Projects => The F Plus => Topic started by: Lemon on July 24, 2013, 10:27:06 pm

Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Lemon on July 24, 2013, 10:27:06 pm
with Boots Raingear, Adam Bozarth, Jimmyfranks, Kumquatxop, and Lemon.

Edited by Lemon

Content for this episode was provided by Erminea Heart, Gaylord McHappenstance, and Sherlockian

Love is a curious thing. The thing that drives two people together into a passionate embrace is as complicated as it is powerful. But the thing that drives one person to claim that they're married to a Norse god? That's called "being a crazy person". We're taking a look at Lokiwives and godspouses: People who claim to be in a polygamous relationship with one or more gods, and report that the sex is terrific. This week, wherever you go, whatever you do, these people still won't make any sense.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: advancedclass on July 24, 2013, 11:21:26 pm
I had a professor who taught Iceland literature, Old English, and Norse mythology and he cheerfully hated almost every modern appropriation of those stories and  myths. I wish I'd kept in touch with him just so I could direct him to this episode, but I don't think I could afford the volume of whiskey I'd need to send him as an apology.

Why do these sad, crazy ladies never talk about being astrally married to Zeus or Ra? Or even someone else in the Norse pantheon?
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: montrith on July 24, 2013, 11:52:59 pm
I had a professor who taught Iceland literature, Old English, and Norse mythology and he cheerfully hated almost every modern appropriation of those stories and  myths. I wish I'd kept in touch with him just so I could direct him to this episode, but I don't think I could afford the volume of whiskey I'd need to send him as an apology.

Why do these sad, crazy ladies never talk about being astrally married to Zeus or Ra? Or even someone else in the Norse pantheon?
advancedclass, July 24, 2013, 11:21:26 pm

Because there hasn't been a hugely popular movie about those guys, duh.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Goose Goose Honk At Me Now on July 25, 2013, 12:05:54 am
I had a professor who taught Iceland literature, Old English, and Norse mythology and he cheerfully hated almost every modern appropriation of those stories and  myths. I wish I'd kept in touch with him just so I could direct him to this episode, but I don't think I could afford the volume of whiskey I'd need to send him as an apology.

Why do these sad, crazy ladies never talk about being astrally married to Zeus or Ra? Or even someone else in the Norse pantheon?
advancedclass, July 24, 2013, 11:21:26 pm

Because there hasn't been a hugely popular movie about those guys, duh.
montrith, July 24, 2013, 11:52:59 pm
And I guess "RELEASE THE KRAKEN" isn't nearly as sexy as "(whatever vague blubbering Loki does about... some shit? man i don't know i was blind drunk for most of The Avengers)"
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Emperor Jack Chick on July 25, 2013, 01:08:07 am
I'm confident nerds won't latch onto 300 or the god of war series.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: montrith on July 25, 2013, 02:13:38 am
I'm confident nerds won't latch onto 300 or the god of war series.
jack-chick, July 25, 2013, 01:08:07 am

Too much blood, too little bad boys brooding about their dark past while looking really sad. It's not hot if they just kill people, they need to do it in STYLE.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Ansemaru on July 25, 2013, 02:18:41 am
You know, I'm pleasantly surprised that there wasn't nearly as much embarrassing Avengers/Thor fandom bullshit in this episode as I expected there to be. I genuinely didn't think most of the references to Tom Hiddleston would be from Adam, rather than from the reading material.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: nilvoid on July 25, 2013, 02:22:11 am
Why do these sad, crazy ladies never talk about being astrally married to Zeus or Ra? Or even someone else in the Norse pantheon?
advancedclass, July 24, 2013, 11:21:26 pm

Zeus isn't a wisecracking twink, that's why.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Cheapskate on July 25, 2013, 03:45:22 am
In Azerbaijan, circumcisions are known as "weddings" because the boys undergoing the ritual are wedding themselves to Allah.

