Snakes In The Ball Pit > Yay, I get to talk about me!

I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*

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chai tea latte:

cashmir sweaters:
I'm only tipsy I swear starting a second job so yaymoney but booo work anyway I'm now out of cheap vodka

Eider Duck:
That will be the first and last time I start drinking at 7am. I chose a terrible/amazing time to joing the charity stream

Macho Masc Sangy Savage:
Our building manager hosted and EXTREMELY tone deaf Cinco de Mayo party (complete with serapes and sombreros), and let me tell you. Eating pretty light, having a bariatric stomach, and drinking two solo cups worth of pre-mixed margarita mix is just a recipe for being drunk as all hell. I am now sitting drunk at my desk, browsing and I'm going to miss my movie because I'm too drunk. Don't worry, the bariatric stomach means I'll feel my shame just as quickly as me getting drunk.

I love you, even if it's a little uncomfortable how too involved I am sometimes for a comedy podcast website forum. You are all cool people.

Shell Game:
Fuck me. I've been drinking and posting too much. I LOVE THE F-PLUS. even though i just learned about it within the last two months.

This community seems pretty solid too. Like... Not really that serious, but still involved and entertaining. is great.

No joke. My roommate and I have been connoisseurs of terrible internet things since we first met, and having something like this just makes it all more fun. Thanks guys.


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