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Topic: Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo  (Read 21110 times)

A Meat

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #30
If you had to guess, do you think these people never got tickled as children, or frequently got tickled as children?

It has to be one or the other, right?
Lemon, March 23, 2015, 02:47:52 pm

It's the Goldilocks option, they got tickled just right

Mister Smalls

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #31
It's interesting to me how one of the shared elements between the foot-fetish forum members and the ticklebrits was all the quasi-incest content ("my sister's feet smell really good!", "my brother's always tickling me!", etc.).

I think it's because activities like "tickling" and "having no shoes on" are things that the average person wouldn't think twice about doing to/in front of their family members, but can so easily metamorphose into something sexual.

Victor Laszlo

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #32
If you had to guess, do you think these people never got tickled as children, or frequently got tickled as children?

It has to be one or the other, right?
Lemon, March 23, 2015, 02:47:52 pm
I just chalk it (and pretty much everything we cover) up to First Boner Theory.


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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #33
is the secret fetish fucking up the life of innocent bystanders?
QueenSyreen, March 21, 2015, 10:18:24 pm

Essentially, yes. There are several threads on one of the sites about this exact topic, most of them originating with the delightfully named 'DontAskJusTckle'. It seems like lack of consent is part of the thrill, at least for that guy, and he assumes everybody else is like him. He has many words of wisdom. For instance:

Keep your eyes open for opportunity. Your moment will come.

What kind of opportunity, you ask?

The successful tickling of strangers starts with opportunity. In this case an opportunity occurs when a scenario conducive to tickling a stranger without repurcussion presents itself. As an extremely unlikely example, let's imagine you happen across a beautiful women blindfolded and tied to a pillar in an otherwise deserted subway station with no cameras. That would be an opportunity.

The opportunity for sexual assault.
Caroline, March 22, 2015, 05:26:36 pm

GOD, I can't tell you how much I hate being right in this forum. But I don't know what I expected. Still, I don't know how none of these opportunists have wised up to the fact that zero percent of opportunities actually go where they want them too. Unless the world of nonconsentual tickling is even worse than I imagined. uuuuughhhhhhhhhhhh

Cat Planet

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #34
Still, I don't know how none of these opportunists have wised up to the fact that zero percent of opportunities actually go where they want them too. Unless the world of nonconsentual tickling is even worse than I imagined. uuuuughhhhhhhhhhhh
QueenSyreen, March 23, 2015, 10:25:52 pm

It's more of the PUA shit with their "She smiled at you uncomfortably because you touched her? That's an IOI dude, go for it!"


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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #35
The World of Non-Consensual Tickling sounds like the worst theme park ever.

Geremy Tibbles

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #36
The World of Non-Consensual Tickling sounds like the worst theme park ever.
Caroline, March 24, 2015, 08:14:32 am

Right up there with Searing Gas Pain Land


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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #37
I'm thinking they popped a bone the first time they were tickled, and just rolled with it

A Meat

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #38
The World of Non-Consensual Tickling sounds like the worst theme park ever.
Caroline, March 24, 2015, 08:14:32 am

Right up there with Searing Gas Pain Land
Geremy Tibbles, March 24, 2015, 09:04:49 am

I bet Searing Gas Pain Land smells better

Adam Bozarth

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #39
I hate to disagree with the boner theory, but I must since there are no boners present.

Even the fantasies are devoid of sexual contact or desire. That might be from Caroline's sample, but it really seems like this "fetish" is just another one of those things that bring irrational happiness.

It might be a conflation of sexual sensations with tickling sensations. Or maybe these weirdos decided that tickling is as taboo as sexual activity and they've convinced themselves tickling is as erotic as any form of sexual touch? I don't know.

This, the L&C people, and a few others make me question where the sex is in these "fetish" communities. I mean, by their definition, I have a caffeine fetish, a podcast fetish, a receiving my Amazon orders fetish, and a Schadenfreude fetish. They all bring me great joy, they often involve hapless strangers, and there's no boners involved ever (except readings with Bunny Bread).

I think the internet is making everyone unfuckable, and maybe that's good for the planet? It's horrible for Society.

Boots Raingear

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #40
That reminds me, I downloaded David Attenborough's Unfuckable Planet documentary series months ago and still haven't watched it.

edit: Here's a clip:
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 12:02:34 pm by Boots Raingear »

Cat Planet

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #41
Even the fantasies are devoid of sexual contact or desire.
Adam Bozarth, March 24, 2015, 11:45:30 am

Since when has this prevented a fetish from existing?

Mister Smalls

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #42
I think the internet is making everyone unfuckable, and maybe that's good for the planet? It's horrible for Society.
Adam Bozarth, March 24, 2015, 11:45:30 am
I think it's great for society.  Fetish communities isolate fetishists and prevent them from sexually interacting with other people.  If all the ticklefreaks stay in their little ticklebubble, then no one has to find out about this after a year of marriage.

(The tickle community is a bad example because some of them explicitly get off on tickling strangers, but I feel like the point in general can stand.)

Cat Planet

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #43
I think the internet is making everyone unfuckable, and maybe that's good for the planet? It's horrible for Society.
Adam Bozarth, March 24, 2015, 11:45:30 am
If all the ticklefreaks stay in their little ticklebubble, then no one has to find out about this after a year of marriage.
Mister Smalls, March 24, 2015, 03:37:33 pm

I think that most people with weird fetishes are able to find partners and lead normal lives, it's just that fetish communities on the Internet are an example of self selection. A socially adjusted foot fetishist will get over himself and limit his fetish to kissing his wife's feet before sex or something, while a broken Internet one will go to a forum and complain how his girlfriend's big toes just don't have the right shape for him.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Episode 170: Tickle Me Weirdo #44
My girlfriend doesn't produce enough toejam for toejam freaks like me.