What I'm saying is that fangirls should totally start appropriating Islam and see how well that works out for them.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Alpha Starsquatch on July 25, 2013, 05:20:29 am
I had a professor who taught Iceland literature, Old English, and Norse mythology and he cheerfully hated almost every modern appropriation of those stories and  myths. I wish I'd kept in touch with him just so I could direct him to this episode, but I don't think I could afford the volume of whiskey I'd need to send him as an apology.

Why do these sad, crazy ladies never talk about being astrally married to Zeus or Ra? Or even someone else in the Norse pantheon?
advancedclass, July 24, 2013, 11:21:26 pm

Oh you'd be surprised. I found one married to Dionysus and another married to Ares.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Lemon on July 25, 2013, 07:52:53 am
Why do these sad, crazy ladies never talk about being astrally married to Zeus or Ra? Or even someone else in the Norse pantheon?
advancedclass, July 24, 2013, 11:21:26 pm

Sherlockian's document had a post from an asexual who is in a D/s relationship with Bast. (
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: advancedclass on July 25, 2013, 08:29:12 am
Why do these sad, crazy ladies never talk about being astrally married to Zeus or Ra? Or even someone else in the Norse pantheon?
advancedclass, July 24, 2013, 11:21:26 pm

Sherlockian's document had a post from an asexual who is in a D/s relationship with Bast. (
Lemon, July 25, 2013, 07:52:53 am

Now I'm sorry I asked. Dammit, Sherlockian!
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Alpha Starsquatch on July 25, 2013, 09:16:16 am
God this episode is giving me flashbacks to SpectrumX.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Goose Goose Honk At Me Now on July 25, 2013, 09:43:01 am
God this episode is giving me flashbacks to SpectrumX.
Al, July 25, 2013, 09:16:16 am
Very telling common factors between episodes:
* An incredibly powerful higher being is constantly and fully attached to one mortal. Like just giving one human ALL their time, lovin', and terrible pseudo-steampunk blueprints of Hell.
* A figure in mythology who is widely considered to either be evil or solely out to cause chaos for shits and giggles becomes a snugglebug who's just misunderstood. And who understands them? Their loving, patient mortal spouse. Who, by virtue of their tolerance for god-shenanigans, becomes something superior to a god--after all, if you can tame something divine, you're working some next-level shit.
* The sex is so great you guys don't even know
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Isfahan on July 25, 2013, 09:47:38 am
Also the general desperate need to feel loved by something.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Alpha Starsquatch on July 25, 2013, 10:31:35 am
Literally all that's missing is a detailed description of making Loki a sammich— albeit that one post I found where Thor made her food comes pretty close.

EDIT: Found it in one of the docs.

Usually the myths I read about Thor are Him slaying all the things and being all macho, but here He just wanted to make me mashed potatoes and then cuddle.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: nilvoid on July 25, 2013, 11:55:37 am
All joking aside, this was a really good episode, and the readers sounded like they had a great time of it. It's also one of the first episodes in a while that featured harmless crazy, which is a nice reprieve from scammers and men's rights activists.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Sherlockian on July 25, 2013, 02:27:24 pm
Why do these sad, crazy ladies never talk about being astrally married to Zeus or Ra? Or even someone else in the Norse pantheon?
advancedclass, July 24, 2013, 11:21:26 pm

Sherlockian's document had a post from an asexual who is in a D/s relationship with Bast. (
Lemon, July 25, 2013, 07:52:53 am

Now I'm sorry I asked. Dammit, Sherlockian!
advancedclass, July 25, 2013, 08:29:12 am

You're welcome. There's also someone who's "courting" Ra, and I and one of the other documents also found someone who is "married" to Set.  Because that makes sense.  (The Set godspouse we found no longer posts under the handle I originally found them reblogged by, but some quick googling proves they still exist (

Also, my deepest thanks to whichever of the other two submitters managed to dig up the full text of the Loki-raped-my-husband-in-his-dreams post. I was looking high and low for it, and couldn't find it anywhere.  That one is my favorite crazy Loki-worshipper thing, especially given that it actually set off a big argument among crazy pagans about whether or not it was okay to worship Loki.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Yossarian on July 25, 2013, 08:27:02 pm
Way back in elementary school I found a pile of old Greek mythology books in our house. It was neat because I was just getting into history and it was fascinating. I burned through at least a dozen books of myths and general Greek culture stuff over a few months. One day my mother came upstairs to my room and found me sitting with a pile of books spread before me. She asked what I was doing and I told her I was comparing the three slightly different variations of the same myth in my collection. She glanced at the books before looking at me earnestly and asking. "You don't actually believe this stuff do you?."

