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Topic: Hey people who write things, I got a question for you!  (Read 10553 times)

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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KK, I have had a very rough month, but I will set aside time during the T'giving break especially for your project.


  • Cephalopod Enthusiast
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KK, I have had a very rough month, but I will set aside time during the T'giving break especially for your project.
Cuddlesquid with cranberry sauce, November 13, 2014, 10:57:53 pm

Thank you very much, I'm hoping the rest of the months goes a little better for you.

Nikaer Drekin

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The creative SA subforum does have a flash fiction critique thread where users can post their pieces and get critiques for them. There are a bunch of regulars that are very helpful. I'd be willing to start a thread like that here if people think it would be useful!

For anyone who wants to sharpen their writing skills, they also have a weekly fiction contest called the Thunderdome that I'd also recommend. It's a great way to gauge your skill level and challenge yourself to write well with limited words, which is always a benefit.


  • Cephalopod Enthusiast
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The creative SA subforum does have a flash fiction critique thread where users can post their pieces and get critiques for them. There are a bunch of regulars that are very helpful. I'd be willing to start a thread like that here if people think it would be useful!
Nikaer Drekin, November 24, 2014, 11:46:38 am

Actually it looks like someone already started a thread for that here. Though i still support this idea and propose we all head over to the ARC thread and wreck up the place!

Also thanks for the tip about Creative Convention. I'll hit them up sometime in the near future

Emperor Jack Chick

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One thing I always ask people when I evaluate writing is if they have written down somewhere a rubric for each character's personality and mannerisms. It seriously helps maintain consistency.