:42 pm
i should stop getting in a stat eto post in this thread
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on November 06, 2023, 10:19:40 am
The worst part about growing up is your internet friends aren't always online anymore
thelizzerd, October 31, 2023, 06:19:02 pm
then join a podcast and make some more
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on November 11, 2023, 10:06:42 pm
I know I'm drunk when I'm a) making toast and b) DMing people on discord telling them how they're great people
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: chai tea latte on November 12, 2023, 01:11:29 am
I know I'm drunk when I'm a) making toast and b) DMing people on discord telling them how they're great people
thelizzerd, November 11, 2023, 10:06:42 pm
a toast to your good health bro
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on November 18, 2023, 08:40:02 pm
I know I'm drunk when I'm a) making toast and b) DMing people on discord telling them how they're great people
thelizzerd, November 11, 2023, 10:06:42 pm
a toast to your good health bro
chai tea latte, November 12, 2023, 01:11:29 am

Thank you Chai!

 The last couple times I've drank I haven't drank anything that hard. And today I've been drinking shots of Bourbon. It's like oh boy I feel so warm and I love this.

 I'm so anxious for visiting my boyfriend's relatives for Thanksgiving. I just need to not say yes to every drink his alcoholic step mom offers me. Last Christmas, I said no to about half the drinks she offered me and I was still so drunk. I can't bring my laptop with me because it has a trans sticker on the front of is and his parents are hard republicans. I might try to get my old laptop from college working, but it has issues. I'm really anxious something might come up where I need my laptop and I just won't have one. I almost always have my personal laptop or my work computer on me. I liked last year using the excuse of I was going to do "work" and then going to my personal laptop and working on a personal project. Just to get away from his family some. I can't stand being social and putting on a fake persona around everyone.

I wish we could just visit my parents instead, but my bf doesn't want to visit them anymore because the mold in their house makes him sick. Which I understand. Their hoarding issues are bad and they won't let us help.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on December 01, 2023, 08:04:00 pm
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on December 09, 2023, 10:19:53 pm
this community measn the world to me and genuinely i love so many of you

thank you for putting my life on track, ballpit
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on December 27, 2023, 05:34:50 pm
I have Fucked Up

Never socialise. Sit in your chair and don't do things, you will find fewer reasons to feel bad
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Shell Game on January 17, 2024, 11:34:46 pm
I've had a significant amount of wine and while I wouldn't say I'm drunk, I'm definitely suggestibly tipsy. So here I am!

DIJON DU JOUR - the depths of your creativity and the fervor with which you pursue it is intimidating and powerful. you're such a whimsical powerhouse and i'm so happy to be your friend.

THE HEAVENATOR - when i learned to tell that surly heave wasn't in fact surly heave but socially awkward heave you became such a relatable pal. you've got such a delightfully acidic personality and i hope you know i adore you for it

[REDACTED] - you're an incredible font of information and your commitment to your interests is way more admirable than you'll ever allow yourself to think, but you deserve to hear it all the same

FRANK WEST - hi! i love you <3

BOOTS RAINGEAR - you're such an endearing and touching individual, i love how empathetic you are almost as much as i love how knowledgeable you are. you always explain things in such approachable ways. you're a fantastic friend.

PORTAXX - it can't be overstated how much you've inspired me, you're such a unique and genuine artist and person and lining up with the beat of your drum is always fun. from the blackblood alliance parody all the way to the reindeer games and beyond you're just... so cool! i hope you know that

SANGUINARY NOVEL - YOU ARE TOO GIVING. but i'm not actually trying to change that. you're a gem, filled with creativity and understanding and i want you to know that every time i look at the pens and scrap paper you sent me, I feel a little closer to getting back on the art horse. I imagine sitting at a coffee shop with you and drawing a zine together like I once did with an old friend of mine.

THE LIZZERD - you're like. the coolest young person around these parts, i don't care how that sounds to all the others. you're a fucking modern punk weirdo and you should own it. (yes even the ~normal~ parts of you, that's your generation, you all do normal things, but you also are unrepentantly yourself so just keep it up!)

VICTOR - You intimidate me. You're so composed and mature. And because of that, I haven't asked you on Extra Credit, because I'm nervous!!! I'm scared you'll be annoyed or have a bad time. I don't want to wear the shine off of your perception of me and that means I get hesitant to reach out. Ironically, I still feel like I'm leaving a bad impression by not doing anything so maybe soon I'll just rip off the bandage and ask. I want it to be just right...