I looked up at her and before I answered her I was confused. I wasn't living in ancient Greece, I didn't need to explain the moment of the sun by way of magical chariots, the heroes of my culture were not turned to gods because of the greatness of their deeds. I thought to myself there was no way someone would genuinely believe that the seasons were caused because Orpheus really loved his daughter and couldn't wait one minute more to look at her or any other pre scientific nonsense. Clearly I was wrong, and I now suspect that Dionysus is secretly playing all these chumps. I look forward to my interview with Odysseus when I discover the door to the underworld just off the coast of Italy.

I'm pretty sure she still tried to take away my Greek mythology books after that talk.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: KingKalamari on July 25, 2013, 09:13:08 pm
I just want to talk about that one Loki-Wife writing the Steampunk fairy bullshit and talking to him and crap, specifically her justification for how her insanity all started. Like she uses the excuse that, as a writer, she talks to her characters as some sort of writing exercise and it's totally normal you guys no really all writers do this. Well the thing is, I do a fair bit of writing in my spare time (For comics at least...That still counts as writing, shut up) and I can legitimately say I

1.Don't do that
2.Think it's stupid and
3.Think it's not a very effective writing exercise

I've seen this sort of idea pop up every once in a while where fan fiction writers or otherkin or soulbonders or whoever will treat characters like they're entities that exist outside of their imaginations and have their own thoughts and desires independent of the authour's and that is not only insane but also leads them to develop some very poor writing habits.

One of the big problems that comes from this attitude (Besides being married to Loki) is it causes these people to develop too strong an emotional connection to these characters to write them effectively. The aim of any good writer is, of course, to create a sense of emotional connection between the reader and the characters in their story but part of doing that is not being afraid to fuck up the lives of the characters you're writing. The essence of narrative is conflict and when you begin to think too much of the characters you write as actual people with real emotions you become hesitant to throw hardship their way. While it's important to make your characters seem like real people with their own goals and ambitions you really can't go soft on them and talking to them like they're sitting in the room with you is not a step in the right direction.

There's also the fact that, if one were to treat this as a simple writing exercise, it becomes a little short-sighted. See, while doing some sort of a mock interview with a character might be a first step at getting a sense of their personality and who they are you really need to take it further if you want your character to feel really fleshed out. See, one of the most interesting things about people is the fact they don't really have a single, immutable personality to them: They behave differently depending on the circumstances. The way I behave on is different from the way I behave at home is different from the way I behave at work. A well written fictional character is really no different: They will behave in different ways given the circumstances and, perhaps more importantly, the way they perceive themselves is not necessarily the way they actually are.

What I tend to try to do instead when i'm writing things is to sort of act things out...Basically just reading lines aloud when I'm alone and trying to improvise scenes by talking to myself. I feel it's a better way of going about things because it makes me put myself in the place of my characters and build off my own experiences to try and figure out what their motivations and thoughts are (Though this can lead to new sets of problems I suppose). It also gives the added bonus of letting me test to make sure my dialogue sounds natural.

So I know we have some people who write far more professionally than I so I do have to ask: I am just blowing smoke out my ass here or does this make sense? What are other people's thoughts on the writing process and the weird and unhealthy ways fictionkin and soulbonders and Lokiwives go about it.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: count_actuala on July 25, 2013, 10:05:22 pm
The aim of any good writer is, of course, to create a sense of emotional connection between the reader and the characters in their story but part of doing that is not being afraid to fuck up the lives of the characters you're writing. The essence of narrative is conflict and when you begin to think too much of the characters you write as actual people with real emotions you become hesitant to throw hardship their way
KingKalamari, July 25, 2013, 09:13:08 pm
This is where you misstep and reveal inadvertently that you haven't met nearly enough of the worst fanfiction writers.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Lemon on July 25, 2013, 10:37:40 pm
3.Think it's not a very effective writing exercise
KingKalamari, July 25, 2013, 09:13:08 pm

The thing is, the ineffectiveness of the method is self-evident. Just look at this exchange in the beginning.

