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Topic: Episode 171: r/mystupidideas  (Read 23503 times)


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas
with Boots Raingear Isfahan Acierocolotl and Lemon
content for this episode was compiled by Cheapskate
edited by Boots Raingear.

There's so many opinions on the internet, and those opinions are held by people who take considerable effort to try to convince others that their own opinion is correct. But what happens if you want your opinion to be changed by facts and persuasive arguments that others provide to you? Well, hypothetically you go to r/changemyview, a subReddit where people share their own opinion, and then sit back and carefully consider every conflicting opinion that's presented to them. In theory, this is a terrific idea! This week, The F Plus discovers the White Power Black Hole.

Sugar - If I Can't Change Your Mind
LCD Sound System - I Can Change

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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #1
I like the people who go on here and say things like "there's nothing inherently wrong with bestiality/pedophilia/whatever I'M NOT INTO IT PERSONALLY [deletes r/sexwithchildren from browser history] I'M JUST SAYING"

I just looked at a post on CMV about rape and one person's reply included the phrase "Are we allowing good rappers to get away with it?" which I'm really going to have to think about. This has certainly changed my view on Nas and GZA

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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #2
I wish this subreddit had a structure in the same way debate.org had. I'd love to see these idiots try to use a structure poorly while also talking about their terrible or pointless opinions.

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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #3
Thanks for making it a potpurri of different kinds of awful, because if the whole thing was "I should be allowed to fuck insert noun, CMV" it would have been on par with the dickbugs episode for most revolting. Still pretty close.

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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #4
I like the people who go on here and say things like "there's nothing inherently wrong with bestiality/pedophilia/whatever I'M NOT INTO IT PERSONALLY [deletes r/sexwithchildren from browser history] I'M JUST SAYING"
fruithag, March 30, 2015, 03:50:40 pm

I've run into enough edgy and socially maladjusted "devil's advocate" types that I can believe that person might exist.

I still wouldn't leave anyone making that argument alone with my pets, because it's like 99% chance they're NOT the edgy dummy.


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #5
By the end of this podcast, I was so unironically fond of that 2% Milk guy. His vehement hatred and poor understanding of the situation was directed at milk. Harmless, inoffensive milk. That doesn't make me want to take a long cold shower at all. Unlike the rest of this show. In other words, a + content, hell yeah


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #6
But Boots, tell us about the maple syrup!  Maybe it's better in Canada, Land of Maple Everything!


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #7
By the end of this podcast, I was so unironically fond of that 2% Milk guy. His vehement hatred and poor understanding of the situation was directed at milk. Harmless, inoffensive milk. That doesn't make me want to take a long cold shower at all. Unlike the rest of this show. In other words, a + content, hell yeah
QueenSyreen, March 30, 2015, 09:46:02 pm

Milk Guy knows what's what and what he wants!


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #8
They are right, though, Superman vs. Goku is the most one-sided 'who would win' argument in nerdery. Every Superman can beat every Goku, it's not even fair.

Boots Raingear

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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #9
But Boots, tell us about the maple syrup!  Maybe it's better in Canada, Land of Maple Everything!
memorylikeasieve, March 30, 2015, 11:54:10 pm

Maple syrup's good. I just take offence with the use of sweetened peanut butter. Fuck that garbage. Get that all-natural stuff that sticks in your throat and kills you.

Deep 13

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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #10
I enjoyed the crazypants rant by the guy trying to spout philosophy even more than usual, as he was regurgitating his frothing rant based on stuff from Eckhart Tolle. Having read one of Tolle's books, I have to say, there are some fascinating, actually somewhat useful ideas on mindfulness (that is, being aware of your own mental state and not allowing it to influence your actions) and general spirituality, but it's all bogged down by a lot of really really nutty stuff, like the belief that people have a chance to become "awakened" by reading his books, and if enough people become "awakened" that a global shift in consciousness will occur that will bring about an age of peace, and that each person has a "pain body" inside of them, which is some sort of energy being comprised of all the pain that we've gone through that tries to draw more emotional pain to us.

Mostly, it's an amusing experience to see someone with a few good ideas get so dragged down by his own absurd insanity.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 08:37:53 am by Deep 13 »

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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #11


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #12
MAN TEENKnitOneKillTwo, March 31, 2015, 09:10:23 am

The Manteen is a cafeteria where unapologetic men can eat ham and eggs with bourbon, smoke cigars, talk about lift kits, and fart without having to say "excuse me." There is wood paneling on the walls, and the napkins are a roll of paper towels.

If the Mealitary idea falls through, that's what that guy will try to open next.
Bobalay montrith Wrought

A Meat

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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #13
MAN TEENKnitOneKillTwo, March 31, 2015, 09:10:23 am

The Manteen is a cafeteria where unapologetic men can eat ham and eggs with bourbon, smoke cigars, talk about lift kits, and fart without having to say "excuse me." There is wood paneling on the walls, and the napkins are a roll of paper towels.

If the Mealitary idea falls through, that's what that guy will try to open next.
Isfahan, March 31, 2015, 09:46:10 am

Could be a pretty good name for a bar for bears


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Episode 171: r/mystupidideas #14
Being heterosexual, I did not want to assume I knew what gay men would want out of a too-cleverly-named hangout. All I know is that the lunch counter at The Manteen is just a row of stainless-steel kitchen sinks you stand at and eat over.