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Topic: Episode 206: Return To Castle Experience Project  (Read 26539 times)


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One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes, March 28, 2016, 03:04:33 pm

"Bulb this post as INSIGHTFUL"


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The worst designed pokemon are the three dude in cloud pokemon.

What the shit is this.

Pokemon either have to be cute or cool. These are as bad as jynx in design, except they're legendaries which are supposed to be the biggest baddest coolest pokemon, but they're not because they're just dudes on clouds with tails.
moooo566, March 28, 2016, 05:58:20 pm

As they are, I totally agree with you! See, if they were just their Therian Formes, shown above? They wouldn't be GREAT, but they'd at least be PASSABLE legendaries -- around the same level as Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, although that trio still wins out because Entei is super huggable and cozy-looking.

But no. We had to get dudes on clouds with tails. :/

Jynx is still the winner of worst-designed Pokemon hands down, but -- come on. Dudes. On clouds. With tails.


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The worst Pokemon is Seel. Come on, that's not even a pun, that's literally just a normal fucking animal.


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The worst Pokemon is Seel. Come on, that's not even a pun, that's literally just a normal fucking animal.
Cleretic, March 29, 2016, 12:51:17 am

Goddammit, I'm stealing Nutshell's gimmick.

It's not an inspired design, but at least Seel is cute.


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The worst designed pokemon are the three dude in cloud pokemon.

What the shit is this.

Pokemon either have to be cute or cool. These are as bad as jynx in design, except they're legendaries which are supposed to be the biggest baddest coolest pokemon, but they're not because they're just dudes on clouds with tails.
moooo566, March 28, 2016, 05:58:20 pm

These aren't really designs invented for Pokemon games, they're directly inspired by representations of Raijin and Fujin and other Japanese gods.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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So they're not only terrible pokemon, they're unoriginal terrible pokemon.

All they needed to do was make large blue dog with antlers #6.


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I find it amusing that you guys reacted the way you did to the lady talking about being introduced to Phish during heart surgeries because from my own experiences in an OR that is completely believable. During a surgery I was in on the surgeon once had to ask the nurse to turn down the Metallica for a second so he could listen to the feedback from his CV Doppler while he massaged a man's guts.
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« Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 10:53:07 pm by Ike »


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I for one welcome our new Wilford Brimley inspired Pokemon overlords.