Loki: I’m not a character you know. I’m a god.
Me: I know. You are the Norse God of Fucking with People.
Loki: Your tongue is a blunt weapon. You and Thor should talk.
Heather Freysdottir

That is not naturalistic dialogue. Nor is it Mamet-style unnaturalistic dialogue with a specific rhythm. That is simply terrible dialogue, borne from sitcoms and with a deaf ear to actual human interaction. It's not just that post, there's a number of examples ( on her site of conversations that she has with Loki, and every one of them stilted, cutesy, and really forced.

Schizophrenia, at least, is a mental illness with a purpose - your voices are untended impulses made manifest. This is just inventing somebody out of thin air so you can get somebody to compliment your writing.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: count_actuala on July 25, 2013, 10:43:48 pm
Her conversations with Loki read like submissions to Not Always Right.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Goose Goose Honk At Me Now on July 25, 2013, 11:26:54 pm
Things I just realized: according to one of the posts read in this podcast, Loki is a literal chucklefuck.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: TheCrawlingChaos on July 26, 2013, 01:25:36 am
I've seen this sort of idea pop up every once in a while where fan fiction writers or otherkin or soulbonders or whoever will treat characters like they're entities that exist outside of their imaginations and have their own thoughts and desires independent of the authour's and that is not only insane but also leads them to develop some very poor writing habits.

One of the big problems that comes from this attitude (Besides being married to Loki) is it causes these people to develop too strong an emotional connection to these characters to write them effectively. The aim of any good writer is, of course, to create a sense of emotional connection between the reader and the characters in their story but part of doing that is not being afraid to fuck up the lives of the characters you're writing. The essence of narrative is conflict and when you begin to think too much of the characters you write as actual people with real emotions you become hesitant to throw hardship their way. While it's important to make your characters seem like real people with their own goals and ambitions you really can't go soft on them and talking to them like they're sitting in the room with you is not a step in the right direction.KingKalamari, July 25, 2013, 09:13:08 pm

A phenomenon colloquially known as Laurel K. Hamilton Syndrome. (There are pages and pages of material from both Hamilton and her most rabid detractors that could make for a good doc, actually. I'll have to look into that when the current backlog goes down a bit.)

Additionally, thanks to this episode I've realized that the Aztec rain god Chac has been courting me for a demiromantic grey-asexual queergenderfuckshitcunt relationship for the past four years due to my interest in pre-Columbian Mesoamerican culture and the fact that it never stops raining where I live except for the last two weeks when we must have had a falling-out. I'm wondering how best to break this to my husband.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: junior associate faguar on July 26, 2013, 01:54:58 am
There just wasn't the level of rage I look for in these sorts of episodes. It was enjoyable because of the sheer craziness of those involved.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Horza on July 26, 2013, 07:00:41 am
I enjoyed this a lot, some great voice work and my hat is again doffed to the compilers of this incredibly annoying material.

There just wasn't the level of rage I look for in these sorts of episodes. It was enjoyable because of the sheer craziness of those involved.
Sinestro, July 26, 2013, 01:54:58 am

See, I wouldn't really call these people crazy. Gene Ray is crazy. Amy Lee: crazy. These people are desperately sad, lame twits trying to dress up their everyday pathos with imaginary god lovers.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: junior associate faguar on July 26, 2013, 01:59:42 pm
Some of them were just sad, but the writer for example strolls out of Sadness Garden out on to Schizophrenia Boulevard.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Isfahan on July 26, 2013, 03:48:52 pm
Awhile back, just talking in Skype, Lemon and I had a great conversation about how you can smell fake crazy from a mile away. All of the Tumblrites of the world who want so very much to come across as ~*free spirited*~ and ~*quirky*~ and ~*off kilter*~ and whatnot do a terrible job of replicating the word choice and cadence and disjointed logical strains of genuinely crazy people, like your Francis Decs and your Gene Rays and your Connie Marshalls.

