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Topic: 46: A Man Short On Charm  (Read 3851 times)

Taciturn Tactician

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46: A Man Short On Charm
So apparently Roosh V has only gotten worse since you read his site

He seems like he shows up a lot, he was advertising on one of those sites in the sexism episode and he was mentioned by those guys running The Sarkeesian Effect. When I listened to the episode I figured he was pretty anonymous but it turns out not so much. He even has a wikipedia page!


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46: A Man Short On Charm #1
How has this guy not been arrested yet?


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46: A Man Short On Charm #2
How has this guy not been arrested yet?
Kaleidoscope, February 04, 2016, 08:32:15 pm

As they say on the Lemon-ernet, "GO TO JAIL!"
Nifty Nif Sherman Tank

Sherman Tank

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46: A Man Short On Charm #3
How has this guy not been arrested yet?
Kaleidoscope, February 04, 2016, 08:32:15 pm

He hasn't done anything they can arrest him for. Or at least nothing where there's enough evidence.

Being a totally reprehensible misogynist asshole troll on the internet isn't illegal.


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