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Topic: Anyone ever stumble accross this gem?  (Read 18105 times)


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Anyone ever stumble accross this gem?
"A Lion is like 10,000 times stronger than a human being.  I have fought many wild animals, mostly wild dogs, but no dog is anything like a lion."

Emperor Jack Chick

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Anyone ever stumble accross this gem? #1
"A Lion is like 10,000 times stronger than a human being.  I have fought many wild animals, mostly wild dogs, but no dog is anything like a lion."
agentmonster cockogue, February 11, 2013, 08:02:25 pm



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Anyone ever stumble accross this gem? #2
It was something from a DBZ forum, apparently, that I saw many years ago on SA.  Unfortunately it was old enough that even SA's archives don't have it any more, but the line stuck with me.  It's just so deliciously stupid.