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September 20, 2024, 08:25:35 pm

ballp.it is the community forum for The F Plus.

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Topic: F+ listed as a malware site.  (Read 23569 times)


  • Victor-Puncher
  • Paid
  • The Geek-of-all-Trades
  • 116
  • 6
F+ listed as a malware site.
I'm getting a warning from Firefox that the F+ homepage is unsafe.  I think someone might be doing something unkind to your webpage, guys.


  • Aspergers Unto Death
  • Paid
  • High velocity man-hatred fired at everything
  • 1,698
  • 90
F+ listed as a malware site. #1
Is it the Turks again?


  • Sophisticated Sophistry
  • Paid
  • No one tell Hitler!
  • 834
  • 89
F+ listed as a malware site. #2