I agree that the Loki dialogues that person tried to pass off as real just sounds so much like the precious, overly-witty dialogue of the pop culture they obviously steep themselves in, like WB serial dramas and movies about comic-book characters.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Psammetichus on July 26, 2013, 11:32:36 pm
Loki, as quoted in the Prose Edda:

Do you remember, Odin, when in bygone days
we mixed our blood together?
You said you would never drink ale
unless it were brought to both of us.

Loki, as quoted by Heather Freysdottir:

i LoVe To sNuGgLe!!! ^_^

The only reason it's Loki and not some other stand-in is because of the Avengers movie. They're just trying too hard, and it shows.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: count_actuala on July 27, 2013, 09:36:05 am
Awhile back, just talking in Skype, Lemon and I had a great conversation about how you can smell fake crazy from a mile away. All of the Tumblrites of the world who want so very much to come across as ~*free spirited*~ and ~*quirky*~ and ~*off kilter*~ and whatnot do a terrible job of replicating the word choice and cadence and disjointed logical strains of genuinely crazy people, like your Francis Decs and your Gene Rays and your Connie Marshalls.
Isfahan, July 26, 2013, 03:48:52 pm
Pretty much this. It's the same set of desires that causes the 'sexual orientation' one upping contests and all the feigned declarations of extreme social justice opinions. I'm always telling a friend of mine who brushes up against this in online gaming, "Don't worry, they don't actually believe these things. They probably don't even mention it to people in reality."

I actually watched this happen to an acquaintance a couple years after college, when she finally had to move back in with her parents when it turned out spending her days huddled around her laptop in her filthy living room didn't make for a stable career life. She'd make baiting posts on social media about how she felt so different from other people for a variety of attention grabbing ways. She would post about discovering one identity, wait to gauge the reaction from her various buddy lists, then move on to another when backlash or a painful absence of attention dictated the need. She claimed to be, in order, abandoning the previous identities with each switch: Pagan, otherkin, asexual, an omorashi fetishist, pansexual, polyamorous, and a writer of racebending socially conscious fanfiction. Eventually, shockingly enough, when the well of attention dried out over and over again and the real world responsibilities she'd evaded for so long kept tugging her away from online life, she turned out to be a completely average person with a fine arts degree and a few anxiety med prescriptions.

Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Sherlockian on July 27, 2013, 05:01:27 pm
Loki, as quoted in the Prose Edda:

Do you remember, Odin, when in bygone days
we mixed our blood together?
You said you would never drink ale
unless it were brought to both of us.

Loki, as quoted by Heather Freysdottir:

i LoVe To sNuGgLe!!! ^_^

The only reason it's Loki and not some other stand-in is because of the Avengers movie. They're just trying too hard, and it shows.
Psammetichus, July 26, 2013, 11:32:36 pm

I'll admit that a significant amount of irritation with the godspouse community (such as it is) is the fact that I know a stupid amount about religions and the misuse of mythology gets under my skin. 

The few religions that actually do "marriage" to gods require a ridiculous amount of work.  I mean, think about nuns-- you don't just get to say "I'm married to Jesus, lolololol".  You're giving up a lot of your life to take on a mystical communion. 

The only other religion I know of with a similar set-up (Haitian Vodou), also has really really strict requirements for Mariaj Lwa.  There's the preliminary communal ritual, which requires paying for a service, for a reception-- everything.  And there are hardcore restrictions on your life-- for example, the requirement to sleep completely alone and refrain from sex on one or more days per week, plus regular offerings that can cost a stupid amount of money.  Whether or not you believe in the Vodoun spirits, it's a serious ritual commitment. It's not a damn sitcom.

