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Topic: 298: Giving You Tingles  (Read 34528 times)


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298: Giving You Tingles #15
it's weird to be part of a community that you guys do an episode about. I don't think that's happened before!

personally, asmr has done wonders for my anxiety, but that could absolutely just be a placebo. it's like a non-medicinal way to chill out. good times.

Sherman Tank

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298: Giving You Tingles #16
it's weird to be part of a community that you guys do an episode about. I don't think that's happened before!

personally, asmr has done wonders for my anxiety, but that could absolutely just be a placebo. it's like a non-medicinal way to chill out. good times.
Pavlova, March 11, 2019, 12:24:54 am

Could you maybe explain to us just what the hell ASMR is supposed to be? Because I still can't figure that out.

Frank West

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298: Giving You Tingles #17
it's weird to be part of a community that you guys do an episode about. I don't think that's happened before!

personally, asmr has done wonders for my anxiety, but that could absolutely just be a placebo. it's like a non-medicinal way to chill out. good times.
Pavlova, March 11, 2019, 12:24:54 am

Could you maybe explain to us just what the hell ASMR is supposed to be? Because I still can't figure that out.
ASMR Succulent Chinese Meal + Sherman Tank, March 11, 2019, 02:23:29 am

To actually explain it, instead of being confusing like I did in the episode, it's basically sounds you can listen to that evoke similar feelings to getting a massage. It's not really the same feeling but it's along the same lines.
Dr. Buttplug

A Meat

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298: Giving You Tingles #18
I just use it as white noise to help me stem the tide of anxiety, as a background thing, without actually looking at the videos.

but I also use stuff like art restoration or that japanese dude who makes knives out of anything for the same purpose so I guess that's kinda like what these people get from those videos of a sexy lady crinkling paper?

also there's a few ASMR guys who just do the most dad shit you've ever seen


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298: Giving You Tingles #19
I just use it as white noise to help me stem the tide of anxiety, as a background thing, without actually looking at the videos.
A Meat, March 11, 2019, 03:51:14 am

Me too. There's also a lot of really cool tool/object restoration videos out there (as well as art restoration, as you said) that are satisfying in the way that cleaning things is satisfying .

Of course as with anything harmless it didn't take long to find the deep end


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298: Giving You Tingles #20
This is the first I have heard about Experience Project closing down, and I can't help but feel a little sad. It's like hearing Taco Bell has closed down. Sure, it was trash and its closure is undoubtedly a net positive, but the trash was what you loved about it in the first place.
Spontificus, March 10, 2019, 10:16:26 pm

Yeah, but just like Taco Bell, there's a whole bunch of other places close by that are basically offering the same crap.
Dr. Buttplug

Dr. Buttplug

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298: Giving You Tingles #21
So I've watched a lot of ASMR videos in an attempt to cope with my occasional insomnia. I've gone pretty deep down the rabbit hole though. So I guess ask me anything about ASMR?

Sherman Tank

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298: Giving You Tingles #22
To actually explain it, instead of being confusing like I did in the episode, it's basically sounds you can listen to that evoke similar feelings to getting a massage. It's not really the same feeling but it's along the same lines.
Frank West, March 11, 2019, 02:29:57 am

Wait, is this all just the internet getting weird and elitist over the sensations I get when I listen to "Grand Canyon Suite"?


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298: Giving You Tingles #23
Wait, is this all just the internet getting weird and elitist over the sensations I get when I listen to "Grand Canyon Suite"?ASMR Succulent Chinese Meal + Sherman Tank, March 11, 2019, 11:37:55 am
That's frisson.

Frank West

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298: Giving You Tingles #24
Wait, is this all just the internet getting weird and elitist over the sensations I get when I listen to "Grand Canyon Suite"?ASMR Succulent Chinese Meal + Sherman Tank, March 11, 2019, 11:37:55 am
That's frisson.
Sham bam bamina!, March 11, 2019, 12:40:04 pm

Yah, frisson is extremely similar to asmr, but it is a different feeling. Asmr is like the calm, relaxed version of frisson. Also if you posted that in an asmr place everyone would get really mad at you because there's nothing asmr people hate more than being confused for frisson, you MORON, YOU IDIOT, HOW COULD YOU

A Meat

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298: Giving You Tingles #25
because nobody asked for this, here's the relevant paragraph from the only fMRI paper about ASMR I could find, where they claim that also physiologically frisson and ASMR are very much similar. note that like most of these studies, it's very very very very very weak evidence due to statistical issues and how they interpreted the data

The tingles of ASMR have some similarities to the chills of frisson, which are typically induced by music. Music chills have been strongly associated with activation of the NAcc, dACC, SMA, and insula.20,23 We demonstrated that these same regions were also strongly activated during ASMR tingles. Many prior studies of the NAcc have elucidated this area to be a key brain region for reward, satisfaction, and emotion – often involving dopamine.24 Dopamine has been shown to be released in the NAcc during music chills and may therefore also be released in the NAcc during ASMR tingles.11 The similar pattern of activation of both ASMR and frisson could explain their subjective similarities, such as their short duration and tingling sensation within a related neuromechanistic model. Nevertheless, individuals who have experienced both, report that ASMR and frisson are qualitatively distinct and the types of stimuli that trigger each respective sensation are completely different.7 The perceived differences between ASMR and frisson could involve the mPFC, this brain region demonstrated increased activation during tingling in our study but was reported to have decreased activation during frisson.10 Further studies can help to identify the shared similarities and unique differences between these 2 pleasant sensations.
Sherman Tank RoeCocoa


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298: Giving You Tingles #26
I had seen ASMR stuff online and figured it was just videos of attractive women whispering to you. Seemed like something for weird, lonely redditors, but I felt like I understood it pretty well. Now that I actually listened to people talk about it, I think I actually have no idea what it is.

So it’s not a video/sound, it’s a feeling?Darkly, March 11, 2019, 02:08:36 pm
Yeah.  Frank's description as "the opposite of nails on a chalkboard" is more or less what the idea is.  Nails on a chalkboard isn't bad because it's just an unpleasant sound; it's bad because that sound gives you a deeply uncomfortable, hair-raising sensation when you hear it.  ASMR is supposed to be a pleasant version of that.

I say "supposed to be" because I have tried listening to ASMR audio and have never felt anything remotely like this, or anything at all.
. bubbleuj


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298: Giving You Tingles #27
putting Brilliant Pebbles on your headphones increases the likelihood of experiencing ASMR by .5%!
. SHAMBA~1.SBB Vinny Possum Achilles' Heelies moooo566 (taylor's version) Sherman Tank Frank West Macho Masc Sangy Savage RoeCocoa Corn Syrup Dr. Buttplug xX_sp00ks_Xx Wyst ikaribattousai Really_Quite_Nice

Adam Bozarth

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298: Giving You Tingles #28
Petition to officially renamed this episode “Sucks to Your ASMR”
SHAMBA~1.SBB Turtle Sherman Tank Corn Syrup Maslow’s Tweeds


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298: Giving You Tingles #29
Petition to officially renamed this episode “Sucks to Your ASMR”
Adam Bozarth, March 11, 2019, 03:27:23 pm

Pretty sure there's a reference here I'm not getting.