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June 02, 2024, 02:02:39 am

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Topic: Shorts?  (Read 3191 times)

Captain Nobeard

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I've been listening to the podcast since 2011 or so, but I noticed that there hasn't been any short episodes like "Braking Bad" or "Wesley Crusher: Teenage Fuckmachine" for a while.

TBH  I liked the style change, and I feel like these episodes have been overlooked a bit.. My guess is that since the release schedule has gotten faster, there hasn't been as much of a need for short episodes.

Does anyone else miss the shorts? Or am I just a crazy person with too much nostalgia for early 2010's Fplus episodes?

Also, there was a short that was a fanfic about Screech from Saved by the Bell. I can't seem to find it, but was it an episode or did I mix it up with a bit that was in a full episode?


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Shorts? #1
I miss the shorts, too, but hey -- at least they live on on our hard drives. x3

You're not hallucinating, there was a Screech fanfic short. It's saved on my computer as "Screech: Death Proof by ShakespeareHemmingway" if that helps. :3


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Shorts? #4
the live shows kinda fill the same space as the shorts, if you want the same sort of thing just listen to a reader at a time.