Projects => The F Plus => Topic started by: Lemon on May 08, 2024, 02:36:10 pm

Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: Lemon on May 08, 2024, 02:36:10 pm

This might be the most fun I've had recording an episode.


MAN these people are dumb.

Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: Great Joe on May 08, 2024, 04:53:52 pm
Health benefits not found
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: PaulLovesToLaugh on May 08, 2024, 04:59:50 pm
I never imagined the phrase "poisoned by swallowing a whole venomous snake"
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: Wolley74 on May 08, 2024, 07:12:09 pm
This has already beaten the hucows episode for my favorite, the copperhead bit cannot be matched
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: vaMpiresoftWare on May 08, 2024, 07:58:15 pm
The cheese train is off the rails.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: Lumbermouth on May 08, 2024, 08:13:20 pm
I wish I believed in anything as strongly as these people believed in actively detrimental nonsense.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: sea hag on May 08, 2024, 08:27:55 pm
I wish I believed in anything as strongly as these people believed in actively detrimental nonsense.
Lumbermouth, May 08, 2024, 08:13:20 pm

Sometimes I wish this, and sometimes I'm happy I don't have diarrhea 1000% of the time.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: Puppy Time on May 08, 2024, 09:15:50 pm
I really wonder about the biographies of people like this. 

Like, a lot of people get to, "Huh, a lot of the nutritional/medical stuff we're told turns out to be not 100% right" pretty easy, and stay reasonable.  Some people get to "...and that means that The Man is pushing bullshit and I should instead turn to chewing willow bark for my headaches," but just stick around there.  Some people get to " I should latch onto this weird fad diet because it feels truthier to me," and stick there.

But these dudes go past all of those, straight into, "I should eat something that goes against not only everything experts and our culture in general have said, but also goes against my own bodily instincts, and the fact that it is causing me to feel extremely sick means it is working and I should do it more."

I just... I want to know what happens in a person's life to lead to that level of bloodymindedness
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: PaulLovesToLaugh on May 08, 2024, 10:40:02 pm
I use podcast addict, and I favorite episodes to keep track of what I have and haven't listened to yet.

This episode is just gross enough that I don't want to mark it as a favorite. But it's not so gross that I'd delete it from my library and remove it from my rotation.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: Salubrious Rex on May 09, 2024, 02:27:34 am
I'm glad y'all were as disgusted reading this as I was making it!

For some further reading, I recommend looking up a guy who Chai Tea Latte recommended to me known as the Liver King, who promoted and claimed to live on a raw meat diet separate from Aajonus' and an insane 'Barbarian' lifestyle/exercise regime. He has his own website ( which is downright embarassing and has things like his full life story, in which he has a script for picking up girls ( It probably doesn't need saying, but brace yourself for just so much misogyny. Oh, also there was a big scandal when he was revealed to not eat a strict raw meat diet and also be doing a shit load of steroids, then his life fell apart, he held his wife hostage, lost an eye and got brain damage or something.
He's still alive (I think) and doing this shit, and his website's gone through an overhaul that makes it harder to find his articles, but if you weren't poisoned enough by r/rawprimal then the amount of unbridled toxic masculinity here might be enough to get you into that early grave.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: vaMpiresoftWare on May 09, 2024, 12:57:43 pm
If you are wondering why these rubes are having a hard time determining what their cult leader said about something, it’s because he was doing the paid seminar thing for decades so there are tons of massive transcripts of talks including Q&As to sift through. has so much text.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: A Meat on May 09, 2024, 02:27:52 pm
all this meat and unpasteurized milk must cost a lot, even if some of it is just the stuff the butcher throws away at the end of the day, you're still paying a premium for the same e.coli you could be getting from lettuce
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: Recon Rabbit on May 09, 2024, 04:20:37 pm
all this meat and unpasteurized milk must cost a lot, even if some of it is just the stuff the butcher throws away at the end of the day, you're still paying a premium for the same e.coli you could be getting from lettuce
A Meat, May 09, 2024, 02:27:52 pm

It reads like those who follow the diet strictly already have either a farm, animals or a lot of money anyway. Those that can't afford to eat raw milk and meat all the time are demonstrably eating less restricted diets.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: vaMpiresoftWare on May 09, 2024, 04:51:40 pm
This subreddit is truly something else. This is from a thread about hemorrhoids. I don’t think this is a troll.

Put a slice of raw beef inside your anus/rectum every night and remove in morning.

Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: 1234GO! on May 09, 2024, 06:10:03 pm
It's been a long time since an episode made me this angry, specifically from the phrase "healing meat".

These guys probably love the chimera ant arc of hunter x hunter.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: honey on May 09, 2024, 07:58:14 pm
Against the warning in the episode, and my better judgement, I googled "high meat."

Jesus Christ, do not google high meat
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: GirlKisser420 on May 09, 2024, 09:56:56 pm
High Meat is so stupid there isnt even a report for it on erowid as far as I could find.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: Lemon on May 09, 2024, 10:10:20 pm
The cheese train is off the rails.
VaMpIrESoFtWaRe, May 08, 2024, 07:58:15 pm

E. Coli
But that how it gooooooes
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: EYE OF ZA on May 10, 2024, 01:04:25 am
The thing this episode reminded me of, weirdly enough, was a piece by a lady who'd done the tradwife thing and was explaining how she'd browse through lifestyle posts by tradwives who would give terrible advice. It was the same sort of failure loop—her husband sucked, she went online to find out what to do, the answer was "keep loving him and eventually he'll change", so clearly she wasn't loving him enough. After all, it worked for all the other tradwives! (Who were engaging in their own self-delusion via posting just like her.)