And then you have pagans who take this stuff and turn it into "oh look at me, I'm married to Loki/Set/Thor/Poseidon, isn't it cute and funny!" No.  No, it's not.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: count_actuala on July 27, 2013, 06:43:59 pm
I'm married to Loki/Set/Thor/Poseidon, isn't it cute and funny!" No.  No, it's not.
sherlockian, July 27, 2013, 05:01:27 pm
Damn right it's not funny.

It's hilarious.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: advancedclass on July 28, 2013, 11:40:25 am
Loki, as quoted in the Prose Edda:

Do you remember, Odin, when in bygone days
we mixed our blood together?
You said you would never drink ale
unless it were brought to both of us.

Loki, as quoted by Heather Freysdottir:

i LoVe To sNuGgLe!!! ^_^

The only reason it's Loki and not some other stand-in is because of the Avengers movie. They're just trying too hard, and it shows.
Psammetichus, July 26, 2013, 11:32:36 pm

Actually - and I think the ridiculists commented on this - a lot of these weird Lokiwives types seem to predate the Avengers movie. I'm sure the Avengers movie is responsible for a portion of them but I'd have expected a lot more Thor stuff if that was the case.

I can recall someone in class (this was ten years ago, so I can't remember if there was anything to indicate Lokiwife) asking if Loki was likely to have been actively worshipped. The professor said no, unless there were fringe worshippers who wandered off, ate poisonous fungus, and died alone, shunned by the community as a whole. So even though their cutesy astral husband bears no resemblance to the figure from the eddas, at least they got the last part right!

I think this episode made me angry in the same way the Sherlock episode annoyed Lemon. They aren't actually harmful or repulsive in the way the MRA stuff is, but it's just incompatible with the thing they're so smitten with.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: count_actuala on July 28, 2013, 12:25:55 pm
Loki, as quoted in the Prose Edda:

Do you remember, Odin, when in bygone days
we mixed our blood together?
You said you would never drink ale
unless it were brought to both of us.

Loki, as quoted by Heather Freysdottir:

i LoVe To sNuGgLe!!! ^_^

The only reason it's Loki and not some other stand-in is because of the Avengers movie. They're just trying too hard, and it shows.
Psammetichus, July 26, 2013, 11:32:36 pm

Actually - and I think the ridiculists commented on this - a lot of these weird Lokiwives types seem to predate the Avengers movie.
advancedclass, July 28, 2013, 11:40:25 am
I'd like to point out that Loki is also a comic book character and that plenty of sad, creepy people of all genders read comics.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Clockderp on July 28, 2013, 11:40:41 pm
I can recall someone in class (this was ten years ago, so I can't remember if there was anything to indicate Lokiwife) asking if Loki was likely to have been actively worshipped. The professor said no, unless there were fringe worshippers who wandered off, ate poisonous fungus, and died alone, shunned by the community as a whole. So even though their cutesy astral husband bears no resemblance to the figure from the eddas, at least they got the last part right!
advancedclass, July 28, 2013, 11:40:25 am

Remember kids, being a trickster is a one-way ticket to death! oh god hat was unforgivably nerdy

Honestly, Loki (and gods based on Loki (cough Erumal cough)) are just really popular among hopeless nerds, even the ones who don't read comics. I'm not sure why; some people like him because he's a huge dick, but those people aren't the ones going around claiming to be boning him on the astral plane.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: chai tea latte on July 28, 2013, 11:47:17 pm
When I was around twelve and going through a mythology phase, Loki was definitely one of my favourite of that pantheon (I also thought that Freyja was a badasssrad as heck) because I thought he was witty and stuck it to the man. A cool anti-authority figure who seems to come out on top sometimes - what kid with issues wouldn't be a fan?

And then I said 'well, those were cool stories. But they're just stories!'

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that Lokiwives are emotionally children.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: 🍆 on July 29, 2013, 01:03:32 am
This has to be one of the funniest episodes ever. The Richard Marx portion had me in tears. My heartstrings may have actually snapped.
Some of them were just sad, but the writer for example strolls out of Sadness Garden out on to Schizophrenia Boulevard.
Sinestro, July 26, 2013, 01:59:42 pm
I'd be inclined to believe that if I thought she, or most of the people involved, actually believed what they were writing. But as with fictives and otherkin and other very silly people, I think that most of them know on some level that they're spewing utter bullshit. Goes back to the whole "juggling water" thing melted-snowflake talked about with regard to otherkin. If they don't keep posting bad roleplaying 100% real transcribed conversations, or inventing new facets of their completely existent astral plane sex lives, then the illusion fades and they're left with their boring regular lives.