Okay I have to go, I would've gotten to more of you but I ran out of time sorry. Maybe I'll do this again when I am in the right drunken headspace. Your omission is not a mark against you! Ilu all~
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on February 10, 2024, 08:18:45 pm
I lost my taste due to covid earlier this week. I have only hints of it back.

Drinking alcohol with no taste is bizarre. The whiskey I bought and didn't like went down easily. I was able to finish off the last shot and a half of it.

I wish I had more to try. I don't keep enough in my house. Bc I'm afraid of turning into an alcoholic I guess. Idk.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Sauce on March 21, 2024, 10:10:30 pm
Getting drunk in a swimming pool is the best way I've found to get drunk. Wife also being involved is a critical component too.  Also Cancun spring weather. It's great.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on March 29, 2024, 09:28:11 pm
Can phones come with breathelizers so I can know if I need to call an Uber

Sober clarification: calling an Uber for someone else.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes on March 30, 2024, 02:51:10 pm
I've had a significant amount of wine and while I wouldn't say I'm drunk, I'm definitely suggestibly tipsy. So here I am!

DIJON DU JOUR - the depths of your creativity and the fervor with which you pursue it is intimidating and powerful. you're such a whimsical powerhouse and i'm so happy to be your friend.

THE HEAVENATOR - when i learned to tell that surly heave wasn't in fact surly heave but socially awkward heave you became such a relatable pal. you've got such a delightfully acidic personality and i hope you know i adore you for it

[REDACTED] - you're an incredible font of information and your commitment to your interests is way more admirable than you'll ever allow yourself to think, but you deserve to hear it all the same

FRANK WEST - hi! i love you <3

BOOTS RAINGEAR - you're such an endearing and touching individual, i love how empathetic you are almost as much as i love how knowledgeable you are. you always explain things in such approachable ways. you're a fantastic friend.

PORTAXX - it can't be overstated how much you've inspired me, you're such a unique and genuine artist and person and lining up with the beat of your drum is always fun. from the blackblood alliance parody all the way to the reindeer games and beyond you're just... so cool! i hope you know that

SANGUINARY NOVEL - YOU ARE TOO GIVING. but i'm not actually trying to change that. you're a gem, filled with creativity and understanding and i want you to know that every time i look at the pens and scrap paper you sent me, I feel a little closer to getting back on the art horse. I imagine sitting at a coffee shop with you and drawing a zine together like I once did with an old friend of mine.

THE LIZZERD - you're like. the coolest young person around these parts, i don't care how that sounds to all the others. you're a fucking modern punk weirdo and you should own it. (yes even the ~normal~ parts of you, that's your generation, you all do normal things, but you also are unrepentantly yourself so just keep it up!)

VICTOR - You intimidate me. You're so composed and mature. And because of that, I haven't asked you on Extra Credit, because I'm nervous!!! I'm scared you'll be annoyed or have a bad time. I don't want to wear the shine off of your perception of me and that means I get hesitant to reach out. Ironically, I still feel like I'm leaving a bad impression by not doing anything so maybe soon I'll just rip off the bandage and ask. I want it to be just right...

Okay I have to go, I would've gotten to more of you but I ran out of time sorry. Maybe I'll do this again when I am in the right drunken headspace. Your omission is not a mark against you! Ilu all~
Shell Game, January 17, 2024, 11:34:46 pm

I haven't seen this post until today and D'AWWWWW SHELL IS THE BEST~ We should hang out more!
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on June 10, 2024, 03:27:13 pm
hi thread its been a while but today my mum let me down so hheeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

fucked up that no-one has made a song as good as touch by little mix yet

this post brought to you by the time i spent eating alone in a cheap restaurant when i had food at home!!!!

shoutout to my waiter who comped me one of the beers, you're the best i love you
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: thelizzerd on July 13, 2024, 08:22:03 pm
Drinking while playing dnd while obsessively checking social media isn't a good idea.
Title: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*
Post by: Salubrious Rex on July 19, 2024, 09:04:53 am
I get absolutely ruined when i have 3 standard drinks just to chill after a stressful afternoon but then whrn i go hang out with people and say "hey my alcohol tolerwance is a bit silly i might get fucked up" i go compleyely normal and have a liar made out of me . Tonights a 3 standard night and once again I am a little loopy from it after 3 cruisers and like 4 hours, all I'm qsking for is a little consostency im fine with always getting hammered easily just make it always please