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Topic: So what did we learn from all this?  (Read 17423 times)


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So what did we learn from all this? #15
Yeah I just assumed all of the content for the Squat Cracking episode was written at various libraries across our great nation.


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So what did we learn from all this? #16
Yeah I just assumed all of the content for the Squat Cracking episode was written at various libraries across our great nation.
Isfahan, November 08, 2014, 05:50:40 pm

Or in places with free wifi


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So what did we learn from all this? #17
Good words
portaxx, November 08, 2014, 08:48:29 am
God damnit is that true. A little bit of willingness to solve your own problems goes a long way, but I never realized how true that was until I saw people without it. And nobody exemplified that better to me than WearyTurtle/the toddler and the flying dog/Jen Here.

Her parents are saints, because they've apparently dealt with that mess, every day, first-hand, for years and still persisted. She seemed acutely aware that she needed help, but utterly unwilling to take any agency for that herself. There was a post where she talked about an incident where she got stopped from just eating peanut butter from the jar by her mother, who said 'you can eat that if you want to ruin your diet'. She seemed to take that as permission, and got Tumblr-post-worthy offended at the fact that her mother blew up at her for that.

I find that story amazing and fascinating, because she is right in front of the point, she barely even has to make an effort to get it, and she still doesn't. I get that it's hard to change sometimes, I'm facing that right now myself, but it must be REALLY hard to refuse to improve that badly.


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So what did we learn from all this? #18
I was going to write a bunch of words about this but it was all just pointless navelgazing so I wiped it and replaced it with this.

Delusion, lack of self-awareness, shamelessness, entitlement.  Just about everything horrible seems to grow from at least one of those.

In the center, you find a Montrith document.


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So what did we learn from all this? #19
Yeah I just assumed all of the content for the Squat Cracking episode was written at various libraries across our great nation.
Isfahan, November 08, 2014, 05:50:40 pm

Or in places with free wifi
Smoking Crow, November 08, 2014, 05:55:26 pm
Libraries attract the worst sort of folk since their public internet terminals cannot legally restrict access to anything - thanks, First Amendment! You're free to read/watch/draw/discuss all the nasty dragon butt porn you want, as long as you don't disturb your neighbors (aka jerk it in public).

I've learned that the fine line between reasonable opinions and all-out fanaticism that completely disappears on the internet. I know many people in real life that participate in extremely specific fandoms/tumblr communities/fetish forums etc etc... Since I actually want to hang out with them in person, they are relatively well-composed, articulate, and intelligent human beings, so I was surprised to learn just how strongly they embraced the far more disgusting features of their certain communities and/or hobbies were. While everyone has some weird desires that others may never full understand, it's hard to see people I respect and like defending the omegaverse as reasonable or claiming their soul is really a wolf-snake without bursting into laughter or punching a kitten.

Also, most everyone hates PUAs.


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So what did we learn from all this? #20
I’ve learned that people who identify themselves by what they think or what they feel or what they like all annoy the hell out of me, and that people should be defined by what they do.


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So what did we learn from all this? #21
I don't know if I've learned this as much as I've had it reinforced again and again, but perverts are either totally lazy or so committed to the generation of new jerk content that it surely consumes all their free time.

Lady Frenzy

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So what did we learn from all this? #22
I’ve learned that people who identify themselves by what they think or what they feel or what they like all annoy the hell out of me, and that people should be defined by what they do.
Cheapskate, November 08, 2014, 11:07:35 pm

What about people who define themselves by what they don't do?


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So what did we learn from all this? #23
What about people who define themselves by what they don't do?
Lady Frenzy, November 09, 2014, 02:50:52 pm

Emperor Jack Chick

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So what did we learn from all this? #24
I’ve learned that people who identify themselves by what they think or what they feel or what they like all annoy the hell out of me, and that people should be defined by what they do.
Cheapskate, November 08, 2014, 11:07:35 pm



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So what did we learn from all this? #25
Jack Chick, the metal guy guy who goes to lots of shows

Tiny Prancer

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So what did we learn from all this? #26
Good words
portaxx, November 08, 2014, 08:48:29 am
God damnit is that true. A little bit of willingness to solve your own problems goes a long way, but I never realized how true that was until I saw people without it. And nobody exemplified that better to me than WearyTurtle/the toddler and the flying dog/Jen Here.

Her parents are saints, because they've apparently dealt with that mess, every day, first-hand, for years and still persisted. She seemed acutely aware that she needed help, but utterly unwilling to take any agency for that herself. There was a post where she talked about an incident where she got stopped from just eating peanut butter from the jar by her mother, who said 'you can eat that if you want to ruin your diet'. She seemed to take that as permission, and got Tumblr-post-worthy offended at the fact that her mother blew up at her for that.

I find that story amazing and fascinating, because she is right in front of the point, she barely even has to make an effort to get it, and she still doesn't. I get that it's hard to change sometimes, I'm facing that right now myself, but it must be REALLY hard to refuse to improve that badly.
Cleretic, November 08, 2014, 08:51:13 pm

To my knowledge the peanut butter incident would be even more horrifying in context, because from what I remember, along with her countless headmates, she also identified as "transfat", i.e. "a fat person in a thin body" and took huge offense to her mother trying to get her to not eat horrible things constantly because it meant her mother was "oppressing her identity" or some shit.

Plague of Hats

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So what did we learn from all this? #27
I learned that there's no real use to being skeptical about the depths to which people will drive themselves for the sake of a subculture, now that they can find an overabundance of validation on the internet. I recall Boots or John mentioned in a fanfic episode that he didn't care if the stuff was genuinely misfired or a deliberate joke. It was still funny and fun to read. Likewise, I won't question a PUA who claims to successfully pick up chicks by talking about "mud creations" and European mayors. Because, as made-up sounding as it is, I know there are pathetic manbabies who really believe that works, and sadly there are probably some women out there who fall for it. Somehow.

I've also learned to be more sympathetic and tolerant. No, really!

I regularly talk to a number of people who are asexual, or trans, or bi, or into BDSM, or who write fanfiction, or some combination of those or other things besides. Sometimes, when these people talk to my painfully hyperprivileged self, I can have difficulty empathizing with their troubles. But, by now, whatever your predilections or hang ups, I've probably listened to an episode of the F Plus about someone with the same problems who is an insufferable, clueless piece of shit about it. I can instantly connect with someone when I keep in mind, "somewhere on the internet, there are a distressing number of unwanted fellow travelers ruining this for you."

No asexual person worth knowing is going to just scream and scream at the top of their lungs about "not getting" social cues that they grew up with their entire life. But that's the kind of shit some people will think about all asexuals. Because when you go to LiveJournal or Tumblr, you don't come away remembering a boring writers' club or "The Every Last Cumberbatch Meme" Tumblr that started two years ago and stopped after 10 posts. You remember falling down the rabbit hole of watchful-entity (RIP) or some nth-dimensional web of competing interdependent Harry Potter slashfic blogs. So you need to be understanding, because sometimes a Juggalo just likes listening to shitty music with makeup on and getting high, and you can't put it on him that other Juggalos keep their hatchets sharp for the Revolution.

So you trade links with someone you may not totally get, and you come together to laugh at the people that no one should want to get. And you all, no matter what, laugh at the MRAs and PUAs.
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes


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So what did we learn from all this? #28

Plague of Hats

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So what did we learn from all this? #29
Excellent! Thank you.