The one exception would probably be the nine-year veteran, who doesn't seem to be quite as wacky, just your garden variety elitist-with-nothing-to-feel-elite-about pagan.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Delcat on August 09, 2013, 06:10:01 am
I'll admit that a significant amount of irritation with the godspouse community (such as it is) is the fact that I know a stupid amount about religions and the misuse of mythology gets under my skin.
sherlockian, July 27, 2013, 05:01:27 pm

I like how it's all sweetness and light and fluffiness and no one ever references stuff like Loki being bound with his son's entrails, his eyes torn out, and venom dripped from a poisonous snake into the sockets for all eternity.  Hell, all I did was read Sandman and I know about that shit.  I learned about him losing a bet and having his lips stitched shut when I was six from fucking Disney Adventures.  They illustrated it (and it was the coolest thing ever).

I guess it's kind of a good thing, considering they'd just play it for angst or some of the weirdest BDSM ever.


This would probably make for weirder BDSM but I don't want to know how.

As far as the writer's dialogue goes, I know that it's something most fiction writers at least try out.  The weird thing is that I'll do it with a roleplaying campaign or whatever, but never think of doing it with my serious pieces.  It's not a conscious "These characters are going to die, I'm not getting 'involved'", my brain naturally divides the two into "hands-on" and "hands-off".  I'm stupidly affected by character death in fiction, so maybe it's preventing that strong bond thing Kalamari mentioned, but I don't try to do it.  I think authors attack different writing in different ways, and what's a crutch in one situation can be a boost in another.

DISCLAIMER: I am not married to any person or object on the astral plane.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Sherlockian on August 09, 2013, 11:55:48 am
I can recall someone in class (this was ten years ago, so I can't remember if there was anything to indicate Lokiwife) asking if Loki was likely to have been actively worshipped. The professor said no, unless there were fringe worshippers who wandered off, ate poisonous fungus, and died alone, shunned by the community as a whole. So even though their cutesy astral husband bears no resemblance to the figure from the eddas, at least they got the last part right!advancedclass, July 28, 2013, 11:40:25 am

Doing some more research, and by research, I mean I know I lot of weird pagans, and that's apparently why the term "Lokean" exists-- the Heathen (Asatru/Norse worshipping types) community think that worshipping Loki is a fucking crazy and stupid thing to do.  They refuse to acknowledge the Loki-worshippers as part of the general Norse community, so Loki-worshippers needed a new name for themselves.  Thus: Lokean.

And then the shunning turns into Loki-wives craziness, or something.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: count_actuala on August 09, 2013, 12:35:29 pm
As far as the writer's dialogue goes, I know that it's something most fiction writers at least try out.
Delcat, August 09, 2013, 06:10:01 am
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Delcat on August 10, 2013, 08:49:24 pm
Sorry, I really should have specified "non-professional" there.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: chai tea latte on August 10, 2013, 08:57:46 pm
Sorry, I really should have specified "non-professional" there.
Delcat, August 10, 2013, 08:49:24 pm

As far as the writer's dialogue goes, I know that it's something most fiction writers at least try out.
Delcat, August 09, 2013, 06:10:01 am
Juice Unlimited, August 09, 2013, 12:35:29 pm
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Delcat on August 10, 2013, 09:32:18 pm
It's my experience, man, what can I say?  I don't think most people stick with it, but people I knew as teenagers who are writing seriously now have, in fact, tried it out.  It's a teething phase that I've watched authors go through, it's not like I'm making this shit up.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: transatlanticalien on August 15, 2013, 06:41:11 pm
sorry Del
I know what you mean, I think it's mostly constrained to those kind of fandom/roleplaying circles that people eventually outgrow
or... not