There's something about a fad lifestyle that's so outwardly unpleasant and bad that it's completely inaccessible. It can't be proven wrong, because there's no way to do it that's right, and thus everyone assumes they're just missing the secret ingredient that makes it work, or that it'll all fix itself if they can just push through this.

Also, I couldn't help but notice how much shorter the timelines in posts were for this episode compared to Carne Idiota.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: Adam Bozarth on May 10, 2024, 10:29:29 am
I believe this is what that guy meant by snakes being a symbol of healing

Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: A Meat on May 10, 2024, 01:49:22 pm
I believe this is what that guy meant by snakes being a symbol of healing

Adam Bozarth, May 10, 2024, 10:29:29 am
Oh boy this is where I get to "umm, actually" and say that the caduceus is actually the symbol representing Hermes, and as an extension, commerce and travel. In the US due to a mistake some military officer made over a hundred years ago it became associated with medicine instead of the rod of Asclepius.


The rod of Asclepius being the symbol of Asclepius, Apollo's son who was the god of medicine and healing. Still true about the snakes being related to healing, but I don't think the ancient Greeks swallowed venomous snakes whole
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: Adam Bozarth on May 11, 2024, 01:38:06 am
I believe this is what that guy meant by snakes being a symbol of healing

Adam Bozarth, May 10, 2024, 10:29:29 am
Oh boy this is where I get to "umm, actually" and say that the caduceus is actually the symbol representing Hermes, and as an extension, commerce and travel. In the US due to a mistake some military officer made over a hundred years ago it became associated with medicine instead of the rod of Asclepius.


The rod of Asclepius being the symbol of Asclepius, Apollo's son who was the god of medicine and healing. Still true about the snakes being related to healing, but I don't think the ancient Greeks swallowed venomous snakes whole
A Meat, May 10, 2024, 01:49:22 pm
A (healing) Meat
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: positive stress on May 11, 2024, 09:47:42 am
Wow, I really didn't think NoPoo's levels of "I do this stupid thing and only get negative results, but I'm sure it works anyway" would be topped so soon with raw primal's "I do this stupid thing and immediately throw up, shit my pants, and pass out. It must be working!"
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: sea hag on May 11, 2024, 01:08:51 pm
Against the warning in the episode, and my better judgement, I googled "high meat."

Jesus Christ, do not google high meat
honey, May 09, 2024, 07:58:14 pm

I always thought the point of high meat was that it had beneficial microbes, not that it actually got you high. This reminds me of that SA story where the guy got his wife on a high meat diet and said it cured all her ailments through the power of decay.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: thelizzerd on May 11, 2024, 03:16:45 pm
I'm not sure how into this stuff my coworker is. He's at least an all meat diet and occasionally raw guy. I would like to share a quote from him said to me irl. Imagine this quote in a Philly accent.

I can't go to happy hour because it'll fuck up my meat schedule.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: honey on May 11, 2024, 04:13:41 pm
I'm not sure how into this stuff my coworker is. He's at least an all meat diet and occasionally raw guy. I would like to share a quote from him said to me irl. Imagine this quote in a Philly accent.

I can't go to happy hour because it'll fuck up my meat schedule.
thelizzerd, May 11, 2024, 03:16:45 pm

So how bad does he stink?
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: EYE OF ZA on May 11, 2024, 08:43:49 pm
Sorry to hear your coworker is Mac Always Sunny.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: thelizzerd on May 12, 2024, 12:07:00 am
So how bad does he stink?
honey, May 11, 2024, 04:13:41 pm

Surprisingly, haven't noticed a smell from meat coworker. Have from other coworkers, comes with the territory of working in software dev. Nothing too negative towards meat coworker. He seems like an alright guy just misdirected in his dietary choices.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: junior associate faguar on May 12, 2024, 02:47:38 am
So everyone from this episode is dead by now, right?
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: sea hag on May 13, 2024, 10:59:55 am
Complete your meal of healing meat with raw milk contaminated with H5N1.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: moooo566 (taylor's version) on May 15, 2024, 07:13:10 am
I rate this episode not a lunchtime listen out of ten.
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: Bodark on May 18, 2024, 08:21:58 pm
It's been a really, REALLY long time since one of these episodes upset me, but it looks like it's time to reset the clock on that one, boys!
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: positive stress on May 19, 2024, 07:35:25 am
Looks like meat is back off the menu, boys!
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: KendrickLobstar on May 20, 2024, 02:33:24 pm
It's been a really, REALLY long time since one of these episodes upset me, but it looks like it's time to reset the clock on that one, boys!
Bodark, May 18, 2024, 08:21:58 pm

this is how we know it's a good episode, I think??
Title: 404: I Got Sick From Raw Meat!???
Post by: Bunnybread on May 31, 2024, 09:46:49 am
So everyone from this episode is dead by now, right?
junior associate faguar, May 12, 2024, 02:47:38 am


Wait, did you mean the subjects or the readers?

Regardless.... yes.