Anyway I was looking through the #godspouse tag earlier

To start with, there seems to be this idea among some people-and goodness is the pagan tags in some places virtually swarming with this; that Godspouses and other Godowned folks are lonely, physically deprived people who basically have deluded themselves into ‘sex on the astral’ with a ‘god’ simply because they have nothing better to do; so sad and homely are these people that they have to ‘make up’ sexually explicit encounters in their heads to satiate their real life desire for physical human contact.
I wonder why

It’s probably not good that my first reaction to a friend whining that her boyfriend is out of town is “yeah, well, I’mma just go cuddle with my god husband a while; kthanxbye.”

And this is where filters come in handy, kids.

Score! I have now made Loki laugh today.
Well you made me laugh that's close enough

I love Loki with fiber of my body, but if could have chosen, I wouldn’t have  picked this.  Being a God spouse means being at their beck and call at all times.  Your mind is no longer your own. The first thing you think of,  and the last thought of the day is about your deity.  You change yourself to suit them. Its not a passing phase  it’s forever. I have a husband who knows nothing of this, and I fight every day with myself to remember his needs as well. I love him very much, but I fine myself loving Loki more.

Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Runic on August 15, 2013, 07:33:03 pm
Do we have a "Fucking Hippies" tag? Because we need one.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Delcat on August 16, 2013, 02:35:55 am
sorry Del
I know what you mean, I think it's mostly constrained to those kind of fandom/roleplaying circles that people eventually outgrow
or... not
transatlanticalien, August 15, 2013, 06:41:11 pm

Thank you, that's what I was trying to say.  I'm not advocating the practice, but KK asked if anyone did it, and the answer is yes, in some situations, probably not paying ones unless there are professional authors playing things reeeeal close to their chests.  That's all.

Anyway, since I've gotten three buzzes now, can I get upgraded to a sad trombone (  I forget what the round-lost sound from Family Feud is, I was more of a The Price Is Right kid.  ...for some reason I still cannot fathom, except maybe there only being four TV channels when I was six.

It’s probably not good that my first reaction to a friend whining that her boyfriend is out of town is “yeah, well, I’mma just go cuddle with my god husband a while; kthanxbye.”

And this is where filters come in handy, kids.

Score! I have now made Loki laugh today.


This is a really good way to end up with nothing but imaginary friends.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Lemon on November 21, 2017, 02:03:26 pm
Just checking in to say: This episode still rules. What a dumb fantasy.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: GirlKisser420 on November 21, 2017, 02:32:37 pm
do you reckon there were any vikings like this?
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: SHAMBA~1.SBB on November 21, 2017, 03:42:46 pm
As far as I know, in the Early Middle Ages, Richard Marx had not yet recorded "Right Here Waiting".
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: GirlKisser420 on November 21, 2017, 03:55:28 pm
In 1000 years there will probably be a scientologist version of this, with xenu fuckers swarming tumblr 2
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: A Meat on November 22, 2017, 06:08:15 am
In 1000 years there will probably be a scientologist version of this, with xenu fuckers swarming tumblr 2
GirlKisser420, November 21, 2017, 03:55:28 pm
The implication that Tumblr will enjoy a thousand year reign is horrifying
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: Turtle on November 24, 2017, 08:52:18 pm
In 1000 years there will probably be a scientologist version of this, with xenu fuckers swarming tumblr 2
GirlKisser420, November 21, 2017, 03:55:28 pm
The implication that Tumblr will enjoy a thousand year reign is horrifying
A Meat, November 22, 2017, 06:08:15 am
It may be the most optimistic post on this forum.
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: EYE OF ZA on November 24, 2017, 08:55:36 pm
The optimistic thing is that we'll be on Tumblr 2 and not Tumblr 79
Title: Episode 106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws
Post by: LuckyNumbers on September 22, 2024, 07:43:03 am
In Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, there's a scene where Beetlejuice sings Richard Marx's "Right Here Waiting" to Lydia. All I could think about was the girl in this episode, who claims that every time this song plays on the radio, it's because her husband Loki is singing it to her.